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Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences (2020) 12:180


Ceramic raw materials: how to recognize them and locate the supply
basins: chemistry
Anno Hein 1 & Vassilis Kilikoglou 1

Received: 17 January 2020 / Accepted: 24 June 2020

# Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature 2020

Provenance studies of archaeological ceramics by analysis of their elemental composition are based on the assumption that clays
can be distinguished, which were used for pottery manufacture in different workshops or production centres. The clay pastes used
for the ceramic manufacture were prepared from natural raw materials extracted commonly in the vicinity of the production sites.
Due to different geological contexts of local raw material sources, differences of their elemental compositions can be expected,
which are propagated to elemental compositions of the ceramics. The general distinctiveness of natural raw material sources is
presumed in the ‘Provenience Postulate’, which, though, has to be verified in each case study. For investigation of ceramics and
raw materials potentially used for their manufacture, different practices of clay paste preparation have to be considered which
might confine the direct comparison. In the present paper, the study of raw materials will be introduced as integral part of ceramic
provenance studies. Issues, such as intra-source and intersource variation, elemental composition in context with clay type and
accessory mineral, clay paste preparation, and methodological constraints will be discussed by means of raw material and ceramic
data from Greece and the Greek islands.

Keywords Clays . Compositional variation . Clay paste preparation . Analytical performance . Ceramic provenance

Premise suitability of raw materials (Gualtieri 2020); the processing

(Eramo 2020) and modelling (Thér 2020) of clays; surface
This paper contributes to the Topical Collection (TC) finishing (Ionescu and Hoeck 2020) and ceramic firing
“Ceramics: Research questions and answers” aimed at guid- (Gliozzo 2020b); the investigation of different coatings such
ing researchers in the study of archaeological ceramics from as black glass-ceramic (Aloupi-Siotis 2020), terra sigillata
excavation to study and preservation in museum collections. (Sciau et al. 2020) and glazes (Pradell and Molera 2020); the
Each contribution has a tutorial approach covering one of isotopic study of particular types of products such as Chinese
the main issues pertaining to the study of ceramics: research ceramics (Henderson et al. 2020); the identification of post-
questions and sampling criteria (Gliozzo 2020a); the chemical burial transformations (Maritan 2020); the dating of ceramics
(this paper) and mineralogical-petrographic (Montana 2020) (Galli et al. 2020); and the restoration and musealisation of
investigation of raw materials; the technological character and ceramics (de Lapérouse 2020). This Topical Collection con-
cludes with a tutorial on statistical data processing
(Papageorgiou 2020).
This article is a Topical Collection on Ceramics: Research questions and

* Anno Hein Provenance studies of archaeological ceramics based on their elemental
Vassilis Kilikoglou
Elemental analysis of archaeological ceramics
Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, National Centre for
Scientific Research “Demokritos”, Agia Paraskevi, Ceramic artefacts, in contrast to other archaeological finds,
15310 Athens, Greece such as glass or metal objects, came relatively late into the
180 Page 2 of 17 Archaeol Anthropol Sci (2020) 12:180

focus of chemical investigation (Riederer 1981). One reason

might have been that wet chemistry was initially the only
available analytical method for determining chemical compo-
sition. The essential procedures for disintegration of silicates
and detection of individual components were comparably
complex and time-consuming. In fact the first chemical anal-
yses of archaeological ceramics were motivated by economic
interests of the modern ceramic industry, e.g. in reproducing
terra sigillata, rather than pure scientific interests. Even though
first assumptions emerged that pottery from different regions
might be distinguished by their chemical composition, sys-
tematic ceramic analyses in view of provenance became pos-
sible only when introducing instrumental analytical methods
at around the mid-twentieth century (Wilson 1978). Methods,
such as neutron activation analysis (NAA) (Sayre and Dodson
Fig. 1 Principal component analysis (PCA) of log-ratio transformed
1957), optical emission spectrometry (OES) (Richards and NAA data of 61 clay samples in Central and East Crete: Presented are
Hartley 1960) or X-ray fluorescence analysis (XRF) the first two principal components of the clay compositions. The dashed
(Hofmann 1966), allowed for determining simultaneously ellipse indicates the compositional similarity of samples taken from four
deposits of the Viannos Formation (filled circles) compared with samples
large series of elemental concentrations in bulk samples of
from other Middle Miocene deposits (squares), upper Miocene deposits
ceramics and investigating potential compositional differ- (triangles) and Pliocene deposits (white circles)
ences between ceramics of different provenance.
et al. 2004a) using principal component analysis (PCA) of
‘Chemical fingerprint’ and provenience postulate log-ratio transformed NAA data.1 Particularly, the samples
taken from four separate deposits of the Middle Miocene
Essential basis for provenance studies of archaeological ce- Viannos Formation are considerably difficult to distinguish
ramics is the compositional variability of raw materials. The even though this particular formation extends to the
so-called ‘chemical fingerprint’ of pottery from a specific pro- Heraklion and the Mesara basin from the North to the South
duction group is distinct under the assumption that the raw Coast of Central Crete (Hein and Kilikoglou 2017). The var-
materials used for their manufacture can be distinguished in iation within the Ayios Syllas deposit, from which 14 samples
the first place. A certain level of compositional variation, how- were taken, exceeds in fact the variation between the four
ever, has to be expected also within a single raw material deposits.
source. The ‘chemical fingerprint’ of a specific raw material
source is indeed rather a pattern comprising ranges of elemen-
Elemental composition and variability
tal concentrations. In order to distinguish different raw mate-
rial sources, the compositional variation within the individual
The true elemental composition of an object is made up of
sources has to be smaller than the compositional difference
concentrations of all elements comprised in the object.
between the sources. This constraint has been formulated in
Major elements in raw materials derived from soil and accord-
the ‘Provenience Postulate’, which referred initially to tur-
ingly in ceramics are Na, Mg, Al, Si, K, Ca and Fe, which
quoise sources in Mesoamerica. The postulate presumes ‘that
together with oxygen make up approximately 99% of the ma-
there exist differences in chemical composition between dif-
terial in the Earth’s crust (Misra 2012, 297). For the hypothet-
ferent natural sources that exceed, in some recognizable way,
ical case that concentrations of each element could be deter-
the differences observed within a given source’ (Weigand
mined, which is not feasible, though, all element concentra-
et al. 1977). Clay deposits present a comparably high compo-
tions together would sum up to 100%. In a common analytical
sitional variation within sources due to their formation
study, however, the determined concentrations represent only
through weathering. Differences between clay sources in areas
a more or less substantial part of the true composition. The
of interest have to be investigated and identified, in order to
pattern of element concentrations determined in a sample i can
assess differences within and between local or regional ceram-
be described with a vector xi = (xi1, xi2,…,xip), where p is the
ic compositions, in which they are supposed to have been
number of elements measured (Papageorgiou 2020). The
propagated. The universal validity of the provenience postu-
‘chemical fingerprint’ is the reference pattern of a group of
late, though, cannot be proved, and it actually has to be veri-
similar compositions, representing for example the same raw
fied for each case study again. Figure 1, as example for a
rather ambiguous situation, presents the compositional varia- 1
For PCA and other methods of statistical analysis, see also Papageorgiou
tion of Neogene clay sources in Central and East Crete (Hein (2020), in this issue.
Archaeol Anthropol Sci (2020) 12:180 Page 3 of 17 180

