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Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences (2020) 12:190


Ceramic chronology by luminescence dating: how and when it is

possible to date ceramic artefacts
Anna Galli 1,2 & Emanuela Sibilia 2 & Marco Martini 2

Received: 15 January 2020 / Accepted: 24 June 2020

# Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature 2020

This paper is intended as a compendium of good practices to assess whether luminescence dating can provide researchers with
valuable chronological information for ceramic samples. It is organized into two main sections. The first section provides an
introduction to luminescence dating, including its physical principles, the applied measurement procedures, and a brief summary
on a new dating technique (RHX) not based on luminescence. This section aims to provide non-specialists with a background on
the physical principles underlying luminescence dating, in order to enable an understanding of the issues that may affect the
reliability of luminescence ages and a critical assessment of the results from luminescence laboratories. The second section
presents a series of case studies which illustrate the use of these methods, how they can be applied, and what results can be

Keywords Luminescence dating . TL . OSL . Chronological context

Premise ceramic firing (Gliozzo 2020b); the investigation of different

coatings such as black glass-ceramic (Aloupi-Siotis 2020),
This paper seves as an anchor to the Topical Collection (TC) terra sigillata (Sciau et al. 2020), and glazes (Pradell and
“Ceramics: Research questions and answers” aimed at guid- Molera 2020); the isotopic study of particular types of prod-
ing researchers in the study of archaeological ceramics from ucts such as Chinese high fired ceramics (Henderson et al.
excavation to study and preservation in museum collections. 2020); the identification of post-burial transformations
Each contribution has a tutorial approach covering one of (Maritan 2020); the dating of ceramics (this paper); and the
the main issues pertaining to the study of ceramics: research restoration and musealisation of ceramics (de Lapérouse
questions and sampling criteria (Gliozzo 2020a); the chemical 2020). This Topical Collection concludes with a tutorial on
(Hein and Kilikoglou 2020) and mineralogical-petrographic statistical data processing (Papageorgiou 2020).
(Montana 2020) investigation of raw materials; the technolog-
ical character and suitability of raw materials (Gualtieri 2020);
the processing (Eramo 2020) and modelling (Thér 2020) of
clays; surface finishing (Ionescu and Hoeck 2020) and Introduction

This article is a Topical Collection on Ceramics: Research questions and One of the most often encountered issues in the field of the
answers Cultural Heritage is the dating of artefacts. In fact, this is a
fundamental point representing the typical intervention of sci-
* Anna Galli entific methods in supporting archaeological approach or the History of Art in other fields, typically when dealing with
dating paintings, frescoes, and buildings, to mention only
Istituto di Bioimmagini e Fisiologia Molecolare, Consiglio Nazionale those that are most often encountered.
delle Ricerche, IBFM-CNR, via F.lli Cervi 93, 20090 Segrate, (MI), Why is it important to date a ceramic artefact? Firstly, by
setting it in a chronological context, it is possible to under-
Dipartimento di Scienza dei Materiali, Università Milano-Bicocca, stand its significance in relation to previous and successive
via R. Cozzi 55, 20125 Milan, Italy
events. Furthermore, in many cases, we wish to understand
190 Page 2 of 15 Archaeol Anthropol Sci (2020) 12:190

complex social and commercial relationships. Last, but not the inorganic artefacts, typically to ceramics. In this paper, we will
least, it contributes to the study of ancient civilisations. consider the latter technique, together with its characteristics,
In archaeology, the stratigraphic method allows a relative precision, and limits, along with giving some examples. Other
chronological sequence (i.e. the stratigraphic matrix) to be alternative methods for dating ceramics will be introduced.
established, based on the physical relationships among layers. Studies on ceramics deal with the investigation of their
Moreover, typological study of the finds may allow for abso- overall life cycle, from the acquisition and processing of raw
lute dating (i.e. periodization) of the relative sequence, by materials to production and distribution, through their use,
comparison with the chronological distribution of similar ob- reuse, and discard. Such investigations include both the recon-
jects. Further indications can be derived from the study of struction of the life cycle and its interpretation in terms of the
written sources or inscriptions, while comparison with other people producing, distributing, and using the artefacts.
artefacts that can be independently dated (e.g. coins) can ac- Thus, such reconstruction involves establishing how,
curately specify the dating sequence obtained by stratigraphy. when, and where the artefacts were made; to which use they
However, well-preserved and perfectly datable coins are were conceived; where they were distributed; and how they
not frequent, while ceramic is the most widespread material were used. We attempt, in this paper, to illustrate how the
in almost all archaeological excavations (see Gliozzo 2020a question of “when” can be answered by means of scientific
and the references therein). Consequently, pottery and techniques, briefly summarizing the present state of the art and
stamped bricks are the most precious materials for the period- presenting the recent development of novel techniques.
ization of the stratigraphic sequence. On the other hand, there TL dating, with its peculiar characteristics and applications
are forms that have been produced over such a geographical to ceramics, will be the main topic of this paper; however, it
and chronological extension that they cannot be used as indi- must be mentioned that another luminescence technique has
cators for narrow chronological frames or limits (i.e. terminus been increasingly used in ceramics dating, optically stimulat-
ante quem or post quem). A major step forward in solving ed luminescence (OSL), which will be introduced when deal-
such problems came in the second half of the twentieth cen- ing with TL.
tury, when archaeological methods began to be supported by Another dating method which has not yet been fully tested,
dating techniques such as dendrochronology (Hillam 2004), but which has shown great potential for ceramics dating, is
radiocarbon (Arnold and Libby 1949), and thermolumines- rehydroxylation (RHX; Wilson et al. 2009). RHX is based on
cence (Aitken et al. 1964; Aitken et al. 1968; Aitken 1985). the recombination over time of hydroxyl (OH−) groups in the
All of these experimental methods, with few exceptions, are ceramic structure. The state-of-the-art RHX application to ce-
based on the measurement of physical quantities whose values ramics dating is briefly summarized below.
are associated, with certainty, to the time variable. For ceramics belonging to an archaeological site, dating ob-
Dating an artefact using a scientific technique is based on tained by scientific techniques is used as a terminus post quem
the presence of a kind of “clock” inside the object to be dated and combined with the stratigraphic sequence, in order to frame
and an event that “starts the clock”. The case of radiocarbon the life of the excavated site into an absolute chronological range.
(14C) is typical, whose concentration in an artefact of organic The case of ceramics from museum collections is different
origin diminishes from the death of the living being, such as a as, in most cases, a lack of information on the finding context
tree that originated an artefact itself, for instance, a wood prevents precise and accurate dating: as we will see in the
sculpture. In this case, the “clock” is the radiocarbon concen- following, sufficient precision in TL dating can be achieved
tration and the starting event is the death of the living being. only when considering ceramics taken in their excavation con-
Two cases are probably the best-known examples of dating text. In fact, TL implies uncertainties in the calculated age,
possibilities in the field of Cultural Heritage: the above- mostly due to the level of information about the environment
mentioned radiocarbon (14C) and thermoluminescence (TL). where the piece of art comes from. When the object to be
It is to be noted that both of these methods rely on radioactiv- dated is extracted from the place where it has been for centu-
ity, either that produced in the high atmosphere by cosmic ries, the information of its environment is almost completely
radiation (in the case of radiocarbon), or by the continuous lost. This does not completely rule out the possibility of de-
low level of irradiation due to the ubiquitous presence of nat- termining an approximate chronological age, but the level of
ural radioactivity (as we will see in the case of thermolumi- precision is strongly reduced. Notwithstanding, it is possible
nescence). While, for 14C, the organism that is the origin of the to determine at least the authenticity of the considered object,
artefact needs to cease living to make the clock starts, TL is as a recent forgery gives a very low level of TL (if any), while
started by high-temperature heating in a kiln. an authentic piece has always a relatively high level of TL.
Interestingly, 14C and TL are rather complementary, in that It must also be considered that only measurements of the
radiocarbon dating can be applied to organic materials (i.e. level of TL can support (or not) the clues about the authentic-
artefacts that are derived from living organisms such as wood, ity coming from some artistic feature, or aspect of composi-
tissues, and bones). However, TL is currently applied to tion and manufacturing style.
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How can luminescence help

