Worksheet My Values

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Markus Amanto

The Swedish Leadership Expert


This worksheet is meant as a basis for dialogue about values where you learn more about your own
values and the values of others. There are no right or wrong answers and it is not intended as a basis for
discussion. It is rather a matter of listening to each other and asking clarifying questions.
First work individually with this sheet and then share in the group. You can of course also choose to use this
sheet solely for your own reflection regarding your values.
Please not that the below are a mix of means and ends values. For example money is a means value, a
means to an end, and the ends value in that case could be for example freedom. Feel free to pick both
means values and ends values for your list in step 1.
Also please not that some of the below values can have very similar meaning. These variations have been
included since words can mean different things to us and to allow you to find the words that you feel fit you

1. On the following two pages, circle or highlight 10 values which you consider important for you
as an individual, in life as a whole. If you feel that some value that is important to you is
missing from this list, feel free to add it on the empty lines at the bottom.

This resource is part of the online course “New Manager: The Basics and More of Being a Great Leader”
For more information visit: © 2016 Markus Amanto

Accountability Cooperation Faith

Accuracy Correctness Fame
Achievement Cost awareness Family
Acknowledgement Courage Fidelity
Adaptability Courtesy Financial gain
Advancement and promotion Creativity Financial stability
Adventure Curiosity Fitness
Altruism Decisiveness Flexibility
Ambition Democracy Fluency
Arts Dependability Focus
Assertiveness Determination Forgiveness
Attitude Devoutness Freedom
Awareness Dialogue Friendships
Balance Diligence Fun/humor
Being the best Discipline Fun at work
Belonging Discretion Future generations
Boldness Diversity Generosity
Calmness Dynamism Good salary
Carefulness Ease with uncertainty Goodness
Career Economy Grace
Caring Education Growth
Challenge Effectiveness Happiness
Change Efficiency Hard Work
Cheerfulness Elegance Health
Clear-mindedness Empathy Helping Society
Coaching Enjoyment Holiness
Commitment Entertainment Holistic approach
Community involvement Enthusiasm Home
Compassion Entrepreneurial spirit Honesty
Competence Environmental awareness Honor
Competition Equality Humility
Conflict resolution Ethical practice Independence
Consistency Excellence Ingenuity
Constructive criticism (give/take) Excitement Initiative
Contentment Expertise Inner harmony
Continuous improvement Exploration Inquisitiveness
Contribution Expressiveness Insightfulness
Control Fairness Intelligence

This resource is part of the online course “New Manager: The Basics and More of Being a Great Leader”
For more information visit: © 2016 Markus Amanto

Intellectual Status Power Spontaneity

Integrity Practicality Stability
Intimacy Preparedness Strategic
Intuition Professional growth Strength
Job security Professionalism Structure
Joy Prudence Success
Justice Quality Support
Leadership Recognition Teamwork
Legacy Reliability Temperance
Listening Resourcefulness Thankfulness
Love Respect Thoroughness
Loyalty Restraint Thoughtfulness
Making a difference Results Timeliness
Mastery Rigor Tolerance
Material wealth Risk-taking Traditionalism
Merit Safety Trustworthiness
Money Security Truth-seeking
Obedience Self-actualization Understanding
Open communication Self-discipline Uniqueness
Openness Selflessness Unity
Order Self-reliance Usefulness
Originality Sensitivity Vacation
Participation Serenity Value for money
Patience Service Vision
Patriotism Shrewdness Vitality
Perfection Simplicity Wealth
Perseverance Social status Well-being
Personal fulfillment Solidarity Wisdom
Personal growth Soundness Work-home Balance
Piety Speed Working alone
Positivity Spiritual growth Working with others
_______________ _______________ _______________
_______________ _______________ _______________
_______________ _______________ _______________
_______________ _______________ _______________
_______________ _______________ _______________

This resource is part of the online course “New Manager: The Basics and More of Being a Great Leader”
For more information visit: © 2016 Markus Amanto
2. Write down your list of 10 values. Now look at your list of 10 values. If you could only keep
five of these 10 values, which ones would you keep? Rewrite a new list with only the five
most important values.
3. Now look at your list of five, imagine that you could only keep four of these values, which one
would you remove? When you have decided, write the number five next to the value you chose
to remove.
4. Now look at the four remaining values, imagine that you could only keep three of these, which
one would you remove? When you have decided, write the number four next to the value you
chose to remove.
5. Now look at the three remaining values, imagine that you could only keep two of these, which
one would you remove? When you have decided, write the number three next to the value you
chose to remove.
6. Now look at the two remaining values, imagine that you could only keep one of these, which
one would you remove? When you have decided, write the number two next to the value you
chose to remove and then number one next to the value you chose to keep, meaning the one
that is the most important to you.
7. You now have a list of 10 values, where you have ranked the top five in order of importance
to you. Clarity regarding your values in life, and in which order they are important to you, is
part of the foundation for a life of purpose, productivity and joy.

If you wish to rank your whole list of 10, you can repeat steps 3-6 for your bottom five values (meaning
values 6-10).

This resource is part of the online course “New Manager: The Basics and More of Being a Great Leader”
For more information visit: © 2016 Markus Amanto

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