material source. It is represented by a vector comprising aver- analysis of ceramics in view of provenance. In general,
age element concentrations x = (x1,x2,…,xp). The average the number of variables certainly increases the probabil-
concentrations are estimations of the expected values of the ity that different compositional patterns can be distin-
true composition, which, though, is subject to variation. The guished. In practice, though, the significance of concen-
variation of the average concentration of a specific element x j trations of individual elements in view of distinguishing
can be estimated with the standard deviation σj of the concen- patterns has proven to be diverse, due to potential geo-
trations xij measured in the individual samples i of the group. It chemical variability and mobility or due to variation in
has to be considered, however, that the element concentrations ceramic manufacture. For this, an analytical method
are not independent among each other. Element groups are should be chosen which allows for determining a rea-
correlated as they are for example related to specific minerals sonable number of significant element concentrations
or affected by particular geochemical processes. Major ele- offering sufficient analytical performance. Most analyti-
ment concentrations, on the other hand, are commonly subject cal methods provide for example sufficient analytical
to inverse correlation. This is because a higher absolute con- performance for measuring major elements. On the other
tent of one element decreases the absolute concentrations of hand, the absolute contents of major elements are com-
the other elements. Correlations can be taken into account by monly affected by the amount of non-plastic inclusions
determining the covariance matrix Sx, which, however, is in the initial clay paste. For this, they rather represent
meaningful only when determined based on a sufficient num- the amount of the coarse fraction, such as sand, calcite
ber of measured samples (Baxter 2001, Papageorgiou 2020). or feldspar, than the considerably more distinctive ele-
Standard deviation or covariance can be theoretically mental composition of the clay fraction. Concentrations
subdivided in parts representing different sources of variabil- of minor and trace elements turned out to be essentially
ity (Bieber et al. 1976, Beier and Mommsen 1994). more significant for this purpose. The chosen analytical
method, thus, provides preferable concentrations of a
S x ¼ S x;N þ S x;S þ S x;A sufficient number of minor and trace elements as well.
The geochemistry of clay deposits and the significance
Here, Sx,N represents the natural variability or variability of
of specific element concentrations will be discussed in
the true composition, Sx,S is the variability introduced by sam-
detail in the “Compositional variability of raw materials
ple selection and Sx,A is the variability due to analytical uncer-
as basis for provenance studies” section.
tainties. The natural variability Sx,N is definite as it is related to
The analytical performance or ‘discriminative power’ of
variability within and between raw material deposits and to
a method is defined by its precision, accuracy and lower
variation in ceramic manufacture and potential post-
limit of detection (LLD) in determining the concentration
depositional alteration. The contribution to the overall vari-
of particular elements (Currie and Svehla 1994). Precision
ability by sampling and by analysis, on the other hand, can
is the reproducibility of analytical results, i.e. the expected
be controlled by the scholar through well-designed sampling
variation of element concentrations when measuring re-
strategy and choice of a suitable analytical method. Pre-
peatedly an identical sample (Fig. 2). Precision depends
condition for an effective ceramic provenance study as well
on statistical deviation of generation, detection and pro-
as raw material study, thus, has to be to keep the contribution
cessing of signals as well as on sample geometry and ho-
by sampling and analysis on a preferably low level so that
mogeneity. Accuracy is the closeness of the determined
potential differences between compositional patterns, based
concentration to the true concentration, and it depends
on their natural variability, will not be obscured (Hein and
largely on the calibration of the method (Fig. 2). The
Kilikoglou 2017).
LLD, eventually, is the minimum amount of a specific
element in the sample so that an explicit signal is generat-
Choice of analytical method ed, which is distinct from any background noise. The LLD,
however, affects also the precision as small signals impli-
In the last decades, a considerable number of different cate higher statistical uncertainties. Apart from this, other
analytical methods have been applied in order to deter- factors also have to be taken into account, such as matrix
mine the elemental composition of ceramics and raw effects, which disturb signal generation and detection, and
materials (Hein 2018) (Table 1). A quite important cri- interferences among signals belonging to different ele-
terion for the selection of a method is the series of ments. For this, it is essential to be aware about the appli-
elements; the concentrations of which can be deter- cability of the chosen method for measuring the concentra-
mined, in terms of coverage, analytical performance tions of specific elements in ceramics or raw materials in
and significance. As mentioned above, it is infeasible order to assess precision and accuracy of the provided re-
to determine the concentration of every single element sults. In view of comparability and long-term variation, it
which, however, is actually not necessary for elemental is appropriate to standardize the analytical method as far as

Table 1 Overview of the most common instrumental analytical methods applied to archaeological ceramics