in the chronological assessment of ceramics?

A great deal of materials, when variously stimulated, emits a

generally very weak amount of light which is currently known
as “luminescence”. A particular kind of this phenomenon is
phosphorescence, a delayed emission of light from crystalline
materials following the absorption of energy from an external
source. It is to be noted that phosphorescence is supported by
heat, in the sense that the emission of light is accelerated when
the temperature is raised. As a consequence, thermolumines-
cence can be considered a particular case of phosphorescence:
insulating crystals absorb a small amount of energy when hit
by ionizing radiation and give back this energy, in the form of
light (the luminescence), under further suitable stimulation.
When this stimulation is given by heat, we are dealing with Fig. 1 Typical glow curves of roman ceramics. To prepare the sample
thermoluminescence (TL). There is another way of supporting the fine grain technique was applied. (1) Background. (2) Response to
phosphorescence: if an irradiated material is stimulated by natural dose. (3) Response to 4 Gy of beta irradiation added to the natural
one. (4) Response to 8 Gy of beta irradiation added to the natural one
light, we consider it to be OSL.
TL is typically used for dosimetric measurements; that is,
the measure of the amount of radiation absorbed (called the intensity of the emitted light. Provided that the intensity of light
“absorbed dose”) by an object or person. Materials such as is proportional to the amount of energy absorbed during the
LiF TLD badges are used to measure the radiation dose that a interaction of ionizing radiation with matter, luminescence can
worker may receive while attending patients undergoing ther- be exploited as a dosimetric technique.
apeutic or diagnostic procedures with radionuclides or while This very same characteristic suggests the possibility of
working with x-ray-generating devices. dating ceramic objects by exploiting the TL properties of their
A particular dosimetric system lies at the basis of TL dat- crystalline inclusions. This was first proposed by Daniels et al.
ing. Small crystalline inclusions are practically always pres- (1953), Grögler et al. (1958), and Kennedy and Knopff
ent, to different extents, in all clays and thus in ceramics, (1960), exploiting the fact that the high temperatures (>
which act as dosimeters. Typically, quartz and feldspar are 500 °C) reached by pottery during firing in a kiln has the effect
the minerals most present in clay which are most suitable for of erasing the constituent mineral grains of any previously
dating. The external source of energy can be of different kinds accumulated dose. Further extensive studies by the group of
but, for dating purposes, the sources of irradiation are natural- at Oxford University headed by Martin Aitken (1964, 1968)
ly occurring ionizing radiation, mainly given by the radioac-
tive families of uranium, thorium, and 40K; a smaller contri-
bution is also being provided by 87Rb and cosmic rays. The
presence of such a natural radiation environment results in the
continuous irradiation of any object on Earth. In non-metallic
materials, this causes an accumulation of energy in the form of
trapped electrons. Their release requires the above-mentioned
stimulation, either heat (giving origin to TL) or light (resulting
in OSL).
TL is measured by heating a sample from room tempera-
ture to about 450 °C at a constant rate, while simultaneously
recording the emitted light. The result is a so-called glow
curve (see Fig. 1).
OSL is, instead, measured by illuminating the sample with
light of suitable wavelength, recording the light (having dif-
ferent wavelength) emitted consequently. The resultant curve
is called a shine-down curve (see Fig. 2). Fig. 2 Typical shine-down curves of roman ceramics. To prepare the
sample, the fine grain technique was applied ( Experimental
In principle, the application of luminescent materials to the conditions: PH 200 °C for 10 s, blue LED stimulation at 470 ± 30 nm).
dosimetry of ionizing radiation relies on the relationship between (1) Response to natural dose. (2) Response to 4 Gy of beta irradiation. (3)
the amount of absorbed energy (the absorbed dose) and the response to 8 Gy of beta irradiation
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found that the luminescence intensity emitted by the pottery However, not much work has been carried out so far for OSL
samples is proportional to the age of the sediments from which ceramics dating (Barnett 2000; Guibert et al. 2001; Hong et al.
the samples were obtained, in agreement with the dates ob- 2001; Oke and Yurdatapan, 2000; Bortolussi et al. 2013), and,
tained by radiocarbon. This result led to further refinements in often, ceramic materials produce OSL signals which are
the dating protocols (Aitken 1985) and, from 1970 to 1990, weaker than the TL ones (Oke and Yurdatapan, 2000); fur-
TL dating became available in many laboratories, reaching thermore, heated and unheated materials may behave differ-
high and undisputed reliability among archaeologists (Fig. 3). ently (Barnett 2000).
A further impulse in luminescence studies occurred when Comparing TL and OSL, we can conclude that, so far, TL
TL dating was used to date unheated sediments, due to the is still the most reliable method when dating heated ceramics,
capability of sunlight to erase, during the natural transporta- while OSL is the best choice for dating sediments generally in
tion of the mineral grains, previously accrued energy (Wintle the field of Earth Sciences.
and Huntley 1979). In this case, the dated event is the last In luminescence dating, the light emitted by minerals follow-
exposure to sunlight before sedimentation. It has been dem- ing heat or light stimulation is measured in a laboratory using
onstrated that the exposure of sediments to sunlight may act purposely designed instrumentation. The amount of light is
similarly to heating in pottery, reaching a similar zeroing ef- compared with the analogous emission following irradiation
fect on the previously accumulated energy in sediment grains. given in the laboratory using calibrated radioactive sources, as
Zeroing by sunlight is also usually referred to as “optical is shown in Figs. 1 and 2. By appropriate calculations, it is
bleaching”. However, the understanding of the process of so- possible to determine (with rather good precision) the amount
lar resetting of sediments was still problematic, and the accu- of absorbed dose during the centuries, which is referred to as the
racy of TL ages not so satisfactory. “palaeodose”. In order to determine the age, the rate at which
Another fundamental step in luminescence dating was due such a dose was accumulated (i.e. the “dose-rate”) must be
to Huntley et al. (1985), who reported that a light source could measured as well. The ratio of the two quantities (see Eq. 1)
stimulate energy release from a dosimeter during measure- gives the age, that is, the time since the most recent heating to
ment, instead of the heating used in TL. This led to the devel- high temperature of the dated object, generally corresponding
opment of OSL dating, which offered a number of advantages to its burning in a kiln, whether using TL or OSL.
over TL methods when dating unheated sediments. The tech-
Luminescence age ¼ palaeodose=dose‐rate ð1Þ
nique has been greatly developed (Wintle 1997; Bøtter-Jensen
et al. 2003a; Bøtter-Jensen et al. 2003b), and is presently the Typical values of palaeodose range from fractions of Gray to
method of choice for dating detrital sediments of Late a few tens of Gray.1 The dose-rate, generally reported as the
Pleistocene and Holocene age. OSL can be used to date pre- absorbed dose per year (the so-called annual dose-rate), usually
viously heated archaeological artefacts as well, similar to TL. ranges from 1 to 10 mGy/year, as radioactivity concentrations

