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Business Strategies in PRAN

Objectives Methodology Benefits of the study Limitations

Business Strategies in PRAN

The main objective of this report is to investigate the implementation of business strategies in the organization. We know that business strategies are all the strategies that build profitable customer relationship. In our report we try to find the strength and weakness of strategies and the further improvement of business strategies in manufacturing company .

The study is mainly an exploratory one and survey methodused to collect information from primary sources. In addition, related secondary information collected for research purpose. The primary data collected by taking interview of the members of the cor orate p management and the existing customers of PRAN Group. In addition, related secondary data are collected from Internet, different published articles, books, prospectus, newspaper, journals, magazine, other publications and written information provided by the company.

Benefits of The Study

This study may provide substantial benefits to the managers of any organization, economists, academician, lawyers, business students, regulatory bodies, decision makers, bankers, financial analysts and much other person having concern onbusiness decision.

There were some limitations in preparing this report. There is prohibited access to internal data source to some extents. There are two types of information: i) General Information and ii) Confidential Information. The Company has a lot of confidential information which they dont deliver. Sometimes managers are not willing to deliver appropriate information.

Business Strategies in PRAN

Company Overview SWOT Analysis Practice of Marketing Concept Company s Strategies for Strategic Formulation Assessment of Risk

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PRAN stands for Programme for Rural Advancement Nationally. RAN is currently the most well known household name among the millions of people in Bangladesh and abroad also. Since its inception in 1980, PRAN Group has grown up in stature and became the largest fruit and vegetable processor in Bangladesh. It also has the distinction of achieving prestigious certificate like ISO 9001:2000, and being the largest exporter of processed agro products with compliance of HALAL to more than 70 countries from Bangladesh. It has a major market in India, United Kingdom and Saudi Arabia.

PRAN has also been exporting to USA, Canada, Austria, France, Germany, Belgium, Switzerland, Singapore, Malaysia, Korea, Japan, Australia, Qatar, Kuwait, Oman, Bahrain, Lebanon, Silence, Pakistan, Nepal, Myanmar, Bhutan, UAE etc. PRAN Foods Limited, UAE signed an agreement with Jaleel Holdings LLC, Dubai at PRAN RFL corporate centre. Under the deal, Jaleel Holdings LLC will distribute PRAN product worth 2.0 million Dirham per month to different global chain shops in United Arab Emirates (UAE ).

PRAN is the pioneer in Bangladesh to be involved in contract farming and procures raw material directly from the farmers and processes through state of the art machinery at our several factories into hygienically packed food and drinks products. The brand PRAN has established itself in every category of food and beverage industry and can boost a product range from Products, Carbonated Drinks, Confectionery, Snacks, and Spices to even Dairy products.

Today, our consumers not only value PRAN for its authentic refreshing products drinks products , but also for its mouth watering quality confectionery products with high visual appeal and exciting texture. We intend to expand our presence to every corner of the world and strive to make PRAN a truly international brand to be recognized globally.

Company Overview

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Current Market Situation

PRAN Group was born in 1980. Keeping in view the corporate mission of the Group they have over the years diversified their activities in several areas. PRAN's biggest asset is their competent team of hands-on managers and dedicated employees.

PRAN is Bangladesh's largest grower and processor of fruits and vegetables. Their contract growers cultivate the choicest fruits and vegetables, which are processed in their modern and hygienic factories to highest quality & international standards. PRAN founded 28 years ago by many entrepreneurs with experience in the product market of Bangladesh. Different types of products increasingly popular today, forecasts suggest that annual sales of such products will grow at more than 49 percent for the next 3 yea rs.

Because our population is increasing day by day and products needed is also increasing. To gain market share in this environment, PRAN must carefully target specific segments with features that delivers benefits value by each customer group.

Business Strategies in PRAN

Products nd

rvic s of PRAN Group

PRAN Products

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largest fruit and vegetable processor company largest exporter of processed agro products with compliance of HALAL to more than 70 countries Experience Greater sources of finance Greater control over sources of raw materials Huge food & drinks Varity Huge distribution network Food & drinks quality is good. Retailer gets more profit then MNC

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Disproportionate promotions strategy Control Lack of first-mover s advantage In-house media planning and promotional activities Distance and transportation cost Perishable item

Huge demand Overseas expansion Natural resources Cheap labor Government incentives Low production cost

Price wars with competitors Stricter health and technical standards Reduced benefits Direct Competition MNC



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SWOT Analysis of PRAN

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Pra ti e of Marketing Con epts

There are five marketing concepts 1) Production Concept 2) Product concept 3) Selling concept 4) Marketing concept 5) Social marketing concept.

