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COMSATS University Islamabad, Lahore.

Course Instructure:
(Madam Nazia Jehan)

Student Name:
Muhmmad Arif Bashir


Programming languages:
Programming languages are a set of instructions and norms that are used to write a code. There
are several programming languages with each one having its own characteristics and
requirements. There are sets of pre-made structures called ‘libraries’ which are used to perform
basic functionalities in each language. These libraries save the developer’s time and energy by
preventing repetition of already written code. Libraries provide a lot of standard functionalities so that
developers do not have to worry about a lot of standard functions and can use libraries to easily create
web pages using UI components, language utilities, math functions, and more. it is only necessary to have
these libraries in hand as per your need to save development and testing time and have everything in one

There are following some Computing Software Languages which are as following:

1. Python

Python is a high-level programming language used for general-purpose programming. With a

simple syntax, Python has automatic memory management and dynamic features that make it
suitable to be used in a variety of applications in the software development companies such as
gaming, web applications, language development, prototyping, etc. The testers use it, as
debugging is quite easy in this language.

language is used for:

▪ Back end development
▪ Data science
▪ App development

Python is widely regarded as a programming language that’s easy to learn, due to its simple
syntax, a large library of standards and toolkits, and integration with other popular programming
languages such as C and C++. In fact, it’s the first language that students learn in the Align
program, Gorton says. “You can cover a lot of computer science concepts quickly, and it’s
relatively easy to build on.” It is a popular programming language, especially among startups,
and therefore Python skills are in high demand.

• Consist of third-party modules
• Object-oriented languages
• Portable across operating systems
• Contains user-friendly data structures
• Widely supported and has an active
Python is not suitable for mobile application development.

Common uses:
Python is used in a wide variety of applications, including artificial intelligence, financial
services, and data science. Social media sites such as Instagram and Pinterest are also built on

Number of jobs: 19,000

Average annual salary: $120,000
Level: Beginner – Python enables a beginner to
become productive quickly
Skills Needed: Problem-solving, abstract thinking

Platform: Web, Desktop

Popularity Among Programmers: Becoming continuously more popular

Benefits: • Flexible

• Naturally/Intuitively readable

• Highly regarded official tutorials

and documentation

• Scripted as opposed to compiled

Downsides: Doesn’t start with programming basics

(known to abstract too many important basic

Degree of Use: Coding skills widely used; popular in both

technical education and business use

Annual Salary Projection: $120,000

2. JavaScript
JavaScript has no direct relation to Java besides being used for web technologies. The name choice
was a marketing move to encourage adoption. JavaScript is an interpreted language. It doesn’t get
compiled but is interpreted as the script runs. It's commonly used to create interactive websites.
You’re reading this right now on a page running JavaScript.

language is used for:

▪ Web development
▪ Game development
▪ Mobile apps
▪ Building web servers

JavaScript is the most popular programming language for building interactive websites; “virtually
everyone is using it,” Gorton says. When combined with Node.js, programmers can use JavaScript to
produce web content on the server before a page is sent to the browser, which can be used to build games
and communication applications that run directly in the browser. A wide variety of add-ons extend the
functionality of JavaScript as well.
• Speed - JavaScript tends to be very fast because it is often run immediately within the
client's browser. So long as it doesn't require outside resources, JavaScript isn't slowed
down by calls to a backend server. Also, major browsers all support JIT (just in time)
compilation for JavaScript, meaning that there's no need to compile the code before
running it.
• Simplicity - JavaScript's syntax was inspired by Java's and is relatively easy to learn
compared to other popular languages like C++.
• Popularity - JavaScript is everywhere on the web, and with the advent of Node.js, is
increasingly used on the backend. There are countless resources to learn JavaScript. Both
StackOverflow and GitHub show an increasing amount of projects that use JavaScript,
and the traction it's gained in recent years is only expected to increase.
• Interoperability - Unlike PHP or other scripting languages, JavaScript can be inserted
into any web page. JavaScript can be used in many different kinds of applications
because of support in other languages like Pearl and PHP.
• Server Load - JavaScript is client-side, so it reduces the demand on servers overall, and
simple applications may not need a server at all.
• Rich interfaces - JavaScript can be used to create features like drag and drop and
components such as sliders, all of which greatly enhance the user interface and
experience of a site.
• Extended Functionality - Developers can extend the functionality of web pages by
writing snippets of JavaScript for third party add-ons like Greasemonkey.
• Versatility - There are many ways to use JavaScript through Node.js servers. If you were
to bootstrap Node.js with Express, use a document database like MongoDB, and use
JavaScript on the frontend for clients, it is possible to develop an entire JavaScript app
from front to back using only JavaScript.
• Updates - Since the advent of ECMAScript 5 (the scripting specification that JavaScript
relies on), ECMA International has been dedicated to updating JavaScript annually. So
far, we have received browser support for ES6 in 2017 and look forward to ES7 being
supported in the future.
Internet browsers can disable JavaScript code from running, as JavaScript is used to code pop-up
ads that in some cases can contain malicious content.