Method Acronym Application Performance Sample References

Page 4 of 17

Neutron activation analysis • NAA • Bulk composition • High precision • Powder (c. 0.1 g) Sayre and Dodson
• High accuracy (1957)
• ~ 0.1 ppm
Optical emission spectroscopy • OES • Bulk composition • Low precision • Powder (c. 0.1 g) Richards and Hartley
• Low accuracy • Acid dissolution (1960)
• ~ 100 ppm
X-ray fluorescence analysis • WD-XRF (wavelength dispersive) • Bulk composition • High precision • powder (> 1 g) Hofmann (1966),
• High accuracy Picon et al. (1971)
• ~ 1 ppm
• ED-XRF (energy dispersive) • Bulk composition • Fair precision • Powder (> 1 g) or non-invasive Hall et al. (1973)
• Surface analysis • High accuracy
• Micro analysis • ~ 1 ppm
• pEDXRF (portable) • Bulk composition • Fair precision • Non-invasive Morgenstein and Redmount
• Surface • Low accuracy (2005), Goren et al. (2011)
• ~ 10 ppm
Scanning electron microscopy • SEM-EDS (energy dispersive) • Micro analysis • Fair precision • Fragment (< 1 g) Hofmann and Theissen (1965),
• EMP (electron microprobe) • Surface analysis • Fair accuracy Noll et al. (1975)
• Bulk composition • ~ 100 ppm
Atomic absorption spectroscopy • AAS • Bulk composition • Low precision • Powder (c. 0.1 g) Hughes et al. (1976), Hatcher et al. (1980)
• Low accuracy • Acid dissolution
• ~ 100 ppm
Inductively-coupled plasma spectrometry • ICP-ES (emission spectroscopy) • Bulk composition • High precision • Powder (c. 0.1 g) Hart et al. (1987),
• High accuracy • Acid dissolution Hatcher et al. (1995)
• ~ 0.1 ppm
• ICP-MS (mass spectrometry) • bulk composition • High precision • Powder (c. 0.1 g) Mallory-Greenough et al. (1998)
• High accuracy • Acid dissolution
• ~ 0.01 ppm
• LA-ICP-MS (laser ablation) • Bulk composition • High precision • Non-invasive Neff (2003)
• Surface analysis • Fair accuracy
• Micro analysis • ~ 0.1 ppm
Particle/proton induced X-ray emission • PIXE • Micro analysis • High precision • Non-invasive Swann et al. (2000)
or gamma emission • PIGE • Surface analysis • High accuracy
• Bulk composition • ~ 10 ppm
Archaeol Anthropol Sci

Laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy • LIBS • Micro analysis • High precision • Non-invasive Anglos (2001),
• Surface analysis • Low accuracy Melessanaki et al. (2002)
• Bulk composition • ~ 10 ppm

While the focus of the present paper is on bulk analysis, some of the methods are applied rather to surface or point analyses. A rough assessment of the analytical performance is provided as well as an
estimation of the necessary sample amount. The references concern in each case the first applications of the methods to archaeological ceramics
(2020) 12:180
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Fig. 2 Analytical precision and

accuracy illustrated with a target

possible and, after an initial calibration using for example origin. In order to establish reference patterns for specific pro-
certified standard reference materials, to monitor regularly duction places, the sampling strategy should focus, thus, on
its performance (Hein et al. 2002a, Georgakopoulou et al., forming clear compositional reference patterns providing not
2017). In this way, it is possible to process and utilize only an estimation of average values but also an estimation of
thoroughly reference data collected in former studies, ex- the expected variation. For this, a sufficient number of repre-
tending the data base and avoiding unnecessary re- sentative and expectedly similar samples of a presumed pro-
measurements of already analysed materials (Mommsen duction group should be selected for analysis. An optimized
et al. 2002). sampling strategy should be based on integrated pre-
Apart from analytical performance, the necessary sample examination of the material, combining for example typolog-
size has to be considered when studying archaeological ce- ical and microscopic study of the material.2 Reasonable might
ramics taking into account that commonly remains of unique be also initial in situ analysis of a larger number of potential
ceramic artefacts and occasionally even intact vessels are in- samples using for example portable energy dispersive XRF
vestigated. Depending on the analytical method, the sample (pEDXRF) (Hein et al. 2018). After all, provenance of a spe-
quantity can amount from several milligrammes up to several cific ceramic object from a particular production place can
grams. The integrity of the object has to be balanced with the only be verified if a reference pattern of the respective produc-
representativeness of the analysed sample and the expected tion place or potential raw materials exist either formed in the
significance of the analytical results. Even though this does same study or on databases providing prior results. Thus, the
not apply to the analysis of raw materials in view of compa- sample selection cannot be focused purely on one-of-a-kind
rability of the results, the same analytical methods should be objects, the origin of which is planned to be investigated. The
used for ceramics as well as for potential raw materials. sample selection has to include clear reference groups of ce-
Table 1 provides an overview of the most common analyt- ramics with expectedly similar elemental composition and
ical methods applied to ceramics and clays, including an esti- preferably assumed origin.
mation of sample size necessary for trace analysis. In order to determine the composition of ceramics or of the
clay paste initially used for their manufacture, essentially the
bulk composition of the ceramic body has to be analysed.
Sampling strategy in ceramic provenance studies
Surfaces commonly exhibit a different elemental composition
compared with the actual ceramic body, due to surface
Basic scope of ceramic provenance studies is commonly the
comparison of ceramics of unknown origin with reference
patterns of ceramics of supposedly known or confirmed For sampling strategy, see also Gliozzo (2020a), in this issue.
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treatment, such as painting, application of slips3 or even bur- Compositional variability of raw materials
nishing or polishing,4 and potentially due to use of the ce- as basis for provenance studies
ramics or post-depositional alteration.5 For this, ideally, a ho-
mogenized powdered sample of the ceramic body should be Geochemistry of clay deposits
analysed. This can be taken either by grinding a fragment,
from which the surface has been removed beforehand, or by Raw materials used for ceramic manufacture are typically
drilling the ceramic body of a fragment or even an entire mixtures of sedimentary rock, in which the actual clay frac-
artefact. Alternatively, a sample can be taken by laser ablation tion, defined by grain size and prevalent platy particle geom-
combined with simultaneous analysis. Methods, such as LA- etry of phyllosilicates, accounts only for one more or less
ICP-MS or LIBS, provide for example measurements series substantial part. Crystal structures of phyllosilicates as well
going stepwise into the sample. In the case that a non-invasive as their elemental composition depend on the parent rock
method is applied, such as pEDXRF, it is essential to select and the conditions and progress of their formation process
spots with missing or cleaned surface or sections and fresh (Schulze 2004). While kaolinites and illites for example derive
breaks. Several measurements of the same sample provide rather from granitic rocks, smectites form prevalently in mafic
additionally an assessment of precision and potential devia- environments (Cox and Lowe 1995, Veizer and Mackenzie
tions at specific spots due to surface contaminations. 2011). The clay mineral type affects primarily the content of
major elements in the clay fraction (Velde and Meunier 2008,
17–34). Silicon and aluminium cations are in general the main
Data management components or in the case of pure kaolinite Si2O5Al2(OH)4
even the only components. In other clay mineral structures,
Statistical data evaluation, which will be discussed in such as micas, smectites or chlorites, the aluminium cations
detail in this issue by Papageorgiou (2020), requires Al3+ are substituted by cations, such as Na+, Mg2+, K+, Ca2+,
reliable input data, in terms of precision and accuracy. Ti4+, Mn2+ or Fe2+/3+, which are present in the parent rock
For this, the evaluation of raw data towards determina- (Schulze 2004). During a weathering process, the cations in
tion of elemental concentrations has to follow standard- the crystal structure can be further substituted through absorp-
ized and calibrated routines, which are adequately doc- tion of other elements in aqueous solution, such as for exam-
umented. Otherwise, the data evaluation possibly intro- ple alkali metals, alkaline earth metals or transition metals
duces additional variability or even generates artificial (Bauer and Velde 2014, 62). Through adsorption at the sur-
bias and patterns. Only if the results are effectively face of the clay minerals, also cations of lanthanides or acti-
calibrated, data collected in different measurement series nides can be incorporated in the clay fraction (Coppin et al.
can be compared. In this case, it is also possible to 2002). The trace element composition of the clay fraction thus
compare data collected in different laboratories using depends not only on the clay mineral structure, which is relat-
the same analytical method or up to some extent even ed to the source rock, but also on the sequence of weathering
data collected by using different methods if concentra- and sorption in the particular clay deposit.
tions of the same elements were determined (Hein et al. The trace element composition of natural clays is also af-
2002a). fected by non-plastic constituents. Common minerals, such as
In order to avoid unnecessary re-measurements, the quartz, feldspar or carbonates, which constitute the sand frac-
collected data preferably should be documented and sys- tion of natural clays, are usually rather poor in trace elements.
tematically stored in digital databases, which can be Particularly, the quartz or calcite content affects primarily the
accessed by scholars working with the same or similar level of absolute concentrations of trace elements comprised
materials (Hein and Kilikoglou 2011). For this, it is in smaller grain size fractions (Fig. 4). In a statistical evalua-
necessary to include adequate metadata, such as geo- tion, this can be taken into account by examining element
graphical information, so that significant sample data concentration ratios or applying a best relative fit
can be easily allocated (Fig. 3). In the database, data (Mommsen and Sjöberg 2007). Feldspars, though, potentially
sets with elemental compositions can be also combined comprise considerable amounts of alkali or alkaline earth
with other types of data, such as mineralogy or petrog- metals, such as rubidium, strontium, caesium or barium.
raphy described in this issue by Montana (2020), Thus, variable feldspar contents in raw materials or ceramics
allowing for integrated data examination and evaluation. produced from them increase the variation of these minor
For investigation of different types of coating, see also Aloupi (2020), Minor accessory minerals, such as monazite, a phosphate
Pradell and Molera (2020), and Sciau (2020), in this issue.
4 mineral rich in rare earth minerals (Ce,La,Nd,Th)PO4 or allanite,
For investigation of burnishing and polishing, see also Ionescu and Hoeck
(2020), in this issue. a silicate mineral (Ca,Ce,La)2(Al,Fe2+,Fe3+)3(Si3O12)(OH), on
For post-depositional alteration, see also Maritan (2020), in this issue. the other hand, comprise lanthanides and actinides and can
Archaeol Anthropol Sci (2020) 12:180 Page 7 of 17 180

