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Courage is a subjective term the level of which may be different in

different individuals. If I ask you a question, “What is Courage?” What

will you answer? Maybe you will think that the ability to do difficult

tasks can be called courage.

2. Maybe you can think of an inner feeling that motivates you to become

better and do some adventurous things in life. This feeling may motivate

you to take actions and lead your life in a good direction.

3. According to me, courage is a feeling of enthusiasm that enables us to

conquer our fears and achieve desired goals. It enables us to do

something that we consider risky or dangerous in our life.

4. Courage must be present in each and every individual’s life as it provides

enthusiasm and motivation to deal with situations and do something

better to overcome our fears and face every type of situation with

confidence .

5. We all may have some individuals in our life from whom we get courage

or fearlessness. Some may consider their mother as a source of courage

and others may consider their father. Some may consider a senior person

who provided determination to face difficulties in life.

6. But if I talk about myself, my mother is the biggest source of courage in

my life. Because she never fails to provide me confidence in myself and

always makes me brave with a strong positive attitude. She keeps on

supporting me everywhere in tough situations. Whenever I feel fearful, I

get courage from my mother in all situations.

7. She always motivates me to take action even if we are facing fear. She

always said to me, you must face your fear with bravery and confidence.

Only then you would be able to chase your dreams and aspirations in life.

8. Whenever I am in some kind of problem, I call my mom and she

immediately tells me how to deal with the situation with bravery and

courage. She is like a God-figure for me. I consider her the most

important person in my life.

9. Once she said, “Courage helps us to achieve that thing that we would not

be able to imagine in our dreams.” This means that courage helps to get

out of our comfort zone and helps us to achieve extraordinary things in


10.I learned from her that courage needs to be developed over a period of

time with courageous actions and facing everyday problems in life. We

must not let our fear overpower us but our courage must overpower our


11.She always provided me with advice that you should listen to courageous

songs and motivational songs that change your mindset and lead your life

in a positive and meaningful direction. This will develop courage in your

12.I would like to share one of my stories as well. In adolescence, I made a

plan with my friends to climb a mountain. We all booked a cab and

started our journey of climbing the mountain.

13.We wore our climbing gear and all started to climb. After some time,

everybody started feeling fatigue and decided that we should give up and

it’s difficult to climb the mountain.

14.But I kept on motivating my friends and we all continued climbing. In the

middle of the climbing way, we faced many difficulties like we were

slipping on the icy ground; we were feeling a lack of oxygen in height,

craving for food and water etc.

15.But I keep on climbing the mountain remembering my mother’s quotes

that we must take actions to achieve extraordinary things in life. I wanted

to add a memory in my life of climbing up the mountain and I continued

the journey even if I were facing so many difficulties.

16.After one complete day, me and my friends were able to reach the top of

the hill. The beautiful view of nature was awesome and the peace on the

mountain was heart-touching. We could clearly see the sunset and sunrise

from the mountain. We planned to camp there for one day.

17.I was thinking during the camping trip why some people are not able to

reach the top of the hill and they give up in the early phase of climbing

the mountain. I felt that it was not so difficult to climb it but why did

people give up.

18.Then I got the answer that most of the people are happy in what they find

easy in their life. They don’t take efforts to go to the next level because

they don’t have courage to achieve difficult things and face their fear.

19.We always have two voices in our mind, one that stops us from taking

actions called voice of fear and one that does not let us get out of our

comfort zone. The other voice is the voice of courage that helps us to get

out of our comfort zone and take challenges.

20.I was glad that I listened to the second voice and was able to reach my

destination. I can happily say that I have climbed up a mountain that

mostly people gave up on. This was also due to my mother’s advice that

we should take courage. I hope that you have learned something from this

story and I hope you become a source of courage to others. Thank You.

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