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AEP Model Presta (hassis No. SCO-FOSBA psoeecnt ‘cass No SCC-FORHA P0151 SPECIFICATIONS io tna 2 Re ldeamei onvogrieas, Cobra PAL, SECAM, NTSC NTSCeu Syocongenn 03 pe Some, Fesator” — Puiisoote 9 ines ‘Boreas Sr tne covert Picture perormance ndercan —_Btntecan ol RT eet exnen Hoineaey ter an 0% ye) Vinay ase an? 0 yea Csr se ec) ‘ees 053m yp) ass abily W158 pro Sox coorenparance bse Inputs and Outputs oa “YCIN: dpe ml ON con ep asegrt on page 2) vibe mone ‘Nipp 2.68, yenegasve AUDI Nana eas AY. BN cat: 07 Vp, 28 ‘ tar eprom. Tesyremoe int raha Eon meson comet ener! Power conumpton 49 a AC open TRINITRON« COLOR VIDEO MONITOR ONYY. PM-s041aw/e044aM Power requronenis 100-240 VAC 5060 a rece {EV 06, ante Sony e=sA18) Stine faye 7 27 a5 tah ot ppcng pars and cons Wg Reproe Pag re 8ee) ‘ots baer pas recess spied RE gow) Cen an Sn connear Ong an tet et rw CW connector pla mi) © TALLY REMOTE connate (nmi) = ieee i eiounaner | Suey 2 |S eee : oo = enna = aie Frome contol come ep eth deste unten pesieNoy | Pvm-sostamsossam "TAALEOF ConTENTS saauan le aoe saatan tule aan 4. arery peta aowusmient ts Sane ace " 2 8 omcursnustuesrs 2 olsassevaLy * Sew nema 2 21. Cabinet Removal . fa = ies, 3 Sf Sere 6 yarns 26 erty Rew M62 oun oepamthe 2 26. Powe ee hero! 8 et Gemeormucwen TG ft fmanegomt ito tigawe 3. SET-UP ADJUSTMENTS a= * s 4 7. exrLonen wews 4 exeormcapaarsust . ono soto me Greve crassa ae SAFETY RELATED COMPONENT WARING! ‘Souronevs DeNnFIeD BY SHADWG AND WARK 4 ON THE ‘Schaar oURAMS, x01 ODeD VIEWS AND INTHE PANTS ‘er ane cxmont ro sare anaron nace TRESE PuBLcheD By son. Gmcur Aosusruere THAT Are PvM-90410M/90440M SECTION 1 GENERAL 1-1, FEATURES, “Four color systerns avaliable 05 “Theor can cay PAL, SECA NTSC an [NTSGuaegnas. Te spprepaio ci’ syste sles onsioay Agra Tsui pyg maT rence “dese wins vs oe eessezaperemeo Sores unwary ‘Super Fine Pith Tinton pte ibe cemasoutan ont ‘Te Sige’ Pte Tinton tre ube reve gh Miceseccurstescae Blue only pleture. SLATE ‘The peur canbe seplyes ind ans Back ony. The Incas ho adnate oeovaten Ses eos RGB or canpnen YF and.) sor er ‘So saupent con bel ough bese comer. “VC input contd 2°77 ‘Th ve wu gt cores ar) a pacetase tet ete nt ag Tetum ty nares non bowed Steet martncpeis saps Satie cs ‘Beam current feedback circuit” 90°" Thebin in otek are Comb shee 9 SRST ie EC wo spt eda fr ‘irate enone ecouton reign ne etre ‘eae ar hor er a. The VE, VEO M NGEXTSYNGIN prac ‘Site Songhai seman Wren ace a Termin anauptcemnosar he 75-amernaton ‘Shona ronan a a7 mer ce ot ge. Forasis onan, seth newton ania he PvM-g041aM044am | 1-2, LOCATION AND FUNCTION OF PARTS AND CONTROLS a Cra arp | Benearecornna aGiene tet weee—POL 88888 op 99990 S | om mnue (BeLue omy sneer J (lunoen Scan sxe. By DeLay sete raw ansmscan’ Sdusror corse 1 Tanytame (2 POWER awtch an intcator ‘epome log oign oe We youu cont “Tomiie conr shes o cocci tat cone Goa conto Ti Pwase conv igen ony recur and punch tp vorwne sna: {BPrASE cnet ‘DicunouAconta i nici rns cost nr (eri) cnn [ccs] ‘The PHASE, CHRCUA a APEA cl sige hve no ston an ani ROB *TiePWstcometntig ste ny be Soe, © caROMA cont aed at hry sage 1 Brit fonginess cont Rencosa erro 1 APE perce con H SYNC TEXT (yr ematena slato: eap ns buon tose NT epee e reir (nthe ye signal Yom apes ooo neo rl sc oa ed Ugh he EXT SYNC cnr PVM-9081M/90440M (© Men input selector aectne opens be motos. Koop isbn ‘Senasd (UNE) brag oe ough Be LNE Rot [Ne comet boprac he baton (RB) ore ‘Sra ad rou the RB connects (Am, ROR Ry Bip caetor ‘thon te UNEIAGB input tector et OLN, ecptne btn raze (A ora sald ough be [Ne Acoma Denese tan o 9 ) feo prongnie UNE Bama ‘pen the UNE RGB pet selector ist 10 FB, {tcl ne RB sa! rte comport a whichis {Sstrowgn ne ROS nt cotadr eso Ysbuton ‘Geese (A6m| ne ROS son Depes buon IWRtYB formesorparent ra 1 BLUE ONLY sotctor Depress etn eta fn re and ron soa. thier is ter runseacaning, The py e cob eprom 30 Balu cert HV DELAY elector ‘oper tonto cea He hoon (obese egret ue ie, Te Natl ‘rcs dlayed i at utero see Steal yep eave Pe cote of BE RGe IAS and GAN aster controls DiSftwne bmnoe te omer ‘BAS enGa carte prove Tro, ‘Gigreon an el seer. UA: Agus wie balance an gins he teieen ae ong ‘aan: whoe Daas sel bighnest oe foten athe nana PVM-90410M/90440M Bunecorecns @ a bd Sager Brcscourene © SF GGG —H sow sme eens a na Ac Nace ED) s- DOC eV Wink i eee anrrenvconpurmens ———_] UNE Acomecors ‘eon th aed ough hese connec, ‘on hw NERGS enact and to AS ASST RY B- "Yair on tor pana esas UNE Th YICINcoractor na pry oer th VIOEO han is conace ne VC N emma te DEON choc utmascaly Saconnecse Dineen ‘wepira INES exer read iN) oes tse the NB, ROLY LY BY sso hn ne MEO (aNC}: Coma e vido sup ot ieo ‘arvra VOR os cher vate sesso DEO OUT (ONG: Lo teugh cp the VEO \Mesnader: Caerectoe des rp oa VOR ‘AUDIOIN phone ac) Cerne ne aco evput ct VOR ora msnhonefveuphecnoe owpton amptar, ‘AUDIO OUT iphone at: Loonnegh uot ‘AUDIOIN sonnet. Coonan ase fata ‘etter nome senor {© TALLY REMOTE conector(¢-in min Se tae i we rr on anon yo cree pore connate ‘Srvc so "Spasenson” apap 1B Bxrs1W6 exert eye comectere | (ENC: Wants mane opear hah ete Spc tga coment heroes pa terrae Kemer cowecer ns cee aoreeshe Fe ater Te eer (UTIBNC) Loop ough areata ET SYREN ‘Src. Comes ove scot canto ‘Stionant obe smarenaed a Ke mas i rarer