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Review article

Recycling of industrial wastes in ceramic manufacturing: State of art

and glass case studies
Fernanda Andreola n, Luisa Barbieri, Isabella Lancellotti, Cristina Leonelli,
Tiziano Manfredini
Department of Engineering “Enzo Ferrari”, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Via P. Vivarelli 10, 41125 Modena, Italy

ar t ic l e i nf o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Nowadays, ceramic tile are manufactured at zero emissions permitting to recycle all by-products and part
Received 24 March 2016 of residues derived from depuration treatments (exhausted lime, glazing sludge and polishing sludge). In
Received in revised form addition to this environmentally friendly tendency, in the last years an increasing number of scientific
13 May 2016
studies demonstrated the feasibility to use alternative raw materials in substitution of different com-
Accepted 31 May 2016
ponent of the ternary clay-feldspar-quartz system. In the first part of the paper is reported the state of
the art of industrial waste recycling in the ceramic sector, with the focus on review studies related to
Keywords: both ceramic tiles and bricks..
D. Traditional ceramics In the second part of the work are reported two case studies conducted by the authors with the aim
D. Glass
to formulate ceramic bodies using alternative raw materials. New tailored compositions were obtained
replacing clays, flux and/or inert compounds (higher than 60 wt%) by scraps from packaging waste glass
Industrial waste
in tiles, and cathode ray tube glasses and packaging waste glass up to 20 wt% in the brick compositions.
& 2016 Published by Elsevier Ltd.


1. State of the art of industrial waste recycling in ceramic sector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

2. Case studies on glass recycling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
2.1. Use of high amount of glass ( 460 wt%) in tiles manufacturing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
2.2. Use of waste glass in brick manufacturing ( o20 wt%) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
3. Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Acknowledgments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

1. State of the art of industrial waste recycling in ceramic Union into a “recycling society” that attempts to avoid generating
sector waste and that uses its waste as a resource [2,3]. Traditionally, non
hazardous inorganic wastes have been disposed off in landfills and
The amount of inorganic wastes (derived from Construction & often dumped directly into ecosystems without adequate treat-
Demolition and Mining & quarrying activities) in Europe is esti- ment but possible recovery or recycling alternatives should be
mated to be more than 1,500 million tonnes [1]. The continuous investigated and implemented [4].
increase of waste amount requires not only measures that reduce On the other hand, the world production of bricks and ceramic
its generation, but also recycling and recovery. In this regard, the tiles requires massive amount of natural raw materials, since, until
European directives concerning waste, Directive 2006/12/CE and now, it is based mainly on the traditional clay-silica-feldspar
Directive 2008/98/CE, are oriented to transforming the European system.
Natural raw materials used in the fabrication of clay-based
ceramic products show a wide range of compositional variations
Corresponding author. and the resulting products are very heterogeneous. Therefore, such
E-mail address: (F. Andreola). products can tolerate further compositional fluctuations and raw
0272-8842/& 2016 Published by Elsevier Ltd.

