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The Powerpuff Girls

"Sugar, flowers and

lots of colors"
Bombon: Hello girls, how are you, I hope you are very well! What if today we talk a little about
how was our first day of recording?
Burbuja : Let's get started! on the count of three (one - two - three)
Bombon : When the recording had already started. Girls, please, remember that we had arrived at
the studio track.
Bellota : It's true girls! I also remind that we had requested the makeup lady and the costume
lady, when our parents found us a lady destined for that job.
Bombon: I remember all these anecdotes friends. I also memorize that we had prepared the first
script when it was something very complicated, since our Actor had prepared a script for us.
Burbuja : I also think that we had been together at Bellota's house when broke the screenplay of
his cell phone, and we had to bought him a new one.
Scientist: I remember that we had experienced our first experiment when it did not go as planned.
Bellota: ohhh yes I recognize that! I also remember that when we had set up on stage for the first
time, the public gave us a loud applause and they thought the stunt was excellent.
Scientific: All this for me was something very fantastic! I also remember they had used the special
effects, when the viewers were very surprised to see that scene broadcast.
Bellota: The truth of all this is always something to think ! I also remember that the genre we had
used was narrative, but our actor recommended us to use the dramatic.
Scientist: The public was also surprised because they had spoken, when they had a very good
sound when speaking.
Bombom: I remind that in our scenes we had used a small crew, and a viewer recommended that
we use a larger crew.
Burbuja : All these memories had been saved true girls. By Girls
Bombom : Of course yes!
Scientist: Girls you had been the best! bye

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