bc meek OLR pin Conran Sony ACSORSOOCE AC sewer asi (retest) PyM-90410M/9044M Bl RoBLeompanentinpt connectors Py. bo aHD, AIO Orne “Terran oc rough hee comes oyece he UNERGS sna on fore pare {fe vine ne SNC NEXT snot on be ore Pl ireeaso (NT he ment pete re ‘ye sgna tom be GY Sure ‘Tomontr me anaiog RGB signa ‘onee'9 te araog RGB eprops of io ‘Samora nen oe or ewe he A, HORT FRYE snosaron he or pana see FI, “Temontor the component signal omen ete YN6 compres Sat up 2 Scnpnmca wna carr, Coos be ARGS rv snc on tb rom pana (YE) 4-3. POWER SOURCES Bl Acinsockt Comat espa AC pore cx sacl nd evecrtone Prose ESET butonupwardetoremvethe batry rox (B BATTERY compartments Feo ne NPB ease puck(nt supped ema nau AC power crt fw AC seat 2° | ocs5 _ soewat cuter ‘Wer ne AC gome cot tgp 8 AC sock, ‘toanor par fina) ote A owe so IWeonreca s onatealy ancora “Te manor can operate wn ne ebay p30s Foren us babar pate ae recrinended =|: | Co “Toremove te btery pk, presi EJECT btn For otarging, usta SC-1WA bate charge! nt bie he Agro 60-1 tore NPB Nears at ne AC pone coat to AC poe ‘Stapor ar asonocec rom ne ron: terse, be ‘moon canet peor e ato Beh) | PVM-soaramgo42am ‘SECTION 2 DISASSEMBLY | 241. CABINET REMOVAL 22. BBOARD REMOVAL PVM-90410M/90440M 2.3, SWITCHING REGULATOR REMOVAL 24, D BOARD REMOVAL 10 Pvw-so4taMiso4¢am ‘25, PBOARD REMOVAL f ‘\ (eovrrass) Te scree (evra) ne PVM-9047aM/90440M 2.7. HA AND FA BOARDS REMOVAL 28, PICTURE TUBE REMOVAL Tote: Gavin for ANODE GAP nalon [ANODE CAP ha PICTURE TUBE nd FB canbe seared Pease ache pce te an ode cap I areas ws he feowng poeta. [ADHERING PROCEDURE OF ANODE CAP. {0 lem PICTURE TUBE ANODE CAP ith etl worenove bea RY. 2_Deyden ce witha @ rau pcnrotbe nts + REMOVAL OF ANODE-CAP 1 Rewovna PRoceoUnes OG 6 © Tamep one te of ebb in aedeecon adeeb tearow an. {HOW TO HANDLE AN ANODE-CAP © Dow ha the erie of ameeape with say stoped mal © Dorr rs eae ty ct ne of ose ps ‘Newt ising ces kei © Dovvesnthe foto bterver bay a © Wings en pu wpe bec fil i ration ties he PVM-s041aMs0a¢am ‘Use KEASORTY (RTV silane adhesive, SHINETSU EMAL. Pax.tio, Desctaton 752206519 Sleone (TV KEN ‘Aspe apy RT 1 eet pitae be ana ee ‘es 0d or poke emae e e ‘Drymen 1 our om epee @ditecten yoru @rewe ure © en om née a ere op sepa hae ao he Shirapea termed by eg (he beep nt pul pi einen ote arom © PVM-90610M/90440M SECTION 3 SET-UP ADJUSTMENTS eos te sens inter af 34, BEAM LANDING Sete sido en with PICTURE TUBE dates fier wetn crore te ues fea age rd adi with ty omer sd Mae anode tbe 3-2. CONVERGENCE (9) Horzonalandervea State Convergence Aajstment onthe Center of Seren tore sarin peo SIE V. CENT, HSIZE CENT Seen Doron Atpsnene (State Convergence Asjusten) Te Recae tial sting BRIGHTNESS misread et 2. Au STAT UR w cide, en anu dou on er of sone, Glace movement 2. Adj VSTAT apencnineres gerne da0e ce enerocaceen (Vere even) fe a nad ds oo cic oe he cee of ces wis ESTAT VR perform jen ang VSTAT ‘enue whe wcing (Tite STAT mapa ujtsiniccomerpetopenor lowe VSTAT moe) oPen) (cose, PVM-90410M'90440M 4. ene VSTAT mae ismovein eden ofarow A 1880 penal do move at abo lo. © Wrenmovig eV STAT Mate ope ce ‘ctgsey crew) sky eb, GR _2t1 8 nylon © Wresmoving te VSTAT megetcsumerokwi Bos @ When soviet VSTAT magnet acs © wrensse vSTAT mgretandopenor con. reas e0 fe na] wk 2 TORS OND 1+ tfertand geen cdo otic win be dade ‘iQ BMC paleo magne 5. HMC ViCcoreton for BMC(6 Fae) me. {© Mc iansnal sone) cpmecinsndoaioe he "ent Beat ith Ge BMC og) are sacri gg g MAIS 5 ge BES xh Pie Mee ifs eit a a5 PvM-s0410Mi90460m © YMC (vera Micomereeceeaecon nd mien of Laon Bam ine BMC 6p age snort) wares co op y a oh eh fee [exes 1830 *Eea°Loe petty mar eve te) maarat I / vstar. (2) Horizontal and Vertioal Dynamic Convergence ‘Adjustment athe Environs ofthe Sereen (Dynamic Convergence Ajustment) 1. Whenterumiconergenceresdsten ad fret ‘ones flwsty moving deton joe 2. Losendtcion yokes: Remive deen ok pers More ihe detaon yoke fo bes convergence. Tghen te etecion jake stew nal eft ote pe ‘cece Covet p Mecapornaoyassy ‘onesponangio me 33. FOCUS Reset oat CONTRAST = Noma ‘Aj FOCUS cont 5 arte fous on emer of en ecroeste t rer 3-4, WHITE BALANCE | ena votae aren " Rasen desig ithe puter gee ‘AdeaieG Bewcoffeommsomatrepetmecaimdeotape 1 ans ol becomes 105V DC. (bsg sen ads SCREEN cone at etek: pond ers is bight ave ‘jet RVII8 SUB BRT oe B i 0 a oe ee ‘prsr on cole ssh ny. colortarsatem =a g Reeve nenely ie ia ve pur ster ‘CONTRAST OR GH epee clskse fom ‘singe uminanelne mds eminent pase gon cone} Ni, The canon De een rene) ‘Aaj bce sc fusing VII9(G-CO RVD} eco. (Change shite gn amine eel 100 ‘Aa he bce ih Sees RVI2O(©-CAIN RvIa1@CAIN (Change nc nt ONLY ae ‘Aju alee thighgo) nse ONLY mode ung RVIDU-RGAINDL a VSG CAINBD. Usegtcmiancelevenee auth aneceleelfte pare er cones Nit Conia whe ace at SECTION 4 SAFETY RELATED ADJUSTMENT 441. SAFETY RELATED ADJUSTMENTS WOLD-DOWNGIRCUTTCONARMATION( I RVEIS)AND ‘Bs ADJUSTMENT AND Bs MAKCHEGKFORSERVIONG cet RV6st) ‘refalowingsjtenesshoudavaysdeperoeed wheel etoloningmpone newt onsen on Gdou: Power supe) Cat, eas, PHD) C88, RUSS, ROS RES, REST, RVG 1. eptie AC poe py age 2402. 