PRAN Group uses two of this concept for their marketing.

Produ tion Con ept

They are fallow production concept. Because their products are widely available and highly affordable .They got large production and effective distribution Channel. Their Price of the products remains relatively low and they are available almost everywhere. PRAN candy, PRAN, PRAN chanachur, etc is highly available and affordable in Bangladesh.
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Marketing Con ept

They first identify needs and wants of the targetmarkets and delivering the desired satisfactions better than competitors do. PRAN group identify Bangladeshi people needs and wants and produce PRAN Gura masala, PRAN, PRAN candy etc



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Company s Strategies for Strategi Formulation

There are three Strategic Formulations. Overall cost leadership. Differentiation Focus

Overall ost leadership:

When the business works hard to achievethe lowest production and distribution costs so that it can price the products lower than the competitors and win large market share. ran Group fallows this Strategic Formulation. They always tray to reduce production and distribution cost thus they can offer produc t in lowest price then their competitor. They win large market share for lowest price and good quality products.

When the business concentrate on getting superior performance in an important customer benefit area valued by a large part of the market. The firm seeks for quality leadership. ran Group does not fallow Differentiation Strategic Formulation.

Fo us:
When a business focuses on one or more narrow market segments. And for attracting the customers it may use either cost leadership ordifferentiation. PRAN Group does not fallow Focus Strategic Formulation.



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Strategi Allian es of the organization

There are four Strategic Alliance of the organization. Product or Service Alliances Promotional Alliances Logistics Alliances Pricing collaborations

Produ t or Servi e Allian es

One company licenses another to produce and sale its products under some specific terms and conditions, or two companies jointly market their complementary products or a new product. PRAN Group does not fallow this Strategic Alliances.

Promotional Allian es
One company agrees to carry a promotion for another company s goods or services. And under this situation both companies are benefited; manufacturer for better promotion and promoter for special price.PRAN Group does not fallow this Strategic Alliances.

Logisti Allian es
When one company offers logistical services for another company s product for a long-term basis under mutual agreement. PRAN Group does not fallow this Strate gic Alliances.

Pri ing Allian es:

When two or more companies join in special collaborationsto fixed price. And in this situation not only the business houses, the ultimate customers are also benefited. PRAN Group does fallow this Strategic Alliances. They join with BD Food tofixed their product price thus business house and customer benefited.



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Business Strategy
Become as t e Best food brand in t e Bangladesh Improving the customer satisfaction through the good qualit of products Turn in profits from the first year of operations. The creation of unique, innovative and healthy products that will differentiate PR local beverage Four new Outlets in next five years in other city of Bangladesh from


Store design that will be both visually attractive to customers, and designed for fast and efficient operations. Employee training to insure the best products preparation techniques. Marketing strategies aimed to build a solid base of loyal customers The products we serve are of the highest quality. They combine this quality with great service and atmosphere Customer satisfaction with high quality products and services Competent management staff whose makes the foods fresh and good quality, Management that treats every employee equally. They create an atmosphere where employee's love coming to work and can earn good money. their commitment to providing excellent quality food at all times Excellent Customer Service. Quick delivery and each customer will be treated as would an honored guest in our homes Product quality. Not only great food but great service and atmosphere The creation of a unique, innovative, upscale atmosphere that will differentiate,  Fresh products daily will give customers a unique experience as well as excellent product. Maintain good relationships with reliable supplier Repeat customers.



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Establish PRAN as the Local leading source of healthy energy in the form of freshly products with an uncompromising commitment to making a difference through their values.

Explore all over the Bangladesh from fresh foods, providing for all their needs always with the assurance of outstanding quality.

Marketing Plan

Maximum profit margin

The big price objective PR N that they provided high quality product and satisfied the customer with its product then PR N taken premium price to their customer other than our competitors. PR N contain maximum profit margin other than their competitors.

