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GT3A JANUARY 15, 2022

I'm still managing my Facebook Page. I'm still providing or posting videos and
information for my readers to further expand their knowledge about the concept I am fighting
for, animal cruelty. For instance, videos that explain the values of every animal in the world. And
I also show the cruelty of people to animals to open their minds that much of this work is not
respectable and not pleasing to the eyes. But when it comes to likes, comments, and shares, it's
not like other pages that increase immediately. But I believe I can still persuade people who are
like me that disagree or dislike the illegal activity. Even though my Facebook page doesn't
instantly have as many likes, comments, or shares, I will continue to put it with the right content.
Because I already have a lot of discoveries about this concept that I want to share with the
readers so that they can further expand this concept so that such work may not increase. Since
I'm just starting on my page, I need to learn how to persuade people well. Also, search for more
information and read like articles since reliable information and solid references are essential to

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