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Beginning Knowledge and Personal and Social Well-being in the

Life Skills curriculum are organised in topics. The use of topics is
suggested as a means to integrate the content from the different
study areas where possible and appropriate. Teachers are
encouraged to adapt the topics so that they are suitable for their
school contexts. Teachers are also encouraged to choose their
own topics should they judge these to be more appropriate.
(CAPS Life Skills Page 14).

Daily activities in all areas of Language and other subjects.

The following activities could be introduced during any or all of
the Grade R rings (circles): music, movement, science, language,
news, show and tell, story as well as creative activities.

In Grade R perceptual work is extremely important because it

underpins and prepares the foundations for future learning. Make
sure sufficient time is spent building these perceptual skills daily
and throughout the course of the school year

Uses language to develop concepts in all subjects

Develops language to develop concepts: quantity, time, sequence,
colour, age and time.

Term 2: Grade R Annual Teaching Plans: Life Skills Page 1

3 1 Theme: Autumn
Topic: Weather, Autumn, Senses
3 1 Beginning Knowledge/ Personal and Social Well-being 1.0 0%
Discussion items on Theme table, changes in weather, a walk about, %
how is nature affected, how animals are affected, how people are
affected, what do we wear, what do we eat, games we play, evergreen
and deciduous trees, leaves, hibernation, keeping free from the flu.

Creative Arts: Performing Arts

Creative games and skills
 Warming up and breathing using every day actions
 Cooling down the body and relaxing
 Body awareness exploring space and direction such as large,
small, high, low, far, near
 Music, voice and movement: focusing on dynamics such as loud
and soft, strong and gentle
 indigenous songs, rhythmic games and rhymes using different
 Locomotor movements such as skipping and hopping, while
sharing space, without bumping into others
 Listening skills: reacting to signals, cues, stories, rhymes and songs
Improvise and interpret
 Dramatising make-believe situations, fantasy and own life
 Creating and imitating sound effects in stories, such as bees ‘buzz’,
horses ‘clip-clop’, trains ‘chook chook’
 Directions, levels (high, medium and low) and shapes explored
through creative movement and stories
 Use of objects or props creatively in movement, dramatic play and

Creative Arts: Visual Arts

Create in 2D
 Informal use of art elements shape and colour in drawing and
painting in response to week’s topic
 Work in different sizes to increase awareness of detail
 Interpreting body parts in drawing and painting
 Simple print-making techniques using found objects such as bottle

Term 2: Grade R Annual Teaching Plans: Life Skills Page 2

tops, stones, leaves, hands
Create in 3D
 Craft skills and techniques: cutting, pasting, tearing
 Use playdough to model freely: shaping, twisting, rolling
3 1 Visual Literacy
 Looking at and talking about book illustrations (across all subjects)

Physical Education
Please note every Physical Education ring starts with a warm up
exercise, followed by a main activity and finally a cool down ring.
Locomotion/ non locomotion
 Running faster and slower
Perceptual motor
 Simple obstacle
 Roll a ball
 Using music or body percussion
 Jungle gym
Spatial Orientation
 Different formation
 Moving sideways
Sports and games
 Multi-sensory activities: sand and water play
 Play catches
Games played during the holiday

3 2/3 Theme: Friends

Topic: Senses

3 2/3 Beginning Knowledge/ Personal and Social Well-being 6.0

Discuss items on Theme table. Discuss friendship, how do we make %
friends, games we play, what do you do with your friends, importance of
having friends, dislikes and likes, how to make new friends, sharing is

Term 2: Grade R Annual Teaching Plans: Life Skills Page 3

Creative Arts: Performing Arts
Creative games and skills
 Warming up and breathing using every day actions
 Cooling down the body and relaxing
 Body awareness exploring space and direction such as large,
small, high, low, far, near
 Music, voice and movement: focusing on dynamics such as loud
and soft, strong and gentle
 Indigenous songs, rhythmic games and rhymes using different
 Locomotor movements such as skipping and hopping, while
sharing space, without bumping into others
 Listening skills: reacting to signals, cues, stories, rhymes and
Improvise and interpret
 Interpretation of indigenous and other songs
 Dramatising make-believe situations, fantasy and own life
 Creating and imitating sound effects in stories
 Directions, levels (high, medium and low) and shapes explored
through creative movement and stories
 Dramatising, using indigenous songs, nursery rhymes and songs
as a stimilus
 Use of objects or props creatively in movement, dramatic play and