Fig. 3 Simplified database

structure combining analytical
data, such as elemental
compositions, with metadata: The
simplified structure is based on
the implementation of the
ceraDAT online database
( Archaeological
ceramics and potential raw
materials used for their
manufacture are for example
related through geographical
vicinity of finding sites of the
ceramics, if they conform with
production sites, and the sampling
sites of raw material deposits
(Hein and Kilikoglou 2011)

conspicuously increase the concentrations of these elements in formation of the clay deposits, raw materials with rather similar
the clay (Kohn 2014) while spinel minerals, such as chromite compositions can be found over large distances, as in the case
Fe2+Cr2O4, or other oxides, such as ilmenite Fe2+TiO3, common- of spacious marine or lacustrine deposits or aeolian clay de-
ly related to mafic environments increase the content of specific posits (Hein and Kilikoglou 2017). Examples in the Eastern
transition metals (Heinrich and Candela 2014). Due to larger Mediterranean Region are Miocene deposits in Central Crete
grain sizes compared with the clay minerals, though, the acces- (Hein et al. 2004a) or Pliocene deposits in Northern
sory minerals might be not evenly distributed in the raw material
enhancing compositional variation (Fig. 5). For this, the presence
of these minor accessory minerals in coarse ceramics or bulk
samples of raw materials potentially implicates considerable un-
certainty of the concentrations of elements, which they comprise
(Buxeda i Garrigos et al. 2003, Hein and Kilikoglou 2017).

Compositional variability and spatial variation

In order to assess the feasibility for distinguishing clusters of

pottery manufacture in a specific region by their use of different
raw material sources, it is essential to investigate the spatial
variation of clay compositions (Gliozzo et al. 2018). Pottery
manufactured in different workshops or production sites can
be distinguished only if the raw materials used for their manu-
facture can be distinguished. As discussed above, the
Fig. 4 Absolute lanthanum and thorium concentrations in ppm (μg/g) of
‘Provenience Postulate’ in fact has to be verified for each case 26 samples taken from the Viannos Formation, Central Crete (Hein
study from the beginning. For this, the study of potential raw et al. 2004a): The absolute concentrations present comparably high var-
materials and their compositional variation should be integral iations (Ayios Syllas Deposit: La 23.5 ± 1.5 ppm, Th 8.1 ± 0.7 ppm). This
part of archaeometric pottery studies in view of production and is largely related to variable content of the coarse fraction. The concen-
trations in fact appear to be generally correlated. An exception is one
dissemination. At this point, though, it has to be noted that particularly coarse sample from the Ayios Syllas Deposit, which presents
compositional difference of raw materials does not correlate a comparably low thorium concentration. The dashed line indicates the
with spatial distance of the deposits. Depending on the initial La/Th ratio in the upper continental crust (McLennan 2001)
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Fig. 5 SEM micrographs of polished sections of a Rhodian amphora 35 wt%, Fe c. 14 wt%; estimated by SEM-EDS) while the crucible fabric
(left) and a ceramic crucible mould from Athens (right): The amphora contains monazite inclusions (O c. 10 wt%, P c. 17 wt%, La c. 10 wt%,
fabric contains comparably large chromite inclusions (O c. 24 wt%, Cr c. Ce c. 30 wt%, Nd c. 20 wt%, Sm c. 3 wt%; estimated by SEM-EDS)

