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What if Marcos and Flora have met before?

What if Marcos was actually in love with Flora?

What if a baby was involved?
What if the baby was Tonios?


The venue is loud. Men with money scatter around to find ways to gain more money. A girl sits
alone, her father busy entertaining another business man while her mother accompanies him. The
girl was bored out of her mind, finding a way to entertain herself she sneaked past her parents
The doors open, she sneaks outside to a beautiful garden. The place was magical.

As she was walking, she accidentally bumped into something- someone.

“Ow!” says the other person

The person was a young boy, the same age as the girl.
“I’m sorry!” the girl rushes to help him up.

“Now I’m all dirty! My mom will be so mad”

“Here! Let me help you”

The girl started to dust him off but the boy was still not pleased.

“Look at where you are going next time”

Warns the young boy

The girl merely nodded her head and continued on without look back at the boy.

Who could that boy be? As far as she could remember, all of her father’s business friends
children were years older than her. She has been to some of these business dinners before and not
once did she ever saw the young boy.

“Flora!” her mother calls out.

“I’m coming mother!”

“Where have you been? Don’t sneak off like that”

“Sorry mother”
“Be careful next time okay?”
Flora merely nodded.
“Come, your father and I would like you to meet new friend”

They walk back to where her father was.

“Ah! Flora! There you are my daughter” exclaims her dad.

“Oh she is a beaut!” a woman who was not her mother says.
“Oh it’s you!” That voice.
“Marcos do not point your fingers at a lady”
A man says.
“I’m sorry uncle- it’s just she has bumped with me earlier”
“Well you should’ve looked at where you were going”
“But uncle!” pleads Marcos

“It was me, I bumped into him earlier… I’m sorry, I won’t do it again”
Flora looks t Marcos eyes. Her brown orbs shine, her intentions were clear.
Marcos heart skips a beat.

The sounds of spoons and forks clank at the table. There was tension in the air.
Flora’s father-Damian, was never the quiet type. Damian was an experienced business man he
knew how to start up a conversation when he wants to know something, so it was quite unusual
how he is not saying a word. Flora’s mother Sima, she was also acting tense for her own good.

Flora wanted to speak up and ask but she knew that if she opened her mouth, she would be in
trouble; and so she stayed quiet and ate her food.
She wanted to hurry and finish up, she wanted to write a letter to her lover in war- Tonio.

‘I wonder what Tonio is eating right now. Is he drinking enough water? Is he getting enough
sleep? I should hurry up so I can write him a letter immediately’ she thought.

As she was about to finish up, her father suddenly spoke-

“How is… Tony?”

“His name is Tonio, mahal” Sima corrects

“Father this is not the time” Flora’s brother, Pastor interjects but was cut off by their father.

“He is the man courting my daughter, I am allowed to ask questions no?”

The table became quiet again, Sima nor Pastor did not know what to respond.

“Father, he is putting his life on the line for our country, isn’t that enough for you?”
Flora, although voice slowly faltering, makes her point.

“Tsk” Responds Damian as he gets up from the table and picks up a cigar.

“Finish up your food and go to your room hija, you must be tired” says Sima
“We will talk in the sala after you are done eating” Damian says as he retreats to the sala.

Now there were only three at the table, Flora looked worried.

“Mother I know that he does not like Tonio but all my efforts to make him like Tonio does not
work!” Flora was about to tear up.

“Shh hija, your father is just protective of you” though her words were true, it does not help
“Tonio is a great man ate. Tonio is enough for me for you ate” Pastor tries to help

“Flora” Damian’s voice booms from the sala.

“Yes father” she goes in the sala.

Sima rushes to put away the food while Pastor tried to listen to the discussion.

One could only wonder what will her father say. It was already well established that Damian was
not very fond of Tonio and so Flora was understandably nervous as to what could this discussion

“Leave Tonio”

Flora’s mind went to blank.

“One day, Tonio will get a bullet stuck in his head- so leave him now before it happens. It will
only break your heart”

“But father you know how much Tonio means to me”

“There is a better man, one I know you will like”

“Tonio has made me happy”

“And he can not after this war”



Damian’s voice was dominating. Flora’s broken heart could only shatter.
Sima quickly goes to her daughter’s comfort.

“Damian, go easy on her” Sima starts

Flora’s sniffles could be heard.

“Be prepared, we have visitors tomorrow”

Damian puts out his cigar and leaves the sala.

Floras knees weaken as she cries on the floor, Sima continues in giving her comfort. Pastor peaks
from where he was hiding and pats her sister.