Please cite this article as: F. Andreola, et al., Recycling of industrial wastes in ceramic manufacturing: State of art and glass case studies,
Ceramics International (2016),
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material changes, allowing different types of wastes to be in- a very wide–ranging overall chemical and mineralogical compo-
corporated into the internal structure of ceramic tiles and bricks as sition. For this reason, such materials can tolerate the presence of
part of their own matrix. different types of urban and industrial wastes (fly ash from coal-
Regarding ceramic tiles processing, several studies made in the burning thermal power plants, sludge from the glazing lines of
last decades are related to the substitution of conventional raw ceramic tile manufactures, sludge from plating plants of me-
materials by other natural resources as zeolites [5,6], volcanic tallurgical and mechanical industry and from the mining industry),
rocks [7,8] and nepheline syenite [9]. Besides, the quartz sub- even in considerable percentages [24,25]. This is a strategic action
stitution by Si-rich waste as rice husk ash and silica fume was by considering that in recent decades, the growing consumption
studied in whiteware compositions with good results concerning and the consequent increasing of industrial production has led to a
the reduction of sintering temperature (∼50 °C) [10]. fast decrease of the available natural resources (raw materials or
Other works have investigated the use of different alternative energy sources). Therefore, alternative ways to reuse several types
fluxing agents (soda–lime glass cullet [11], cathode ray tube of TV of waste materials have been attempted in recent years, including
or PC monitor (CRT glass) [12,13] and granite cutting sludge [14]) the incorporation in clay brick products.
substituting partially the feldspars to obtain sintering behaviour Depending on their principal effect, the wastes used can be
and mechanical characteristics similar to the industrial composi- divided in three main categories: (i) fuel wastes, (ii) fluxing
tions. It is well known that the excessive addition of fluxes leads to wastes, and (iii) plastifying wastes.
an increase of amorphous phase in the final product with a ne- Fuel wastes are generated from a wide range of industrial
gative effect on the mechanical properties. Research on the use production processes: residues of the urban wastes treatment
CRT glass as fluxing agent highlighted that 5 wt% is the optimum plants, extraction and carbon manufacture, textile and tanning
amount of glass that it is possible to replace for Na-feldspar [12]. A industry, oil, paper, agricultural and wood industry [24–34].
complete substitution of Na-feldspar by glass (35–40 wt%) is not Thanks to their organic substances content, during their combus-
feasible because of the relatively low viscosity of parent glass tion, they bring an energetic support in the bricks firing phase and
(soda lime or CRT glass) at firing temperatures, particularly en- contributes to increase their porosity when added into the body.
riched in alkali and alkali-earth oxides [11–13]. According to these Usually, the addition of this kind of waste is limited to 10 wt% in
studies [12,13], the composition containing CRT glass starts the order to reach an equilibrium between positive and negative. In
sintering process already at 850 °C, temperature lower than the the developing countries of Africa and Asia, the use of agricultural
traditional one, and at 1150 °C the open porosity is practically residues instead of some part of the expensive primary fuel, in-
eliminated. The formation of closed porosity, however, starts at clude rice husk, sawdust, straw, maize cobs, and animal dung is a
1100 °C when open porosity still has a too high value of 14%. Then widespread practice.
closed porosity increases with the temperature reaching 18% at In recent years, the new challenges of environmental protec-
1200 °C; as a result, the total porosity remains always very high. tion and energy saving have provided building materials made
However, due to the intensive formation of closed pores, the with non-traditional raw materials, having thermal insulation
