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How I Made $100,000

With a "Fool" Idea
Learn my money.making secret-Be a Real Estate
Specialist-Start at home, in your spare time--
Use my successful System~Free book shows how
T'S a 1001 idu.!"
whal my friends said,
d..b, .. bom<--ln)"Our.1'*"O ti"",. I did.
So did 0'....... So can f·o.. My f_
book ..lto)"Ou h<>w,
when I told th~m about my klea
for .Iarting a ~al ""Iat~ busin.,... Read These Records
"on th~ sid~."
But with that "fool" id~a I n .... ...., }U". f 1>ri<f ntrxt.l from
made mo~ than one hundred l'" "",ny 1<, t<d~ from haW}'
....n 01 ,"y ""' _... kI.... reol ......
thousand doUa.... net profit.
No matter who you a~, wher~
you a~, or what your sex or preA-
-- oyot<n"
"Mild< ".500on Iinr. deal aft<:r l<ttl...
YOU. oyU<m."_M ... E~ynn BaJ
iIlinoi. (1'...... s<_ T ......'. "Sold
~nt occu~tion, if you want to do
• Jot by )"OUT " " " _ In _ lhon 0 ...
Whal I d'd-if you want to get out ho•• and ",y ""mmiolio $800.. , -
01 th~ $2S·a-week cro"'d and build J. A. F.,"u",n. ~'1orida (1' f),y
up a high·da5S, money-making C/.....). "Sold 0""" "00.000 "",.'h of
p<op<rty my lint ,..,... "".h ,""UT m<lb-
busin""" 01 your own-right at 0<10"'-11. D. V... l-{o."n. N",. J.... y
home-in your spa~ time-lid (1'........ Grot.." c/.. k). "H.v< "'Jd
at once lor my I~ book "'hich ,houA"'" 01 dolla.. _nh 01 _ .. y
vOUT ...y. Ha..., d",l. 'hal "':11 10 t..-
open. wide the door 01 the bil!:gest )"011(1 tno $JOO,OOO ma,Ir."-e......,
and best money-making bUSiness Ma"haII. MlooitoiD"; (1'..._ . 110''''_
opportunity xou ~\"~r heard of in k..,..). "M,· linl {[>y'. _.~ in r<al
...... n<tt<d m< ""S. I <=m.... od
your w!>ole hfe. ""ur oYlt<m to .nyO'" wI'N"," to l<t
InlO. ph;a. . ., .nd profil>,bl< bYli •
U.e My Succeaful ~F. B. ll<nn<t•• C.I1I","" (1' ..
TT~f.< M ......). "Il.v< oold 0...
Syltern ".000 ~.oo J bou_ '" fa•. wi'h )"Ou,
Wh~n I .tarted in real eo;tat~, T A .... lI-lo.n..wn ~..._nl..'. <on«,,"on 0)""10. -Mrs. B. H. M""'boon", Nt..
<>E ",y Ido. Vo.k (1' II"","';/<),
tossed overhoard all the hit-or-
miM, hapha:tard, rul~-of·thumb ltav<. apl<OOld bu........ 01 yo.'
T'- lu... 1.,... """Dleo of.U<:<:ftO
)"0. ""'. .hal '""u will I'tOd .lIou' In my Iroc boolr.
metho,b of the past, and put into own on<! ke mo... "",n.y '''''n ,""U.V<f r.., ;,. R.:ud;O. ~·011o.. 1l. in"","'looo.
operation a sy.t~m 01 my Own _bolo . bil '110...... mY...,..
which ~ as superior to the old
way as th~ modern mazda lamp is A Wonderful Buainelll Get free Book Now
superior to th~ tallow candl~ of Rt:oJ Eot..I oo""''''' ...,. wa~•• My bi, 1Il...... led book I. fii~
our forefath~",. .,..,., btIli I. to .. [><.ma""n' ...
With little education-no ex·
perience--no ;nlluence-and I"""
"""h I U. It I. &<tlinl bi
1I< ""unlry IJIO_ I'
of otudy to
_n', ";Ih 1
IKIa .lIou' my l<iod 01.
_~ i ,j;d_ha'
...., OOI --'O"ho' """ ..... do.
than five doUa.... capital-I started ""'" otl...- b _ .00 D.,,(eooio.... It Moil """""" ,,-h' no" ."" I<t 1h1.
in my spare time and met with off..... <oonnono _l>In.. to ...
....n aOO ""'.... n. u..... o( my 'ro.. m
"'10•• valuobl<. mootT-mal<i... Inl<><matlon
I ..... It _ , , ' , _ , ,ou a .. i<lo<l.o fiOO
;nnant SUCttSll. .... maklnll' .llUll--4s.lXIO--$,.... lIOO--o.. out ..Ita, Ihi. book "". <lo fo. yotI. So....
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