Fig. 3 At the 39th International

Symposium on Archaeometry:
“50 years of ISA”, Leuven,
Belgium, 28 May–1 June, 2012,
the team of Milano Lab with
Martin Aitken, considered the pi-
oneer scientist in luminescence
dating. From left to right:
Francesco Maspero, Anna Galli,
Emanuela Sibilia, Martin Aitken,
and Marco Martini
Archaeol Anthropol Sci (2020) 12:190 Page 5 of 15 190

vary between different ceramics and soils. α and β radiations, cooked grounds; hearths; bronze clay-cores; and, tentatively,
which are characterized by very short ranges, come from the mosaic glasses and metal melting by-products.
internal radioactivity of the ceramic itself while the environ- TL and OSL are absolute dating techniques, in that they do
ment contributes with γ radiation, which has a much higher not need comparisons with other objects or materials which
range, in the order of tens of centimetres and coming from all have been independently dated.
around the sample. Besides, a minor contribution from the ubiq- They are micro-destructive: the material that must be sam-
uitous cosmic rays is always present. pled for each dating is on the order of 1 gramme. However,
A synthetic account of the luminescent phenomenon refers measurements of the radioactivity content need an even higher
to the energy band theory in solid-state physics (Aitken 1985; quantity of material.
Aitken 1998; Chen and McKeever 1997). Ionizing radiation The time interval in which the techniques can be applied
excites electrons from the valence band (or ground state) corresponds, in practice, to the entire period of ceramic
across an energy gap to the conduction band. In ideal crystals, production—from a few tens of years to several thousand
energy levels within the gap cannot be occupied but defects years before present. For burnt flints and stones, the indicative
allow metastable energy levels within the forbidden gap, time interval is even larger, spanning from around 1000 to
which can trap excited electrons or electron vacancies (holes). more than 300,000 years ago.
Traps are emptied of these charge carriers by stimuli from TL dating is generally very meaningful in archaeological
additional energy sources, such as heat or light. The probabil- excavations containing both organic and ceramic materials,
ity of escape, p, is governed by an Arrhenius relationship allowing for comparison between TL and radiocarbon dating
which, for TL, is expressed as: results. It is particularly useful in the cases and contexts in
which the radiocarbon technique is not applicable, both for a
p ¼ sexpð−E=kT Þ ð2Þ lack of organic findings and for ages exceeding the radiocar-
where s is a frequency factor; E is the trap depth (in eV unit), bon limit (about 40,000–50,000 years). TL is also of great
which is the amount of energy required to move an electron help in dating cultural contexts characterized by the radiocar-
from the trap to the conduction band (or a hole to the valence bon “plateau effect”, as happened in the first iron age; the so-
band); k is Boltzmann’s constant; and T is the absolute tem- called Hallstatt plateau (Jacobsson et al. 2018). Furthermore,
perature (in Kelvin). Equation (2) highlights that the probabil- after around 1700 CE when, following the industrial revolu-
ity of an electron escaping out of a trap increases exponential- tion, the release of high amounts of CO2 from the combustion
ly with the temperature T. This explains why, for traps deep of fossil coal and oil occurred; as a result, there has been a
enough, the probability of being emptied is negligible at room remarkable decrease in the concentration of 14C in the atmo-
temperature, while they can promptly release electrons when sphere (the Suess effect, Keeling 1979), which prevents radio-
the temperature is strongly increased. carbon dating of artefacts younger than about 300 years.
A much more complex picture is relative to OSL, where the Consequently, TL is the main dating technique for the period
phenomenon is heat-assisted, in the sense that the measure- from 1700 CE on.
ment of the emitted luminescence under light stimulation is
strongly dependent on the temperature at which it is carried
on. Furthermore, trap emptying by light depends on the ener- TL dating in more detail
gy (i.e., the wavelength) of the stimulating light.
For OSL, additional terms related to the intensity of the Looking at the age Eq. (1), it can be seen that TL dating
light and the ability of the trap to absorb particular wave- requires the knowledge of two main quantities: the palaeodose
lengths are required. Upon escape, the charge carrier may and the annual dose-rate. A short account of how they are
recombine with opposite charges in other defect sites (known measured is summarized in the following, starting from a
as recombination centres), and, consequently, luminescence is few considerations about sampling.
emitted. For a more detailed treatment of OSL mechanisms,
we refer to specific literature (see, e.g., Aitken 1998 and Some practical tips for correct sampling
Murray and Wintle 2000).
Thermoluminescence and optically stimulated lumines- An important part of using luminescence dating in practice is
cence dating can, in principle, be applied to all materials designing an appropriate sampling strategy. This is
whose manufacturing requires high-temperature heating, typ- constrained by the suitability of materials available at the site
ically, all kinds of ceramics; bricks; burnt flints; porcelains; but, ultimately, it is essential that the strategy is driven by a
clear idea of the archaeological question that is being asked.
As stated in the next paragraph, the dose-rate to the sample
is derived from both the ceramic and the surrounding soil. The
Gy is the SI unit of absorbed dose corresponding to 1 J/kg. outer 2 mm of the sample is removed in the laboratory, such
