EIM 2nd Quarter Exam

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Name: _________________________________________________________ Score: _________

Grade Level & Sec: _______________________________________________ Date: _________

Direction: Select the correct answer from the given choices and write the letter in the space provided before the

__________ 1. What do you call the materials that carry or allow the flow of electric current?

a. Electrical conductor b. Electrical insulator c. Electric circuit

__________ 2. What do you call the materials that resist the flow of electrical current?

a. Electrical conductor b. Electrical insulator c. Electric circuit

__________ 3. What form of energy generated by friction, induction, or chemical change, having magnetic chemical
and radiant effect?

a. Power b. Electricity c. Proton and electron

__________ 4. What is the formula in finding the current in Ohm's law?

a. I = V/R b. I = R/V c. I = R x V

__________ 5. What is called a set of units which can be used to specify anything that can be measured?

a. English system b. System of measurement c. Metric system

__________ 6. What is the use or function of the ballast?

a. Regulates the flow of current

b. Served as the starting point of operation
c. Increase the electrical pressure

__________ 7. What is the instrument used in measuring electrical pressure?

a. Ohm meter b. ammeter c. volt meter

__________ 8. What is the instrument used in measuring electrical resistance?

a. Ohm meter b. ammeter c. volt meter

__________ 9. What is the instrument used in measuring electrical current?

a. Ohm meter b. ammeter c. volt meter

__________ 10. Which circuit is sometimes referred to as the multiple connection where the load is placed across
the same voltage?

a. Series-parallel circuit b. Series circuit c. Parallel circuit

__________ 11. What kind of circuit where a single path of current exists and the elements arranged or connected
one after the other?

a. Series-parallel circuit b. Series circuit c. Parallel circuit

__________ 12. How many traveler wires connected in a three-way switch?

a. 2 b. 4 c. 6
__________ 13. Where did the three-way which used?

a. Long hallway or stairway b. Bathroom c. Garage

__________ 14. A three-way switch is what type of switch?

a. Both flush and surface type

b. Surface type
c. Flush type

__________ 15. What is the size of the wire and ampere rating of your protective device for your lighting circuit?

a. 12 size of wire and 20 amperes

b. 14 size of wire and 15 amperes
c. Both 12 and 14 size of wire

__________ 16. What is the size of the wire and ampere rating of your protective device for your power circuit?

a. 12 size of wire and 20 amperes

b. 14 size of wire and 15 amperes
c. Both 12 and 14 size of wire

__________ 17. What is the condition of your circuit when uninsulated conductor from line 1 and line 2 of a circuit
come into contact with each other without passing any load or when the resistance of the load become
unnecessarily low?

a. Open circuit b. Closed circuit c. short circuit

__________ 18. What is the condition of your circuit when the flow of current is incomplete or when the circuit is
switched off?

a. Open circuit b. Closed circuit c. short circuit

__________ 19. What is the condition of your circuit when the total current flowing in the circuit is more than the
current capacity or ampacity of the conductor or branch circuit?

a. Close circuit b. Overloaded circuit c. short circuit

__________ 20. What is the name of the device that connects and disconnect the flow of electric current in a circuit?

a. Fuse b. Lamp holder c. Switch

__________ 21. What kind of electrical materials which have an octagonal shape where the connection or joints of
wire are being done?

a. Junction box b. Lamp holder c. Utility box

__________ 22. What is called the action of the overcurrent protective device that often in order to release excess

a. Burning c. cut the line

b. Clearing d. all of the above

__________ 23. What cleaning solvent is used to wash oil/greasy tools/equipment?

a. Gasoline c. thinner
b. Diesoline d. kerosine

__________ 24. Which cleaning solvent is used to wash oil engine, transmission, and other parts of the vehicle?

a. Gasoline c. thinner
b. Diesoline d. kerosine

__________ 25. Which cleaning solvent is used to remove spilled paint on the floor, walls and tools?
a. Gasoline c. thinner
b. Diesoline d. kerosine

Test 2: 26 to 40

Direction: Draw the actual diagram of the circuit found.

Answers Key
1. A
2. B
3. B
4. A
5. B
6. A
7. C
8. A
9. B
10. C
11. B
12. A
13. A
14. C
15. B
16. A
17. C
18. A
19. B
20. C
21. A
22. B
23. A
24. B
25. C

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