The Truth

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Justifications used to exclude women from special forces

There are several arguments used to exclude women from special forces.

One of them is tradition and culture. For example, the perception that men in
combat positions would feel compelled to protect women is a reason frequently argued-
for excluding women from combat positions.

Another frequently espoused reasons for excluding women from combat

positions is that Portuguese forces would be perceived as more vulnerable to all-
male enemy forces.

Beyond This there are many people argue that women rarely have the physical
strength of men. Men are generally taller, heavier, and more muscular than women.

A fourth reason is because there would be a resultant negative impact on unit

cohesion. Thereason for this is that both men and women really
like each other and will distract each other enough to ruin unit
cohesion and thereby military effectiveness.
The truth

Being a tradition does not mean that it is untouchable and that it must be
maintained at all costs.

Gender is an inaccurate indicator of competence. It is failure that makes the

armed forces appear more vulnerable, just as success makes them appear less

As warfare has become increasingly technological in nature, physical strength

has ceased to be as crucial a factor in combat.

As women become more commonplace in combat roles, men will learn to relate
to them as part of the team rather than as an unwelcome minority.

Women in special forces could give different perspectives on the battlefield,

finding new solutions to solve a problem and achieve a goal

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