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Have a tablets and smartphones replaced the need for computer

The origin of the computer.the greak word compute. whose dictionary meaning is a
calculation on calculating machin. A computer is a devices that can make decision,
by Taking Countless data or data, by performing every fast and accunate storge
calculation analysis. Art present, we are using more advanced technology besides
computer such as smart phone, tablets etc.
people who are constantly up to data and technology news. they are informed that
smartphones and tablets have taken an important place as one of the current means
of communication in the world.. However computers smartphones and tablet are
not the same thing. I think the primary from of computer is a smartphone or tablet.
Smartphone have revolutionized modern Civilization with any smartphone is it is a
possible to search any time which people of any walks of life. other benifits we got
through smartphone such as, take a picture, can sms get internet service. bluetooth
It is a type of smartphone computer whice works thoughts apps likes smartphones.
The tablet is basically a type of operating system. The tablet can do all kind of
work with data processing like a smartphone all the used as a tablet computer. It
has not input/ output
we use computers as well as tablets and Smartphones to make our life easier and
suffer computers Smartphones and Tablets has made our life easier. we use them
regularly. we enjoy many benifits from using it

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