English Composition-Chapter 11

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English Composition - CCV Ethan Jeffery

Chapter 11 sections A-B

1. You can see the heat rolling off the dunes in waves. Obscuring and blurring your
perception of the tracks in front of you leading up the slope. You taste the salt in your mouth as
your body swells and attempts to conserve the precious water it has.

2. Tight and coarse against your thighs it feels like the circulation is being cut off from
your legs as you wobble on your feet for the second time in as many minutes. They may be
uncomfortable but the blue denim looks amazing hugging your curves as you walk.

3. What is black, white, furry and warm all over? Fido! Your 3 month old golden retriever
puppy who always smells of wet grass and sand. His coarse slimy tongue slides across your
cheek and you instantly recoil in disgust and crab walk swiftly to separate your bodies.

4. You can hear the crunch under foot as popcorn kernels snap and give way to your
weight. Soda bottles roll along the floor and candy wrappers lie haphazardly about.

5. Red sky at night. Sailors delight. Words were made to describe. Yet it is hard to
believe that any collection of words could adequately describe a sunset. Every color of the
rainbow covering the sky as far as the eye can see. Reds, oranges (not the fruit), yellows, a
quick flash of green as the center of the sun crosses out of the atmosphere from your angle.
Blues and purples following and the giant firey orb descends lower and lower on the horizon.

6. Everything is green, growing and full of life. Free of the pollutants of the modern world.
A great tree stands in the center of the clearing its trunk thicker than those of twenty elephants.
Moss covers the northern side. Green and fuzzy. The great sweeping branches of the tree climb
ever higher out of site. A brown webwork of wood against the translucent green leaves which
blot out the sun.

7. Clean. Too clean. The air reeks of sterilizer and bleach causing the head to swim in a
chemically induced, hallucinogenic sea. Its nauseating and you feel that the room is actually
dirtier for it.

My kitchen is white and airy. An open floor plan the rooms shape appears like it could fit
upon the hoof of a giant pegasi, for all the light that streams in through the wide windows. The
fridge, oven, dishwasher, and sink each mark a side of the room and incorporate the only metal
in an otherwise wooden room.

Dark and dusty with cluttered counters, my kitchen is a dark and foreboding place.
Wicked metal objects line the walls, each undoubtedly for use in some morbid practice that I try
not to think to deeply about. Dark drapes cover the windows and the only source of light is a
single flickering lightbulb hanging from an open socket. Sulfurous water slowly drips from the
faucet, drip, plink, bloop breaking the otherwise deathly silence.

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