Common uses:
JavaScript is used extensively in website and mobile application development. It's commonly
used to create interactive websites. Node.js allows for the development of browser-based
applications, which do not require users to download an application.

Number of jobs: 24,000

Average annual salary: $118,000
Level: Beginner to Intermediate

Skills Needed: HTML and CSS to define the content and

layout of web pages

Platform: Cross-platform (desktop, mobile, web)

Popularity Among Programmers: The most popular programming language

in the world

Benefits: • Easy to learn and implement

• Used everywhere on the web

• Can run immediately within the

client-side browser

• Reduces the demand on the

website server

Downsides: Can sometimes be interpreted differently

by different browsers which makes it
difficult to write cross-browser code.

Degree of Use: Widely used; highly applicable

Annual Salary Projection: $118,000

3. Java

Java is an object-oriented programming language that can be written on any device and can work
even on a cross-platform basis. Often used to develop mobile applications, Java is also the basis
of the Android operating system. The language is preferred by the testers owing to its ability to
use even on cross-platforms.

language is used for:

▪ E-commerce
▪ Finance
▪ App development

Java is the programming language most commonly associated with the development of client-
server applications, which are used by large businesses around the world. Java is designed to be
a loosely coupled programming language, meaning that an application written in Java can run on
any platform that supports Java. As a result, Java is described as the “write once, run anywhere”
programming language.

• This language is platform-independent in both binary and source level
• User and design-friendly
• Known for its feature of security and called as the safest programming language
which can disrupt corruption or errors
• Has the added feature of Stack allocation system which helps in data storing and
easy restoring
• Java has the feature of automatic garbage collection and memory allocation
Java is not ideal for applications that run on the cloud, as opposed to the server (which is
common for business applications). In addition, the software company Oracle, which owns Java,
charges a licensing fee to use the Java Development Kit.

Common uses:
Along with business applications, Java is used extensively in the Android mobile operating

Number of jobs: 29,000

Average annual salary: $104,000
Level: Intermediate

Skills Needed: Problem-solving, knowledge of the object-

oriented structure

Platform: desktop, mobile, web.

Popularity Among Programmers: One of the most popular programming

language in the world

Benefits: • Regarded as a good start for

learning to think like a programmer
and gain coding skills

• You’ll be able to access/manipulate

the most important computer
functions, like the file system,
graphics, and sound for any fairly
sophisticated and modern program
that can run on any operating

Downsides: Lots of new vocabulary to learn; a higher-

level language

Degree of Use: Widely used; highly applicable

Annual Salary Projection: $104,000

4. C#
C# is a modern, general-purpose programming language that can be used to perform a wide
range of tasks and objectives that span over a variety of professions. C# is primarily used on the
Windows .NET framework, although it can be applied to an open source platform. This highly
versatile programming language is an object-oriented programming language (OOP) and
comparably new to the game, yet a reliable crowd pleaser.

language is used for:

▪ Game development
▪ Desktop/web/mobile apps
▪ VR

Microsoft developed C# as a faster and more secure variant of C. It is fully integrated with
Microsoft’s .NET software framework, which supports the development of applications for
Windows, browser plug-ins, and mobile devices. C# offers shared codebases, a large code
library, and a variety of data types.

