Bandala - Carballo - Juan - Gabriel - Marlins - SP1 - Unit18

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Yes, they have

Yes, they have.

No, they haven´t
Yes, they have
No, they haven´t
Yes, they have.

closed closed

painted painted

walked walked






has checked

has loaded

has tested

has forgot

Has docked

Have read

Have practised

Has prepared

Has arrived

Has finished
Mike has eaten the dinner

He fall for the stairs and now he has a

broken leg

He has extinghised the fire

He has opened the hatch cover

He has sliped because the water

On mondays i wake up a-at 400 then put in order my things, the bed and other stuf at 5 20 i
prepare my uniform , and the i put it on, at 5 30 i go downstairs to take the breakfast, the
past the list to chack that all the students be there. at 6 30 i go to the floor and i clean the
floor with
4 more people. next i go to the classrooms to 700 to 1300, at 13 30 we go have the lunch.
at 1500 to 1730 we have the others classes.

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