“Mother, I love Tonio too much to leave him… Mother, I do not want to break his heart.
Mama…” She gently cries.
“Shh, hija” comforts her mother.

‘What do I do Tonio?’ Flora asks to the imaginary Tonio.

What will she do?

The day is beautiful, Flora is writing a letter to Tonio…

My beloved Tonio,
My father has told me that I shall part with you but I do not want to. I am his
daughter so I shall love him but there are days where it is difficult to love him. Moreover, I miss
you. I miss the way you sing to me under the shade, I miss the flowers you give me, I miss the
nights we spend.
The war has been keeping the whole country at the tips of their toes and that sadly
goes for my family to. Ever since the Japanese invaded our country, my father’s business is
moving slower and slower by each night. I think that is the reason why he has been the way that
he is recently.
Tonio… there is no day where I do not worry about your wellbeing. Christmas is
only two weeks away, right? If you have time, please let me take care of you. You are in San
Anton are you not? It is not far from here; you can still make it Tonio.
With love,

As she folds the paper, someone taps on her shoulder.

She jumps, she was in a secluded area, who could that be?

“I’m sorry I did not mean to frighten you.”

Says the man, the intruder.

“Who are you and how did you get inside? This is private property”
Flora defends

“I did not mean to intrude; I was invited actually”

“ah, I’m sorry”

Flora puts away her hair.

“Nice to meet you, I am Flora”

“It is you!”

Flora looks at him confusingly. ‘What is this man talking about?’

“I am certainly offended that you do not know who I am”

The man says. What could he be talking about?

Then she realizes.

The man only smiles.

Flora jumped in between his arms and they laughed. It has been so long since she has met
Marcos. After their interaction about ten years ago, they’ve become good friends. They used to
play and run around a lot until Flora had to move to a different city when they were in their

“I missed you so! How have you been doing?”

She eagerly asks.

“I have been well, how about you? It seems that you have bloomed”

Flora smiles at the comment. “Oh, I’ve been well... life has been treating me well.”
She smiles at the distance.

“Would you want to walk with me? The day is beautiful” Marcos offers his hand. Flora accepted
his hand and went on their way.

Their walk was refreshing. Flora could have a breather and not worry as much; Marcos was a
good person and someone who can relieve her stress. Marcos and Flora were good friends.

Their laughs could be heard. “And remember that time I accidentally pushed you in that pond?
That was so funny!” Flora jokes.
Though their laughter couldn’t last longer; there standing in front of them was a shaggy soldier.
It was Tonio!

Flora’s eyes locked with Tonios.

“Flora?” asks Marcos

“Tonio?” Flora’s voice was a little shaky

“I’ve stopped by, but you’re busy… I think I should go. Please excuse me” Tonio starts to walk

Flora starts to go after him but Marcos stops her. Flora then looks at Marcos and says “Please let
me go…”
And so Marcos let her go.

Flora catches up to Tonio but before she coukd grab Tonio; Tonio faces her.
“It is not what you think”

“Oh? It is not what I think? I come back from the barracks only to find you getting close to a
random rich man?”

“Marcos is not a random rich man”

“So you know his name”

“Of course I do. Marcos is a kind man, that’s always been the way that he is ever since we were

Tonio stays quiet, he did not look at her eyes.

“Marcos… he’s a child hood friend. We’ve met each other ten years ago…”
Flora goes closer to Tonio.
“I’m sorry”
Flora hugs Tonio from his back.

Tonio looks back at her and hugs her.

“No, I’m sorry. I assumed for the worst without asking”
Tonio starts to tear up at Floras shoulders.

“Welcome back, I know the war has not been treating you well… so let me take care of you”
For a hugs him closer.

“I missed you” Tonio pulls back and kisses Flora.

Then kisses turns into love…

It was a beautiful day.


“Flora! Where have you been! You kept me worried sick!”

Sima exclaims. They were in the sala and is dark outside “Marcos told me you were with a friend
but why did you have to come home so late?”

Suddenly Marcos comes into the room.
“Marcos!” Flora looks at him.

“Flora” Damian’s voice comes next. It sounded as if he was disappointed.

He comes in to the sala and behind him was Don Luis

“Ah! You have grown so much since the last time I saw you” Don Luis says.

“I apologize for my daughter being late… this is the first time I’ve seen her act like this” Damian
says. “I’m sorry Sir. Don Luis” Flora comes forward to Don Luis and showed her respects.