Peloponnese (Xanthopoulou, 2018). Chemical provenance materials which are suspected to have been used for their
studies of pottery from the two regions frequently provide un- manufacture not always provides meaningful results (Arnold
satisfactory results in terms of distinguishing individual pottery et al. 1991). It has to be considered that raw materials com-
production places, when these specific clays were used (Day monly were more or less thoroughly processed in order to
et al. 1999, Hein et al. 2002b). On the other hand, the inhomo- achieve a workable clay paste with suitable properties in terms
geneous distribution of accessory minerals in clay pastes, which of moulding and firing.6 In a first step, the raw materials com-
have been prepared with raw materials from the same source, monly have been refined by removing large non-plastic inclu-
can falsely indicate compositional differences among pottery of sions particularly when they were used for the manufacture of
the same production site. An example is a case study in a fine ceramics. These inclusions inhibit plasticity and poten-
Spanish pottery production village, in which a monazite- tially jeopardize the ceramics during firing due to their thermal
bearing red clay is used as component of the clay paste imped- expansion or even bloating. During refinement, for example
ing the definition of reference patterns (Buxeda i Garrigos et al. by levigation, non-plastic constituents and accessory minerals
2003). For this, the investigation of raw material deposits in a are removed from the clay paste, resulting in fact in a more
region with ancient pottery manufacture in terms of composi- homogeneous elemental composition at least in terms of ab-
tion and variation provides substantial information about the solute concentrations. Raw materials taken from different
distinctiveness of pottery compositions, which can be expected. parts of a large deposit and differing in their percentage of
Provenance studies of pottery are further complicated by tech- coarse fraction can be equalized in terms of their elemental
nology transfer and movement of craftspeople. When a specific composition through refinement.
pottery ware type was produced at several sites, craftspeople In the further process of clay paste preparation, the addition
were prospecting at each site for similar raw materials in order of temper materials to the clay paste was common. In this way,
to achieve the preferred properties and appearance of the thermo-mechanical properties of the ceramics could be con-
manufactured ceramics (Michelaki et al. 2015). Based on their trolled in view of the eventual function as cooking pot, storage
experience, they had preferences for particular clays with similar or transport vessel. While non-plastic materials, such as quartz
properties, in terms of plasticity, shrinkage and firing behaviour. or calcite, affect as mentioned above mainly the absolute trace
Thus, even though diverse raw material sources might have been element concentrations but not their ratios, other temper ma-
accessible close to a specific production site, the selection of raw terials, such as granite or grog, have an essential effect on the
materials was confined to deposits, which were geologically as trace element composition of the ceramics. In the latter case,
well as geochemically related to deposits at other production the elemental bulk composition of the tempered ceramics can-
sites, at which similar pottery was manufactured. not any longer be directly linked to the elemental composition
of the base clay.
Effect of clay paste processing and ceramic Another practice in clay paste preparation, which can be
manufacture occasionally observed, is the blending of two or more clayey

The direct comparison of elemental compositions measured in 6

For clay paste processing and pottery moulding, see also Eramo (2020) and
archaeological ceramics and elemental compositions of raw Thér, 2020, in this issue.
Archaeol Anthropol Sci (2020) 12:180 Page 9 of 17 180