Quality leadership
The main objective of PR N that its responsibility to provided best quality which they promised to their customers. PR N successfully fulfills their promised. PR N main objective to provide quality products that satisfied the customer need and their requirement so PR N deliver the quality product.

Long relationships with customer

PR N provided superior value to their customer who they promised throwing advertising. So the customer are loyal the PR N brand and build long term relationships.



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Communication objective
PR N use different sources to attract their target customer. The objective of PR N produces awareness in our customer about new products and also produces awareness to new customer about PR N. PR N also tells their customer that they provide pure products to their customers. PR N also give the knowledge of their products give you energy and good taste. PR N also gives message that their products are good for your health.

Strategy marketing objective

To build unique distribution system that provides ubiquity at low cost. To build high speed, efficient and vertical integrated manufacturing capabilities to gain low cost advantage. To reduce energy consumption during production to increase advertisement activities. To redesign packaging to a more attractive and familiar. To make innovation in product so that it become more portable and in convenience oriented form. To improve product quality as ever provide

PRAN set it product price on value pricing method. PRAN selling its products at price added cost and profit margin and also keep in mind the key competitors price. PRAN provide it customer quality fresh products that provide customer good health and enjoyment.

flavored is a main objective that its responsibility to provided best quality who they promised to their customers and they fulfill their promised. PRAN is a big price objective that they provided high quality and taken premium price to its customer. PRAN contain maximum profit margin is another objective of pricing strategy. PRAN provided superior value to their customer who they promised throwing advertising.



Business Strategies in PRAN

A dis ibution strate y de ines how you are going to move productsfrom point of creation to points of consumption, in a cost-effective manner. The effectiveness of distribution coverage and practice is of paramount importance in achieving the desired fruitproducts sales.

Their location very attractive because that place also very famous for Food Street. There is no any fresh fruit products shop. That place is also attractive for products because there is no products corner but there are many good food restaurants like KF and Pizza Hat and others. So that is advantage of place for PRAN.

They actually distribute our product in two ways 1. B2B (Busin ss to Busin ss) 2. B2C (Busin ss to Consu r)

We show our distribution channel in chart below:

Business Strategies in PRAN

PRAN use different sources to communicate their target marketing. PRAN use those sources on that the more customer attract like Local Cable, Newspapers, Billboard and when they lunch any scheme in products they use pamphlets to aware their customer. PRAN uses the channel to attract the customer and give fully information about products through these Electronic media.

As their target consumers are Old, Children and all health conscious people, for this reason we promotion our product to give advertise in television, radio. We also use vehicle writing method and posturing for our product advertisement.

They also promotion our product with the help of our packaging system. In packaging we mainly follow that the product will packaged in an attractive form, that make consumers interest on our product. It packaged in different levels in variation of quantity. So people can afford it easily.

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Product forecasts:
This types of product continuing in the market on the basis of their features, reasonable price, standard maintain and also quality. They are also prepare and determine that their product will be quality full and reasonable price that s why they are optimist about their product that will be continue a certain time.

they believe in best quality. In producing their product we maintain quality as well as quantity. For control the products quality they will import best quality equipment from abroad. they also standardization their product from their expert researcher. their whole production process mainly base on computer for this reason is done by a very systematic process. they produce their product which has no harmful chemical. That s why these products have no side effect and every one in every age can use their entire product frequently.

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Their main weakness is their business is small si e business, that s why they have a very small capital. So they will able compete with the lower price competitor. And their resources are also limited in compare to competitors. The company can improve or eliminate the risk by: Evaluate the setup cost in right manner to compete with the competitors in an innovative technical way. carefully analyze the economic condition of the country. To improve technological and technical support of the company. The Company should justify the legal concern in appropriate way. The company should have clear concept about market (national & international) industry demand.

they don t implement any kind of new technologies in primary stage of their business.

In the time when they bought their factory land they saw that there is a big possibility to introduce a Mineral Water as a side business. But now they don t take any step for this business. In future, they have a plan when their business is well established we will introduce a Mineral Water in our business area.


Assessment of Risk

Business Strategies in PRAN


Findings Recommendation Reference

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Business Strategies in PRAN

Refere ce

Taha i a Akh er Lecturer Department of Finance Faculty of Business Studies University of Dhaka

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