shrinkage rate significantly decreases, the final shrinkage is too properties and requiring low energy-consumption: these ceramic
low (3.5%) and at 1200 °C the deformation without a complete bricks should have a considerable market. In this context the use
densification begins. The high amount of alkali glass in substitu- of agro-waste as pore forming agent is a viable route to increase
tion of Na-feldspar in porcelain stoneware bodies provokes an porosity. Sawdust and grapes and cherries seeds, thanks to their
unusual densification behaviour which leads to a not fully densi- organic substances content, during their combustion, bring an
fied product [11–13]. energetic support in the bricks firing phase and act as pore
More recent works have studied alternative fluxes character- forming agent. The addition of this kind of waste was limited to
ized by a high crystallization trend, in this way the crystallinity of 5 wt% in order to reach an equilibrium between positive (weight
final ceramics is increased. This effect can be obtained using glass- and shrinkage decrease and porosity increase) and negative (in-
ceramic frits [15] or waste residues with high crystallization ten- crease of water absorption and mechanical resistance decrease)
dency (as slag and bottom ashes) [16,17]. In this case, due to re- effects. [33]. The addition of sawdust provokes an important re-
crystallization processes during the sintering and cooling steps, duction of samples weight (  20%) due to the presence of porosity
the amount of residual amorphous phase decreases, leading to an but the mechanical properties are lower than the industrial tol-
improvement in the mechanical properties [15]. erance values. Regarding grapes and cherries seeds, the addition of
Other possibilities to use non traditional raw materials within 5 wt% to a brick formulation showed better results with respect to
the ceramic body formulation is offered by ceramic tiles with in- the sawdust, maintaining the mechanical properties of the fired
sulation properties. With the increasing emphasis on environ- brick (950 °C), showing flexural strength values around 21–22 MPa
mental protection and energy conservation, these ceramic pro- higher than the industrial tolerance with a weight reduction of 3–
ducts have now a considerable market as building materials. These 10% [33].
tiles have a porous body, with a bulk density of about 0.6– Fluxing waste, as sludge from the glazing lines of ceramic tiles
1.0 g cm  3, while the surface is glazed so both insulation energy- manufacture and from plating plants of metallurgical and me-
saving effect of porous material and also the surface cleanability of chanical industry, are added in percentage lower than 20 wt% to
glazed tiles are ensured. For these applications several compounds reduce the final porosity of the bricks, and to improve the work-
with pore forming properties can be use: inorganic residues con- ability in the extrusion phase, but they can cause a decrease (15–
taining calcium carbonate, as egg shell or glass cutting sludge, or 40%) in the mechanical resistance of the dried products [35,36].
wastes with organic nature, as agro waste or char pyrolysis [18– Plastifying waste such as residues from mineral and me-
20]. tallurgical industry are capable to express a filler and plasticity
With the aim to formulate ceramic bodies using high amounts modifiers role. Many materials, thanks to their coarse particle size
of alternative raw materials, new tailored compositions can be distribution, are used in order to control the plasticity typical of
obtained replacing clays, flux and/or inert compounds ( 460 wt%) the clayey raw materials and to obtain a useful level of workability
using scraps from packaging glass waste [21–23]. with a reduced water consumption. The amount of waste added to
Regarding brick-making, numerous researches are related to the body can varies from 10 to 60 wt% and causes a decrease of the
the use of different kinds of wastes in brick body. Heavy clay shrinkage and the mechanical resistance of the fired bricks. Nor-
ceramics, as bricks, are produced from natural raw materials with mally, residues of stone treatments as granite or marble cutting