2 pute maosope sa ‘connec he igi sister 9 Y60 pi ont ow [Ads RVES one tnardo atthe Bote eames t00 anv. 6 Afr aijucing VGSI 4 ih an p09 1 Inpihe AC powers vtage 2 V. uh dose 8. Sasstalows P CONTRAST enone Mh {BRIGHTNESS Iie rbove alu pet fom ey, "By MAX IND POWER INPUT MODE, CONFIRMATION (eR) ‘Tefalone sje shave terra beeps ‘etoloningsnpone nated with onsen 1 end oons at, en, 0143,D1e, Dian D 03, D1, DI, c10, hea R11, Rica Rit, RISD, RAD, RIED RETR, ‘a, RIED, RING, RVIED, VIS, 1. Sippy DC IBV fam.DC RY Nance 2 ee ade sal, 3. CONTRAST Min 1 DRIGHTNESS Mm 5. Tum RVI one D bw ly clk. Contin he 6 aep 5 sts jit he RVD Ate ang ‘ase RVIEDS in pce wah er Tefatlonng samen sboudauaiboeremectennpcng Deloloingemgonessmariesnth Wonte sheridan) ead ooxt sm, 083,083,835, O83 DE, DI, CSI, C85, CB, Cues, Ch, HH, CHA, RVESS, RSE, RAO REST, RAS ROS, BAS RSS, RES, RST, RES, SS, RD RS hon Poors aon ama FETCH 1. “Reshe menewhe sen 2 CONTRAST son 1 BRIGHTNESS anion 3. Cont iit manera ae TSS (CHS pa ®) 5. Renae seal © ConctenarnoebetwenD bes CNS0y<® tnd boat ot pa, 2. Att BRIGHTNESS ad CONTRAST soe caret ASL 10023044 Apply an enema DC volage mal 0 PHS. When he ‘eige ecmes 1850 2019 DC en be HOLD DOWN utopia an rate donee 9, Whe enol DC vtugeo TPS eames 1757 £01V DC, ‘oni e HOLD DOW cer opera 1 Aap i BRIGHTNESS nd CONTRAST coast he 1a, Ap BC otnge of 1748 03¥ TPS Conimde HOLD DOWN capes me ed ae peas 18, Wines stops ses Oa sy 168¥ O1V DC 1. When above seins we oo aan VES ‘tera ft VSS np wih eo. a | PVM-90410M/90440M Pvm-soa1ameoasom | SECTION 5 CIRCUIT ADJUSTMENTS 5-1. D BOARD ADJUSTMENTS. —DBOARD (COMPONENT SIDE)— ae ctting SUS bie me Bo 28: gout = oc eo tO OF ‘HORIZONTAL OSC3LATIONFREGUENCY ADJUSTMENT vets) 1. Rese mnopesigm 2 Conmc:pnD ofS grown wih OEY eralyc 1. Abe S03 (REQ) so ta he een seaming sp Z INS ‘iow oantmum Oh “SCREEN PHASE ADSUSTMERTS(RVS02,RVBT2, VSI) 1. Rectiveamoasope sea 2 Se (Unter Se set tere 5 = CONTRAST 1 aaicHNEss 6. haenvsTU orl cre ie 5. AdjnS6 BLK) orion BLK wich (Aaj RVS02 (VIDEO PHASE 2 emcee ‘ame nolan eval teconare “atone 1 | write rare scores stone sie * no So PvM-ooa1aMisoadam 4. Aas VET (LIN te een. ‘SUS (Unter Sen sh Under me, 1 BRIGHTNESS Maximom 4. V.BUK Adusene 50) (© Adj RVSOI(V. BLK oh he ape se we fase of enscope mer baked VELK ae not tank ine pps wht tame Sronoacipe ita 5. HBLK Aden (BVS:6) (Adan RVSISOL BLK) mate leend whe ev ne aeuhietanectncopesia ootake slowing ‘owe. | ie 5. Asa 06 (V. CENT eh ei poi, KK 6. ¥.sizE ADIUSTMENT (505) (0) Adj 2505 (S12 0a ei ie of monope ‘Sgultecmer 1752 tame, 1. VSIZEINUNDERSCAN MODE ADIUSTMENT RVS05) () See eer Sen) ich Unsere (2) dj Under V StZE wah RVD (UN. SEE as ows 40300" ent corer ce soeen) le! serene net seaped tvecive screen Seren aotane cn eto come TMORIZONTAL DEFLECTION PRAT ADJUSTMENTS (6508, RV508, FS, VS, FSS, AVBDUP boa) Moca tt Banh or whewrtal ir othe whe rect mencszepe sgn VERTICAL DEFLECTION PART ADJUSTMENTS (vs, Fv05, VED, SOT) 2 CONTRAST 10% 2 pecanmeess 30 3. Ads S08 (VS athe vei eo mone ‘Spaltecme 2 fame, ey 1. Rese aminpe sea 2 CONTRAST on * paiciNesS se 5, H.CENT Adj VEO oe Pout) () AsV" es Peas CENT te bona posto. >| «| SIZE Aden VSI!) ‘Adu RVSII (SIZE) he ronal of 16 ame of onapesie a Tena a PVM-s0410M/90440M 5. IN AMD, RN PHASE. ¥.ANG. BOW ADILSTMENTS Aasitv814(V ANG) RV (BO nce ns ‘inant esto, MP) SO (PN PHASE) soar vee ines ome sought LU II l | + sowavsis) va \A HV OELAY ADSUSTIENT (HVE, RVES2) | am LUPL + IN AMP Rvs09) JC + ny LAP VY PL + 1. UNDERSCAN MODE SIZE ABIUSTMENT @RVSI2 {Ses lar Sean) ven cere (2) Ads RVSI (UH. SIE) Under SIZE saunas Ee) Sersenienotwaneon ‘petaurconors ——— dhe anioanae ‘SHUT-DOWN VOLTAGE ABIUETMENT(RV1602) 1. tly rote RV ain te recta Bates sh 40 3. Tumac poner “ ‘Se a ee SHTDONN ow wi ' VOLTAGE DURING DC OPERATE MODE, NTRVEEOD) Resehesmonocape iza 4. Gomera cpa voces wc» postive sion Dad B BOARD ADJUSTMENT -BBOARD (COMPONENT SIDE). -BBOARD (CONDUCTOR SIDE} PvM-s0a10M/o044aM PVM-s041aMi04aM ‘PRIMARY COLOR WATRX ADJUSTMENT (vrs, vie, v2), Sup campo eer sil 75% aroma the cgaprenhtV agaist DEXTSYNCind RY a {SI coments Open br ejuymenexema synced Conesteconape wC124p0 (B OUD. 4A AdjstRVIISSUB UE ocbunte Dneoum at sounie oun JSG Tess man samy op UU. ‘Aus so thats porn should have rnin arotude 4 Ssalycomporst clr br sg 54 ear bt) wo he 5. Coometreiopen C125 pin 3 SUB-COL) Ass VIS (SUB-COL otarwaeorpeassholsaredesaelee, eon | suxsoso sess man omy UL surtso tat notes ana ne an peer have he seo!) 4 Coos optacope 1024 pind OUD, 1. Aa GN peak bodahavete Roun mal + t lees an gov Ls Ly oj so ta ie porton snowed have miner api, ‘BURST GATE PULSE WIDTH ADJUSTIENT (V108) eee color tarsi 2 Gonmat dal ene otsape w CNI05 omecor pin (COMP-SYNC) an C113 52) po GOP WIDTD. ‘Aaj RVIO9 BOP. WIDTH msn ersenspusbows Iona weal (BGP EN) cntospn® wevetom (COMP SYNC) VXO ADIUSTMENT CVi01 6vIe2) 1. ss WxO spaamene (CVI) (iy este NSE or bsp (2) Cone SV power oe 113 pin (ID FILT RE vias ‘eo ICH pi D ty coset to oon ‘rood C169 nea ie omega ‘ores feuency cower 013 pin. Ajit CVI01 (380) oss. {Thrace ony oeving eens ‘ju colar ynetotatenby V0 (35860) dat orator epee Seappas ana he ‘angels aubazosecvenel 2. 44a vxOageamene(CV100) (Reeve PAL ert an (2) Com 2 powetine C10 in, (8) Const Fue sone 19 ICD p-B Aa CVI (aro) eee ot {Trauma eravey ey cnring eens Adjusteoborsrcvonzaton by OVI), ‘jist so that coon sipes ‘Ssappesranaihe hue changes abizecoxrenay ‘WISCCOMSFLTER ABUSTAENT (aviTucew01 BOARD) eceneNTSC3.Heoo bsg omen cxope CU? nea sie Conti he OUT sh S Vp oni eal coma. ptt. ikisabve 3s ‘BVppasennh RV and on FME0| Pardue rai ‘078:05\p9. 