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Importance of Literature to Business Management Major in Management Accounting


According to, literature broadly is any collection of written work, but it is

also used more narrowly for writings specifically considered to be an art form, especially prose
fiction, drama, and poetry. In recent centuries, the definition has expanded to include oral
literature, much of which has been transcribed. Literature is a method of recording, preserving,
and transmitting knowledge and entertainment.

For me, the relevance of literature to my course Business Administration Major in

Management Accounting is that through the stories and the texts we will read, we will able to
understand the different cultures of a certain place which is helpful for us in managing a
business soon or other business-related activities specifically giving us an understanding of the
different business management practices found all over the world, and prepare us for graduate
careers working abroad or in organizations that are engaged in business on a global scale. In
addition, we can figure out how to think about different points of view and comprehend the
complexity of human instinct which is a big help when a company enters a new market, it gains
access to new customers and revenue. However, it also has to deal with a new set of
competitors. So, the company has to understand the nuances of both the culture in the new
market as well as the expectations of the potential customers.

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