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that the beta dose-rate originates entirely from within the sam- With regard to the gamma and cosmic ray environmental
ple: thick shards are needed for this, and most laboratories contributions, an alternative approach consists in the direct
prefer ≥ 10 mm thick and 30 mm across. Therefore, the measurement of the dose. Placing some dosimeters of sensi-
amount of sample needed for dating is not negligible. tive material in place of the ceramic to be dated for a few
Moreover, at least three samples per layer are required. As months, the external dose value to which it was exposed is
the surface is removed in the laboratory, the shard does not recorded directly, without having to measure the concentra-
have to be protected from light; thus, it can be washed and tions of ambient radioactivity (Aitken 1985).
recorded in the normal way prior to the dating procedure. A The fundamental hypothesis on which these considerations
close specimen of burial soil is also requested, if the environ- are based is that the annual dose-rate that is measured today is
mental radioactivity is not directly measured on site. a reliable estimate of the value of this quantity in the past. As
As the TL age is proportional to the radiation dose, radiog- the ionizing radiation is the product of decay, the radioactivity
raphy must either be avoided or taken after sampling opera- concentrations decrease and, thus, the annual dose. The hy-
tions. Airport security X-ray devices impart a small radiation pothesis would therefore seem to be incorrect in principle. It
dose, and their effect is negligible, in most cases. is, however, necessary to consider the rate of decrease in nat-
ural radioactivity, whose half-life (i.e. the time that must
elapse in order to reduce its concentration to half its value) is
How natural radioactivity is on the basis of on the order of 109 years. For times of archaeological interest
luminescence dating (102–104 years), the variations in radioactivity concentrations
can, therefore, be neglected.
The annual dose-rate is due both to the internal radioactivity of There are other possible causes of variation of the dose-
the ceramic itself and to the environmental radioactivity, along rate, due to radionuclide movements in the environment, to
with a contribution due to cosmic rays. The main natural ra- disequilibrium in the radioactive series, to the escape of gas-
dioactive elements responsible for irradiating the ceramics are eous elements such as radon and thoron, or to the addition of
isotope 40 of potassium and the radioactive families of thori- potassium fertilizers in an agricultural environment. Another
um and uranium, which are present in concentrations on the problem that affects the absorption of radiation is the water
order of a few parts per million. They decay by emitting alpha content in the ceramic over time. It must be considered, in fact,
and beta particles and gamma radiation, which are responsible that it is necessary to measure the radioactivity concentration
for the ionization processes in the matter they pass through. in the ceramics and soils, in order to calculate the absorbed
The depth of penetration of radioactive particles depends on annual dose-rate, as discussed above. However, part of the
their type and energy. In quartz and for the decay products of energy released is absorbed by water, rather than by the ce-
natural radioisotopes, the depth is a few tens of microns, some ramics. In this respect, the normal fluctuations of soil moisture
millimetres, and tens of centimetres for alpha, beta, and gam- related to the seasons and, to a greater extent, alterations due to
ma radiation, respectively. Considering a ceramic fragment climatic, geological, or anthropic variations of the site can
buried in the ground, the alpha and beta particles that irradiate determine variable concentrations of water in the ceramic mix-
the luminescent crystalline inclusions come from the radioiso- ture, altering its density. Given the difficulty in estimating the
topes contained in the ceramic itself, while the gamma radia- existence and extent of these changes, it is necessary to take
tion comes from the outside. As already mentioned, typical this into account by introducing specific margins of uncertain-
values of total absorbed dose are between less than 1 Gy and ty, which are added to the uncertainties associated with the
some tens of Gray, while the annual dose-rate can vary be- specific technical measurements of the annual dose.
tween 1 and more than 10 mGy/year.
There are various techniques for measuring the annual Measurement of the palaeodose
dose-rate. Some allow us to determine the alpha, beta, and
gamma components of the annual dose-rate from the measure- Two main TL dating techniques have been developed, by
ment of radioactive element concentrations: in particular, exploiting different radiation absorptions according to the size
gamma spectroscopy, alpha and beta activity measurements, of the mineral grains.
chemical analysis, and neutron activation are typically used. Pottery generally comprises a mixture of burnt clay and
The concentrations of uranium and thorium can be measured coarser grained materials used to temper the pot. Providing
by total alpha activity counting and potassium can be deter- that the ceramic was fired to a sufficiently high temperature
mined chemically by flame photometry. Gamma spectrometry when it was manufactured, TL measurements can be made on
analysis also allows us to obtain the concentrations of all the either fine clay particles or on sand-sized quartz inclusions in
radioactive elements present in the sample and/or soil. From the temper.
these values, the various components of the annual dose-rate The inclusion technique (Bell 1979) considers exclusively
are obtained using specifically calculated conversion factors. quartz grains, a material having well-known TL characteristics.
Archaeol Anthropol Sci (2020) 12:190 Page 7 of 15 190