'NTSCCOLOR DEMODULATION ADJUSTMENT (evrgavinsAvro4RViE? (0) Sapp NTSCelo splint bustandRYconpoen (Goran, es 61086 outa ba i i "Yeoupuertcives) (2 Come octosipe » 0128 ere (-¥ OUD. (3) Adj RVITS SENT - HUE) sar a te ween pas ‘Souda aul ump an a exept He Lave ‘eee ste ea 00 9) PVM-90410M/90440M 2. NTSC3SEMHe-COLOR sonar RVI (Resse NTSC 8 oor ola. 1) Conmera oxicope C249 OUD. () Adj RVITIGSINT-COL)onteaeornpststeihive ‘eae level nt a, (Aust ate fst nee Ah (@0uT_——_—_ pak eholnave ne same level) I-54 less nan Ar 7 Envee 5. NTSC ASEM: COLOR RY) ure (RVIOK RVIOD (0) Reset col tarsi (Conran oloscpe be QI eter (RY OUD, ant a RVI08 SENTSHIFT 0 ate upto he Dt Secon B-Y ans sgn ompubeceest. (6) Commetnoreionemi 2 1.OUT, Aa RVIOT (GSINT.COL GL) wo Aa he it cece ss be (Roun Ff ee i t 8 © Taek | leseman zon ae LI~} (Aajust fr 82D. [ass an 20n¥] Asolo! erence Detwesn 8 and shave es han som). Pv-sos1aMiso4a0m 'NTSC449HHZ COLOR DEMODULATION ADJUSTMENT AVION AVTT2.AVI03,AVI06) "AL_GOLOR DEMODULATION ADJUSTMENT (BVEISAVESEDION, RVTTOAVIOS.AV2I5) |. NTSC4.4¥4Ho- COLOR diver (RVIO5R2) (i) Restve TOC 443 or trai O29 cnr 1. PAL PHASE Adjnens RVIISV2SEPI1) (i Rested pel PAL aor 3 Cincnarectneettinpe Sate 3 tine Mime em wae a.voun 8 eect alee uaston Ae BD PLEMSD Oss OHA PA Soot Miner antaloma ner ne oar tent tommertbe at toate fectsiee ecmein Tey vom bata estar tte t [ : li) cy (0 mcm tg ee ation at RL Uoeciibeat aeuiecoonemchonsas f ran nn ee od Wren yan ané agen have lovlatarncs aust AVE nd RV'G8 stave 0 renove lnvsaterencn eveyone erzntl pores. So 8 50 Iiataerage becomes 7. (4) Goan nostepe emo Q128(8-¥ OUD. (3) Adj RV? inne SEPION mo tht RY (9° APA, orien BY ems aps ce a ln Rev6or90" 2 NISCA43Mls COLOR .¥ aduen VIO, RVI) it) Recehe tbe NTSC clobregnal 58 tama a {2 Cones a cute whe Q127 eer RY OUD, so Sais RVLOSeSNT SHIFT ota ouput fe Ds Secon (B-Y anal cups ees 0 () Connctanosioope WICI2¢pn (ROUT Ads RVIOS (GONTADL Rpm sured dele Bul bon (oun oss anon CF “| ip | lestbanzomy cy (Asus or 0. pes an 2000] Ato level erence Between 8 end shoul beans han ORV) 2 (evo enPAoat * The ent PAL prion has esa levelaterenesineveryeher orzo pre. 5, aus so ‘hetaverape cones 0 (scoster sissies cot (clr oh asa ein, | 2 paLcovor apwisTMENT vii (0) Reeve PAL cnr slp 3% ol bh. ©) Ceenetan olay C12 pn (BOUT. | ©) Ade RVITO(PAL-COL} 0 trae pes od ve | ech oon te (fej soa et ara neh (BOUT) peaks shaulshave He sare vel) a aneeeene Tess an conv e3 | M t | 3 Micosge yon Vien ) Croeantioiape C12 pin OUT. (©) Adjusts PAL-COL-)sotuennctornpess hod 1 tee ene eel fos | Roun less tan omy 1 | t T el t 1 | ee tan 2omy : Ly | Societe neitaneee benoen an shuld eee than Bt) ‘SUB-SHARP ADJUSTMENT (RV255) | Reeves sweeps (orm 1 5 Sesion OM 1 cConsoteysstould esd (2) Comesancelloope C128 pn. (G-OUT. (3) Ade VAS SUB-SHARP) shown oes ome ramp ol sno gral cuut weve lspieaon] | atic stete-oross PVM-So41aMi90440M ‘CHROMA H PULSE POSTION AB.USTHENT (evionavina) (0 Race te SECAM crt (hes eage othe es siecle) 2) Seite dese te. (2) Ags RVIOT LUSE WIDTH) sa he ke nay tet Secor onthe eg of een apes (@) Relew teundersen de (5) Sethe DELAY mde (6) AcjnRV102PULSEPOSD wate pinned ere ‘heise color nage ater ex och per Note: inate asnmentecVEELAY staan ung BV DELAY sr pecorad ater cong te ‘Shue i se rene wl fee “Torfoe pomedtisijtaere wonton eter eooed| mare PyM-so41aMo0a40M | ‘SBOARD ADJUSTMENTS —SBOARD (COMPONENT SIDE) ‘DEMODULATIONLEVEL ADUSTMENT(RVII01.AVT102) 1. Rec SECAM cl 2 Gomer anostinape w C124 p= B.OUN, 5. Adj bu RVIID (SEC-CDL) 2 at wee peaks ‘Bald area lee a wou loss an 20m 9p ‘SECA CTHIOTLTTORL TO) 1. Rese SECAM clo 2 Be ier Ags (TIO (© Conmstanetescope 10101 in. (2) Adu T1101 Bel Fit) sot be tee veto ces ‘orth, (Unie esol en) NMC 3. Coe Bane Adem LIDRLIN05) (© Gees a toxopet pie (RY) eCNII0 comer 1) AgjunLit2 (RY) roourte nor aired petanlee mes a =f T (© Comer an oioscpe 0p 8) of CN) comes, (© Agent 105@.¥ seat son seloedpeicleclecomes ~ =f ‘hecho ajsing Anche ah wi ae ‘aloe ne cet sarge (Aust so mate fst ard meso, asks shout ave tne sme vel) 4. Guaecan oitnope wICI24 gin ® OUD. 5. Aaj 8 ted RVEED(SEC-COL (RV) sh he lel (oun ra LI "5 sacsihanzonv Lr— (cust tr BeD_ [oss than 2004) Ao iv caro betmeen Bend shouts be lee nan Som) aH 1} 2 fs te } SECTION 6 7 DIAGRAMS |_| 6-1. FRAME scHemaric DIAGRAM ONY SPon15t/ DRUCKT PVM-s041aMiso4aam pow | ow fos | te | | ie | te | me te ti * TT wel A SONY SP.ODISI/DRUCK2 ae PVM-90410M/90440M 6-2. BLOCK DIAGRAM (1) PVM-9041QM/90440M —PVM-9041QN D ccrznon sem SONY SP.0151/ DRUCKA 63. BLOCK DIAGRAM (2) bn _ pavsronssvonvcs am | PVM-90410M'90440M —_PVM-so41QM90440M = —s7— a [pv sponisi/ DRUCKS PYM-s041Mis04s0M —PVM-90410M90440M PVM-s041aM/o0400M Jon spooist:pRucKT Pvw-s041aM/90440M 6-4, CIRCUIT BOARDS LOCATION 6-5, PRINTED WIRING BOARDS AND SCHEMATIC DIAGRAMS oe: 1 hlcapctos avin uF unless ces nce na SOW ores are ot cate neal + sion restr, wen oes nothave one ‘ang eect por iss lor. en Sm | Rng elon power AW 1 vette encadusabiressornoecreacedsie Cane eles rie re = The components ented by FA in tis base chamatie Bagram have been caret far ela fy eac etn oreo easly regusons ‘eaerng Kay rasan, ‘Shoudrepiceran be raqurec. poe wah the ‘ale opal utes. + Wren ep comporent ered by make ‘pected vues echoves (Petri VES, and VERS nto pape ‘aara'3) + Wen raping the pat in beow ele be sue to