Please cite this article as: F. Andreola, et al., Recycling of industrial wastes in ceramic manufacturing: State of art and glass case studies,
Ceramics International (2016),
F. Andreola et al. / Ceramics International ∎ (∎∎∎∎) ∎∎∎–∎∎∎ 3

sludges are used [37,38]. The use of recycled glass in brick man- Table 1
ufacturing is not a new concept. In the 1970s, following the first Chemical compositions (wt%) of the waste glasses used compared to common
energy crisis, the United States Bureau of Mines sponsored a re-
search [39] to determine how much energy could be saved using Oxide Common packa- Packaging waste End of life fluor-
recycled glass as flux in brick manufacturing. More recently, stu- ging glasses glass (PGW) escent lamp glass
dies verified that finely ground glass (o75 mm) lowers firing (FLG)
temperatures [40]. The glass that is used is almost exclusively dust
SiO2 68–74 71.70 68.89
from the bag houses of large glass processors, that generate the Al2O3 0–4 2.25 2.29
dust as a by-product of processing glass for fibreglass and con- Na2O 10–16 12.50 17.75
tainer manufacturers. The use of finer glass as a flux in amount K2O 0–4 1.00 1.62
higher than 10 wt% provokes some problems in the process: CaO 9–14 9.50 5.16
MgO 0–4 2.00 3.00
(i) high levels of fine glass reduce the workability of moist clayed
BaO – 0.04 0.95
bodies; (ii) the amount of fine glass available inexpensively as bag SrO – 0.37 0.07
house dust from glass processing operations is not adequate for PbO – – 0.08
brick manufacturing that needs high amounts; and (iii) the use of Fe2O3 0–0.45 0.43 0.08
very fine glass required for manufacturing bricks in thousand ton TiO2 – 0.07 o 0.01
others – – 0.09
volumes, has an expensive cost compared with using mined raw L.O.I (1100 °C) – 1.5–2.0 –
materials. Other studies propose the use of glass in particle size Total 99.86 100.00
comparable to sand or chamotte that can act as plasticity reducing
material in order to control the shrinkage during shaping-drying
step [19,41]. The main constraint is that glass must have a particle addition, the final products obtained can be inserted in the policy
size below the limit of pan mills used in brickmaking (o 1 mm) of Green Public Procurement (“green procurement”: representing
[42]. the purchase of goods and services by Public Administrations).
An important aspect of the new material's formulation is that it
permits the industrial transferability at national or international
2. Case studies on glass recycling level being prepared starting from different types of waste glass.
The experimentation was realized using waste packaging glass
2.1. Use of high amount of glass ( 460 wt%) in tiles manufacturing (PGW) and end of life fluorescent lamp glass (FLG).
The average chemical composition of waste packaging glass
The present study describes the feasibility to obtain a novel (PGW) received after the separation process is similar to that of
formulation of ceramic body containing high percentage of waste typical common soda-lime glasses (Table 1). The discrepancy is
glass (460 wt%), at specific particle size, and complete the com- mainly due to the presence of impurities such as plastic, ceramics/
position with other components, such as an inorganic plastifying porcelain, rubber, paper, etc. determined by sieving and gravi-
agent and an organic binder. These interesting results lead some of metry [23] corresponding to a value around 2 wt%. Also, the che-
the authors to patent the application [21]. mical composition of end of life fluorescent lamp glass (FLG) is
Some advantages of the invention can be listed below: similar to a soda-lime glass, but compared to PGW contains a
higher amount of alkali oxides (∼ 19 wt%) and lower amount of
– Thanks to the very high amount of recycled glass used and the alkaline earth oxides, in particular, calcium oxide (5 wt%) and only
low percentage of water added (lower than the typical amount traces of chromophore oxides. Besides, small amount of PbO are
for conventional ceramic slurries) is not necessary to use high derived from coating and low-melting frit used to seal the lamp to
energy mixing equipment, such as turbo mixer, while simple electric connector. The predominance of alkali oxides compared to
mechanical mixers are sufficient. the alkaline-earth and a low alumina content, suggest a low ten-
– The plastic behaviour of the final mixture gives rise to a paste dency to crystallization for this glass, and characteristic tempera-
easy to work not only by pressing, but also by lamination and by tures of low-melting glass.
hand. Such workability allows the production of both slabs with The thermal properties of the these two waste glasses were
less than 5 mm thicknesses and artistic furnishing products. determined by optical heating microscopy. From the data reported
– The consolidation step reaches temperatures ( r1000 °C) well in Table 2, it is possible to observe for PWG a stability range,
below glass melting (1450 °C) and even below the typical tem- within which the material sinters without flowing and preserves
perature adopted for highly sintered ceramic tiles treatments its shape, shorter (Tsint ¼730 °C and Tsoft¼ 837 °C) than FLG
(up to 1250 °C). In addition, the firing time can be reduced till (Tsint ¼682 °C and Tsoft ¼826 °C). Beyond the softening tem-
being comparable to those used in industrial fast firing cycles of perature, Tsoft, the glass powder begins to soften and to behave as
tiles ( r60 min ). a liquid, the surface tension decreases, the surface area goes to a
– The benefits in terms of safety and environmental compatibility minimum, causing the formation of a sphere and then hemisphere
are evident and numerous, thanks to the high amount of re- and finally the melting or flow point. From the optical dilatometry
cycled glass and the elimination of other traditional components data, the characteristic temperatures for PGW are 50–80 °C higher
(flux and inert materials), whose use involves environmental
impacts associated to their extraction and transport. Table 2
Glass characteristic temperatures from optical heating microscopy.
All these advantages allow the achievement of an en-
Characteristic tempera- Packaging waste End of life fluorescent
vironmentally sustainable material that can contribute to fabricate
tures (°C) glass (PWG) lamp glass (FLG)
finished products with easy access to the ECOLABEL (voluntary
product label established in 1992 to encourage businesses to Sintering 730 682
market products and services, that meet high standards of en- Softening 837 826
vironmental performance and quality) and to the LEED (Leader- Sphere 947 902
Hemi- sphere 1059 980
ship in Energy and Environmental Design, an internationally re- Melting 1124 1054
cognized green building certification system) certifications. In

Please cite this article as: F. Andreola, et al., Recycling of industrial wastes in ceramic manufacturing: State of art and glass case studies,
Ceramics International (2016),
4 F. Andreola et al. / Ceramics International ∎ (∎∎∎∎) ∎∎∎–∎∎∎

Table 3
Sintering parameters and mechanical properties of different products obtained
(1000 °C, 60 min) by pressing (40 MPa) using different waste glasses and different
particle size.

