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Nowadays there is a popular discussion in world’s population agenda, that death

penalty should be replaced with lifelong prison punishment. I completely agree

with this idea, since this is best to punish murderers.
Above all to execute a criminal is not a kind of punishment for that person since
majority of the criminals have some mental and psychological problems so death
penalty is not a kind of punishment for them, by this way we just end their life
which is not valuable either for them or society. Instead of death penalty, lifelong
imprisonment will deprive criminals from their freedom for the rest of their life.
During lifelong imprisonment they spend rest of their life with full of regret. Of
course there are some people thinking that life in prison is the way which
government provides criminals with free food and sleeping place without giving
any effort. But there are some countries like Norway or Sweden, that government
forces criminals to work for society in some projects and in return they earn their
food and beds and also become useful for society.
Another point to consider is that some countries use death penalty just for
demonstrate their power on people which means it is not used in appropriate
way. It is irrefutable that countries like Iran, Afghanistan, Syria, government
threaten people with death penalty who have different political views and resist
against current management. In the history also we witnessed execution of
guiltless people who fought against authority. Besides them death penalty has
been threat for their successors.
As conclusion I can say death penalty is not an appropriate punishment in modern
world situations. Countries should get rid of this law and provide more proper

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