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1. TENSE Present Continuous Tenses

Tense (noun): a verb-based method used to indicate the When you use present continuous, you are referring to
time, and sometimes the continuation or completeness, what is happening right now. Also, it can be an action that
of an action or state in relation to the time of speaking. is not yet complete.
ORIGIN Latin tempus "time"
No.-1. Positive:- She is listening the music now.
On the basis of time of an action performed, we can divide
sentences into the following three tenses: No.-2. Negative:- She is not listening the music now.

(i) Present Tense No.-3. Question:- Is she listening the music now?
(ii) Past Tense
(iii) Future Tense Present Perfect Tenses

Again on the basis of state of an action performed, we can Although it’s easy to confuse this verb tense with present
further classify each tense into the following four parts: simple, the main difference is that the action is complete
for present perfect. In other words, you are looking at the
(i) Simple Indefinite Tense result right now without any words referring to time.
(ii) Progressive/ Continuous Tense
(iii) Perfect Tense No.-1. Positive:- It has rained a lot lately.
(iv) Perfect Continuous Tense
No.-2. Negative:- It has not rained a lot lately.

No.-3. Question:- Has it rained a lot lately?

Present Perfect Continuous Tenses

In this verb tense, an action starts in the past but it’s still
continuing now. You have been performing the action and
still are performing the action in the present.

No.-1. Positive:- She has been singing a song.

No.-2. Negative:- She has not been singinga song.

No.-3. Question:- Has she been singing a song?

Past Simple Tenses

For past simple, it includes a finished action and time.

Present Simple Tenses
No.-1. Positive:- We watched the news last night.
When you use present simple, you are using a routine. It’s
something that you always do every day, month or year.
No.-2. Negative:- We did not watch the news last night.
Or it’s something that you never do.
No.-3. Question:- Did we watch the news last night?
No.-1. Positive:- I prefer my coffee black.

No.-2. Negative:- I don’t prefer my coffee black.

Past Continuous Tenses
No.-3. Question:- Do I prefer my coffee black?

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When you use past continuous, you are often using two The action is not complete, when another action happens
actions. However, one action is not finished in the past, in the future. This is similar to past continuous, but it
and another is complete interrupting the other action. refers to the future.

No.-1. Positive:- I was learning German last year. No.-1. Positive:- They will be loving you.

No.-2. Negative:- I was not learning German last year. No.-2. Negative:- They will not be lovingyou.

No.-3. Question:- Was I learning German last year? No.-3. Question:- Will they be loving you?

Past perfect Tenses Future Perfect Tenses

This verb tense uses two actions at two different times. An action will be completed in the future before another is
Before the second action occurs, the first action is completed.
No.-1. Positive:- By next week, they will have earned lots
No.-1. Positive:- He had left when I went to the club. of money.

No.-2. Negative:- He had not left when I went to the club. No.-2. Negative:- By next week, they will not have earned
lots of money.
No.-3. Question:- Had he left when I went to the club?
No.-3. Question:- Will they have earned lots of Money, by
Past Perfect Continuous Tenses next week?

For colloquial English, we don’t use past perfect Future Perfect Continuous Tenses
continuous very often. But in text books, it’s a bit more
common. This very tense has a complete action that An action will be continuing in the future when it is
happened before a second action. But in this case, you can interrupted by another action. In this future verb tense, it
describe how long. often includes an indication of how long the action has
been happening.
No.-1. Positive:- They had been being friend since
childhood. No.-1. Positive:- I will have been shopping on Tuesday.

No.-2. Negative:- They had not been being friend since No.-2. Negative:- I will not have been shopping on
childhood. Tuesday.

No.-3. Question:- Had they been being friend since No.-3. Question:- Will I have been shopping on Tuesday?

Future Simple Tenses

Fill in the blanks with the right option:
This verb tense is about planning things to do in the
future. For example, what will you do tomorrow or next 1. Sanjeev ______ karate class everyday.
(a) attends (b) has attended (c) attended
No.-1. Positive:- They will study math.
(d) is attending (e) None of these
No.-2. Negative:- They will not study math.
2. The market ______ usually noisy in the morning.
No.-3. Question:- Will they study math?
(a) is (b) has (c) was (d) were (e) will be
Future Continuous Tenses
3. The post man ______ the letter already.

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(a) will be posting (b) has posted (c) delivered 2. (a); In this sentence the daily ambience of market has
been described. Therefore, (simple) present tense should
(d) posts (e) has delivered be used. Hence, (a) is the correct option.

4. The athlete ______ for America tomorrow. 3. (e); The usage of the word ‘already’ shows that the
action has been completed. Hence perfect tense should be
(a) is leaving (b) has left (c) will leaving used. Now see the meaning of the following options:Post:
Send (a letter or parcel) via the postal system. Deliver:
(d) will have left (e) shall leave bring and hand over (a letter, parcel, or goods) to the
proper recipient or address Hence, (e) is the correct
5. Sanjay ______ his room for the past three hours. option.

(a) will be painting (b) will paint (c) has been painting (d) 4. (a); For future plans which are expected to be executed
has painted (e) will have painted in near future,

6. The milkman ______ to our housing estate every we use present progressive tense. Hence, (a) is the correct
morning. option.

(a) come (b) has come (c) coming 5. (c); In this sentence, the action had started in past and
was in action for a period of time hence perfect
(d) comes (e) came continuous tense should be used here. Therefore, (c) is the
correct option.
7. Udit ______ Cricket since primary school when he got
selected in Indian Cricket team. 6. (d); In this sentence, the daily routine of milkman has
been described. Hence, simple present tense should be
(a) has played (b) had been playing (c) will play used. Hence, (d) is the correct option.

