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The Hashemite University

Faculty of Engineering/Department of Architecture

1. Demographical data:

1.1Gender 1.2Age 1.3Educational 1.4Employment


1.1 Gender Male Female

1.1.1Marital status
Unmarried Married Divorced Widowed

Less than 25 years 25 to 35 36 to 45 more than 45

1.2 Age old years old years old years old

1.3 Educational degree Non- Primary Secondary Institute University

educational school school

Day by day Self- Student Retired

Looking for
1.4 Employment laborer employed
1.4.1 Status


Tourism Administrat House wife Health Teacher

ive provider
1.4.2 Field of occupation

Agricultural Handcraft Repair Sales Others

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1.4.3 Current employment
satisfaction: Are you satisfied Very Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Very
satisfied dissatisfied
with current employment?

1.4.4 Mode of transportation

Bus Taxi Car Donkey or by Foot

1. Environmental domain & Life satisfaction:

2.1Quality of 2.2Accessibility/
2.3Health 2.4Safety Situation 2.5Education
Housing Availability of
infrastructure services

2.6Employment 2.7Outdoor- 2.8Daily 2.9Transportation 2.10General

opportunities spaces / Shopping situation satisfaction
Common space facilities

2.1Quality of Housing
Very Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Very
satisfied dissatisfied
2.1.1 Are you satisfied with
the size of the house with the
number of people living in it?
.2.12 Are you satisfied with
the number of rooms in the
.2.13 Are you satisfied with the
natural ventilation through the
.2.14 Are you satisfied with the
conditions of the building?
2.1.5 Are you satisfied with the
quality of housing in which it
is located?

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2.2Accessibility/ Availability of infrastructure
Very Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Very
satisfied dissatisfied
2.2.1 Are you satisfied with
the electricity services?
2.2.2 Are you satisfied with
the quality of sewage-system?
2.2.3 Does the house have
drinking water constantly?
2.2.4 Are you satisfied with
the availability of

.23 Health services:

Very Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Very
satisfied dissatisfied Are you satisfied with
the availability of health
services in your area? you satisfied with
the accessibility to the health
center? Is it enough time to get
to the health center?

.23 Health services: General satisfaction

Very Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Very
satisfied dissatisfied

Page 3 of 6 How satisfied are you
with the health service in
general? How satisfied are you

with the personal health

2.4Safety Situation
Very Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Very
satisfied dissatisfied
2.4.1 Are you satisfied with the
security and safety in the day
and night?
2.4.2Are you satisfied with
street lighting?

2.5 Education
Very Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Very
satisfied dissatisfied Are you satisfied with
the availability of educational
institutions in your area?
(Kindergarten, primary
school, secondary school) Are you satisfied with

the accessibility of the
educational institution and the
time taken to reach it?

2.5 Education
2.5.2 general satisfaction of educational facilities

Page 4 of 6 you satisfied with
the educational facilities in Very Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Very
satisfied dissatisfied

2.6 Employment opportunities

Very Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Very
satisfied dissatisfied
2.6.1 Are you satisfied with the
existing employment
2.6.2How satisfied are you
with economic status in

2.7 Outdoor-spaces / Common space:

Very Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Very
satisfied dissatisfied
2.7.1Are you satisfied with the
kind of activities are you using
the outdoor-space ‫؟‬
2.7.2 Are you satisfied with the
outside or recreational
facilities spaces in general?
2.7. 3Are you satisfied with the
quality of the environment
around you?
2.7.4 Are you satisfied with the
spaces offered by the PDTRA
in containing pets?

2.8Daily Shopping facilities

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2.8.1 How satisfied are you
with the offered shopping Very Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Very
facilities for your daily needs?
satisfied dissatisfied

2.9 Transportation situation

2.9.1 How satisfied are you

transportation situation in Very Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Very
satisfied dissatisfied

.210 General satisfaction

2.10.1 How is general life

satisfaction? Very Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Very
satisfied dissatisfied

You can write any comments or suggestions that you may see that are relevant to this
research topic

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