Through magnetic separation or by deposition in heavy liquids, We emphasize that a fundamental point in any dating pro-
grains approximately 100–200 μm in diameter are selected cess is correct sampling. It is mandatory to collect detailed
from the ceramic body. These inclusions are then chemically information on the geological context (including photographs
treated with hydrofluoric acid to eliminate the surface layer, and detailed field notes), particularly concerning the environ-
which is the only part of each grain hit by alpha radiation. For ment of sedimentary deposition and sediment overburden (in-
grains treated in this way, the total absorbed dose is exclusively dication of post-sedimentary disturbance, hiatuses, and sedi-
due to beta and gamma radiation, eliminating the need to eval- mentation cycles). Present and past hydrological conditions
uate the TL production efficiency of alpha particles; which is, (sediment moisture) of the sample need to be assessed, as far
on average, one order of magnitude less than the beta and as possible. The sample should be taken from a homogenous
gamma radiation. layer with a thickness of about 30 cm. Alternatively, on-site
However, this technique has some disadvantages, such as measurement of gamma radiation (using a portable gamma
the high amount of material needed and the difficulty of pre- spectrometer or a gamma counter) can be utilized to minimize
paring homogeneous material samples and/or normalizing the impact of inhomogeneity on the dose-rate calculation. It is
their TL response to unit doses of artificial radiation. strongly recommended that researchers with limited experi-
Furthermore, the elimination of the alpha contribution from ence in sampling for luminescence dating should contact an
TL means that the gamma component of the external dose expert prior to sample collection, in order to obtain informa-
becomes relatively more significant, enhancing the impor- tion on the specific requirements.
tance of precise evaluation of the environmental contribution. Moreover, if prior information about the analyzed samples
The second main technique is the fine grain technique and provenance sites are available, by applying the Bayesian
(Zimmermann 1971), which uses all the material that is obtain- statistical approach (Buck et al. 1996), it is possible to contex-
ed by drilling the ceramic as it is with a low speed drilling. A tualize the archaeological problem into a coherent
granulometric selection is then carried out by deposition in interpretation.
acetone for appropriate times, to separate the fraction of particle The Bayesian approach incorporates the a priori knowl-
size roughly between 1 and 8 μm. For these dimensions, the TL edge with the analyses; that is, it combines the a priori prob-
is produced by all the radiations in a homogeneous way ability with the data and interprets the posterior probability.
throughout the grain volume. The advantages and disadvan- Therefore, it is possible to reduce the error ranges found in
tages are, in some way, complementary to those of the inclusion individual samples by conditioning the probability with exter-
technique: the reproducibility of the signal is very high, but it is nal links (Maspero et al. 2016).
necessary to accurately assess the relative TL efficiency of the
alpha particles and their contribution to the annual dose-rate.
In both techniques, the measurement of the palaeodose is Authenticity test
obtained by comparing the TL signal accumulated from firing
to present with that induced by irradiation performed in the From the brief description of the TL technique, it should be
laboratory with calibrated artificial radioactive sources (see clear that the dating of a ceramic is a rather complex experi-
Fig. 1). The accuracy of this evaluation depends on the repro- mental operation, which requires the evaluation of different
ducibility of repeated measurements and precision in the cal- physical quantities and the knowledge of various environmen-
ibration of the radioactive sources. In most cases, the uncer- tal parameters. It is not possible to date objects out of their
tainty associated with this evaluation is between ± 3 and ± 7%. archaeological context, as already mentioned in the
“Introduction” section, when considering pieces from mu-
seums. It is, however, possible to use TL to verify the authen-
The uncertainty of ages ticity of ceramics, especially when the question is to ascertain
whether an object is only a few 10 years old or hundreds or
The accuracy range of TL dating (i.e. the time interval within thousands of years old. In brief, what is the difference between
which the firing of the ceramic is most likely placed) is be- an authenticity test and dating a piece? Authenticity aims to
tween ±5 and ± 10% of the measured age (Berger et al. 1987); distinguish between an original piece and a modern copy.
only in particularly favourable cases can this be reduced to ± Dating aims to give a precise historical date to an object.
4% (Martini and Sibilia 2006). Authenticity tests are directly derived from standard dating
It should be added that reduction of the uncertainty could techniques (Aitken et al. 1964). The amount of material need-
be obtained through the dating of more samples that are ed is quite small (a hundred milligrammes, on average) and is
known to be contemporary. By increasing the number of sam- obtained by making a small hole (3 mm in diameter) with a
ples and carrying out the weighted average of the individual low speed drill (Fig. 4).
dates, a statistically significant reduction of the absolute un- This amount may be slightly reduced, in the case of ex-
certainty can be obtained. tremely small objects. The measure of the total amount of TL
190 Page 8 of 15 Archaeol Anthropol Sci (2020) 12:190