Creative Arts: Visual Arts

Create in 2D
 Informal use of art elements shape and colour in drawing and
painting in response to week’s topic
 Work in different sizes to increase awareness of detail
 Interpreting body parts in drawing and painting
 Simple print-making techniques using found objects such as bottle
tops, stones, leaves, hands
 Informal use of art elements shape and colour in drawing and
 Art activity week 2: friendship band
 Art activity week 3: making a puppet

Term 2: Grade R Annual Teaching Plans: Life Skills Page 4

Create in 3D
 Craft skills and techniques: cutting, pasting, tearing
 Use playdough to model freely: shaping, twisting, rolling
 Make and bake: friend froggies
 manipulation of scissors and other tools and equipment
Visual Literacy
Looking at and talking about book illustrations (across all subjects)

Physical Education
Please note every Physical Education ring starts with a warm up
exercise, followed by a main activity and finally a cool down ring.
 Body parts
 Running faster and slower
Perceptual motor
 Simple obstacle course
 Roll a ball
 Using music or body percussion, identify body parts and move
 Jungle gym
 Balance on a straight line
Spatial Orientation
 Jump over and move under obstacles, crawling and climbing
 Symmetry
 Lying on the ground sideways rolling L/R
Sports and games
 Multi-sensory activities: sand and water play
 Three-legged walk
3 4/5 Theme: Homes
Topic: Home, My Family, Senses
3 4/5 Beginning Knowledge/ Personal and Social Well-being 6.0
Discuss item on the Theme table, who live at home, what I do at home, %
who works at home, different jobs we do at home, different kinds of
homes,name, age and address, emergency services, materials home
are made of, safety at home, different rooms in a home, appliances at

Term 2: Grade R Annual Teaching Plans: Life Skills Page 5

home, pets, homes for pets, care for the pets, building materials,
chores at home, people who can help in the community

Creative Arts: Performing Arts

Creative games and skills
 Warming up and breathing using every day actions
 Cooling down the body and relaxing
 Body awareness exploring space and direction such as large,
small, high, low, far, near
 Music, voice and movement: focusing on dynamics such as loud
and soft, strong and gentle.
 indigenous songs, rhythmic games and rhymes using different
 Locomotor movements such as skipping and hopping, while
sharing space, without bumping into others
 Listening skills: reacting to signals, cues, stories, rhymes and songs
Improvise and interpret
 Interpretation of indigenous and other songs
 Dramatising make-believe situations, fantasy and own life
 Creating and imitating sound effects in stories
 Directions, levels (high, medium and low) and shapes explored
through creative movement and stories
 Dramatising, using indigenous songs, nursery rhymes and songs
as a stimilus
 Use of objects or props creatively in movement, dramatic play and

Creative Arts: Visual Arts

Create in 2D
 Informal use of art elements shape and colour in drawing and
painting in response to week’s topic
 Work in different sizes to increase awareness of detail
 Interpreting body parts in drawing and painting
 Simple print-making techniques using found objects such as bottle
tops, stones, leaves, hands
 Informal use of art elements shape and colour in drawing and

Term 2: Grade R Annual Teaching Plans: Life Skills Page 6

 Art activity week 4: Ndebele Art
 Art activity week 5: Box construction
Create in 3D
 Craft skills and techniques: cutting, pasting, tearing
 Use playdough to model freely: shaping, twisting, rolling
 Make and bake: Bread pinwheels

Physical Education
Please note every Physical Education ring starts with a warm up
exercise, followed by a main activity and finally a cool down ring.
 Body parts
 Running forwards and backwards
 Running faster and slower
 Sequencing activities
Perceptual motor
 Simple obstacle course must include gross and fine motor activities
 Roll a ball to a partner
 Using music or body percussion, identify body parts and move
 Jungle gym: hanging and swinging on horizontal bar, climb up and
down the ladder
 Throwing, catching, bouncing
 Balance on a straight line
 Balance bean bag on different parts of the body
Spatial Orientation
 Jump over and move under obstacles, crawling, climbing, jumping,
skipping and weaving
 Run or walk in different directions
 Different formation: making shapes
 Lying on the ground sideways rolling L/R
Sports and games
 Multi-sensory activities: sand and water play
 Duster hockey

Term 2: Grade R Annual Teaching Plans: Life Skills Page 7

 Pyjama relay race
3 Assessment 8.0
Activity 1: Beginning Knowledge/ Personal and Social Well-being %
(Homes Day 6) Learners identify the jobs people do and the rooms
in the homes.
 Learners identify different jobs they do at home.
 Learners identify the rooms in the homes
Assessment form: Oral
Assessment tool: Checklist

Activity 2: Rubric 2: Beginning Knowledge/ Personal and Social

Well-being (Homes Day 8) Learners know personal details.
 Learners knows name, surname and address
Assessment form: Oral
Assessment tool: Rubric