partormtne rete nant Partrepiced (Cd) | aajstment (FA) es itu setom 52] wolb own) + Atvotages a HV + Votagearedcwinrepecttogroundurissctnerise rates + Resdnge ae taken wih a. ctrgnlinp 1 escgearetskon wins PAL corr splint + Tt sratpam 1 Noman wenPALesrbarsinlecevedorconon vone + |) oth SEAM colar sort eoies NGRFLMRBELEWBEWOUND Re NONFLAMAABLE CEMENT cou Leet AtcnO INOUCTOR (CAPACITOR :TA™ TANTALUM Srvnou Pe POLYPROPYLENE: maa MPS METALZED POLYESTER MPP METALZED POLYPROPYLENE BeOAR ALT HIGHTEMPERATURE AIR HIGH APPLE psy spaoisi/DRUCKS (our. Fen) Board — {SWITCHING REGULATOR] PVM-90410M904¢40M_ ' PVM-9041aM90440M pesoeroosion _prissosromontsn = eumsoee « von [XJ rare ecartroncon [EA yo [QA | persouc een ‘ony SPa01st/DRUCKS PVYM-s041QMI90440M —_PVM-90410M/90440M QA — wrt sion SELECTOR Be [eG | -aeee [rransisrOn] Gat 1 2 3 4 1 5 6 Zz 8 3 10 ‘ Si Ger 2) psn) a rey DNY sPanist/DRUCKIO [owy spamisi/ RUCK » i rsamenrenare SONY SP001si/DRUCKIZ 21 ji Cj i 0 | 1 SHS aLa abel eh eh 1 cI aad Wiha 4 ppv srootst/onucki3 | PvMsoa1ame0440m — PYM-s041aM/e04aaM J 2 | » | =~ | = | «2 | 2» | 2 | »@ | w» | ‘BOARD lesa cxz0025 nn -Poo—pDdor fe 6 or counren or a 18 pf>e—@ nour SONY SP-O0151/ RUCK PVM-90410M90440M —_PVM-80410M'90440M [D ccrcennsrem a -s- as ppv spooisi/pRvcKis PVM-90410M90440M —_PVM-90410M/90840M PVM-90410M/90440M |_PvM-sos1amsoaaam — PvM-90410MI90440M PVM-90410M90440M PVM-50410M90440M —_PVM-90410M/90440M —— a py sponisi/pRucKis PVM-co41QMi9044aM —_PVM.9041QM/90q40M |. PvM-o0s: eur Coron 5) —s- —o— ee [ONY SPop1st/ BRUCK |_PM-gos1aM/so44aM — PYM-90410M90440M os -e- ONY SPon1st/ DRUCK20 common wiresnanse) [CA eth Batadh 3 , Bil en > Pvw-9041QM/90440M — PvM-so41aMis0eaam | PvILsos1aM9040M —_ PVM-o041ON/s0440M Pv-sos1aMeoasam D @ @ @ 1 UU AS Poa | we pitti pep Le tte seen pemminen| [mae | man goes a eg ys aL wee | Do | LI} a Ja wos gue goswesel oan |_snun | _an =o ——. moan wat bonne WONT BOS Go gon psy sronist/ pRUCKDS PVM-9041aMe04s0M Dpyy sp-nisi/DRUCKs ‘ony spooisi/DRUCK2S PVM9041QM90440M — PVM.90410MI90440M aa! a Wl vege eam ans ue + ay amie ate a em, ie gia a fe ue 7 ioe HH i | SE RARE SEMMe a Ptefe [GE ISS GRE a ta Pot esau i Ea tp ti Held il ee il See 4g sai ga : He A El Hel a i: sean ata ie 1 HET ie Fe ee BS tid & a UB i} TERE GE] be Chie-osi-os erat clare Ee SE i/iok vine (-2Seo15-12 RES, ADL, Caton 22k cewsisto> ret emeseen aL an sors-ea) Aare AUT HHO, 356 Pee se ee Sie ae ee Pa ae Shee Bim altho Bf Ee ENE eed dR ea SEAT Mealthow F SSREISECSIC Betton Pts See mies grat ae " ae perm. aro. ee 4) SE ga eget joe, at UBEEEREISD Bi! gore oa sue HESPBESER att: Oe oA esse TST zat ait RERI ie Ba tlw? on hea Ys iB aig, @ at aa i, a Ee Bia th | hee tue SH sta. La tye a cana ise : — = PVM-90410M/90440M see corm) SEP ao tee Wis conan ices =— HEEL sane oo es ee ea See -9r— PVM-90410M/90440M Sony Corporation sont apy rose Group ciel 3 ies EN | SONY. \ AEP. Model _ SERVICE MANUAL ent SUPPLEMENT-1 + Board: The vans changes th avant (an). Dieraeeore-a) | van S ierabe 986-8) | rat PvM-90410M/90440M TABLE OF CONTENTS sian ie Pate 1. DIAGRAMS. Bea % 2 ELECTRICAL PARTS UST a foamow) PhereD One ORT APTN nov soe [uv SennceTOAVOIOPOSSWLESHOCK HAZARD SECAUSE ‘he Cuassis OF ras ReceweR 6 RECTLY connecTED TOT Ac POWER UNE, ouponens DeNnneD by SuaDWiG AND MARK A ONTHE |_PvM-soa1am90440M —_PVM-so410M/9044am SECTION 1 - - DIAGRAMS LS seoun senooureron 441. CIRCUMTS BOARDS LOCATION 1-2. PRINTED WIRING BOARDS AND SCHEMATIC DIAGRAMS 5 4 o| e F a 4 SONY SP-00151/ BRUCK32 |_PVM-90410M/90440M —_ PVM-90410M/90440M bz [os |e pos joe |o7y ji se foe fom po fiw | iw | we | — ~8- tipia pis pie pis pe Py pe 4 8 e ‘ 6 je ea je 4 = INN | YY | PI 7 oto 4 +] LL nw 7 a a SIN tL | SINT . F ° 4 \ J _ NY SP. DRUCKS PVM-90410M/90440M —_PVM-90410M/90440M pom | 2 | 2 | m | 2% | #2 | 27 | 2 | - ~10- | Pvm.9041aM/90440M —_ PVM.90410M/90440M =e a1 ‘amsoasam | PYM-90410M/90440M _PVM.90410M/90440M -12- -13- PVM-90410M/90440M —_PVM.90410M/90440M |_Pym.s0s1am/90440m Pymsostamsossam | PyM-eosiameosam —_pvM-sosiaMisos4oM_| = Boars ~ Component side ~16— -7- -18- JON sp.001s1/ DRUCKS ~a4aM_ —_PVM.90410I/90440M PYM-90410M/90440M —_P me ~19- | PVM.90a10M/90440M —- PVM-90410M/90440m. =19- -20- [ONY sP.onistDRUCK:O PVM-90410M/9044QM —_ PVM-90410M/90440M abe ts |e | se |e Pr pie fe Pw Pf i ts i ts 4 f 7 4] 4 Siz | FS oom Tithe? ea f eel) [ee 4 7 Last | 4 ies F ° \ 4 1 1 [ony spontstpkuckst PVM-90410M/90440M PVM-90410M/90440M -24— -23- “SONY SP-0S1/ BRUCK? he PVM-90410M/90440M PVM-90410M/90440M -26- psy spans pauckss r SONY $P00151/ RUCK -27- ~28- PVM-90410M/90440M 6 file tet Ltt a ae ge ee wee | Do | Lf a fa oe vou YAIRI Inn pron RA e 7 _ erro 1-23, Bae TS ape Pt vt To “Le turns wow wnree FBS BERE oe macy carve vosase Pot eb GPa tht OL se recese ie ESSE SEE ESS am meses carves encsed Tnclns adler er erE Inllnnl ara! ra tncees em oneeve FEE BERG macnn ene eae ~30- DNY SP-015/ DRUCKES )041M/90440M gue gee ge oe} Leja for gone | ee | ee | ee mgs WIPE SRB een pan te nowote wou senese FE HEELS corer vacoto nt tneeoe e ma sor be ra — BEB — —~—m “SONY SPO01S1/DRUCKA6 —30- a i ; = E GG & Bak i etl ele i raga ae . mages SHE iiearlis * & a SECTION 2 ELECTRICAL PARTS LIST SRM EF 8. aod 4g Seeed NEE aggE pew: ESSE EaSSS 3g seeep guess SBR88 ee bees 9522 8508 PVM-S0410M/90440M —_PVM.90410 8 GR ian i an ihe ° 3 8 2 SERS aoe 5 HREEE 2. dod Be SY, #2 Blog 2 Brees