Linear shrink- Water absorption Bending strength

age (LS%) (WA%) (EN ISO (MPa) (EN-ISO
10,545-3) 10545-4)

PGW ( o 400 μm) 4.87 1.83 23.37

PGW ( o 100 μm) 5.46 0.29 30.60
FLG ( o 400 μm) 8.79 0.02 40.93

than those recorded for FLG. These values are in agreement with
the chemical differences in the compositions, for instance the
presence of more alkali oxides in FLG and higher amount of silica
in PGW.
These considerations together with the sintering curves ob- Fig. 1. Ceramic slabs obtained by using packaging waste glass in the body
tained by optical dilatometry using the “green batch” permits to (4 60 wt%).
predict different behaviour of the two glasses during the firing and
identify the temperatures where the sintering rate is maximum in The results indicated that the progressive addition of glass
order to use a suitable firing cycle. powder into bricks influences the properties of these products. It is
The products obtained have been characterized following ISO clear how the glass, acting like an inert in the drying step, allows
technical rules. The sintering parameters of fired samples obtained to reduce the shrinkage of the sample (up to 1% less than the
by lamination and pressing (40 MPa) were evaluated. Linear standard sample) resulting in minor dimensional changes of the
shrinkage and water adsorption indicate that the higher densifi- material. Differently from clays, that tend to have plastic behaviour
cation degree depends on both glass particle size and pressure and to shrink after water evaporation, the glass powder in the
applied. The final materials have mechanical properties compar- ceramic mix reduces the shrinkage in drying step thus avoiding
able to those of traditional ceramic tiles (Table 3). These results are possible cases of cracking (Fig. 2a). This is an important result
consistent with tests on porosity and density. In particular, when because a high reduction of brick dimensions would result in the
fluorescent lamp glass (o400 mm) and packaging waste glass need to use a greater quantity of starting material with consequent
(o100 mm) is used in the paste, the final material is classified into economic burden. In agreement with another study [43] that used
the BIa group (WA%o 0.5) according to ISO rules, corresponding to soda – lime glass with particle size 0.1–0.6 mm and added up to
high sintered floor ceramic tiles, thus demonstrating the positive 45 wt% in the body, the linear shrinkage decreases. Instead, in
role of the glass in the sintering process. Besides, the mechanical firing step, the effect of glass on shrinkage is strictly related to its
properties of sample FLG (o400 mm) are higher than the mini- chemical composition. In fact, in Fig. 2b it is possible to observe
mum (35 MPa) imposed by ISO rule for BIa group.
different results comparing the mix CRT glass with the funnel CRT
Concerning the material surface properties, the slabs were
and PW glass. For these last two glasses the shrinkage values are
covered with a crystalline glaze specifically created for this cera-
comparable to standard one. These results indicates that the use of
mic body to match the dilatometric coefficient of the support. This
a low melting glass permits to reduce the firing temperature in
coating reaches the highest classes for both acid and stain re-
order to maintain the shrinkage near zero.
sistances. In addition, the product has the capability to develop
The open porosity of bricks was evaluated by water absorption
very interesting colours and chromatic effects when added with
(W.A%) after firing (930 °C, 36 h in industrial cycle) and after
inorganic pigments, without altering its aesthetic surface texture.
The final products obtained using recycled glasses can be pro-
posed in different fields: building materials, artistic ceramics,
furniture industry and ceramic tiles. The products are dis-
tinguished from those already existing for the highest percentage 1.00

of recycled glass used and for the versatility of forming shaping 0.80
processes. In particular, changing the kind and amount of organic 0.60
binder, the solid content and other minor components it is pos- 0.40
sible to form these ceramic materials by uniaxial-pressing, lami- 0.20
nation or slip casting. Some examples are showed in Fig. 1. 0.00
5% 10% 15% 20%
2.2. Use of waste glass in brick manufacturing ( o20 wt%)

Many studies have shown that the use of waste glass in bricks
produces positive effects on the materials properties [19,39,41–
43]. The purpose of this study was to investigate future opportu-
nities in the ceramic sector, in particular searching to improve the
properties of materials and reducing the use of virgin raw mate-
rials by substitution with three typologies of glasses in different
percentages (0–20 wt%):

i) a mix of cathode ray tube funnel and panel glass (CRT mix);
ii) CRT funnel (rich in PbO); Fig. 2. Linear shrinkage (%) after drying (a) and after firing (b) for the different glass
iii) packaging glass (PW)). containing bricks compared to the commercial one (STD).

