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We are in the town of Purehollow

i walk into the tavern The Tired Candle

Knew Parents?



Raised by:
Single father or stepfather

Mother: Dissappeared to an unknow fate

I grew up fighting, and I refined my talents by defending myself against people who crossed me.

Life Event:
You made a friend of an adventurer. Use the supplemental tables and work with your DM to add
more detail to this friendly character and establish how your friendship began.
HUMAN DRUID named EVERARD who is alive

You found a considerable amount of treasure on your adventure. You have ld20 + 50 gp left from
your share of it.
52 gp total


NAME is going to the local tavern named The Tired Candle in his home village of Purehollow.
He is looking for his childhood friend EVERARD.
He knows that EVERARD is hanging there at this hour. It is already late.
Name sees that EVERARD is sitting at a table in the corner of The Tired Candle.

He goes to him, sits down next to him and whispers.

There is a man outside asking peoples help. His wife strangely dissapeared today.
He is offering 1000gp to whoever that can find his wife.

This sounds familiar?

Q/a roll: result 19+4 YES

Yes ofcourse this sounds like the time when your mother dissapeared.
It was 10 years ago. We were playing outside. Your mother walked out the front door, not
saying anything. Even when we called her name she still didnt respond.

She walked straight into the corn and never came back. When your mother was alraedy gone
we saw the corn move and a shadow dissapearing.

NAME: this is a great chance to get a big adventure instead of small tasks.
This could be a personal matter for me. Maybe my mother is still alive and whit this we can
find her.
You can use the money to move to a bigger village or city.

NAME and EVERARD go outside and try to find the man who is trying to get help.
They found him as he was talking to some people asking the same question if they could help

Hello good sir. I hear that u need help in finding your wife?
YES kind gentlemen. My wife just walked into tall grass without any reason. I was upstaris
cleaning up when i heard the front door opening. That was curious because we werent
expecting company. I looked down from the upstairs window and saw my wife. Just walking
stairing in front of her. I open the window and called her name. No response. I ran downstairs
but when i was out of the front door nobody was there and my wife dissapeared. I heard some
rustling in the tall grass. So i go and see if that was my wife. Sadly there was nobody.

Can u help me please? I will give u all my money. Atm i have 1000g to give.
NAME says. 10 years ago this also happened to my mother. This could be related.
I will definitely help u as this is a personal matter for me. My friend can use the money.

Do u know where she could have gone to? Q/A roll

result 12+4. YES

After this occured i ran into the village and starting to ask people if they want to help me find
my wife. Everybody finds it too dangerous.
The only information that i have is that a traveller came into town. As i saw him entering our
village i asked him if he saw something.

This traveller saw a women walking next to the road. When he said hello mylady she didnt
This must be my wife. He said she was walking in the direction of the nearest swamp.

NAME: So she was walking to The Black Wetlands.

I will make a Q/A roll to see of this swamp is more then 1 day walking.

Q/A roll:
result 11+0 MAYBE

We can make that withing the day if we use the shortcut.

The shortcut? That is a dangerous place to walk by ourselfs.

This looks like the only way.

Do they take the shortcut? Q/A roll

Result: 19+4. YES

NAME and EVERARD take the shortcut. This shortcut leads them trough Tired Hill Wood.

While travelling trough the TIRED HILL WOOD do they encounter a monster?
Q/A Roll: 9+2. MAYBE.
Roll on wilderness table
Roll: 43

A farmer invites you into his house for a meal, and possibly some of his home brew
ale/mead as well

We came across a farmer who invites us in his for a meal, and possibly some of his home brew

We refuse because of no time. The trail is fresh and maybe we can see where the wife is before
they are possibly moved.

They arrive at the swamp. When they hear something moving behind them.



They turn around and see that the man who lost his wife is behind them.
Shocked they ask what are u doing here? Did you follow us the whole time?

The man says: Yes i did. I figured that i would be safe with you two adventurers in front of
me. I want to see firsthand what happened with my beloved wife. I fear she might be dead.

Does all of a sudden something jump out of the woods?

Q/A roll: 11+2 YES

2 cr1/8 monsters: 2 kobolds

The mans words arent cold yet and from left and right a kobold jumps out of the forest and
stabs the man. He is heavily wounded.

Initiatieve roll:

Kobold's: 22
HP: 7

Ft away 25ft

Kobolds go first.
First kobold moves to everard and attacks.

Second KOBOLD moves to Zofrith and attacks

TO HIT: 14
Damage: 6
EVERARD: attack kobold in front of him
Hit and damages. 1 Kobold done.

Zofrith: attacks kobold in front of him



Kobold attack Zofrith:


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