“And a respectful you lady too! She and Marcos will have a splendid marriage”

Flora looks at them.

“Yes, I expect their marriage to go well. To me they match quite fairly” Damian smiles at Don

Marcos looks apologetically at Flora, “Flora I”

“Marriage?” Flora sounded so broken.

“My dear” Sima goes to her daughter.

“Excuse me Sir Don Luis, this day has made me tired, goodnight to you all”
And with that, Flora retreats to her room.

“Let’s talk more business wise” Damian says to Don Luis. Marcos follows her.
Sima looked worried.

In the room, Flora is weeping upon her bed. How can she be wed like this?

Marcos knocks on her door.

“Flora? It’s me, Marcos”

Flora does not answer, she continues to weep.

“I’m sorry about all of this”

“You knew, and you did not tell me” Flora says in a broken voice.

“And it is my mistake… I do not want to be the reason you cry” Marcos replies.

Flora opens her door. She looked so broken.

“I love my father, I am his daughter, and I do not have the heart to disobey him”

“Then I vow to cherish you… I vow to protect you at any evil eyes that gaze you…”
Marcos voice was determined, Flora looked taken aback- bu then smiled.

“Thank you”

The room goes quiet…

“So…who was he?”

“He… is my lover”

“Oh?” Marcos tried to hide the hurt in his voice.

“May I ask how did you meet?”

“Long story, about three years ago… I accidentally broke my father’s reading glass. I was so
distraught that I looked so pathetic. Thankfully he was there that day. He took me to his friends
glass shop and helped me fix my fathers reading glass. And ever since then, we kept in touch and
it something grew from then on”
Flora smiled, she looked so in love.

“Sadly, about 9 months ago when the Japanese invaded, he had to leave… I missed him dearly”

“I may not be him, but I will do my part in being your husband”

They then both smiled at each other.

Tonio, finds Flora’s handkerchief on the ground. When he picks it up, there he finds a letter.

It has been 4 months in the marriage. Marcos and Flora are happy spending time with each
other… however, Flora has not made any contact with Tonio what so ever.

Of course she has been worried sick but she rather not find him when she has been married to
another man but Tonio.

She misses Tonio, and with the baby in her stomach, she wishes it would all be okay.

Flora was regretful, for she does not know who the father of her baby is, but she does not regret
the baby.
Whomever the father is- be it Marcos or Tonio, she will love the child unconditionally.

It was a beautiful day, Flora was reading a book, when a gunshot was heard.

Marcos runs up to her. “Are you okay?”

Someone barges in to the room, it was Tonio!

“You! How could you betray me!” Tonio screams at Flora.

Tonio looked so broken, he looked so dirty, he looked so lost.

“Kissed me goodnight then break my heart at dawn” Tonio looks at her in the eyes, the gun in his
hand. Tonio tried to go near Flora but Marcos had covered her.

“Tonio it should not be like this” Flora begs. “I am so sorry”

“So it is him? So you did marry the rich guy! I mean who I am anyways, it is not like I’m your
lover or anything”

“Get out!” Marcos points to the door.

“I will” Tonio starts

“Once I’m done putting this bullet in your head”
Tonio points the gun at Marcos head.

Marcos runs straight at Tonio making them both fall to the ground. The gun shoots at the
Marcos punches Tonio and Tonio seems to get dizzy. Marcos pins him to the ground.

“I told you to leave”

“I told you I’ll put a bullet in your head”
They then both looked at Flora… and were horrified by the sight.
There stands Flora in the middle of the sala. Her beautiful dress now covered in red from he
stomach down.
She falls to the ground.


Both men shouted, but Flora’s visions blackened.


Flora lies in a bed, she looked so sick.

A nurse is wiping her face with a towel while Sima cries next to her.

Pastor puts his hands on her mother for comfort while Damian looks down with regret.

Marcos then comes in the room.

The nurse gets up and leaves
Flora’s family members then leave but not without giving her sad eyes.

‘Ate, wake up… please’

‘I do not want to lose you, my love my life’
‘How did I hurt you’

Marcos holds her hand and caresses her face.

Flora looked so depressed. She looked dead inside.

“Even with the baby’s loss, I will still love you”

“Love was never meant for me”

“Don’t say that Flora” Marcos tries to reason.

“I give too much love that I forget to receive”

Marcos sighs and gets up… “I will leave you be for now, I’ll get you food and will be back”
And with that Marcos was no longer.

Flora cries in her bed.

Days later, Flora would die. Flora, in her own words, loved too much but forgot to receive love

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