• C# programming can save you time Perhaps the greatest advantage is how much time
you can save by using C# instead of a different programming language. Being that C# is
statically typed and easy to read, users can expect to spend less time scouring their scripts
for tiny errors that disrupt the function of the application.
• C# is easy to learn In addition to the time you can save during project development,
you’ll also spend less time learning C# as opposed to the more difficult programming
languages out there. Thanks to its simplicity and easy-to-use features, C# offers a fairly
low learning curve for beginners.
• C# is scalable and easy to maintain C# is a programming language that is remarkably
scalable and easy to maintain. Because of the strict nature of how static codes must be
written, C# programs are reliably consistent, which makes them much easier to adjust and
maintain than programs that are written using other languages.
• C# has a great community In the world of coding and programming, the importance of
a helpful community on which you can depend simply can’t be overstated. Programming
languages aren’t a platform or service with a dedicated help line or convenient IT
support. Programmers must rely on the support of others in the same field who have
experienced the same roadblocks and frustrations.
• C# is object-oriented C# is completely object-oriented, which is a rare characteristic for
a programming language. Many of the most common languages incorporate object
orientation to an extent, but very few have accomplished the magnitude of C# without
losing favor from the people.

C# can have a steep learning curve, especially for resolving errors. It is less flexible than
languages such as C++.

Common uses:
C# is the go-to language for Microsoft ad Windows application development. It can also be used
for mobile devices and video game consoles using an extension of the .NET Framework called

Number of jobs: 18,000

Average annual salary: $97,000
Level: Intermediate

Skills Needed: A basic understanding of how to write code

Platform: Cross-platform, including mobile and

enterprise software applications

Popularity Among Programmers: Relatively popular, but not as popular as Java

(its closest rival)

Benefits: • Fast

• Simple to use

• Object-oriented

• Scalable and updateable

• Interoperable with other codes

• Open source

• Extensive library
Downsides: Less flexible, as it depends on Microsoft’s
.Net framework; poor x-platform GUI

Degree of Use: Used by roughly one-third of all software

developers, particularly relevant for Microsoft

Annual Salary Projection: $104,000

5. C

One of the most difficult programming languages for software development, gaining
an understanding and knowledge of C makes it simple to learn other languages such as C++.
Since it is a machine-level language, a tester who has its knowledge does not find it difficult to
test a program written in any other language as well.
language is used for:
• Used for create many types of applications and operating systems such as Windows.
• Used for create many complicated programs such as the Oracle database,
Git, Python interpreter, and games.

Along with Python and Java, C forms a “good foundation” for learning how to program, Gorton
says. As one of the first programming languages ever developed, C has served as the foundation
for writing more modern languages such as Python, Ruby, and PHP. It is also an easy language
to debug, test, and maintain.

• It is known to be the building block of many other languages seen today
• Consists of a lot a function that includes system-generated functions
• It is portable and can be set-up fast
• Has the capability to arrange the program in a clear, easy and logical way
Since it’s an older programming language, C is not suitable for more modern use cases such as
websites or mobile applications. C also has a complex syntax as compared to more modern

Common uses:
Because it can run on any type of device, C is often used to program hardware, such as
embedded devices in automobiles and medical devices used in healthcare.

Number of jobs: 8,000

Average annual salary: $97,000
Level: Intermediate to Advanced

Skills Needed: Problem-solving, basic computer knowledge.

As C and C++ are geared toward low-level
management of computer
resources, knowledge of computer functions
such as memory management is beneficial.
Platform: Mobile, Desktop, Embedded

Popularity Among Programmers: There has been a higher migration from C to


Benefits: Used to learn the fundamentals of

programming at the lowest (hardware) level

Downsides: Coding in C is stricter, not very beginner-

friendly language, the steeper learning curve

Degree of Use: One of the most widely used

Annual Salary Projection: $97,000

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