(d) will have played (e) has played 7. (b); Here an action described, had started in the past
and was in action till the point in the past. Hence, past
8. The conference ______ due to lack of quorum. perfect continuous tense should be used here. Hence, (b)
is the correct option.
(a) has been postponed (b) is postponing
8. (a); The given statement is in passive voice hence, the
(c) will postpone (d) postponed (e) None of these structure ‘has + been + V3’ should be used. Hence, (a) is
the correct option.
9. You are late. The train ______ already.
9. (b); The usage of the word ‘already’ shows that the
(a) left (b) has left (c) will leave (d) had left (e) leave action in the given sentence has been completed hence
perfect tense should be used. Now, the usage of are in the
10. Everyone ______ about West Indies’ achievement in first part of the question shows that the sentence is in
the Twenty twenty world cup, now a days. present tense. Therefore, (b) is the correct option.

(a) talked (b) was talking (c) will talk (d) is talking 10. (d); The usage of the word ‘now a days’ shows that the
sentence is in present continuous tense. Hence, (d) is the
(e) has talked correct option.

Solutions of Fill in the Blanks

1. (a); The sentence expresses the daily habit of Sanjeev.

Therefore, simple present tense should be used here.
Hence, (a) is the correct option.

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2. VOICE- ACTIVE PASSIVE Rules for Active – Passive Voice Conversions

What is Voice of a verb? Rule 1. Identify the (S+V+O) Subject, Verb and object in
the active sentence to convert to passive voice
The voice of a verb expresses whether the subject in the
sentence has performed or received the action. Example:

Example: He drives car. (Subject – He, verb – Drives, object – Car)

 The watchman opens the door. Rule 2. Interchange the object and subject with each
 The door is opened by the watchman other, i.e. object of the active sentence become the
subject of the passive sentence.
Types of Voices of Verb
Example :
Verbs have two voices
Active voice : She knits sweater. (Subject – She, Verb –
(i) Active Voice Knits, Object – Sweater)
(ii) Passive Voice
Passive Voice : The sweater is knitted by her. (Object
Active Voice – When an action performed by the subject sweater is interchanged with the subject She).
is expressed by the verb, it is an active voice. Active voice
is used when more straightforward relation and clarity is Rule 3. In passive voice sometimes the subject is not used,
required between the subject and the verb. i.e. the subject in passive voice can be omitted if the
sentence without it gives enough meaning.
Active Voice example:
Example :
Hens lay eggs.
Milk is sold in litres
Birds build nests.
Rule 4. Change the base verb in the active sentence into
Passive Voice – When the action expressed by the verb is the past participle ie. third form verb in a passive sentence
received by the subject, it is passive voice. Passive voice i.e. preceded by (By, With, to, etc). Base verbs are never
is used when the doer of the action is not known and the used in passive voice sentences.
focus of the sentence is on the action and not the
subject. Example:

Passive Voice Examples: Active voice: She prepares dinner.

Eggs are laid by hens. Passive voice: The dinner is prepared by her.

Nests are built by birds. Active voice: She knows him.

Conversion of Active and Passive voice examples Passive voice: He is known to her.

Active voice: Juice fills the jar.

 Rita wrote a letter. (Subject + Verb + Object) Passive voice: The jar is filled with juice.
 A letter was written by Rita. (Object) +
(auxiliary verb) + (past participle) + (by subject). Rule 5. While conversion of Active voice sentence to
Passive voice sentence, the pronoun used in the sentence
 She cooks food. (Subject + Verb + Object)
also changes in the following manner.
 The food is cooked by her. (Object) + (auxiliary
verb) + (past participle) + (by subject)

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Rule 6. Use the suitable helping or auxiliary verb

(is/am/are/was, etc.). The rules for using auxiliary verbs in
passive voice sentences are different for each tense.


 The letter is written by her

 A book was not bought by her
 Chocolates are being eaten by them.

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Sentences with Infinitive verbs take the following form in

Passive voice.

Active : "To + V1"

Passive : "To + be + V3"

For Ex – (a) We are to buy a new car. (Active)

(b) A new car is to be bought by us. (Passive)

(c) I have to find my lost pen. (active)

(d) My lost pen has to be found by me. (passive)

To make passive from of modal verbs, following structure

is followed.

(For indefinite)

Sub + Modal + V1 + Obj (active)

Obj + Modal + be + V3 + by + sub (Passive)

Imperative Sentences:
For Ex – You should work hard. (active)
An Imperative sentence is the one which expresses an
Hard work should be done by you (passive)
order, request,command etc.
For Perfect.
An imperative sentence takes the following forms in
passive voice.
Subject + Modal + have + V3+ Obj (active)
(i) Let + Noun + be + V3
Obj + Modal + have + been + V3+ by + sub (passive)
For Ex – Shut the door. (active)
For Ex – I should have passed the exam. (active)
Let the door be shut (passive)
The exam should have been passed by me.
(ii) You are requested/ordered/advised etc to + V1 + Obj.

For Ex – Please bring a glass of water (active)

You are requested to bring a glass of water (Passive)

(iii) Sub + should + be + V3 + obj.