raw materials. In the case that a single raw material is not rock in view of enrichment or depletion of specific elements is
suitable for preparing a clay paste for the manufacture of ce- normalization of the determined element concentrations to stan-
ramics, it might be beneficial to mix several different raw dard compositions, such as upper continental crust (UCC) or
materials in order to achieve adequate material properties lanthanide concentrations in chondrites (Taylor and McLennan
(Betina 2019). Concerning elemental composition, this prac- 2009). Even pottery compositions can be compared with raw
tice impedes seriously the comparison of ceramics with raw materials in this way (Rodrigues et al. 2015). Figure 6 presents
materials as apart from the natural variation of single raw as an example the normalized concentrations of clay samples
material deposit variations in the clay paste recipe, in terms from Crete (Hein et al. 2004a) and the East Aegean (Hein et al.
of proportions and sources of components, affect the compo- 2019). The Neogene clays from Central and Eastern Crete
sition of the end product (Buxeda i Garrigos et al. 2003). exhibit a comparably small variation particularly in the case of
Mixture or blending of raw materials can scarcely be recog- the above discussed Viannos Formation. The clays from the East
nized solely by elemental analysis, but rather by petrographic Aegean islands of Kos, Rhodes and Samos, on the other hand,
examination (Quinn 2013, 156–171). derive from various geological contexts, from Upper Cretaceous
Final step in ceramic manufacture is the firing of the to Quaternary, and present a clearly larger variation. Remarkable
moulded clay object. While firing substantially changes ma- are for example the high concentrations of chromium and nickel
terial properties and microstructure, the elemental composi- in some of the clays from Rhodes and the high actinide concen-
tion is basically affected only by loss on ignition (LOI) trations in clays from Kos.
through combustion of organic matter, volatilisation of water, Figure 7 presents potential chemical markers in a series of
dehydroxylation of the clay minerals and decarburization of scatter plots. Alkali metals such as caesium and rubidium for
carbonates (Gliozzo 2020b). The release of hydrogen, carbon example are typically related to abundance of micas or mica-
and oxygen increases the absolute concentrations of the re- ceous clays. The alkali metals are essentially correlated, but their
maining elements. The relative composition, in terms of ratios ratio can be affected by the environment (Fig. 7, top left). Some
of concentrations, though, is not affected. Potential loss of of the clays from Peloponnese and Corinth for example present
other elements through volatilisation is theoretically possible significantly higher caesium to rubidium ratios than other raw
but the effect can be largely disregarded (Kilikoglou et al. materials, while the ratios in Central Greece appear to be smaller.
1988, Cogswell et al. 1996). It has to be considered, though, that ceramics might be affected
also by post-depositional alteration depleting the alkali metal
Chemical markers content after all. Lanthanide concentrations are basically corre-
lated as well (Fig. 6). Their relative concentrations in the weath-
Clay paste processing impedes in many cases the direct com- ered clays fraction reflect their composition in the parent rock,
bination of ceramics to raw material sources even if these are including anomalies such as europium depletion (Condie et al.
extant. Apart from a general assessment of the natural compo- 1995). Indeed some of the clays from Kos present smaller euro-
sitional variability of local raw materials, though, their study pium to cerium concentrations compared with most of the other
might indicate chemical peculiarities or markers, which after raw materials (Fig. 7, top right). Apart from the levels of absolute
all will provide a reference, so that ceramics indeed can be concentrations, which are related to clay type, environment and
assigned to local production. Table 2 presents the median maybe also accessory minerals, ratios among their concentrations
values and deciles7 of a series of 216 raw material samples can be used as chemical markers of specific sources (Hancock
from Greece and the Greek islands, which have been mea- et al. 2019).
sured by NAA, during the last c. 20 years 8 (Hein Some of the raw material sources in the Eastern
et al. 2004a, 2004b, 2004c, 2008, 2019). Mediterranean and accordingly also ceramics in particular re-
The ranges of measured element concentrations are compara- gions are specifically high in transition metals, such as chro-
bly small, taking into account intra-site variation of raw material mium, cobalt and nickel. The high concentrations are typically
deposits or typical variations observed in ceramic production related to mafic source rock, occasionally even evidenced by
groups (Hein et al. 1999). Nevertheless, the determined upper the presence of accessory minerals like chromite (Hein and
deciles indicate occasional higher concentrations, related to ac- Kilikoglou 2017) (Fig. 5). Examples of relevant geological
cessory minerals or the adsorption of specific elements from the contexts can be found in Boeotia (Central Greece) and
environment during the weathering process. A common ap- Rhodes. Raw material from these two areas, presenting simi-
proach to investigate the element composition of sedimentary larly high levels of chromium and nickel concentrations, can
be distinguished, though, by considering the ratios among the
While the median divides a data sample in lower and upper half, the deciles concentrations (Fig. 7, bottom left). Actinides, such as thori-
are the boundaries, which exclude the lowest and highest 10% of the concen-
um and uranium, are correlated among each other and also
trations, respectively.
The individual compositions can be accessed in the ceraDAT database with lanthanides. Nevertheless, also in this case, element con-
( centration ratios might indicate source-specific enrichment of
180 Page 10 of 17 Archaeol Anthropol Sci (2020) 12:180

Table 2 Range of ceramics in view of identifying clay types; the use of which
element concentrations Median Deciles
have been preferred by craftspeople (Hein et al. 2004a).
of 216 clays sampled in
Greece and Greek Lower Upper Commonly, on the basis of visual examination of ceramic
islands and measured by remains and assumed function, first hypotheses about the type
NAA As 7.5 1.8 25.2 of raw materials used for their manufacture can be drawn. For
Ba 215 88 451 example for the manufacture of cooking ware, commonly dif-
Ca(%) 7.9 0.7 23.9 ferent clay pastes have been used than for the manufacture of
Ce 46.8 23.3 94.0 fine table wares, prevalently coarser and with lower calcite
Co 21.1 8.0 45.8 content. Elemental compositions of ceramics in fact provide
Cr 292 88 860 basic information about the utilized clay types and the geolog-
Cs 5.8 2.2 8.6 ical context from which the original raw materials derived as
Eu 0.92 0.47 1.64 explained in the “Provenance studies of archaeological ce-
Fe(%) 4.05 1.73 5.78 ramics based on their elemental composition” section.
Hf 3.28 1.41 6.43 Chemical analysis, though, can be complemented by detailed
K(%) 1.60 0.60 2.36 mineralogical or petrographic examination in order to localize
La 23.3 11.1 47.0 the potential supply basins. For this, the available geological
Lu 0.29 0.13 0.49 information should be reviewed as far as the region of interest
Na(%) 0.64 0.22 1.32 has been already systematically investigated for its geology.
Nd 21.4 8.3 39.9 In this case, detailed information about geological formations
Ni 127.6 40.6 514.8 and extant outcrops of clay deposits might be available so that
Rb 86 30 130 a clay survey from scratch is not necessary.9
Sb 0.66 0.22 1.90
Sc 13.8 6.3 19.8
Identification of ancient pottery production sites
Sm 4.3 1.9 8.0
Sr 173 38 569
For the manufacture of pottery apart from clay, water and fuel
Ta 0.76 0.24 1.45
were necessary for clay paste preparation and firing, respec-
Tb 0.62 0.28 1.06 tively. While water and fuel are commonly more prevalent
Th 7.5 2.5 13.8 and accessible, it was essential for the ancient craftspeople
Ti(%) 0.27 0.05 0.44 to find appropriate clay sources, which had to be tested and
U 2.41 1.11 4.07 exploited (Michelaki et al. 2015). The transport of these clay-
Yb 2.01 0.90 3.25 ey raw materials over far distances, though, was assumedly
Zn 93.3 48.0 133.0 not practicable. According to ethnographic studies, the com-
Zr 97 40 182 mon distance between a pottery workshop and a clay deposit
can be estimated as considerably small, typically up to 7 km
The clay samples were typically fired at
900 °C before analysis. Indicated are the (Arnold 1985). For this, the identification of pottery produc-
median values and the lower and upper tion at a specific site is a strong indication for suitable clay
deciles of the element concentrations. The deposits in the vicinity of the site. Particularly the firing of
concentrations are given in ppm (μg/g) if
pottery is expected to have left explicit remains rather than
not indicated elsewise
infrastructure for clay paste preparation and moulding of ce-
ramics. Clear evidence for ancient pottery production is given
one of the two elements (Fig. 7, bottom right) as they are for instance by remains of built pottery kiln structures (Hasaki
transferred relatively unchanged during weathering (Condie 2002). Apart from these, however, also accumulations of kiln
et al. 1995). wasters—over- or misfired ceramics discarded after the
firing—or remains of kiln furniture can indicate pottery pro-
duction at the excavation of an archaeological site or in the
area of an archaeological survey. Kiln sites, even when buried
Design of a raw material survey
and not apparent, can also be identified by geophysical
prospection and particularly by measurements of variation of
Composition of the archaeological ceramics of
the geomagnetic field as kiln structures or fired pottery exhibit
remnant archaeomagnetic signals (De Marco et al. 2008).
Initial step in surveying supply basins of raw materials for 9
For clay mineralogy and geological survey, see also Montana (2020), in this
ancient ceramic manufacture is the characterization of the issue.
Archaeol Anthropol Sci (2020) 12:180 Page 11 of 17 180

