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Candidate name: Nicquae Wilson
Group members: Nickiesha Watson
Rodaine Ruddock
Arianna Salabie
Rochalle McCalla
Class: 5 Crimson
Teacher: Ms. A. Brown
Candidate number:
Date of submission: 24 September 2021
Introduction…………………………………………………………. Page. 2-3
Methodology……………………………………………………….... Page. 3
Presentation of data………………………………………………....Page. 4- 14
Analysis and Interpretation of data……………………………Page. 15-16
Conclusion………………………………………………………………Page. 16
Appendix….…………………………………………………………….Page. 19-22

Background/Overview of Issue

Salt plays an essential role in our diet and to our body. Furthermore,

excessive salt intake can lead to high blood pressure. High blood pressure
or hypertension, also nicknamed “the silent killer'', is one of the most
common health issues that threaten the life of an individual. Excess salt
intake above the recommended level have long been associated with
hypertension and pose a threat to cardiovascular functioning and various
cardiovascular diseases. It becomes more prevalent as we age, although
lifestyle factors such as consumption of greater quantities of fast food
leading to obesity, sedentary lifestyle, family history and excessive alcohol
or salt intake contribute to the condition especially with poorer diet
quality and total energy intake.

The Global Burden of Disease report showed that hypertension is the

“leading risk factor for global mortality. Untreated hypertension in
younger people can cause artery stiffening, which increases the risk of a
stroke, as well as kidney and brain damage. There has been a dramatic
rise in the prevalence of hypertension in young people.
According to the 2016 South African Demographic and Health Study 20%
of males aged 15 to 24 compared to 7.7% in the 1998 survey and 33% of
males aged 25 to 34 compared to 15% in 1998 had hypertension . In
females, 17% of 15 to 24 year olds compared to 4.2% in 1998 and 27% of
25 to 34 year olds compared to 10.6% in 1998 had hypertension.
Furthermore, the prevalence of hypertension calls for increased attention
to the prevention and management of hypertension in adolescents and
young adults.

The statement of the problem

The consumption of salty food and its negative effects on blood pressure
of young adults.

Research objective
To determine the effect of salty foods on blood pressure of young adults.

The researcher conducted an experimental approach with the aid of a
questionnaire in obtaining information for the study. This method was chosen so
that the answers could be easily accumulated. A total of twenty (20)
questionnaires consisting of fourteen (14) questions were sent to random
individuals online between the age group of 18-35. Participants were asked to fill
out the questionnaire which was done within a timely manner. The data was then
collected and implemented into the study, analyzed and interpreted with the use
of tables, pie charts and bar graphs.

Presentation of Data
Responses to the questionnaires are presented in tables below and then
represented by the use of bar and pie charts

1.Table showing the gender of respondents

Gender # of responses
Female 14

Males 6
Total 20

Fig.1. Pie chart showing the gender of the respondents.

2.Table showing the age group of respondents

18-20 16
21-25 3
26-30 0
31-35 1

Fig.2. Pie chart showing the age group of respondents.

3.Table showing the type of food eaten on a daily basis by

Choices # of responses
Snacks, chips,biscuits, etc. 13
Home- cooked meals with salt and 18
spices added
Energy drinks and fruit juices 13

Fig.3. Bar graph showing the type of food eaten on a daily basis

4.Table showing the how often respondents consume salty

Options # of responses
everyday 16
2-3 time 2
Once per week 2
None at all 0
Total 20

Fig.4. Pie chart showing how often the respondents eat salt foods

5.Table showing respondents blood pressure before salt intake

Options # of responses
less than 80/less than 60 8
between 130-139/ 80-89 12
140 or high/90 or higher 0
higher than 180/higher than 120 0
Total 20

Fig.5. Pie chart showing blood pressure before salt intake

6.Table showing the respondents blood pressure after consuming a

salty food

Options # of responses
less than 80/less than 60 3
between 130-139/ 80-89 8
140 or high/90 or higher 9
higher than 180/higher than 120 0
Total 20

Fig.6. Pie chart showing blood pressure after salt intake

7.Table showing the names of salty foods respondents

Foods consumed # of responses
Ramen 3
Peanut butter 1
fish 1
cheese 2
Fries 5
Banana chips 1
Peanut 1
saltfish 1
Sardine 2
Pizza 1
Ruffles 1
pasta 1

Fig.7. Bar graph showing salty food consumed by respondents.