For Ex – Respect your elders (Active)

Your elders should be respected (passive)

Infinitive Verbs (To + V1)

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3. NARRATION When the entire sentence is required to be change from

Direct Narration into Indirect Narration. the two parts of
Direct Narration the sentence is likely to be joined by some connectives.
The following are these rules.
It is the method in which the actual words of the speaker
are reported within Inverted commas. For Example (A) Interrogative Sentence: If the Reported speech is in the
form of an Interrogative sentence, it can be connected in
(i) Mohan says, “he is my friend”. two ways according to the structure of the Interrogative
(ii) Ram said, “he is going”.
(i) If the interrogative sentence begins with an
Indirect Narration Interrogative Adverb( What, Why, Where, How, When etc
) or with an Interrogative Adjective / Pronoun ( Who,
It is the method in which the substance or idea of the Whose, Whom, What, Which etc. ) no connectives is
speaker’s words is reported without using his actual required to join it. It is a mistake to use that to connect
works. such a sentence. For Example

The sentence given above is converted into Indirect Direct: He said, “where are you going” ?
Narration. For Example
Indirect: He asked me where i was going ?
(i) Mohan says that he is my friend.
(ii) If the Interrogative sentence begins with the Auxiliary
(ii) Ram said that he is going. Verb / Helping Verb, the connective Whether or if is used
to join it. For Example
Reporting verb
Direct: Ha said, “Is he doctor ?
The part of the whole sentence outside the Inverted
Commas in Direct Narration is called Reporting Verb. Indirect: He said whether he was doctor.

Reported Speech Direct: I said, ” Do you smoke”?

The part of the whole sentence in which the actual words Indirect: I asked whether you smoke.
of the speaker are written within the Inverted Commas is
called the Reported Speech, and the verb used in this part (iii) If the reported speech begins with the Do or Does,
is called Reported Verb. then Do and Does is removed from the reported
speech,and in their place the Past Indefinite Tense of the
Rules for Changing Direct Narration into Indirect Narration main verb is used. For Example

The rules for changing the Direct Narration into Indirect Direct: He said to Ram,”Do you know his name”.
Narration is divided into four parts.
Indirect: He asked Ram whether he knew his name.
1. Rules for Connectives
Direct: Ram said to him,”Does Suresh Go to School”.
2. Rules for change in Sentence
Indirect: Ram asked him whether Suresh goes to School.
3. Rules for change of Persons
(iv) If the Reported Speech begins with the Auxiliary Verb
4. Other rules for Miscellaneous Changes Did then the did is removed and the Past Perfect form of
the main verb is used. For Example

Direct: I said to him,”Did you go to School yesterday”.

Rules for Connectives

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Indirect: I asked him whether he had gone to school the (v) The rules for change for Tense and Pronoun are
previous day. the same as used in assertive sentence.

(B) Assertive Sentence: If the reported speech is in the Direct: He said,”Alas, I am ruined”.
form of assertive sentence, then the connective that is
used to join two sentence. For Example Indirect: He exclaimed that he was ruined.

Direct: He said, “He is going to home”. Direct: He said, “O, what a chance !.

Indirect: He said that he was going to home. Indirect: He exclaimed that it was a fine chance.

(C) Imperative Sentence: If the reported speech is in the Rules for Change in Tense
form of Imperative sentence, then the no connective is
used to join two sentence but the main verb of the Rule 1- It should first be remembered that no change is
Imperative sentence is converted into an Infinite Verb. For ever made in the Tense of the Reporting Verb. but of
Example course, without changing the tense, the verb can be
changed according to the sense of the Reported Speech.
Direct: He said to the servant,”Close the door.” For Example, In place of say or said , we can use tell or told
, or we can use replied, remarked, asked, observed,
Indirect: He asked the servant to close the door. declared etc. according to the sense. But in no case there
should be a change in the tense of the Reporting Speech.
Direct: He said,”Please give me a glass of water.”
Rule 2 - If the Reporting Verb is in the Present or Future
Indirect: He requested to give him a glass of water. Tense, no change is made in the tense of the Reported
Verb, But of course, the form of the auxiliary verb will
(D) Exclamatory Sentence: If the Reported Speech is in the change according to the change in the person of the
form of Exclamatory Sentence ( indicating surprise, fear, Subject in the Indirect Narration Form. For Example am
wish or contempt etc. ), it is changed into an assertive can be changed into is or are; or do and have can be
sentence in the Indirect Narration form and connective changed into does or has, but no change can be made in
that is used to join it with the Reporting speech. For the tense in the process of this change. For Example
Direct: He says, ” I am not feeling well today”.
Direct: He said,” What a horrible scene ?
Indirect: He says that he is not feeling well today.
Indirect: He said that it was a horrible scene.
Direct: He will say to me, “you are not kind to me.”
(E) Exclamatory sentence: The sentences which carry the
sense of sudden joy, sorrow, Wonder, disappointment are Indirect: He will tell me that I am not kind to him.
called exclamatory sentence. These sentences generally
begins with word Alas, Oh, Hurrah, Bravo, How, What a, Rule 3-If the reported speech is in the Past Tense, the
etc. tense of the reported speech is changed according to the
following rules.(I) (A) Present Indefinite is changed into
(i) In place of the Reporting Verb ‘Said’ some other Past Indefinite tense. For Example
verbs as Exclaimed, Wished and Prayed are used
according to the sentence. Direct: He said,”I am unwell”.
(ii) Connective ‘that’ is used.
(iii) After the Reporting Verb, we use such Indirect: He said that he was unwell.
expressions as Joyfully, Sorrowfully, With Sorrow,
With Joy, In astonishment, according to the (B) Present Continuous is converted into Past Continuous
sense. Tense. For Example
(iv) Exclamatory sentence is changed into assertive
sentence. Direct: He said,”my father is reading a books”.