Bee gu aa fof bslasa iH pa = Bese sez 2c oe a ° SRG eR RO UR BR Ri ‘BRERE wR BS ot ty ee y a susg2 32024 gees cares = igi Geese Geass SRASR SESE HASRE HNMHE EMHEn BUatn HME EEE de EOE OE Bipte soapy HEE artet seed BBES SB88S SGS05 S8859 BERRR SAAR sels tt BUSES BSS SEG68 G8685 S8588 58885 88 SEEEE GEaes Geass, SESEE gages cosse 24 offs seses ceses ess igs EEHES EERE Seuss eee Pep pores goers fete Tee SSRRS AOEER RRESR BERBER BEBE 384 we remem ceewer eeeee oHEEH ‘ete: aN! peed Higgs EEEEE S5555 E5555 Beez: eisai a Sy Basak wisek E252h BREE © SSEE oe ceil SEREE AE Hix oe SSE gy oe SEREE Sain ot he E88 ~a3— 32 [ony spooisi/pRucK#? PVM-90410M/90440M —_ PVM-90410M/90440M B] {[B ' cram seme rs wn te eg pe aE aT a f — ot ies ae AEN THREE mu ' ql a ae Fe: —— oak RU i E i +s me meee gue ee ' ql oe mia) i res ae ; RE LES Sa Se iE ie HEREC Ae eens i t Bar {e 1 mage tm sie : if aie ea u i, it CRD ERS RSISR EB | 61 ia [a pare mate ey i £ Ge ene : : oo Hae gaat ae (OD EERE! RE | i ret ae rece Te | ie RE a a ; 4 5 Ee rH Aa at (tH Bae TERS lie, i “coat LINe> “uvsistoo. it Hae ‘TRANSISTOR 29A1062-€ : ‘ RL HAT sreieg ae aes BES Ean : F nye aah ! ibe ner na ieee \ Bod reat & Gann ; ee ree nl | es 12 RAE Be Cie eae rae ar A oe eer be dictineanbin SS HE i . 8 EE a Vow ren une ns -33- a3 SONY SP.00151/ DRUCKAS PvM.904101M/90440M oun rumett REEER 85: s = ee i i aggge ge (eich a it veces mete ances Tenax a ee BREE iG GGSSE SERSE mt SESE 0H ER EERE Hees eu ne nt fet SA fet gat Rt An Ge ei He Fe SGIRU Sten a aa BaeaE esos Bee: SgSSS SSESe S28) ee dose loose 2adé: eR ae pit is 2 = cH 5 He ha Bey : seo5 Beene SuuuE BouE8 B01 = ' ti See Bamba? ae iSt aet AA finan ie Se ae aut ee a, Etend Sn ae 35 be ae 2 WE Ba 5 wagon wna yaa ayaa anna AMR waa ww mae a tee 5H Be a BERS wa wma vamue eeoce Pvm-g0410M/90440M B) oescrion 6-0 ME Unt 108k S8885 SESE8 — ~37- PVM-90410M/90440M BD 0, rar Hg PE er Siig 8 a ae eee ee te femane fe warm came 2.20 vio ae" ihe ri ae a ee cle ee BE memam lit oF . HH i om i Hew: ig tem LEH Gs ees et a wig a HS GIES BEE Be a HES ee 4 ie GES EEE 2 a He 1 ta | se est mt TS IESE AE BE | — LGR a RSE fi He Ee SS a ae im GS See Oe mee SEH aa, Fe Ga nam me mee me LE qi oe SE fa ae am —38- PvM-90410M/90440M. E e 8 16-20-09 clam CHP 8.oNSH 5 1st. 1165-05-40 cau cP 0.008F BBa 8 ABREG SERR5 BERR: REx® HEEEE SRE ase ct —39- _evmsosromisossom | Dl Pe pa serio. ie es ee Cesee Meee A PRIA Ee G et aE ue s) epare sta seas a He ier 2 auiee mus ae a 2 ae 7 729-422-271 TRANSISTOR 2506014-0 ww ae ae naerstme we eee gumenonvan (dks Fipeee Ree aa AOAPSEOLS HE ED RI Seo ee Sed 8 eee Re ere Gee aie 12 ESS EE, Hoare mom sae LEER RS ge mite own mis SH Een a — aa = = ae I ll sear Ba a _— ea BR Es Bi Blow ae 27 a Be cree ges ED Bees a8 oR Rico faa Que i i BAe Se i Ee igre gi eu ib ER cE Ee PVM.90410M/90440M. uso vate HREM Mt Se Mt aM Heh SIRS A EAE Hee Lace ee: -a1~ _Pum-sostaMoa4oM | 141M /90440M 25. P BOARD REMOVAL (ovrPsxi2) ‘cweos I Donescew i OP bse “y ere — (aves) one PVM-9041QM/90440M 2-7. HA AND FA BOARDS REMOVAL, owacto) Grower sien Otwo soon (eres) Be PVM-9041M/90440M 248, PICTURE TUBE REMOVAL ote = Canon lr ANODE CAP intaliion ‘When you space PICTURE TUBE oe FBT, rnove RTY o# [ANODE CAP soa PICTURE TURE aad PRT conte eum Pate ade poured and made api acoace wl te ADHERING PROCEDURE OF ANODE CAP. 2._Drela ace wise Onrode cep Drourptye wee ne Ue REAOORTY (RIV sleone serve, SHINETSU (ciescat Pata, esecton Taze0ts-8 Shane (ATV) KEW nal ANODE Ca | ‘eget apy RV te ei pice te ade se, Sacre 0 hat nips rena ees ec Dry tan 2 hus oom eee (@ detec yee @Pevcense + REMOVAL OF ANODE-CAP * ReuovI PRoceoURES OG oY © Tumup nee of te nbtertp edison axed tearow®. seat soo. + HOWTO MANDLE AN ANODE-CAP © Dow hr te nutce of mndecap ih sap ‘pet mae © Dart pret he ier hay eto hu nie of @ Dexter over aay ue © Vang tan plop he aber cp © When onesie of he aber ap it separa fom te mae aoe ‘otras berry ng the dicen of he arow ©. PVM-90410M/9044QM SECTIONS ‘SET-UP ADJUSTMENTS. + Te follwing ajar hal ese hes copie Perotti der flow religmentsrgereders sew piconets neal. 3 BeamLanding + Teewadhnmenertoleteperomed ihc prversgpy 32 Comme ‘eg ne ether nse. 33. Fos Tecomalinfawichblow holbesesflbesulesierie Note: Texeupmen Reged | aD _ a =. Sond roman oem A 21, BEAM LANDING hh tor wen nowrtredce he fen oextalagrese ‘Torte poverruiehordeunkONandensebe menace wsinga degen, (0) Beartandiog 1 Receive arent wg whe ater pee. conTaast Max. BRIITIESS Seta oobave 2 Adjutant talc, lage andconeenc mu 3. ron be dfeton yoke moun se, ie he ty onal econerse town ei) 5 Moved defeton ye bctwar nd ais wih eptity en becomes ret. Repe S107 rea ‘Me ong ote come ipso by eng he gee 233) te PVM-90410M/90440M 3-2, CONVERGENCE (1) Hovzonaland vertical State Convergence Adjustment ‘onthe Center of Screen, cae sg pron V SIE, V.CENT, SIZE, CENT Soe Disarion Asus (Stati Convergence Adusimert) 1. Receives sigma sting BRIGHTNESS miu wd 22M STAT Wi cone an ed et he enero soten, Giana mene) 5. Aan STAT mpmsioconoed poeanldeonbe ert sceen. (Versa movenen) 8 (ite V STAT agetan usc cones opener Ghee VSTAT mage). on ‘When eV STAT apets moet inte Geen cf anow A snd ro. remand ue ns moves shows low ‘When moving te VSTAT Mognetope orcoe eset es oe VS oad aol ot 4 a ‘When tthe STAT agent eels (cose) we & na | oy a I heratandgreendodonotsncr whe dsc ‘is BMC (olen mae TMC VMCcanecan or BMC 6 oe) mgr HMC Miconegenc)cerasion sodas be Eeemnsamwim ne Bete pon map oo save carecion 7 kb RG 8 mea oe 283 a ES gee ao S8 ate “86 9 ne | —16— @ vw eer Micmersce)cenn a ma of (2) Morizontat "Ben Bem whe MC per mae ‘ue Coracten §) ‘Mc Carecton @) lc Convergence, ‘Adjustment othe Enurone ofthe Sereen (Dyramic ‘Convergence Adjustment). _ —w- pny se-00151/ DRUCKSI PVM-90410M/9044QM — PVM-9041@M/90440M owe defen ye ow Reine een yokes Move defen oe for bx comergece. Tne { e elsionyepace: Son core Comeree p Aiapiraloy ay canesponsg ne ® mmesomergecarees. | \ (Thorearideot pete tube) 33. FOCUS 1 Resve nope sal 3a FOCUS co oh ees ne cent ren rer {Screen (2 Vohage Austr) 2. Agua G ewstfcomnosurerpntecaode lye ‘ng mes 05 De out design ah Sy (ite stance} es chma oht) 2.