8.Table showing how much salt is present in food consumed or

used in food preparation of respondents
Foods consumed Responses

Cup soup 8 mg
Peanut butter 17mg
Fish 61mg
Cheese 621mg
Fries 210mg
Banana chips 6mg
Peanut 18mg
Salt fish 61mg
Sardine 240mg
Pizza 598 mg
Ruffles 150mg
Pasta 6mg

Fig.8. Bar chart showing amount of salt used in preparation of food/on food labels

9.Table showing the how respondents monitor their salt intake

Choices # of responses
Check nutrition facts on food label 10
Measure the amount of salt used in 15
daily cooking
Eliminate the use of salt 3

Fig.9. Bar graph showing how the respondents monitored their salt intake.

10.Table showing how respondents feel after consuming salty foods

Options # of responses
thirsty 9
nauseous 0
Headache 2
Weak 2
fine 7
Total 20

Fig.10. Pie chart showing how the respondents felt after consuming foods with high salt levels.

11.Table showing the respondents intake of salt while hypertensive

A small amount 3
A moderate amount 6
A large amount 0
Non- hypertensive 11
Total 20

Fig.11 . Pie chart showing the respondents intake of salt in diet while being hypertensive

12.Table showing respondents' response to having any illness

that might affect their blood pressure.
Choices #of responses

Yes 8
No 12
Total 20

Fig.12 . Pie chart showing the respondents have an illnesses that might affect their blood pressure,

with 40% saying yes and 60% saying no..

13.Table showing the history of hypertension of respondents

History of hypertension # of responses
yes 14
no 6
Total 20

Fig.13. Pie chart showing diagnosis of family members with hypertension.

14.Table showing respondents' response on taking any

medications that might affect their blood pressure.
Choices # of responses
Yes 8
No 12
Total 20

Fig.14. Pie chart showing diagnosis of family members with hypertension, with 40% saying yes and
60% saying no.

Analysis and Interpretation of Data

Over time, excessive salt intake can lead to high blood pressure (hypertension),

which stiffens and narrows the blood vessels. From the investigation carried out

the data presented showcases that salt intake was higher in young female adults

within age range of 18-20. Participants had consumption of salty foods everyday

whether it is in or with snacks or home cooked meals. With participants being

asked to record their blood pressure before and after comsumption of a salty

food, 60% responded having blood pressure between 130-139/80-89 and the

remaining 40% being less than 80/less than 60. Ramen, peanut butter, fish,

cheese, fries, banana chips, peanuts, saltfish, sardine, ruffles, pizza and pasta

were the variety of foods and snacks that were listed which respondents

consumed along with the amount of salt on its label or used in preparation.

The salt had affected the participants blood pressure for what was recorded

before the consumption had elevated with 45% being 140 or higher/90 or higher.

The minority of 15% being less than 80/less than 60 and the remaining 40%

being between 130-139/80-89. Therefore, eating too much salt makes it harder

for the kidneys to remove fluid, which then builds up in your system and

increases your blood pressure.

Despite salt being a factor that affects blood pressure, the investigation showed

40% of participants responded to illness as a factor that affect their blood

pressure. Family history being the other with 70% of responses saying yes

alongside 40% also responding to medications being a contributor to their blood

pressure. Salt affects people differently. The data collected showed 45% of

participants being thirsty after consumption of salty foods, 10% having

headaches, 10% feeling weak and the remaining 35% feeling fine. Therefore,

“Some people can consume sodium with no effect on their blood pressure or their



Salt makes your body hold onto water. Eating too much salt at once, either in a
single meal or daily, can have consequences and it is clear that young adults are
having higher than the recommended amounts of salt in their diet. The extra
water in your blood means there is extra pressure on your blood vessel walls,
which furthermore leads to their blood pressure increasing along with various
symptoms such as thirst.

