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By – Section A Group 104

MBA ZG5211
Financial Management

Experiential Learning Assignment



Group Members

Sr. no Name of team member Roll no Email address

1 Anjali Chopra 2021MB53005
2 Bimlendu Kumar 2021MB53090
3 Gokul AK 2021MB53025
4 Karthik Ramadoss 2021MB53032
5 Mujahid Ahsan 2021MB53058
6 Navneet Bhardwaj 2021MB53003
7 Revathi Vemprala 2021MB53018
8 Vaibhav Gupta 2021MB53001
9 Vigneswaran S 2021MB53027

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1. Results of Analysis of WACC for BAJAJ FINANCE for different years

WACC is computed for period of 18 years starting from year 2004 to 2021


2003-04 0.45
2004-05 0.12
2005-06 0.56
2006-07 0.07
2007-08 0.20
2008-09 -0.11
2009-10 0.25
2010-11 0.98
2011-12 0.01
2012-13 0.06
2013-14 0.19
2014-15 0.06
2015-16 0.02
2016-17 0.05
2017-18 0.05
2018-19 0.04
2019-20 0.05
2020-21 0.29

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2. Graph for WACC for BAJAJ FINANCE year wise

3. Graph of WACC vs Beta

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4. Interpretation

 WACC- The cost of capital, generally calculated using the weighted average

cost of capital, includes both the cost of equity and the cost of debt. The overall
cost of capital is a weighted average of the various sources, including debt,
preferred stock, and common equity:
WACC = Weighted Average Cost of Capital
WACC = After-tax costs x weights of each source

Interpretations of analysis for WACC –

 Higher the WACC represents signal of higher risk associated with
business operations and as a result investor will demand higher return.
 Higher the debt higher the WACC
 Higher the WACC means higher leverage which means higher expenses in
form of servicing debt and hence reducing shareholders returns.
 WACC increases with increase in Rf returns

 Cost of Debt- The cost of debt is the effective rate that a company pays on its
debt, such as bonds and loans after tax.

Interpretations of analysis for Cost of debt –

 Higher the cost of debt higher the WACC hence increased risk
 With increase in tax rate cost of debt reduces.

 Cost of Equity- Cost of equity is the return that a company requires for an
investment or project, or the return that an individual requires for an equity

Interpretations of analysis for Cost of equity –

 Higher the Cost of equity higher the WACC
 Higher WACC resulting from higher cost of debt resulted in company to
reduce WACC by reducing debt
 2008-2009 cost of equity is negative and governing negative WACC
values which is practically not true.

 WACC Vs Beta-

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In general, a higher WACC is a sign of a firm with higher risk, while a lower WACC is a sign of
a firm with lower risk. This is because higher WACC's imply that the company is paying more to
service any debt or equity they're raising. Therefore, an increase in the WACC denotes a lower
firm valuation as well, as investors require additional return for taking on more risk.

In summary, the WACC is calculated by multiplying the cost of each financing source (debt and
equity) by its appropriate weight, and then adding the products together to determine the final
value. Investors can then use the WACC as a discount rate in valuation models to discount
future cash flows, such as in a discounted cash flow (DCF) model or dividend discount model
(DDM). After discounting future cash flows with the WACC, this can give investors an idea on
the intrinsic/fair value of a company's stock price.

For the year 2003-2004 - The WACC is high (0.46) and you see it gradually decreasing. For the
year 2008-09 we see a negative Cost of Equity (-19.92%), in other words, negative equity will
make the WACC arithmetically negative, as the cost of capital for distressed companies is higher
due to risk. As we move forward the WACC increases gradually.

2020 was the year of pandemic and this affected the company’s stock. As a result, the Cost of
Equity reduced to -57%. The following year the Cost of Equity increased and the WACC

At the end of 2021, the risk is decreasing and it denotes higher firm evaluation as well.

For the year 2003-2004 – Beta value is 0.38 and the cost of equity is 50.73%

For the year 2008-2009 – Beta value is 0.4 and cost of equity is -19.92%

For the year 2020-2021 – Beta value is 3.7 and the cost of equity is 77.13%

The higher the beta, the higher the cost of equity because the increased risk investors take (via
higher sensitivity to market fluctuations) should be compensated via a higher return.

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5. Exhibits

5.1.1Balance Sheets

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5.1.2 Balance Sheets

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5.1.3 Balance Sheets

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5.1.4 Balance Sheets

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5.2.1 Profit and Loss Statements

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5.2.2 Profit and Loss Statements

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5.2.2 Profit and Loss Statements

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5.2.4 Profit and Loss Statements

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5.3.1 Yearly Results

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5.3.2 Yearly Results

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5.3.3 Yearly Results

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