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Both People Are Doctors

If the doctor's wife is also a doctor, your envelope's address must honor this professional
qualification. You can address a pair of doctors in multiple ways, based on whether they share
the same surname. A simple approach is "The Doctors" and the couple's last name, while an
alternative address is "Drs." and the given names and surname of the couple. For example, "Drs.
Stephanie Muller and Stephen Muller." If the wife has kept her maiden name, write "Dr." and
each person's given name and surname. For example, "Dr. Stephanie Smith and Dr. Stephen

1. If both are doctors, refer to both

If both spouses are doctors, you can use one title for both. Address the
envelope either as, "Doctors John and Jane Smith"

When members of the couple have different titles, some commentators think that the traditional
male-female order should be maintained. For example, if the wife has a doctorate and the husband
hasn’t, the form would be “Dear Mr. and Dr. Simpson.”

Other authorities, like The Gregg Reference Manual, state that the higher-ranking title should go
first: “Dear Dr. and Mr. Simpson.” 

When each member of a couple uses a different surname, list each name fully, putting them in
alphabetical order by family name:
Dr. Geoffrey Baxter and Dr. Alice Goodwin

Married Couples

– Formally: Mr. & Mrs. John Doe

– Informally: Jane and John Doe
– In which man is a doctor: Dr. & Mrs. John Doe
– In which woman is a doctor: Mr. and Mrs. John Doe or Dr. Jane Doe and Mr.
John Doe
– In which both spouses are doctors: Dr. and Mrs. John Doe, or The Doctors
Doe, or Dr. Jane Doe and Dr. John Doe. [My note: I could recommend this last
option, personally]

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