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Indirect: He said that his father was reading a book. Indirect: He said that Ram would go to the market.

(C) Present Perfect is changed into Past Perfect Direct: He said,”I shall definitely do this work”.
Continuous Tense. For Example
Indirect: He said that he should definitely do this work.
Direct: He said,”I have passed the examination”.
Rule 5 - May is changed into Might and Can is changed
Indirect: He said that he had passe the examination. into Could. For Example

(D) Present Perfect Continuous Tense is converted into Direct: He said,”I can do this work”.
Past Perfect Continuous Tense. For Example
Indirect: He said that he could do this work.
Direct: Mohan said,”I have been working hard since July”.
Direct: The teacher said,”he may be allowed to go”.
Indirect: Mohan said that he had been working hard since
July. Indirect: The teacher said that he might be allowed to go.

(II) (A) Ordinarily no change is made in the Past Indefinite Rule 6- No change is made in the Must. For Example
Tense, but sometimes it is changed into Past Perfect
Tense. For Example Direct: He said,”I must go at once”.

Direct: Rams said,”He visited Delhi last year”. Indirect: He said that he must go at once.

Indirect: Ram said that he visited Delhi last year. Rule 7- If the reported speech refers to some universal
truth or habitual action, no change is made in the tense of
Direct: He said,”the horse died last night”. the reported verb, even if the reporting verb in the past
tense. For Example
Indirect: He said that the horse had died last night.
Direct: The teacher said in the class,”the sun rises in the
(B) Past Continuous Tense is converted into Past Perfect east”.
Continuous Tense. For Example
Indirect: The teacher said in the class that the sun rises in
Direct: He said,”my brother was working in this factory”. the east.

Indirect: He said that his brother had been working Direct: He said,”Man lives by beard”.

(C) No change is made in the Past Perfect and Past Perfect Indirect: He said that man lives by beard.
Continuous Tense. For Example
Rule 8- When words like sir, your Honour, Your majesty,
Direct: He said,”I had finished my work long ago”. Please, Kindly etc. are used in the reported speech, their
sense is expressed by using the following expressions with
Indirect: He said that he had finished his work long ago. the reporting Verb, and these are dropped. For Example

Direct: Ram said,”I had been doing that work for several Direct: The student said to the teacher,”Sir, mark me
years”. present”.

Indirect: Ram said that he had been doing these work for Indirect: The student respectfully requested the teacher to
several years. mark present.

Rule 4- Will and Shall of the future tense are changed into
Would and Should. For Example

Direct: He said,”Ram will go to the market”.

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Rules for change in Person Sentences beginning with ‘Let’ express the sense of
Order, Wish, Proposal, Imagining, Condition etc. They are
All pronouns (I, We, You, He, she, they) used in the converted into Indirect Narration according to the sense.
reported speech are changed according to the following The Reporting Verb is changed into Ordered, Requested,
rules. Proposed,Wished, support etc. according to the sense.In
all such sentences, ‘Let’ is removed and connective ‘That’
Rule 1- Every First Person Pronoun used in the reported is used. In Place of ‘Let’ we use should. For Example
speech is changed according to the person of the Subject
of the Reporting Speech. For Example Direct: The Principal said,”Let no student stand here”.

Direct: He said,”I am doing my work”. Indirect: The Principal ordered that no student should
stand there.
Indirect: He said that he was doing his work.
Direct: The boy said,” Let me go out to play”.
Rule 2- Every second person in the reported speech is
changed according to the person of the Object of the Indirect: The boy wished that he should go out to play.
reporting speech. For Example

Direct: Mohan said to you,“you are not doing your work

Indirect: Mohan told you that you were not doing your
work seriously. An article is a word that combines with a noun/s and helps
to determine whether a noun in any sentence or phrase is
Direct: Ramesh said to me, “You are not doing your work specific or general.
Example: After the long tiring day, the cup of tea refreshed
Indirect: Ramesh told me that i was not doing my work the mind and body.
In this sentence, the use of the article ‘the’ specifies the
Rule 3- No change is made in the third person pronoun. day that was tiring and that one particular cup of tea that
refreshed the body and mind.
Miscellaneous Changes
There are two types of articles in English, Definite article
Some words used in the reported speech are changed as (The) and Indefinite article (A, An).
listed given below
Definite Article examples:
Words Changed From
 He threw the ball in the well.
 Now – Then  I saw the thieves stealing jewels.
 This or These – That or Those  Where are the notes I shared with you
 Hither – Thither yesterday?
 Here – There
 Hence – Thence Indefinite Article Example:
 Thus – So
 Come – Go  She wore a pretty pink dress.
 Tomorrow – Next day  I saw tigers in a zoo.
 Today – That Day  He is not as good as an actor.
 Yesterday – The Previous Day  An apple a day builds immunity.
 Last Night – The Previous Night
Rules of Articles With Examples
 Ago – Before

Sentence Beginning With ‘Let’

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The rules of articles (a, an, the) given below are divided Example:
based on the types of articles.
The Ganga is a holy river.
Article Rules for the definite article ‘The
The English Channel is the longest river channel.
Rule 1 – The very basic rule of the article says that the
article ‘the’ is used before a singular or plural noun, which However, ‘the’ must not precede the following–
is specific. It indicates a particular thing/s or person/s in
case of a common noun.  Names of continents, like Asia, South America,
Example:  Names of countries, states or streets like
Alaska, Bolivia, New town street, etc.
The teacher she spoke to at the exhibition was very rude.  Names of Single lakes, mountains, islands or
bays, like Chilika Lake, Hudson Bay, etc.
He lost all the money borrowed from the lender.  Names of languages like Spanish, French, etc.
 Names of Sports such as basketball, cricket,
Rule 2 – Article ‘The’ is used when the listener knows what football, etc.
the speaker is talking about.  Names of subjects like Economics,
Mathematics, History, etc.
Rule 7 – ‘The’ is mandatorily used for things that are only
The mangoes you kept in the refrigerator last night do not one of a kind in the universe.
taste good.
Did you complete all the homework?
The Sun and the Moon shine bright in the sky.
Rule3 – ‘The’ is used to generalize the whole class or
group. The planet earth looks beautiful from space.