The following is assessed on an ongoing basis

 Create 2D: Draw (Rubric 7.1)
 Create 2D: Paint (Rubric 7.2)
 Create 3D: Manipulates scissors (Rubric 7.3)
 Create 3D: Tearing and pasting
 Create 3D: Manipulate play dough (Rubric 7.4)
4 6/7 Theme: My country
Topic: My senses
4 6/7 Beginning Knowledge/ Personal and Social Well-being 6.0
Discuss items on the Theme table, names of provinces, oceans, %
mountains, town they live in, rainbow nation, flag and its history,
national anthem, national symbols, different cultures and religions,
respect, tolerance for each other, koi san people, rights and
responsibilities as valued citizens, money of our country, shops and
malls, sports and the national teams, heroes of the country,
Mapangubwe medal

Creative Arts: Performing Arts

Creative games and skills
 Warming up and breathing using every day actions
 Cooling down the body and relaxing
 Body awareness exploring space and direction such as large,
small, high, low, far, near

Term 2: Grade R Annual Teaching Plans: Life Skills Page 8

 Music, voice and movement: focusing on dynamics such as loud
and soft, strong and gentle
 indigenous songs, rhythmic games and rhymes using different
 Locomotor movements such as skipping and hopping, while
sharing space, without bumping into others
 Listening skills: reacting to signals, cues, stories, rhymes and songs

Improvise and interpret

 Interpretation of indigenous and other songs
 Dramatising make-believe situations, fantasy and own life
 Creating and imitating sound effects in stories
 Directions, levels (high, medium and low) and shapes explored
through creative movement and stories
 Dramatising, using indigenous songs, nursery rhymes and songs
as a stimilus
 Use of objects or props creatively in movement, dramatic play and

Creative Arts: Visual Arts

Create in 2D
 Informal use of art elements shape and colour in drawing and
painting in response to week’s topic
 Work in different sizes to increase awareness of detail
 Interpreting body parts in drawing and painting
 Simple print-making techniques using found objects such as bottle
tops, stones, leaves, hands
 Informal use of art elements shape and colour in drawing and
 Art activity week 6: Mealie cob painting
 Art activity week 7: Tracing, making coins
Create in 3D
 Craft skills and techniques: cutting, pasting, tearing
 Use playdough to model freely: shaping, twisting, rolling
 Make and bake: sharing foods from difficult cultures

Term 2: Grade R Annual Teaching Plans: Life Skills Page 9

Physical Education
Please note every Physical Education ring starts with a warm up
exercise, followed by a main activity and finally a cool down ring.
 Body parts
 Skipping
 Running forwards and backwards
 Running faster and slower
 Sequencing activities
Perceptual motor
 Simple obstacle course must include gross and fine motor activities
 Roll a ball to a partner

Using music or body percussion, identify body parts and move
Working with ribbons
 Jungle gym: hanging and swinging on horizontal bar, climb up and
down the ladder
 Throwing, catching, bouncing
 Gumboot dancing
 Balance on a straight line
 Balance bean bag on different parts of the body
Spatial Orientation
 Jump over and move under obstacles, crawling, climbing, jumping,
skipping and weaving
 Run or walk in different directions
Different formation: making shapes
 Lying on the ground sideways rolling L/R
Sports and games
 Multi-sensory activities: sand and water play
 Soccer, cricket, tennis
4 Assessment 12.0
Activity 3: Rubric 3: Creative Arts: Performing Arts (My Country %

Term 2: Grade R Annual Teaching Plans: Life Skills Page 10

Day 4) The teacher will do a music ring with the learners.
Creative games and skills
 Body awareness exploring space and direction such as large,
small, high, low, far, near
 Music, voice and movement: focusing on dynamics such as loud
and soft, strong and gentle
 Locomotor movements such as skipping and hopping, while
sharing space, without bumping into others
 Listening skills: reacting to signals, cues, stories, rhymes and songs
Improvise and interpret
 Dramatising make-believe situations, fantasy and own life
 Creating and imitating sound effects in stories
 Directions, levels (high, medium and low) and shapes explored
through creative movement and stories
 Dramatising, using indigenous songs, nursery rhymes and songs
as a stimilus
 Use of objects or props creatively in movement, dramatic play and
Assessment form: Oral, practical
Assessment tool: Rubric 3

Activity 4:Rubric 4: Beginning Knowledge/ Personal and Social

Well-being (My Country Day 6) ) Learners identify the different
features of SA
 National symbols
 National anthem
 Colours of the flag
Assessment form: Oral
Assessment tool: Rubric 4