Fig. 6 Line plots presenting normalized element concentrations of composition (Taylor and McLennan 2009) while the lanthanide concen-
selected clays from Crete (left) and the East Aegean (right) measured tration in the bottom are normalized to chondrites (Rodrigues et al. 2015)
by NAA: The concentrations in the top are normalized to the upper crust

Fig. 7 Scatter plots of diverse element concentrations measured in 216 raw material samples from Greece and the Greek islands: The specific areas, from
which the samples were taken are indicated by different symbols and colours
180 Page 12 of 17 Archaeol Anthropol Sci (2020) 12:180

Important sources of information about pottery manufac- has to be recorded in terms of GPS coordinates, photographs
ture in antiquity in terms of suitable local clays, which might and geological context.
have been used, as well as potential practices of clay paste
preparation are ethnographic studies of traditional or contem-
porary pottery production (see e.g. Gosselain and Livingstone Investigation of raw materials
Smith, 2005, Betina 2019). The connectivity of traditional
pottery production and pottery manufacture in antiquity has Sample preparation
been investigated from the mid-twentieth century (Hampe and
Winter 1962). By then, pottery manufacture in the For investigating raw materials in view of their potential use in
Mediterranean basin for example was in fact still organized ancient ceramic manufacture, basic clay paste preparation
in traditional communities providing information about prac- should be considered. For this, the raw material sample should
tices of raw material prospection and clay extraction going be homogenized and at least initially refined by removing
back assumedly to antiquity. Even though, by now most of coarse organic material, such as vegetal fibres, and non-
contemporary potters prefer the use of commercial clays, plastic particles above a pre-defined grain size, based on the
which are already prepared and optimized for pottery produc- observed texture of archaeological ceramics, which might
tion, there still exists intangible knowledge concerning ade- have been manufactured from the respective material. This
quate raw materials and places, where to find them, as well as can be done either by powdering and dry sieving or by mixing
clay paste preparation. Occasionally, this knowledge provides and suspending with water and wet sieving. The total rock
direct links of archaeological pottery to extant clay deposits sample can also be further separated in fractions according
(Hein et al. 2008) or information about specific raw materials to grain size ranges, such as clay fraction, silt fraction and
for particular pottery wares, such as glaucophane-rich clays sand fraction (Blott and Pye 2012). The homogenized and
used for the manufacture of cooking pots in the island of dried raw material samples can be analysed straight away.
Sifnos (Allegretta et al. 2017). The absolute concentrations of the commonly determined el-
ements, though, will be clearly below comparable concentra-
Sampling strategy tions expected for ceramics, basically due to higher carbon
and water content. In order to investigate the loss of ignition
Based on the above described information, raw materials can (LOI) due to burning of organic content, de-hydroxylation and
be surveyed and collected in the field. It has to be considered de-carbonisation of the homogenized raw material samples
that the sampling might be subject to agreement with private should be heated at 1000 °C. Only then the absolute levels
property owners and to permits issued by geological authori- of element concentrations will be comparable to ceramics po-
ties or even archaeological authorities, in the case that clay tentially manufactured from the raw material under investiga-
deposits are situated in the vicinity of archaeological sites. In tion. In order to level the effect of firing temperature, it is quite
view of assessing intra-source variation of extensive deposits, common to determine the LOI of ceramic samples before
sample series should be taken from different spots covering analysis. In the case of analysing non-fired raw materials,
apparent stratigraphic sequences, which potentially represent though, the element concentrations have to be normalized
different weathering stages (Hein et al. 2004a). Raw materials (see “Sampling strategy” section). While for pure elemental
belonging to the same geological formation or geological con- analysis, sample powders can be heated at sufficient temper-
text should be sampled at different locations in order to inves- atures the manufacture and firing of specimens is quite com-
tigate the spatial inter-source variation and for example the mon in integrated studies. The fired briquettes can be addi-
dissemination of fluvial or marine sediments (Gliozzo et al. tionally investigated in view of textural and mineralogical
2018). development during firing (Hein et al. 2004b).
The collected sample has to be large enough to represent
the raw material at the specific spot after being sufficiently Analytical method
homogenized. The necessary sample size certainly depends
on the coarseness and heterogeneity of the raw materials but As mentioned above, for reasons of comparability of elemen-
it should be ideally at least c. 1 kg as further examinations tal compositions of raw material samples and of archaeologi-
apart from elemental analysis or firing and material testing of cal ceramics possibly manufactured from them, preferably the
experimental ceramic specimens might be reasonable in the same analytical method should be applied (Table 1). Due to
future. For collecting a representative sample, it is inevitable the comparably large sample amount, though, complementary
to remove first covering sediments and the external surface methods can be applied for measuring additional elements.
layer of the raw material as it is exposed to progressed Apart from focusing on measuring minor and trace element
weathering, potential contamination and interaction with the concentrations by NAA for example, further measurements by
vegetation. Eventually, full documentation of the sample spot WD-XRF, which might not be routinely possible for small
Archaeol Anthropol Sci (2020) 12:180 Page 13 of 17 180

