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Acao, Natasha Nicole C.



The Big Bang theory was one of several hypotheses taught in school about
how the universe works. In Christianity, however, the universe started because God
created it for six days before resting, blessing, and sanctifying it on the seventh day.
But do God really exist? making the Big Bang theory true, or is it the other way
around? When you hear diverse perspectives on the origins of our universe, it may
be rather perplexing. As it is either “In the beginning there was nothing and it
exploded” or “In the beginning God created heaven and earth,”.
Scientifically, we can not prove whether God existed or not. It is through our
faith that we believe that He really did exist. According to Rene Descartes
“Something that is thought of by every human being must exist. Everybody thinks
God. Therefore, God exists”. I am a devout Christian myself. I believe in God as the
creator of the universe, including heaven, earth, and everything else. However, I do
not completely disagree with the Big Bang hypothesis, which states that the cosmos
began with a singularity and continues to expand because I once imagined that
what if, God created the Universe using the Big Bang theory. This idea of mine is
also plausible since, prior to the singularity, scientists were unable to explain the
origin before it. I've also seen a documentary on the Big Bang Theory and God's
creation timelines. According to the Big Bang theory, “the universe as we know it
started with an infinitely hot, infinitely dense singularity, then inflated — first at
unimaginable speed, and then at a more measurable rate — over the next 13.8
billion years to the cosmos that we know today and around 9.2 billion years after
the explosion the Sun emerged”. The Sun appeared precisely 2/3 of the time. Also,
according to the Bible, God formed the Sun on the fourth day, which we can picture
as the fraction 4/6, which is precisely the same as the appearance of the Sun in the
Big Bang hypothesis, as God completed the creation in only six days and rested on
the seventh day.
I don't totally reject or embrace the science of Universe because we humans
are no longer ignorant because of knowledge. And I think that my existence is due
to God's will. Although there is a significant difference between religion and
science, we should not be in denial and should instead be open to other people's

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