➔ Do regular check ups at your doctor on your blood pressure

➔ Check labels of foods before you buy them and compare with other

➔ Eat more whole grain foods, fruits and vegetables

➔ Taste food before adding salt or measure the amount being used.

➔ Limit the amount of salt consumed on a daily basis.

➔ Have posters, commercials and broadcast the dangers of too much

salt and its effects to all citizens.


Hypertension is an important global health challenge.

It is due to its high prevalence and resulting cardiovascular disease and
chronic kidney disease which are primary causes of death.
Treatment and lifestyle changes can help control high blood pressure, but
due to high blood pressure costing nations billion each year. The total cost
of health care services, medications to treat high blood pressure, and loss
of productivity from premature death uncontrolled high blood pressure
then leads to disability, a poor quality of life, or even a deadly heart attack
or stroke.

“How Salt Impacts Your Blood Pressure and More.” Cleveland Clinic, 17 Dec. 2021,



“Why Your Blood Pressure Matters - Even in Your 20s and 30s.” Why Your Blood
Pressure Matters - Even in Your 20s And 30s | Houston Methodist On Health. Accessed
February 14, 2022. https://www.houstonmethodist.org/blog/articles/2020/jan/why-

Jones, Erika S W, Ilhaam Esack, Phetho Mangena, and Brian L Rayner. November 25,
2020.“Hypertension in Adolescents and Young Adults Referred to a Tertiary
Hypertension Clinic in Cape Town, South Africa.” Medicine. Lippincott Williams &
Wilkins. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7710228/.

Blood Pressure UK. www.bloodpressureuk.org/your-blood-pressure/how-to-lower-

your-blood-pressure/healthy-eating/salt-and-your-blood-pressure. Accessed 15 Feb.


“Health Topics - High Blood Pressure - POLARIS.” Centers for Disease Control and

Prevention, 18 Nov. 2021,



Human and Social Biology

SBA Questionnaire
Complete the questions below:

Section 1
1. What is your gender?
● Male
● Female

2. What is your age group?
● 18-20
● 21-25
● 26-30
● 31-35

3. Select the type of food eaten on a daily basis (more than one
items can be selected):

● snacks e.g. chips, biscuits etc

● Home cooked meal with salt and spices added
● energy drinks and fruit juices

4. How often do you eat salty food:

● every day
● 2- 3 time for the week
● once per week
● none at all

Section 2
This section require participants to measure and record their blood pressure
before consuming salty food and 15 minutes after consuming salty food.

5. What is your blood pressure before eating salty food?

● less than 80/less than 60

● between 130-139/ 80-89
● 140 or high / 90 or higher
● higher than 180/ higher than 120

6. What is your blood pressure after consuming salty food?

● less than 80/less than 60
● between 130-139/ 80-89
● 140 or high / 90 or higher
● higher than 180/ higher than 120

7. What is the name of the salty food you consume?


8. How much salt is on the label of the food consumed or was used in preparation
of the food?


Section 3

9. How do you monitor your daily salt intake? *Check all that applies.

● Check the nutrition facts on food label

● Measure the amount of salt used in daily cooking
● Eliminate the use of salt

10. How do you feel after consumption of foods with high salt levels.

● Thirsty
● Nauseous
● Headache

● Weak
● Fine

11. Even with hypertension do you still have an intake of salt in your
diet? If yes, how much?

● A small amount
● A moderate amount
● A large amount
● Non hypertensive

12. Do you have any illnesses that might affect your blood pressure?

● Yes
● No

13. Do you have a family history of hypertension ?

● Yes
● No

14. Are you taking any medication that might affect your blood

● Yes
● No


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