ceramic samples, allow for determining the complete major archaeological ceramics, even if measured with the same
element composition of raw material samples (Hein method, several issues, though, have to be considered. As
et al. 2004a, 2004b). The major element compositions provide explicated above, the absolute element concentrations, mea-
information about clay type and variation of non-plastic com- sured in the raw materials, tend to be lower compared to ce-
ponents in the coarser fractions. Furthermore, multiple mea- ramics. This is due to common practices of clay paste prepa-
surements of the same sample can be performed in order to ration and loss of matter, such as water, carbon and organics,
assess analytical variation and/or inhomogeneous distribution during ceramic firing. For this, ratios of element concentra-
of large accessory minerals. In order to further study the rela- tions should be compared rather than absolute values or, alter-
tion of specific elements to either clay minerals or accessory natively, the absolute levels are adjusted through a best rela-
minerals additionally to the total rock samples, the separated tive fit (Mommsen and Sjöberg 2007). Taking this into ac-
clay, silt and sand fractions can be analysed (Hein count, ceramics can be occasionally directly linked to raw
et al. 2004a). material sources as in the case of amphora manufacture in
Apart from NAA (Hancock et al., 2019), particularly ICP- South Kos (Hein et al. 2008). This indicates in fact clays,
MS appears to be the method of choice in case studies of raw which can be used straightforward for ceramic manufacture,
material sources for pottery production during the last years. It without elaborate clay paste preparation (Fig. 8). If direct as-
is applied either as stand-alone method (Leclerc in press) or in signment of ceramic data to raw material sources is not pos-
combination with ICP-OES (Owen et al. 2013, Christidis et al. sible, as in most case studies, similarities and dissimilarities of
2014, Gliozzo et al. 2018) or WD-XRF (Gutsuz et al. 2017). concentrations of specific elements or element groups have to
In combination with other analyses, occasionally alternative be investigated individually. An example is the case study of
methods for chemical analysis are applied such as EMP of transport amphorae assumedly manufactured in the island of
specific temper materials (Dorais et al. 2004) or ED-XRF of Rhodes and raw materials sampled from clay deposits in the
bulk samples (Semiz 2017). North part of the island. Clear differences are indicated for the
absolute concentrations of Cr and Ni (Fig. 9). The high chro-
Data evaluation and comparison with archaeological mium concentrations measured both in the main group of
ceramics Rhodian amphorae and raw materials particularly from the
Plio-Pleistocene Asgourou Formation, though, indicate a cer-
Raw material data can be evaluated following basically the tain geochemical relation probably due to the ophiolitic geo-
same statistical approaches as applied to ceramic data logical environment of North Rhodes (Hanken et al. 1996,
(Papageorgiou 2020). The evaluation is focused on determin- Lekkas et al. 2007). For this, high chromium and nickel con-
ing similar compositional patterns and identifying parameters tent in ceramics combined with apparently similar ratios com-
on the basis of which sources can be distinguished. When pared with the raw materials is in fact a chemical marker for
combining raw material data with compositional data of Rhodes as a potential candidate for the origin of the ceramics.

Fig. 8 Dendrogram of a
hierarchical clustering combining
NAA data of raw materials and
transport amphorae: The data
were log-ratio transformed with
the Sc concentration as common
divisor. Raw materials are marked
in red. The ellipses indicate the
compositional groups of Koan
transport amphorae (Hein et al.
2008). Groups A and B have been
assumedly produced in South
Central Kos, while groups C and
D represent assumedly the pottery
production in Kos Town. The as-
signment can be in fact confirmed
by similarities to local clay
180 Page 14 of 17 Archaeol Anthropol Sci (2020) 12:180

Fig. 9 Scatter plots of Ni and Ce concentrations versus Cr concentrations fired at 950 °C: Compositional groups of ceramics and raw materials are
measured by NAA in Rhodian amphorae and raw materials sampled in indicated with different symbols and colours
North Rhodes: The clays have been homogenized, primarily refined and

Higher chromium concentrations, measured in raw materials, 1. Potential clay types used for pottery manufacture can be
could be certainly the result of incomplete refinement and characterized based on integrated ceramic analyses.
remaining accessory minerals, such as chromite (Fig. 4). The Elemental composition of the ceramics provides basic
low concentrations of other trace elements such as lanthanides information.
in the main group of raw materials, though, could be also an 2. The available geological information about the region
indication that clays, used for amphora production, were po- should be surveyed, and potential raw material deposits
tentially mixed, as it is still practiced in traditional ceramic exhibiting the considered clay types should be identified.
manufacture on the island. 3. The identification of infrastructure for ancient pottery
manufacture indicates the maximum distance to potential
raw material sources.
Good practice guide 4. Information about local clay sources and practices of clay
paste preparation can be extracted from ethnographic
Chemical ceramic provenance studies are based on the distinc- studies.
tiveness of natural raw material sources for clay exploitation 5. Based on the collected information raw materials can be
in terms of their elemental composition. Assuming that pot- systematically surveyed and sampled in the field.
tery workshops were using different raw material sources, 6. The raw materials should be subjected to a basic refine-
compositional differences among these sources have been ment and clay paste preparation and they also can be fired
propagated into the ceramic compositions. In this case these in order to remove water and carbon.
can accordingly be discriminated as well. The investigation of 7. In view of comparison for the analysis of the raw mate-
local raw material deposits as potential sources for pottery rials, the same analytical method as for archaeological
manufacture provides information about compositional vari- ceramics should be applied.
ability of clays in particular regions. This concerns the expect- 8. Due to more or less extensive clay paste preparation, a
able distinctiveness of clay pastes, which have been prepared direct compositional concordance between archaeological
from those raw materials, and compositions or chemical ceramics and raw materials commonly cannot be expect-
markers, which could possibly identify specific sources. ed. If direct comparison of ceramic and clay compositions
While the distinction of raw materials from different geolog- is unsuccessful, the investigation should be focused on
ical contexts is commonly straightforward, the distinction of specific element concentration ratios and chemical
raw materials belonging to the same or similar geological markers.
context has proven to be occasionally more complicated. In
order to assess intra- and inter-source variability, in view of Even though, direct assignment of archaeological ceramics
the provenience postulate, series of raw material samples have to extant raw material sources is not always possible, the re-
to be collected within individual deposits as well as from sults of raw material studies provide information about poten-
deposits belonging to the same geological context. tial sources in the vicinity of pottery production sites. The
For a thorough raw material study integrated in the frame- ranges of element concentrations, measured in raw materials,
work of ceramic provenance research in a particular region, after all confine the element concentrations, which can be
the following course of action can be suggested: expected in locally manufactured ceramics. Apart from
Archaeol Anthropol Sci (2020) 12:180 Page 15 of 17 180

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Acknowledgements Part of the raw material studies in the Eastern logical approach for source-clay determination of ancient ceramics:
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(INSTAP) in the framework of the project ‘Geochemical Survey of Cogswell JW, Neff H, Glascock MD (1996) The effect of firing temper-
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Recipient: Anno Hein.
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