Example: Rule 8 – ‘The’ does not mean all.

The honest are respected. Example:

The beggars are not always needy. The books are my favourite (not all the books, just the
books talked about)
Rule 4 – ‘The’ is used for geographical points on the globe.
Books are my favourite (all the books, in general, are
Example: The north pole and the south pole can never favourites)
Article Rule for Indefinite Article ‘A’ and ‘An’
Rule 5 – ‘The’ is used for the nouns that cannot be
counted. Rule 1 – The article ‘a’ is used before a consonant word or
any vowel with a consonant sound.
Indefinite article examples:
The water in the Pacific ocean is freezing.
A man is sitting on the chair.
Two robbers stole all the money from the bank.
She goes to a university in Delhi.
Rule 6 – ‘The’ is used with geographical nouns, depending
on the size and plurality of the noun. ‘The’ must precede Similarly, the article ‘an’ is used before the words
the names of oceans, rivers, group of islands, lakes, beginning with a vowel (a, e, i, o, u) or the letter of a
mountains, countries with united states or islands, etc. consonant word with a vowel sound.

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Indefinite article examples: What a nice Villa!

She is an innocent girl. Rule 6 – The indefinite article is used with the determiners
(few, lot, most)
He is an honest man.
Rule 2 – A singular common noun always requires an
article ‘a’ or ‘an’, but a plural common noun does not There is a little drink in the glass
require any article or can have ‘the’ to particularise that
noun. I have a few guests coming over

Examples: When Not to Use an Article

I saw an elephant. (Refers to a random elephant) We do not use any article at all in some cases. The articles
‘a’ and ‘the’ are not used in the following cases
I saw elephants in a zoo. (No article is required)
1. When Plural Noun is talked about:
I have seen the elephant again. (Refers to the elephant
already seen) Correct – Girls like pink (the sentence is talking about girls
in general)
I have seen the elephants again before leaving the zoo.
(Refers particularly to the elephants of the zoo which were Correct – The girls in my hostel like to play kabaddi.
seen earlier.) (sentence is specifically talking about girls of the hostel)

Rule 3 – A/An is used to make a Proper noun a common 2. When Uncountable nouns are talked about
noun. Proper nouns do not take articles but to make them
common nouns, a/an is used. Correct – Water Scarcity is a problem. (it is uncountable)

Example. Correct – The Water scarcity in my locality is a problem.

(talking about specific locality)
He thinks he is an Abraham Lincon. (not referring to the
actual person but someone like him) Incorrect – There is a water scarcity in my locality. (here
again, scarcity is uncountable)
She is an Indian. (India is a proper noun but ‘Indian’ is a
common noun) 3. When Real Nouns are talked about, i.e. names of people
or places
Rule 4 – Indefinite article ‘a’ or ‘an’ is used to refer to
numbers sometimes. Incorrect – I want to visit the Australia.

Examples: Incorrect – She talks to the Sam for articles.

The baby is playing with a doll (one doll)

I owe him a thousand bucks. (one thousand dollars)

He drove 120 kilometres in an hour (one hour)

Rule 5 – The indefinite article (a/an) precedes the

descriptive adjective


She is an amazing dancer.

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5. PRONOUN Indefinite Pronouns

By definition, a Pronoun is a word which is used in place of When the noun which is to be replaced does not have a
a noun. To avoid repetition of nouns in a sentence or fixed name or number, then such nouns are replaced by
paragraph, a pronoun is used. indefinite pronouns. These include few, everyone, all, etc.

Types of Pronouns Example 1: Everyone has reached the concert.

Discussed below are the different types of pronouns: Example 2: You bring me some apples.

Personal Pronouns Interrogative pronouns

The pronouns which are placed as a substitute for people Pronouns like Who, Where, Which, Whom, etc. which
or things are called personal pronouns. These are of two tend to ask a question are called interrogative pronouns.
types: subjective and objective. This means, that the
pronoun can act either as the subject or for the object of Example 1: Which plant is this?
the sentence.
Example 2: Who went to the airport?
Example 1:
Relative Pronouns
Statement: Riya, Tanya, Ritu and Ananya were going to
play Badminton. The pronouns which are used to connect a clause or a
statement are called relative pronouns.
Replacing the nouns with Pronouns: They were going to
play Badminton. Example 1: I watch which I bought was defective.

Example 2: Example 2: The man who came yesterday was a fraud.

Statement: Can you please go to the market with Arpit? Demonstrative Pronouns

Replacing the noun with Pronoun: Can you please go to The pronouns which describe or modify a thing or a
the market with him? person are called demonstrative pronoun. They can be
both singular and plural.
Possessive Pronouns
Example 1: These flowers are beautiful.
The personal pronouns which indicate the possession of
something are called possessive nouns. They can be used Example 2: This girl is very helpful.
both in singular and plural form.
Classification of Cases – Pronouns
Example 1: This dress is mine.
There are three cases in which pronouns can be classified.
Example 2: The books are theirs. These include:

Reflexive Pronouns  Subjective Case

 Objective Case
Pronouns like himself, myself, themselves, etc. where the  Possessive Case
action is being performed on oneself are called reflexive
pronouns To understand the three cases even better, refer to the
table given below:
Example 1: I decorated the room all by myself.

