Assessment Task

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Task 1. Competency Review

Locate Annex C in CMO 74 or 75, s. 2017. Review the competencies and read the corresponding
Performance Indicators under each of the 7 domains. Identify one performance Indicator for each cluster
that you consider s most important and that you are excited to do. Identify also one Performance Indicator
that you consider least important and that you are not excited to do. Use the matrix below for your

ICT Domain Performance Indicator Most Important for You to Do Performance Indicator Least
Important for You to Do

Domain 1 Incorporate ICT policies in the design and Discuss national ICT
implementation of teaching-learning activities. Policies affecting classroom

Domain 2 Discuss ICT concepts, principles and theories integrate ICT in teaching
in various teaching-learning processes. plans that require learners to
connect the content of the lesson
to society

Domain 3 Deliver the lesson using appropriate digital Design a technology-
tools or application. enhanced lesson to support

Domain 4 Produce ICT-based teaching and learning tools Make technology tools
in collaboration with students. based instructional materials to
improve student learning.

Domain 5 5.2.1 Exhibit leadership in shared decision-making Lead group activities
using technology tools. using technology tools.

Domain 6 Use technology tools to search for, manage, Use resources from
analyze, integrate and evaluate information that can be relevant mailing lists and online
used to support professional learning. journals.

Domain 7 Discuss safety issues in obtaining resource Comply with intellectual
materials from local area network-based and the property laws including the fair
internet. use of educational content.

1. What you have learned (knowledge) from this topic?

- I learned in this topic that technology is useful in many things and it can also be useful in learnings. We
can use technology as a tool to learn many various things in this world, technology provide us a support
to learn easily thats why many people use it.
2. What are the things you have realized and appreciated (attitude towards learning)?

- In this world there is many thing to be appreciated but, one of the most thing that i appreciate is the
development of technology becuase it can help us in many things such as we can use it as a tool to learn,
to gather information and to manage many labor things. So we must be thankful to the technologies that
we use today.

3. What are the things that you discovered (skills that you will cherish) after this topic?

- In this topic i able to learn that i can use technology to develop myself on my own. Using technology i
can teach myself to learn and improve my communication using social interaction by the use of

Reflective Essay

Write a paragraph about your personal experience on how technology has influenced your life as a learner
from elementary, high school and college.

How technology influenced my life as a learner?

-We already knows that technology is so useful and has a great impact in our life. During my elementary
days we are very so poor thats why we dont have cellphone or computer execpt for tv, well during those
times when we have assignment we use books to find the answer it really a hassle cause we need find it
words by words still its fun to read books. When i started highschool our life slowly improve that we
already can afford a cellphone or pay a computer so that we can use it for a minimum of time, thats why
when we have assignment i dont need to find it in the books anymore i can just search it on my phone or
in the computer and it was so easy to use compared to books. Up until now i still use these technologies
because it was really helpful. Through technology i learned many things and it made my life as a learner
so easy.

How will I use technology when I become a teacher?

- As a future educator i will let my student use their technology to gather information and ideas that can
help them improve their skill and learn. It's important to understand that technology helps the teacher and
students in learning, using technology i can accomodate variety learning methods such as they can learn
through online videos and reading articles so that the student can learn easily on thier own pace.
How does the role of technology change the teaching learning environment?

- Students can collaborate on group projects using technology-based tools such as wikis and Google docs.
The walls of the classrooms are no longer a barrier as technology enables new ways of learning,
communicating, and working collaboratively. Technology has also begun to change the roles of teachers
and learners. Technology helps students to research subjects, share ideas and learn specific skills.
Technology allows for such flexibility in learning that it is enabling our students to work in a more
collaborative manner. Technology is a key building block in facilitating collaborative learning.

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