A new and promising ceramic dating

technique: the rehydroxylation procedure

Rehydroxylation (RHX) has been recently proposed as a new

chronometric dating tool for fired clay, including ceramics.
This technique relies upon the known characteristics of
reheated porous ceramic vessels to regain water through the
two-stage process of rehydration (reincorporation of water)
and rehydroxylation (reincorporation of hydroxyl OH −
groups), which produces an increase in the weight of the spec-
imen. The dating clock is provided by the experimental obser-
vation that the RHX reaction follows a precise kinetic law,
such that the weight increases with the fourth root of the time
elapsed since firing.
The method consists in measuring the slow progressive
uptake of hydroxyl OH− groups in a small cubic-fired clay
sample (parallelepiped with 0.5 cm side and 0.2 cm thickness)
with a gravimetric microbalance following its complete de-
hydroxylation at 500 °C. Being a gravimetric technique, it is
experimentally rather simple and, advantageously, self-cali-
brating. However, the extremely small weight variation re-
quires exceptional precision in the measurements.
Furthermore, to produce an accurate age, measurements must
be carried out at a temperature as close as possible to the one
the sample has experienced over its lifetime: both the geo-
Fig. 4 Sampling operations in Milano Lab. The artefact is a Red-Figure graphical origin and the temperature history must therefore
Amphora supposed to belong to the sixth–fifth cent. BC. In the inset, the be known, if possible.
green arrow highlights the area from which the ceramic powder was So far, RHX is a method which is actively under develop-
sampled ment (Wilson et al. 2009; Barrett 2013). Despite its conceptual
simplicity, its application is not straightforward. The weight
variation to be measured is extremely small, and non-RHX
of the sample, as compared with the TL produced by artificial processes may surreptitiously contribute to the mass changes.
irradiation in the laboratory, allows checking for its compati- Moreover, unanimously accepted experimental methods are
bility with the expected age, inferred from stylistic and histor- still lacking. For these reasons, RHX dating is not yet routine-
ical elements. In other words, the TL test only tells if a vase is ly nor commercially available, being still the subject of several
antique or young, allowing us to distinguish between an orig- research and validation studies.
inal piece and a modern copy.
The result of the test, which is normally of the YES/NO
type, is often of crucial importance: consequently, although TL at work: a few examples of applications
the accuracy of the measurement is not as important as in the
case of dating, its reliability must be very high and the test Some practical examples of applications of TL dating tech-
must be carried out with the utmost care by qualified person- niques in various archaeological fields are reported in this
nel. Consolidated experience and expertise are required to section. Our selection of case studies shows the diversity of
perform correct authentication analyses and to avoid incorrect the problems involved and how TL dating can support archae-
answers. The possibility of contamination of the sample with ological and archaeometric research.
soil or surface deposits—despite being an obvious problem—
is often underestimated, as well as the presence of carbonates The unexpected age: possible interpretation
in the mixture which give rise to spurious emissions (Martini
et al. 1988), which a non-expert operator may not correctly Thermoluminescence has been widely used for brick dating,
identify, assigning authenticity to a modern piece whose TL in order to reconstruct the building chronology of urban com-
emission is spurious. If an object to be tested has been re- plexes. However, it can be sometimes inconclusive, as TL
stored, it is recommended to take more than one sample, as assesses the firing period of bricks which can be reused in
the component parts may differ in age. different structures, even several centuries later.
Archaeol Anthropol Sci (2020) 12:190 Page 9 of 15 190