‘ RVITS UB BRD cB tau oh he ue pe porn oho ate recy 4st neni we ia amt pte ert. 5 contact "i (00 degree clave fom a) 4 Vg elannencleeone atheism eet 7 As treat ofasig VI 1910-C0) enV Change te ae sg ine 100 RES ton vhe cep ning RVI20(-CAIN?and 1 sje nc hihi lo Me ONLY me sing FRvize-RGAINL) ad RVI (GCAINBD, rn genres Ne oni wie bale -1- PVM-90410M/90440M SECTION 4 ‘SAFETY RELATED ADJUSTMENT 4-1, SAFETY RELATED ADJUSTMENTS [ROLE-cORmGIRCUT CONFIRMATION EF ara ‘Bs ADIUSTWENT AND Bs WAX CHEGKFORGERVIGNG | Cetrvess) | ‘Tifeboingsurmensstodaaytheptms hn epg Veloiowingronpenm maith enema agra) {on out Poser spy ok) Ay, ea, PED, Cet, RES RAS, RES, RS, RVESL, 1. pat AC poner aya 2400", 2 epee momepe sen BRIGHTNESS 4. Commelina 9 RVI p-D on te Dt 5) ana RVGStonbeG beads sBrcagebcerb 1 tape AC perp seage OV tapas 1 BRIGHTNESS Siar 10. Check te Be aage ow 4190 Nistor eae peo 'B; MAX WDC POWER INPUT MODE, CONFIRMATION Cervia03) “Tehtowng jnman tattavaybeperomeduherepaog ‘teelonfompenns teh faneshente der) epee Geat, Qieaz, 0160, Diet, Dien, Dieas Die, C1, hat, aD RLS RIS RIL, RIGS, RISE, RIT les HUG, RIG RISD AVI, RVI SupiyDe V8 Vm DC BVI comet 1 pmineNesi Mien ep 3 seid at te RYE. Aer ung =e SONY SPO0IS1/ DRUCKS? ‘Thealonngatjrnensshousuayeteperorndvieenpacig efaningtonpnens imei stheshonsictagm) en Doe ‘Esa, G5, O85, O55 0855, DES D536, C9, CH, CAA, (hs, Coase, Ca VES RSD. RASH RA RISD, ESD, PAS ESS, RES, AST, RSH R49 RAND, RG), RUSE RES en oC NCSD), Te FBT) elven ei wisp 3. Gotan cpa lamer 8 TPS CHIE pn @) 4 Guaton te toages tats 30¥ De S. Resende sgn 5 ConresanammertteseD hrSCNS3 in @ nd Phoad ex pn. 1. jue BRIGHTNESS an CONTRAST she ure it iL s0n ‘lage besos 18 5V S01 Be confon fe HOLD DOWN 12, ApppOCyoluget 7 8' 01Ve0TPS Contin be HOLD: DOWN vcitepeaes edna ster 18, Wihesine set apasts an py BV = VC leTPAs Contrmanr ne HOLD DOWNer soon 14 When ave pesto ae asi ru RVEE, ‘Aer ajay, an RVBED pase mhepay =n SECTION 5 CIRCUIT ADJUSTMENTS 5-1. D BOARD ADJUSTMENTS -—DBOARO (COMPONENT SIDE} HORIZONTAL OSCILLATIONFREQUENGYADWUSTMENT | [ SCREENPHASE ADJUSTMENTS RVS02,FVST2,RVS16) (esta) Resivewnonoscpe sig Ct tte oe. + L os 2VM-90410M/90440M LV BLK ADJUSTMENTS (AVSOH,RV516) 2 SHUIS Uae Sem sito Underme, Sus tsieosiieas maze 4 Aas RVSOTCLIN event ay, Bo CONTRAST on Minimum {BRIGHTNESS Manna, CCT we 1) Adee RVEDICV. BLK) soa eve side white ame ofS. Adj RVS04(, CENT he vis son, monsep sigan VEX ensosne ty el comers Fey epee eee Snss ‘tevaietnmeotnomcopesgulineteecwtoboneg = ' $ nae WORIZONTAL DEFLECTION PART ADJUSTMENTS (v8, FVS08, RUST, AVS RS, RVBDNP oar, ote nin Bancihwiakenswhtevecaling ofthe 1. Reeves neoneope sg wih tame otmonoseepe gn 2 cowtmast 108 VERTICAL DEFLECTION PART ADJUSTMENTS | 3. H. CENT Asjstman (RVBD! n Phew) (vsbe, AV505, USOT, USAT, RVI) (2) Ads S01 on Post C2NT he hrs pton Cerne > + once % Aauth0s 0 Siz ete tevencaeetmmnye | SmaI! Ts " (0) Adj RVSIT SIZE he iam seo 16 fa of onsapesiza ae ‘2tames © aa 5. PIN AME. PIN PHASE, V. ANG, BOW ADJUSTMENTS (GvsoeRvsos avsta VSS) Ajo RVSLV ANC) an SS OW Wearever Sorin nd bowdstron Adj RVSOD(IN AMP ond SOS (GIN PHASE) st eens ere sri Prusestompouan 2 oowtRAST 08 1 RICKTNESS sm 3. SaHV DELAY eich io DELAY noe, () Comet onarpe pin 1. 1 Adj VES? GH DELAY) teanes sl 21h = 1) Conta nice pi. FI. (2) Aas VAST ober ts am follows, TIP) | ent CCPOMMD) eee DICH + PUPHASE RVI) [\\* 6 size apiusmMeNT sit) (0p Asus StI S12) 29st tehoana ue besones 6 2. UNDERSCANMODE H SIZE ADIUSTMENT,RUSI2) (1) Se (Unter Sea suo derma poses Soeenie twa on tt Sereanienataraped pI Boo arse ‘SHUT-DOWN VOLTAGE ADJUSTMENT (RVI632) 1, lye RVIEE ined de thrown, Sopp a9 $V votagso te C162 ade of LIA onthe 3. TumACpower stich ON, 4 ReaD bee RVIEO2(SHT DOWN sbwy te pea at ‘sosdownshe une '. VOLTAGE BUTING D6 OFNATE MODE, [ADJUSTMENT RVICON) 1. Sly DCI2Vs02V 9 DC 12 Neonat 2 Receiveaoeospe sin BP CONTRAST 1 BRIGHTNESS om, 4 Gomes iil woo CS + poe sie on od 5 Ad RVG te DbonoraazaV Be "VM-9041QM/9044QM 5-2, B BOARD ADJUSTMENT -BBOARO (COMPONENT SI06)- -BBOARD (CONDUCTOR SIDE} me ‘PRIMARY COLORMATRIXADJUSTHENT (avris, vit, v2) 1. Sup compo wr by sga(3% dona color bh uprated EXTSYNC nd Re [BR Ycomecos Opentebe espe onena jee Consstoselecpe C124 ie BOUT. Aaj RVIIS(SUBHUB) octane Bue cuputssshonn tf oun Tee han deme ‘eco tat ie potion shad nee rr apie 4 py cones eo fr sign C38 clr a) the pn nator xt na B-Y inl Ope ‘teeyepment ine SYNC ede 5 Cenectosocpe sip) GUB-COL) Adit RVII6 {SUB-COL) oa weet pas bu ve hexmeleve fa JUUUL (acjst coat ates ade st Dake shosd nave ne soe eve) 4 Cheon C12 pn OUD, J. awe 25 (0 YIN