Activity 5: Rubric 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4: Physical Education (My Country
Day 9) Set up an obstacle course with the following activities for
the learners to work through.
 Locomotor: Run forwards, backwards, fast, slow, different
directions (Rubric 5.1)
 Rhythm: Using music or body percussion, identify body parts and
move rhythmically
 Co-ordination: Ball skills (Rubric 5.2)

Term 2: Grade R Annual Teaching Plans: Life Skills Page 11

 Spatial Orientation: Jumping, climbing, weaving, skipping (Rubric
 Perceptual motor: Works through an obstacle course (Rubric 5.4)
Assessment form: Oral, practical
Assessment tool: Rubric 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4

The following is assessed on an ongoing basis

 Create 2D: Draw (Rubric 7.1)
 Create 2D: Paint (Rubric 7.2)
 Create 3D: Manipulates scissors (Rubric 7.3)
 Create 3D: Tearing and pasting
 Create 3D: Manipulate play dough (Rubric 7.4)
Theme: Transport
Topic: Senses, Safety
4 8/9/ Beginning Knowledge/ Personal and Social Well-being 6.0
10 Discuss items on the Theme table, how do we travel, importance of the %
different modes of transport, danger and road safety, riding a bicycle,
things we transport, care of the vehicles, safety on the road

Creative Arts: Performing Arts

Creative games and skills
 Warming up and breathing using every day actions
 Cooling down the body and relaxing
 Body awareness exploring space and direction such as large,
small, high, low, far, near
 Music, voice and movement: focusing on dynamics such as loud
and soft, strong and gentle
 indigenous songs, rhythmic games and rhymes using different
 Locomotor movements such as skipping and hopping, while
sharing space, without bumping into others
 Listening skills: reacting to signals, cues, stories, rhymes and songs

Improvise and interpret

 Interpretation of indigenous and other songs
 Dramatising make-believe situations, fantasy and own life
 Creating and imitating sound effects in stories

Term 2: Grade R Annual Teaching Plans: Life Skills Page 12

 Directions, levels (high, medium and low) and shapes explored
through creative movement and stories
 Dramatising, using indigenous songs, nursery rhymes and songs
as a stimilus
 Use of objects or props creatively in movement, dramatic play and

Creative Arts: Visual Arts

Create in 2D
 Informal use of art elements shape and colour in drawing and
painting in response to week’s topic
 Work in different sizes to increase awareness of detail
 Interpreting body parts in drawing and painting
 Simple print-making techniques using found objects such as bottle
tops, stones, leaves, hands
 Informal use of art elements shape and colour in drawing and
 Art activity week 8: Aeroplane
 Art activity week 9: Paper folding
Create in 3D
 Craft skills and techniques: cutting, pasting, tearing
 Use playdough to model freely: shaping, twisting, rolling
 Make and bake: making a car

Physical Education
Please note every Physical Education ring starts with a warm up
exercise, followed by a main activity and finally a cool down ring.
 Body parts
 Skipping
 Running forwards and backwards
 Running faster and slower
 Sequencing activities
Perceptual motor
 Simple obstacle course must include gross and fine motor activities
 Roll a ball to a partner
 Using music or body percussion, identify body parts and move

Term 2: Grade R Annual Teaching Plans: Life Skills Page 13

 Working with ribbons
 Jungle gym: hanging and swinging on horizontal bar, climb up and
down the ladder
 Throwing, catching, bouncing
 Gumboot dancing
 Balance on a straight line
 Balance bean bag on different parts of the body
Spatial Orientation
 Jump over and move under obstacles, crawling, climbing, jumping,
skipping and weaving
 Run or walk in different directions
 Different formation: making shapes
 Lying on the ground sideways rolling L/R
Sports and games
 Multi-sensory activities: sand and water play
 Soccer, cricket, tennis
Assessment 5.0
Activity 6: Rubric 6.1,6.2 Physical Education (Transport Day 5) The %
teacher will observe the learner during the Physical Education
 Balance (Rubric 6.2)
 Spatial orientation: Skip
 Laterality: Rolling
 Co-ordination (Rubric 6.1)
Assessment form: Oral, practical
Assessment tool: Checklist/ Rubric

The following is assessed on an ongoing basis

 Create 2D: Draw (Rubric 7.1)
 Create 2D: Paint (Rubric 7.2)
 Create 3D: Manipulates scissors (Rubric 7.3)
 Create 3D: Tearing and pasting
 Create 3D: Manipulate play dough (Rubric 7.4)

Term 2: Grade R Annual Teaching Plans: Life Skills Page 14

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Term 2: Grade R Annual Teaching Plans: Life Skills Page 15

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