Ma Case 10

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SEC: “1”.

Q.1 The key issues that was faced by Dr.Tim were;

1. Issue in product mix.
when the company was expanded even product were also got expanded
both in the terms of quality and also in the terms of financial term of the
product but the issue in this stage was they were using same raw
material. Including for that he also focused more on his family business.
2. Issue involved in Designing the Web.
3. Marketing issue.
The product standardization was well maintained and he also maintained the
brand image for the expansion, changes in the business. For developing his
brand identity he conducted mushers and sledge dog. Creating traffic s in the
website and developing the networks in the social media such as Facebook and
Flickr for the promotion.

Q.2 For developing the Marketing Strategy.

Tim could contact an analyst and approach him he will suggest them for;
1. Google Analytics.
Social Media Analytics
# Houston city, has more Google search for dog food.
# Instanbulites city, has more Google search for cat food.

Q.3 Tim was having low range products that to only in the particular area of
the geographic location. Due to the limited availability of the products there
were most disadvantage of the company it was very Difficult for the customers
to buy the products. The solution for the problem he had used an formula
known as “Premium”. So he entered into new market in the different countries
he was very much potential in the expansion of the business. With the help of
Digital Marketing aspects such as Google ad, keyword research he took risk
and entered into the new Market and apart from these factors they also
Analyzed through the Google Analytics and Social media Analytics in between
due to some of the company’s Financial difficulties he lost the Competetive
advantage and not able to develop the products.

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