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Civics Assignment for grade 10th

1. Elaborate briefly state the digital technology with in definition

 Digital technology is the branch of scientific or engineering knowledge that deals
with the creation and practical use of digital or computerized devices, methods,
systems and etc…

Benefits of using digital technologies

 Social Connectivity  Editing

 Communication Speeds  GPS and Mapping
 Learning Opportunities  Transportation
 Automation  Low Cost
 Information Storage  Banking and Finance

2. Write the objectives and goals of citizenship education

Objectives of citizenship education
 gives people the knowledge and skills to understand,
 Challenge and engage with democratic society including politics, the media, civil society,
the economy and the law.

Goals of Citizenship Education

 Produce Good and Patriotic Citizens
 Defense of One's Country
 Equips Citizens with Political Ideals
 Knowledge and Understanding of Human Rights.
 Good Leadership and followership
 Promotes Democratic Values and Good Governance
 Produces Law Abiding Citizens

3. Compare and contrast of ethical and impacts an ethical use of digital technology
 Ethical use of digital technology includes the following acts:- honesty, fairness,
leadership, integrity, compassion, respect, responsibility, loyalty, law-abiding,
transparency, and environmental concerns.
 Impacts an ethical use of digital technology:- the omnipresence of digital
technology in our daily life, its use and its impact on organizations and
individuals, raises ethical questions about its role in our society. These concerns
include consent and privacy, security, inclusion and fairness, protection from
online harm, transparency and accountability.
4. Elaborate each ethics types and values of ethics
Types of Ethics
I. Meta-Ethics: - Ethics about Ethics, what is meant by being Right or Wrong.
II. Prescriptive ethics:- normative ethics which includes Deontological Ethics,
technology ethics and Virtue ethics.
III. Descriptive Ethics:- comparative ethics that means Everyone has a moral right to
a good Education
IV. Applied Ethics: - ethics concerning about cyber ethics, Environ mental ethics ,
personal, professional ethics, public ethics and soon.

There are different types of value of Ethics. Among those:-

 Integrity including Exercising good judgment in professional practice and adherence to

ethical principles
 Honesty, including Truthfulness, Fairness and Sincerity
 Responsibility including Reliability/dependability; Accountability; and
 Self-Discipline including Acting with reasonable restraint and not indulging in
excessive behavior.
5. State and define the opportunity of digital technology in provide for young citizen
 Young citizen today use digital devices for a huge number of purposes,
including to support their learning, their social lives, to communicate etc..
 Young citizens are more likely to come away with independent-thinking skills
and the ability to self-regulate their online behaviors.
 Digital technologies have increased the scale of young citizen sexual abuse and
exploitation. Child sex offenders have increased access to children through
unprotected social media profiles and online gaming forums.

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