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Physical tests in university football selection of the UAQ for the detection of


Talking about diseases could be more normal but some have been more terrible and contagious
than others because of the impact they had on the world, to mention one example: "smallpox"
when the Spaniards arrived in Mexican lands but in this text we will speak more specifically about
covid-19 virus than as explained by the OMS "which originated recently in 2018 in the city of
Wuhan (China)" that took the world by surprise and quickly became a pandemic that has lasted
approximately 4 years sending the world to a confinement in their homes which stopped the daily
routines that human beings performed such as: going to work, going to the movies, eating in
restaurants and especially stopping their physical activity.

It is a virus that is part of the "Coronavirus" family of viruses, named after its "crown" form and is
an infectious disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus. The virus affects in a mild to moderate way,
but being to a greater extent the elderly the most vulnerable, it also affects that they have
cardiovascular diseases and diabetes being the affect of the virus of greater severity when
infected. According to the website of the government of Mexico ( this virus: "There are 7
coronaviruses capable of producing disease in humans.

• HCoV-229E, HCoV-OC43, HCoV-NL63 and HCoV-HKU1 coronaviruses are the most common and
circulate among humans, often causing mild colds or diarrheal diseases in infants.

•The coronaviruses MERS-CoV, SARS-CoV and SARS-CoV-2 circulated among animals and mutated
until they had the ability to infect humans. These 3 viruses can cause more serious respiratory

Also affecting the body through flu, cough, headache, joint pain, runny nose and loss of smell and
taste. This affects the physical performance of athletes as they had to interrupt their training and
in some contracting the virus symptomatically or asymptomatically, having long-term
consequences as can be between them fatigue, various respiratory and neurological symptoms.

That is why this research aims through physical tests to obtain results that approve the fact that
the virus affects people after having contracted the disease and see if it affects the performance of
the athlete or just speculation that you have since being a new virus you don’t have much research
on the long-term consequences through physical testing as most research uses electrocardiograms
so the following question has been asked: How do physical tests help detect sequelae of COVID-19
in the UAQ football selection?

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