Example 2: She drove 500 kilometres by herself.

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Q 3. Smriti completed the packing _______


Answer: Smriti completed the packing herself.

Q 4. The dress ______ (that/who) I bought yesterday

needs to be altered.

Answer: The dress that I bought yesterday needs to be


Q 5. The boxers punch _______ (each other/ one another).

Answer: The boxers punched each other.

Q 6. (These/There) ______ stairs are extremely steep.

Answer: These stairs are extremely steep.

Rules of Pronouns

Since the questions asked in competitive exams not very

direct but may be asked in the form of fill in the blanks or
incorrect statements. Thus, it is important for candidates 6. MODALS
to know the rules of pronouns to ensure that they make
no mistake in questions based on the same. A modal (like can, must, should, etc.) is a verb which is
used with another verb in order to express an idea such as
Pronouns Rule 1: Pronouns which are compared must be possibility, responsibility, compulsion, etc.
in the same case.
For Ex – (a) You must come on Wednesday.
Example: Our mother supports me more than her.
(b) You should bring this book tomorrow.
Pronouns Rule 2: Object form in a sentence.
Note: A modal is always followed by the first form of verb.
Example 1: I helped him
For Ex – One must obey one's elders.
Example 2: He helped me
Pronouns Rule 3: If the pronoun is an object of the verb, it
should be in the objective case. 1. Can: 'Can' is used to denote 'ability'.

Given below are questions where two pronouns have For Ex – I can run as fast as you.
been given for each statement. Choose the correct
pronoun from the given options. 'Can' is also used to denote request.

Q 1. My sister loves to read books. (She/Her) is a thorough For Ex – Can I use your pen?
Can is also used for giving 'Permission'.
Answer: My sister loves to read books. She is a thorough
reader. For Ex – You can use my pen.

Q 2. (They/He) ______ visited their Aunt’s place yesterday. 2. Could: 'Could' is used as past participle of can.

Answer: They visited their Aunt’s place yesterday.

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For Ex – When she was younger, she could run 10 km and 'Would' is also used to express an 'Opinion'
not get
For Ex – I think he would pass the test.
without tired.
7. Should: 'Should' is used to denote duty.
'Could' can also be used to show possibility.
For Ex – You should respect your teachers.
For Ex – A lot of money could be saved.
'Should' is also used to express an advice
3. May: 'May' is used to denote possibility.
For Ex – You should work hard to pass the exam.
For Ex – I may come tomorrow.
Note: Conjuction 'Lest' is generally followed by 'Should'.
May is used to denote 'permission'.
For Ex – Work hard lest you should fail.
For Ex – You may come in.
8. Ought to: 'Ought to is used to denote 'moral duty'
'May' can also be used for taking permission.
For Ex – You ought to help poors
For Ex – May I come in?
We ought not to disrespect our elders.
4. Might: 'Might' Can be used to denote possibility.
9. Used to: 'Used to' is used to denote Something that is
For Ex – He might have reached there by now. done or

'Might' also denotes 'suggestion'. experienced in the past but is no longer done or
For Ex – You might try a little more salt in the curry next
time. For Ex – I used to play cricket but now I don't like it.

5. Must: 'Must' denotes 'Necessity' I did not use to eat egg.

For Ex – One must sleep for 8 – 10 hours. 10. Dare: Dare is used to denote challenge or courage :

'Must' is also used to denote strong possibility. For Ex – Nobody dares to oppose him.

For Ex – He looks quite sad, he must have failed. They dare not ask for any further loan.

6. Would: Would is used to refer to future time. 11. Need: Need denotes requirements.

For Ex – I would love to see you tomorrow. For Ex – I need to buy a new house.

'Would' is also used to denote choice. You need not take off your blazer.

For Ex – I would prefer tea to coffee. 12. Will: Will is used to talk about the future.

'Would' is also used to make a 'request' For Ex – Ravi will call you tomorrow.

For Ex – Would you please lend me 10 rupees. Will is used to make a request.

'Would' is also used to express a 'Wish' For Ex – Will you give me your phone?

For Ex – I wish, I would succeed in my life.

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13. Shall: Shall is used instead of 'will' when the subject is (a) will (b) shall (c) should(d) would (e) can
first person('I' and 'we').
For Ex – I Shall go to school tomorrow.
1. (b); should ; Since, 'should' is used to show what is the
Note: In modern English, 'Will' can be used with both 'I' correct or best thing to do
and 'Will' as well.
2. (d); must ; Since, 'must' is used to show compulsion .
Fill in the blanks with the right option:
3. (a); could ; Since, 'could' is used to show possibility.
1. You ______ brush your teeth after every meal.
4. (c); Would ; Since, 'would' is used to take permission or
(a) may (b) should (c) might(d)shall (e) will ask preference.

2. The boys ______ train hard if they want to win the 5. (e) must ; Since 'must' is used to denote compulsion.
6. (a); May ; Since, 'may' is used to take permission.
(a) ought to (b) can (c) shall(d) must (e) dare not
7. (d); Ought to; Since, 'ought to' is used to denote moral
3. If it does not rain tomorrow, we ______ go for a picnic. duty.