As previously mentioned, dating reused samples can give a The most recent evaluation of the Valdivia chronology is
post quem dating element, which is often useless or redundant. that of Marcos (1998), who combined radiocarbon determina-
This was not the case for the Abbey of Pomposa (Codigoro; tions with thermoluminescence assays of Valdivia pottery to
DMS 44° 49′ 53.35″ N, 12° 10′ 34.2″ E; from the Google Earth form a revised absolute chronology for the eight phases of the
Application), one of the most interesting examples of Valdivia sequence. Selected pottery samples served to aug-
Romanesque architecture in Northern Italy (Di Francesco ment the radiocarbon analysis by filling in gaps where reliable
2000). The innovative and exceptional decoration of its atrium, radiocarbon determination was not available. The general TL
made with differently coloured carved panels, has posed unan- characteristics of the shards were particularly suitable for dat-
swered questions about its history and production technologies. ing. They had high TL sensitivity and stability, linear behav-
Thanks to restoration works, several samples from the inward- iour versus artificial irradiation up to relatively high doses
facing side of such cotton ornamental panels became available (30–40 Gy beta and 350–500 Gy alfa), absence of spurious
for dating analysis. Their dimensions were very close to the TL (Martini et al. 1988), and free of anomalous fading (Wintle
Roman bricks made in Northern Italy up until the second cen- 1973). Consequently, a very high precision in palaeodose
tury CE, such that the reuse of Roman bricks in the construction evaluation could be obtained (4–5%). The maximum water
of Pomposa Abbey was widely agreed upon. Quite surprising- uptake of samples (saturation water) was low (less than 6%),
ly, TL dating results (Bevilacqua et al. 1999) spanned from the due to their very low porosity. External dose-rates were mea-
sixth to ninth century, none of them being Roman or coeval to sured by in situ dosimetry (Martini et al. 1983) and a high
the atrium (1008–1046 CE). The decorations appeared, there- homogeneity of the external radiation field was observed.
fore, to have been made with reused bricks, produced during Due to these favourable conditions, the uncertainties in
the fourth–seventh centuries (Late Antiquity) and eighth–tenth dose-rate evaluation were particularly low and the derived
centuries (Early Middle Ages), suggesting that local ceramic uncertainties in the calculated ages were consequently limited
makers were working in continuity with the past in a period to 5%, which is typically seldom achievable.
when local production was only suggested. This result stimu- By combining the two independent dating methods (TL
lates a new approach to the study of local industry and trades and 14C), the absolute chronology for Valdivia was deter-
which hitherto had only been proposed, but not proven. mined, as provided in Fig. 5.
The chronology based on ceramic style and technology
(e.g. shape, decoration, and surface finish) was substantially
The contribution of luminescence to construct a
confirmed. The two independent results were in good agree-
ment, except for Valdivia I, VII, and VIII. While TL data for
Valdivia I were obtained from ceramics whose shape ap-
To illustrate the application of TL dating in an archaeological
peared only during the end of phase I (Valdivia Ib), others
context, we describe two typical cases of deep stratigraphic
suggested that they antedate the respective phases by a couple
excavation sites.
of centuries. TL results for the intermediate phases also
allowed for improvement of the accuracy of the ages mea-
Real Alto, one of the oldest organized villages in South sured by radiocarbon dating on samples collected from wall
America trenches and food preparation pits, among other secure con-
texts and associations (Marcos 1998b).
The site of Real Alto (Valdivia culture, Guayaquil province,
Ecuador; DMS 2° 22′ 25″ S, 80° 42′ 32″ W; from the Google Digging in Sipán
Earth Application) is the oldest and most extensively studied
ceramics site in the New World (Estrada, 1965). It was devel- The second stratigraphic excavation site is the Sipán archaeo-
oped over about 3000 years during the prehistoric Formative logical complex, also known as Huaca Rajada, whose chro-
period (5000–1000 BC). Its relative internal chronology (Hill, nology has been very challenging to study. Sipán is located on
1972–1974), based on ceramic stylistic indicators, consists of the north coast of Peru (DMS 6° 48′ 22.19″ S, 79° 36′ 3.59″
eight main cultural phases. Valdivia potters produced 50 dif- W; from the Google Earth Application) and is formed by
ferent vessel forms throughout the whole sequence, most of sacred pyramids (or huacas). It has been recognized as the site
them being very good time markers (Marcos 1998). of the Lord of Sipán, renowned for a magnificent funeral kit.
The absolute chronology of Valdivia civilisation was based The Lord of Sipán was a warrior ruler who led the Moches,
only on a few radiocarbon dates until 1990, when a joint who lived in Peru between the first and seventh centuries CE.
project among the Universities of Guayaquil, Barcelona, and This finding proved to be an important milestone in the ar-
Milano, supported by the E.U. (Martini et al. 1991), applied chaeology of the continent, as it was the first royal tomb of a
TL dating to several tens of ceramic samples from controlled Peruvian civilization prior to the Incas which was found to be
stratigraphic excavations (Marcos 1998a). intact. During the following excavation, many other tombs
190 Page 10 of 15 Archaeol Anthropol Sci (2020) 12:190

Fig. 5 Comparison between TL

and radiocarbon (RC) Valdivia
chronologies. Probability density
plot of the analyzed samples

were found, documenting the development and decay of the ever reached in a Moche site (see Fig. 6). They clarified that
settlement. the funerary platform was built between 350 ± 40 CE and 660
Despite the importance and centrality of Sipán in the con- ± 20 CE and that the occupation of the site continued until the
text of pre-Hispanic art and Peruvian archaeology, it could not Late Horizon (1476–1534 CE) and, possibly, to the First
be precisely dated due to the lack of a satisfactory relative Colonial Period. These results imply the correction of the
chronology and to conflicting radiocarbon results. The presently accepted chronologies for the end of Moche V; like-
PRODESIPÁN project (a collaboration between the Museo wise, some chronological models of the Northern region of the
de Tumbas Reales de Sipán, the University of Milan, and Moche culture must also be partially corrected (Aimi et al.
the University of Milano-Bicocca), made it possible to take 2016).
samples of organic material and ceramic fragments in optimal
condition from several excavated tombs.
Several tens of TL and 14C dating results made it possible Disentangling various over-imposing civilisations at
to cross-reference the data with those of the relative chronol- the same site
ogy to define in a quite precise way—as had rarely happened
in other Moche sites—the construction sequence of the whole Another interesting example in excavation archaeology is the
Funeral Platform. The results were elaborated according to case of Bet Gemal (DMS 34° 58′ 35″ E, 31° 43′ 28″ N; from
Bayesian models, reaching one of the most solid chronologies the Google Earth Application), an Israeli village inhabited
Archaeol Anthropol Sci (2020) 12:190 Page 11 of 15 190

Table I Ceramics from the site of Bet-Gemal. TL dating results

Lab. reference Archaeological reference TL dating (mean ± σ)

D1618 (a–c) Area C: US 2074 260 ± 100 CE

D1619 (a–c) Area C: USM 2219 85 ± 110 CE
D1621 (a–c) Area C: US 2075 290 ± 110 CE
D1622 (a–c) Area C: US 2079 460 ± 100 CE
D1623 (a–d) Area C: US 2078 500 ± 90 CE
D1624 (a–c) Area C: US 2277 925 ± 70 CE
D1625 (a–c) Area C: US 2291 630 ± 70 CE
D1626 (a–c) Area C: US 2313 615 ± 80 CE
D1627 (a–b) Area C: US 2313 970 ± 70 CE
D1627 c 410 ± 100 CE
D1628 (a–c) Area C: room XV 945 ± 70 CE
D1629 (a–c) Area B: building K 995 ± 65 CE
D1630 (a–d) Area B: church 47 555 ± 85 CE