ott wantempetstelsonete (noun lesenancomy PVM-90410M/90440M ee [sunsr GATE puLse wioTH ADSUSTIENT (RVIGH) | 2 Comet dt we cnciteepe 0 CME commer in {COMP SYNC) and iC113 MS 2) pn) (BGP. WIDTH Aaj VI02 (GOP. WIDTH oebainteresosiar sown gsso2nser Icr396D waver (BGP GEN) cro pin waver (COMPSSYNC) VO ADJUSTHENT(Ovi01,OvIe2) 1. statis VxO asymm (EVID (i Receive NTSC enor aia (2) Cones SV power ine 9 C11 pn. @ GD-FLT-RER vine (2) ound 1103 pin ® ty comectgitio ou (8) Gown 162 “negne se rommectng io gend (5) Cones rgnncy soumaro 23 eB Adj CVO, Auer yreronaatony CV101 (9580), Deus sal ola eipes ‘appar ani ie ‘angels abled ecranely + = t fm) Semmes etn 3 1041QM/90440M 2. santa xOadjeamem (CVE) 2. NTSC3 sha COLOR juan VIL Ty ReeenePALeourtar siya (0) Reeve NTSC 8 carer sir 1) Comet o2V per ie 10 pin. (2 Coates cnlecope 1124 pin .0U. 13 Comes teqety cue 0 ICI ping, Ad CVIODG) Ade RVINIGSINT-COLshareawonspeasshadhne roy for acs thee ee), (usajseercaeatematveydoedy cervag sens (Ace sot est anath h felon) eoun sks shoul hve He sam eve) ‘jus cou yneteriatonby CVI02/449FO). ts tnan Fave ‘us so at enor eipes ‘aopear and ne nue ‘ranges sanaea exer 3. NTSC: stte-COLOR ¥) aus VIO4 AVION 1) Ree vou ut ‘NTSC COME FILTER ADJUSTMENT (© pov evo GSN STP 9 re up oe bo (aviTuceMI01 BOARD) ‘econ BY assign bcos 0. (0) Conan cence et dD ROU, Aa VOT (OSENT.COL (RV) 4 at he ee eee soo be Reeve NTSC3 ols (Conect anole 9 CE ese si Conf the ¥ OUT 07HS5 Vp foun Conn esl chomaaS2aVpobebw. eiaboess (OT StponuhaianvinogTicechuloswi leg ial i ae _——Lresiasitroa| ® t Semesbece [Lo | mena O7805Vp9. Ur} (Acs orB-0, lee han 200) Aboleve erence "WIS COLOR DEMODULATION ADJUSTMENT Linvirgaveravieqavier) bebroenB and shove less nan Bon) 2, NTSC2.SHMiE- HUE aunmen RVIIS) (hy Ssapy NSCznr tring tustrd-¥ conponen (Poretompe, Foi 4190 outlaw "Yeonpmen removed) (2) Cone asic 0 N78 ite (BY OVD. ‘howd tve egal sate ok it) ecg ar tee Ieetnan mv PVN-9041QM/90440QM ‘NISC «mt COLOR DEMODULATION ADIUSTMENT RVI06 AVI12 RV, AV108) "AL COLOR BEWGDULATION (visa mvarsePr0y, RVI, AVIOS) ROWSE 1. NISCA.A3e-COLOR adjust RVIORRVII3) 1 (i) cee NTSC aoa esa 38 ee bu, o ) Cometanmaeope 01124 pin (OUT. ® ) AdSIRVIOS ANT COL womunavcompeatiioiave 8) OUT) (adustsoiat he Wot ana tea peaks soulshavete sanstevel)_ ed t (©) Wen cy and mage hve le ns, at RVIN2 (GANT ALE and VION WNT COL aoe sere, reac (BOUT iw) enya ad magenia have levlaterence, ast RVET2 Sea V8 aforavely 0 reove 2. NT9C4MHe- COLOR R) sume (RVICR RVICH) () RevebetbenTSC4 Abia 5, cha caa (2) Coma anecocope othe QT sets (RY OUT, an St RVIOSGEGNTSHIPT so hh ot he Sar ‘esion(-Y ais ou tecomes0 (©) Comactneregn i e12¢p ROUT A RVI06 (GONTDL mY mde ees hu brs ® © moun less maneomv i z spate (e c - (Auster 820. ess han20nV) Algo velaterence Between B and shoud bales han 60m) ae (VOUT) sm PAL sore 1 PAL PASE Agjtmen VIB RVUSEPION) Receive the spel PAL clr omens cena nerf Q127 RY OUT, ‘jt RVIIS (PAL PHASE) v0 a BY (OPED) ws PAL Dorion Gate RY emote eu Dons -O( 5¢ Foon as. eye) youn JT) Saka at me 1 o + TieRRPALporannas as] lov oterercenevry other evict pared Se, aust 0 Inatavrapebecoes ‘comes anosiieapern emf Q128(@-¥ OUD, ‘jist RU? ie SIC! no dat RY ("Man PAL, rina BY Groce cape) comer ating [T UT * Treant-PAL poron har srat lovldorerceinaverycner ato aria. So, sso ‘Mateverage becomes 0 Fey.go790" Forth tesienef() nS, poset elm MAX mihi coma aig kab einer er ofthe pal rae, PVM-9041@M/90440M 2 PALCOLOR ADUSTMENT (V1I0, {Rese Pa cbr Sgn OS clr {2 Comeran nee i248 OUD. 1B) Agu nvti0 aL 600) tana pea hive Stine el nt. oun —faksstaghewe ne cae el) i" Tees han on DS t 3. PALCOLOR-R Y) ADJUSTMENT (RVi0S) (©) Comesn cscpew 124 pn OUD. (2) Adj 1051-0 RY) soba nef pt honk ave theme le se). ROU asanconv * i z me eee ee, L\— (faust lo 820. (es!an 200] Ao velcierence Setnecn Band C uisbelaes an nV) ‘SUB-SHARP ADJUSTMENT (205) 1 pana chal be oean OH (, 1 Compost sesh eines. 2) Comment a aang 10124 pn. (G.017, (8) Aalst RVI0S(SUB SHARP) ston, osu ae Hit Exenelof sasop sara oupstwavtam cscs} Sa sueno10 8 ‘CHROMA PULSE POSTION ABASTHENT (avioxvieay o a e ® > © Reeve te SECAM clr ba (The cge oft ren salsa) ‘djs VIO! PLUSEWIDTH) wt he oi inediely telecon the ted of bere pes ‘jut V102 PULSE POSD online fre ‘ering clr eth mage fer bck ore ages, Note: imgeptsijatmentorVDELAY aountadvene ring HV DELAY is pvr fer complete be Mtn eh secon radu Wl De rege ‘Tht perfomedns usm eo mene hvebeenpeomed Se PVM-9041QM/9044QM — PVM-90410M/9044QM eons s. a DIAGRAMS. (61, BLOCK DIAGRAMS (1) 5-3. § BOARD ADJUSTMENTS. ‘DENODULATIONLEVEL ADJUSTIENT(RVITONAVIT02 —Seoaro coMPoNeNTSioE}— Conestoga C12 pn GOUD, fait § td RVI! (SECC) shat weeform peaks nF ‘hoi ee nel mat | or leesinan 2008 UL (acjotea tates ne ‘oaks soulhave thse eve) 44 Coast anclscope 1124 pe (RUD, SECA THON HTORLITOO ‘jen § tard RVITODSECCOL (RY) 5 ha eee 1. Rete SECAM ota 2 ale Agen T1100 (noun {Come melnige 10101 p-®. area (2) Adee TL (Bele neat com afr eames a toh (Ueeen ee ibe min) |__ TT > one JI 4 LT % 6 | wseinanzonv 1. clr tee Ans 1102105) (Acjstor 0. (ss han 2) Aloe erence {) Cometmresclocnpe spin) (RY) e€ CMOS come, ween Band shou les han SOV) } Ageia anbenmstpminaioe Sra aise (6) Comecian eiacge wp (BY) of CID come (3 Aan otatacnon cet prneebecoe the ora ng ao chs ae white tee | = |ony srooisi/DRUCKSS

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