(a) could (b) need to (c) cannot(d) would have (e) will have 8. (d); will ; For some future course of action, 'will' is used.

4. ______ you like to join me for a trip up Cameron 9. (a); need to ; The main verb need is followed by 'to'
Highlands? when used with another verb.

(a) could (b) should (c) Would(d) can (e) might 10. (e); can ; 'can' is used to show ability of a person.

5. You ______ pay $5 if you want to take part in the

(a) cannot (b) may not (c) shall(d) should (e) must
A preposition is a word which generally precedes a noun
6. ______ I go to toilet please? or pronoun and expresses a relation between the noun or
pronoun and other words or elements in the sentence.
(a) May (b) Might (c) Can(d) Will (e) Shall
For Ex – (a) There is a cat on the table
7. Children ______ respect their elders.
(b) All the boys are in the room.
(a) Should (b) ought not to (c) must(d) Ought to (e) will
Note: Sometimes, Prepositions are placed at the end of a
8. Mrs. Tay _______ leave for Bangkok tomorrow for a sentence and not before a noun/pronoun.
business meeting.
For Ex – Amit has much to be sad about who they taking
(a) would (b) shall (c) should(d) will (e) may to?

9. I ______ take a holiday after working tirelessly on this There are four types of Prepositions:
(1) Prepositions of Time : in , on, since, for, at,
(a) need to (b) dare to (c) might(d) may (e) need from, between, during, after, within, till,
until, from etc.
10.Although Daniel is an obedient child, he ______ be
rebellious at times.

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(2) Prepositions of position/place : between, (ii) Below: 'Below' means 'in a lower position (than)'.
among, amongst, amid, amidst, in, at on,
beside, besides, etc. For Ex – My marks are below average
(3) Prepositions of Directions : along, across,
against, up, down, to, towards, for, from, at, (iii) Beneath: 'Beneath' means 'directly underneath
on etc. (something)'
(4) Other Prepositions' with, without, by, off, of,
around, about, besides, except, etc. For Ex – There is a pipeline beneath the road.

USES OF SOME IMPORTANT PREPOSITIONS (iv) Under: 'Under' is used to denote a position of
something which is below something else and is often
1. UP – Above – On – Over covered by it.

(i) UP: As a preposition, 'up' is used to talk about a higher For Ex – Doctor put the thermometer under my tongue.
position or a movement to a higher position.
3. Between – Among – Amongst.
For Ex – He followed his teacher up the stairs.
(i) Between: 'Between' is used to denote the space
(ii) Above: 'Above' is used to denote a higher position or between two separate places, people, or objects.
For Ex – My car is parked between a bus and a truck.
For Ex – His marks are above eighty percent.
(ii) Among: 'Among' means 'In the middle of a number of
(iii) On: 'On' is used to denote the position of something (more than two) things.
which is in a position above something else and is
touching it. For Ex – He could not find even a single familiar face
among the crowd.
For Ex – The book is on the table
(iii) Amongst: 'Among' and 'Amongst' mean the same.
Note: On is also used before a 'Day' or 'Date'. Though they are bit different in usage.

For Ex – I will visit him on Monday. For Ex – The sweets which udit had bought were
distributed among the poor children.
India became republic on 26th January 1950
Amongst is used before a vowel sound, while among is
If there is an article before a 'means of transport', 'On' is used before a consonant sound.
For Ex – Among them. Amongst US.
For Ex – On a bus/train/ship/cycle.
4. Beside – Besides – Except.
(iv) Over: 'Over' is used to denote the position of
something which is above something else and is covering (i) Beside: Beside means 'next to'.
For Ex – Go and sit beside her.
For Ex – I put my hands over my eyes.
(ii) Besides: Besides means 'in addition to'.
2. Down – Below – Beneath – Under.
For Ex – They have a lots of things in common besides
(i) Down: Down is used to denote a lower position, from a their profession.
higher one.
(iii) Except: Except is used before a noun about which the
For Ex – She bent down to look under the car. statement is not true.

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Except means 'apart from' For Ex – The cat jumped upon the platform.

For Ex – Everyone had attended the class except Rohit. They climbed onto the summit.

5. For and Since 8. In – Into – within.

(i) For: 'For' is used to denote period of time. (i) In: 'In' is used to denote the position of something
which is surrounded or closed off by something.
For Ex – I have been sleeping for four hours.
For Ex – Neelam is in the room.
For is also used to denote 'purpose'.
(ii) Into: 'Into' is used to denote movement inside or
For Ex – These seats are reserved for ladies only. middle of something.

(ii) Since: 'Since' is used to denote a point of time. For Ex – Get into the bed.

For Ex – I have been sleeping since four P.M. (iii) Within: 'Within' is used to denote time or position
which is inside the range or limits of a particular period of
'Since' is also used to 'denote' 'reason'. time or distance.

For Ex – Since I was injured, I did not play the match. For Ex – I will complete this work within two hours.

6. Across and Through. My house is within a mile of the station.

(i) Across: 'Across' means 'from one side to the other of 9. By and With.
something with clear boundaries'
(i) By: 'By' is used to indicate the person or thing which
For Ex – Across a road. Across a bridge. does something.