context of the Jewish–Roman Wars. For the two following

centuries, the site may have been almost abandoned until the
third century CE, when repopulation of the site started and its
prosperity grew again; the remains of workshops for ceramics,
wine, and oil presses testify the economic prosperity of this
phase. Dating results of the shards from US 2079 (Table I,
Fig. 6 Excavations at Sipán, Peru. Tomb 14 (detail) samples D1622(a–c)) were very significant: these ceramics
date the stratum where an unidentified object (possibly a
weight or amulet) of good burnt ceramic holding an engraved
from the second century BCE to the Islamic period (ninth cryptogram was found. The discovery of this object was cru-
century CE). cial, as some of its engravings are ascribable to Jewish–
The site displayed exceptionally well-preserved remains: a Christian inscriptions: it is, thus, the witness of religious con-
Roman–Jewish quarter, a Christian Byzantine settlement with ceptions of the inhabitants of the site in the fourth century CE.
several plants for oil and wine production, and an Islamic Successive development of the village occurred in the
dwelling place. Each group of remains is relative to different Byzantine period, linked to new constructions such as a
chronological periods (Strus 2003). The archaeological evi- church (church 47 in Table I) and a further oil press which
dence allows for stating an approximate chronological inter- operated during the sixth century.
pretation of the site, as well as its social and religious life. The The final transformation of the village occurred, during the
three main phases designate three historical periods labelled as seventh century CE, after large-scale destruction (likely due to
Roman, Byzantine, and Umayyad. Moreover, the long occu- the invasion of the Persian army in 614 CE or to the local
pancy of the site and the cultural and religious changes that Muslim victory over Byzantines in 643 CE). The destruction
took place resulted in a complex and cumbersome stratigra- was followed by a general recovery of life, marked by the re-
phy, posing problems of absolute chronology regarding the building of several houses and by new industrial and housing
duration of the different occupations. TL dating was per- projects, until the final abandonment of the village in the ninth
formed on several domestic ceramics characteristic of the century.
three periods. Supported by the dating results (listed in
Table I), an absolute chronology of the site has been proposed. The challenge of civilizations in the Far East
For the Roman period, the archaeological evidence offers
some clues in view of a historical interpretation of the site The Cham kingdom, one of the great civilizations of the
from the second century BCE to the first century CE. TL Indochinese peninsula, developed mainly between the fourth
dating of the retaining wall US2074 (samples D1618 (a–c) and sixteenth centuries in present-day central-southern
in Table I) confirmed this hypothesis. The Jewish occupancy Vietnam. The Cham, coming from India, maintained a strong
had its break at the end of the first century CE, in the historic connection with the Hindu culture and religion, which is
190 Page 12 of 15 Archaeol Anthropol Sci (2020) 12:190

particularly evident in their religious architecture. Their cul- carried out in their enclosures. Samples from over 250 ce-
ture shows great affinity with the parallel civilizations of ramics and bricks were taken, selected to cover the time ex-
Khmer in Cambodia and Thailand. Hundreds of remains of tension of the complexes, whose chronology (performed on a
Cham towers and brick buildings still characterize the pano- historical and documentary basis) is not completely agreed
rama of the coastal area of central Vietnam. The main site My upon by all experts in the field, leaving many open questions.
Son (the modern Vietnamese name means “beautiful moun- Group G, which was built during the first half of the twelfth
tain”; DMS 15° 45′ 47″ N, 108° 07′ 27″ E; from the Google century, was selected from the various monuments due to its
Earth Application), which was proclaimed a World Heritage unique characteristics. The group is located on an elevated
Site by UNESCO in 1999, preserves the remains of a dozen area unaffected by seasonal flooding and has never been re-
cult complexes, all of them in a severely altered or compro- stored, except for some minor archaeological research in the
mised state of preservation. early 1990s. Group G, which had likely been originally con-
Over the last 20 years, My Son has been the subject of an structed in one phase, presents an excellent model of a Cham
important interdisciplinary project (Hardy et al. 2009), includ- sacred area, with typical sacred Cham decorations.
ing the archaeological excavation of the site (Fig. 7); the dat- The TL results for the foundation layer of the settlement G,
ing of its phases; architectural surveys of the buildings; and a certainly dated to the twelfth century, were surprising. More
study of the materials and construction techniques, as well as ancient material, dating back to the tenth and ninth centuries
surveys on statics and degradation, restoration, conservation, (see samples labelled with red and green colours in Fig. 8)
and use by the public (Martini et al. 2009). were found, although there was no archaeological evidence of
A majority of the My Son towers were built in the tenth masonry foundations in previous buildings. The archaeolo-
century CE; many of them were damaged during the war and gists involved in the project thus hypothesised the existence
are being preserved while awaiting decisions on future repair of an ancient wooden building with a roof made of bricks
work. In the area, 11 groups of tower temples (individuated (Hardy et al. 2009), the collapse of which may have been the
with the letters A–M) have been singled out. They are con- origin of the dated materials. The current G settlement, not
structed of fired brick with stone pillars and decorated with being the first of the area, was also suggested to be dated
sandstone bas-reliefs depicting scenes from Hindu mythology. between the seventh and tenth centuries, due to the age ob-
The predominant style derives directly from India, but ele- tained for numerous ceramics found in the excavation of the
ments of Vietnamese art are also observed, namely, a few original floor (see samples CO1–3 and CQ1–3 in Fig. 8).
boat-shaped roofs characteristic of Dong Son architecture
(Hardy et al. 2009). Acknowledgements The passion of many researchers during the 40-year
activity of our laboratory made all this work possible. We would like
The dating campaign focused on the remains in elevation
particularly to mention Laura Panzeri and Francesco Maspero, experts
of the buildings of groups G and E, as well as excavations in OSL and C14 dating techniques.

Fig. 7 Emanuela Sibilia and

Marco Martini in the My Son Site
in central Quang Nam province,
Archaeol Anthropol Sci (2020) 12:190 Page 13 of 15 190

Fig. 8 TL dating results from My

Son. Probability density plot of
the samples from settlement G

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