Please cite this article as: F. Andreola, et al., Recycling of industrial wastes in ceramic manufacturing: State of art and glass case studies,
Ceramics International (2016),
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immersion times of 45 s 24 h. The open porosity is directly influ-

enced by the composition of the mixture; in particular the pre-
sence of carbonates or substances that decompose developing
gasses provokes an increase of the porosity. The addition of glass
to replace clays constitutes a reduction of these compounds which
results in a lower contribution to the formation of porosity and a
consequent greater compaction of the material. In fact, the results
of water absorption tests after 24 h and 45 s, show values com-
parable or lower than the standard (W.A%¼15%), independently of
the kind of waste glass used. In particular, samples containing
15 wt% of waste glass showed a reduction of 7% of W.A% respect to
the standard one. Low water absorption provokes an increase in Fig. 4. Bricks prototype produced with packaging waste glass (15 wt%).
mechanical strength and resistance to freeze-thaw cycles.
The flexural strength tests indicate that the glass-containing 3. Conclusions
bricks have values variable but comparable to the standard sample
(12 MPa) and higher than the minimum recommended for load- The valorization of industrial wastes and their up-grading to
bearing solid fired clay bricks (10 MPa). Interesting to highlight alternative raw materials can present several advantages when
that bricks containing 10 and 15 wt% CRT funnel glass showed the compared to the use of primary natural resources, namely reduc-
best mechanical properties. tion in the extraction volume of natural raw materials (resource
Finally, all samples have good aesthetic characteristics: no ap- preservation), lower energy consumption during subsequent pro-
parent surface defects and same colour of brick without glass. cessing (reduced costs), and lower pollutant emission levels (im-
This experience demonstrated that the use of CRT and PW glass provement of population health and safety).
in brick produces lower water absorption, lower drying shrinkage The recycling of waste in ceramic manufacturing is theoreti-
cally beneficial because it is possible to absorb great amount of
and similar mechanical strength compared to the bricks without
waste, also hazardous, that would otherwise be disposed off in
glass. However, from the data analyzed it was possible to affirm
landfill. Even if the waste incorporation is done in small amounts,
that 10–15 wt% of waste glass is the maximum amount acceptable
high production rates will translate into significant consumption
for not altering the densification and mechanical properties of the of wastes. Moreover, wastes might constitute a cheap renewable
bricks. raw material source, and glass in particular is intrinsically char-
From Fig. 3 it is possible to observe that the glass grains, in- acterized by extreme durability [12,44].
dependently on the kind of waste glass, remain embedded in the Many research studies were published in the last 20 years re-
ceramic matrix after firing, confirming the role of glass as filler late to waste recycling in ceramic manufacturing but technological
into the brick body. transfer to industrial production is not easy. There are many con-
Other technical and environmental advantages depending on ditioning factors related to: the nature compatibility between the
composition and grains size are reported in a recent specific pa- waste and the natural raw materials host; the kind of cycle where
tent [41]. Fig. 4 shows a green and fired brick obtained with the the waste will be introduced (wet or dry grinding,..); the char-
composition above discussed, the prototype were shaped and fired acteristics of the finished product (sintered/porous); the avail-
in industrial brick cycle. Moreover, maintaining the granulometry ability in terms of amounts and constant flow (variability of
of the glass within a sufficiently high range (between 0.25–0.50 composition); pre-treatments necessaries and transport costs that
must be controlled.
and 1–1.5 mm) greater than the usual ranges required for effi-
In particular, the use of high amount of waste glass in tile
ciently setting up the sintering process of the mixture, further
manufacturing requires a reformulation of the bodies and of the
energy saving was achieved in the process of realising bricks, in
glazes in order to fabricate products that meet the market re-
terms of lower energy required for milling the glass and lower quirements from a technological point of view. On the other hand,
plant costs. the presence of glass in the bricks bodies acts as reducing

Fig. 3. SEM micrograph of the bricks containing a) 15 wt% CRTmix (800X); b) 15 wt% CRT funnel (400X); c) 15 wt% PW (400X).

Please cite this article as: F. Andreola, et al., Recycling of industrial wastes in ceramic manufacturing: State of art and glass case studies,
Ceramics International (2016),
6 F. Andreola et al. / Ceramics International ∎ (∎∎∎∎) ∎∎∎–∎∎∎

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Please cite this article as: F. Andreola, et al., Recycling of industrial wastes in ceramic manufacturing: State of art and glass case studies,
Ceramics International (2016),

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