(ii) Through: 'Through' is used to indicate the movement For Ex – I was cheated by him.
from one end to the other.
Note: By is also used before mode of transportation when
7. On – Upon – Onto it

(i) On: 'On' is used to denote the position of something comes with words like 'go', 'come', 'arrive', etc.
which is in a position above something and is touching it.
For Ex – I go to school by bus.
For Ex – My Pen is on the bed.
(ii) With: 'With' is used before something which has been
Note: 'On' denotes 'Position' used as

(ii) Upon: 'Upon' is used to denote 'On' in a more formal means or equipment to do something.
term, especially in abstract senses.
For Ex – Rajesh shot the tiger with a rifle.
For. Ex – It was based upon two principles
10. Before and In front of
(iii) Onto: 'Onto' is used to indicae movement into or on a
particular place. (i) Before: is used for a period of time which is earlier than
the thing/ time mentioned.
For Ex – She slipped as she stepped onto the floor.
For Ex – She came before me.
Note: Upon and Onto are used to denote Motion.

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(ii) In front of: 'In front of' means 'directly ahead of For Ex – I had been talking to him since December.
She has been teaching in this school since January.
For Ex – Do not stand in front of me.
(ii) From: 'From' is used to denote a point of time/distance
11. At and in at which something starts and then continues.

(i) At: 'At' is used to denote an exact position or a For Ex – The price of milk will rise by Rs. 10 from Monday.
particular place (or time)
The school remains open from 8 : 30 a.m. to 2 : 30 p.m.
For Ex – I am at my home.
Note: The point of time denoted by 'from' can be in past
The school starts at 8 : 30 A.M. as well as in future.

(ii) In: 'In' is used when we want to describe a part or a For Ex – I will start going to school from next Monday.
period of time.
Note: From is also used to show 'separation'
For Ex – I am going to Mumbai in July.
For Ex – The boy fell from the terrace.
I was born in 1993.
15. Of and off
12. To and Towards
(i) Of: 'Of' is used to denote relation
(i) To: 'To' is used to denote 'destination'
For Ex – Sanya is a friend of mine.
For Ex – I am going to America.
The leg of this table is broken.
She is going to temple.
(ii) Off: 'Off' is used to denote separation
(ii) Towards: 'Towards' means 'In the direction of'.
For Ex – She fell off the bed.
For Ex – Isha is going towards the college
Ashish took his jacket off.
Rajeev is going towards the temple.
16. During and for
Note: In the above example, 'College' and 'Temple' need
not to be the destination of 'Isha' and 'Rajeev' (i) During: 'During' is used to express the period of time in
which something happens.
13. Inspite of and Despite.
For Ex – I was in Delhi during the winter
(i) Inspite of: 'In Spite of' means 'without being affected by
the particular factor mentioned' I went to Shimla during my vacation.

(ii) Despite: 'Despite' and 'In spite of' mean the same. (ii) For: 'For' expresses how long something lasts.
Never use the preposition 'of' with 'Despite'
For Ex – They were on leave for two weeks.
For Ex – Despite being late, he was allowed to enter the
class. I was in Delhi for three months.

14. Since and from.

(i) Since: 'Since' is used to denote a point of time in the H


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8. CLAUSES  Michael now has a new computer although he

still has his old one. (Dependent clause after an
A clause is a group of words that has both a subject and a independent clause)
predicate. Every complete sentence is made up of at  Although he still has his old one, Michael now has
least one clause. a new computer. (Dependent clause before the
independent clause)
 Michael bought a new computer. (One  Michael, although he still has his old one, now has
sentence, one clause) a new computer. (Dependent clause inside the
 Michael bought a new computer, but he still independent clause)
has the old one. (One sentence, two clauses)
 Although he still has his old one, Michael now Clauses can play a variety of roles in sentences. A clause
has a new computer. (One sentence, two can act as a noun, an adjective, or an adverb.
(1) Noun Clauses
Definition: An independent clause (or main clause) makes
sense by itself. It expresses a complete thought. She cannot remember what she said last night.

 Michael bought a new computer. (One (The clause acts like a noun. It could be replaced with a
noun, e.g., "her rant.")
independent clause)
 Michael bought a new computer, but he still
Now I know why tigers eat their young. (Mobster Al
has the old one. [Two independent clauses
(Coordinating conjunctions don't count as part
of the clause.)]
(This clause could be replaced with a noun, e.g., "the
 Although he still has his old one, Michael now
has a new computer. (Only the second clause is
(2) Adjective Clauses
Definition: A dependent clause (or subordinate clause)
My friend who lives in London looks like Homer Simpson.
does not make sense by itself. It does not express a
complete thought.
(The clause acts like an adjective. It could be replaced with
an adjective, e.g., "my London-based friend.")
 Although he still has his old one. (Without the
independent clause, a dependent clause is a
You should never make fun of something that a person
sentence fragment.)
can't change about themselves. (YouTuber Phil Lester)
 A dependent clause usually begins with a
(This clause could be replaced with an adjective, e.g.,
subordinating conjunction, a relative pronoun, or
some other word that causes it to become
dependent. A dependent clause will make sense
(3) Adverbial Clauses
only when attached to an independent clause.
 Although he still has his old one. (Although is a
He lost his double chin after he gave up chocolate.
subordinating conjunction.)
 He still has his old one. (Without the conjunction,
(The clause acts like an adverb. It could be replaced with
the clause becomes independent.)
an adverb, e.g., "recently.")
 Michael now has a new computer although he
still has his old one. (Combined with an
I am not afraid of the pen, the scaffold or the sword. I will
independent clause, the dependent clause makes
tell the truth wherever I please. (Labour-rights campaigner
Mary Harris Jones aka "Mother Jones")
Dependent clauses can come after, before, or in the
(This clause could be replaced with an adverb, e.g.,
middle of the independent clause.

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