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SURABHI foundation

HO: FF - 46, Pratap Nagar, Lane - 1, Mayur Vihar Phase - 1, Delhi 110091 Tel: +911122756992; Fax: +911143022548; Email:

PROJECT: Satya Go Gram, Post Gandikhata, 20 Km Haridwar Nainital Raod, Haridwar

(Centre For Self Employment: Cow Breed Development, Panchgavya & Skill Based Products Development Training)

February 09, 2010 Dear Sir:

Our SURABHI foundation is an organization by IIT ians, scientists, economists. We are giving a brief description of our method of work which Surabhi Foundation adopts for helping poors of poor and villagers. We have started one such centre at Village Gandikhata Dsitrict Haridwar. Our approach to development is "bottom-up". Here, we aim at the poor people and provide them added source of income. Our motive is to improve the status of the underdeveloped families by imparting trainings, entrepreneurial skills and offering them with milking cows and a readymade market to sell the produce, so that they could become selfsustained. We would maintain a cow urine market all round the year inviting all the cow holders to sell the urine, this would encourage people to maintain cows, leading to their upliftment. This is based on our cow based economy model . We provide villagers with: Cow (Consumes crop waste and delivers precious milk, gobar and gomutra) Guaranteed remunerative market round the year Zero Budget Natural Farming Training programs Innovative Technologies for self sustenance It can be brought about by:

2. 3.

4. 5. 6.

Provide 2 Cows through microfinance to interested Villagers/Farmers/Mazdoors (With a legal agreement with conditions to no sale clause etc) Establish one centre at each village. Village centre to buy all Cow Dung (Gobar), Cow Urine (Gomutra) and Cow milk (Godugdha) from Cow Holders (Gopalak). Each village centre to have a Biogas plant and sell Biogas to villagers. Cow Dung slurry to convert into fertilizers- compost and liquid manures Provide manure to farmers.

SURABHI foundation
HO: FF - 46, Pratap Nagar, Lane - 1, Mayur Vihar Phase - 1, Delhi 110091 Tel: +911122756992; Fax: +911143022548; Email:

PROJECT: Satya Go Gram, Post Gandikhata, 20 Km Haridwar Nainital Raod, Haridwar

(Centre For Self Employment: Cow Breed Development, Panchgavya & Skill Based Products Development Training)

Establish Bio-pesticdes production units in Village/Taluka/District through Cow Urine distillation. 8. Establish village industry centres at Village/ Block from cow urine, cow dung, cow milk and other local inputs. 9. Establish training centres for BPL and Self employed entrepreneurs for producing innovative products e.g. God/ Goddess Statue, Dhoop from gobar and Disinfacants from Gomutra. 10. Develop joint marketing efforts for finished goods in urban and export markets.

We would like to have your favour and NABARD support for intensifying our efforts towards poverty eradication. We would like to thank you in advance for your time and attention in this matter. Yours Sincerely Alok Kumar Gupta President SURABHI Foundation FF 46, Pratap Nagar, Lane No.1 Mayur Vihar Phase-1 Delhi-110091 Mobile: +91 98112 10081

SURABHI foundation
HO: FF - 46, Pratap Nagar, Lane - 1, Mayur Vihar Phase - 1, Delhi 110091 Tel: +911122756992; Fax: +911143022548; Email:

PROJECT: Satya Go Gram, Post Gandikhata, 20 Km Haridwar Nainital Raod, Haridwar

(Centre For Self Employment: Cow Breed Development, Panchgavya & Skill Based Products Development Training)


VISION OF THE TRUST The name of the Trust SURABHI is abbreviation of Self-reliant Urban &

Rural-economy through Agriculture, Business and Health Integration

indicates the vision of SURABHI foundation. The benefits of the Trust will ensure to all sections of the public, charitable purposes for public benefit without any discrimination of Caste, Creed, Religion and Sex. MISSION OF TRUST A healthy and equitable self reliant society across the nation by accomplishing rural prosperity and growth through adopting environmentally harmonious farming systems, utilizing local natural resources and availing non farming opportunities integrating indigenous and global knowledge, people-centred development and empowerment approach. AIMS AND OBJECTIVES OF TRUST SURABHI foundation is established to promote, develop, protect and empower, directly and indirectly, rural India, to achieve the following objectives inter alia: To eradicate rural poverty by addressing issues related to agricultural development and provide optimum nutrition to economically weaker sections to help them lead a long, healthy, creative life. 2. To work for improving & empowering the lives of the economically or socially underprivileged and to undertake all such activities in this regard that support this objective, including development of livelihood improving access to productive assets such as land, movable assets, credit technology, strengthening

SURABHI foundation
HO: FF - 46, Pratap Nagar, Lane - 1, Mayur Vihar Phase - 1, Delhi 110091 Tel: +911122756992; Fax: +911143022548; Email:

PROJECT: Satya Go Gram, Post Gandikhata, 20 Km Haridwar Nainital Raod, Haridwar

(Centre For Self Employment: Cow Breed Development, Panchgavya & Skill Based Products Development Training)

access to welfare services such as education, health, nutrition and skill development, promotion of marketing opportunities for the products of artisans, craft workers, service providers and farmers, providing microcredit, micro insurance and all other financial services, provisioning and facilitating the establishment of micro enterprise, all service sector occupations, etc. i.e. to work for overall welfare of mankind and for promotion of socio economic well being of the society. 3. The purpose of bringing about complete development of all aspects of life would comprise economic, physical, intellectual as well as spiritual well being and would normally be a purpose beneficial to the public. 4. To engage in, carry on, help, aid and assist and promote rural reconstruction work, cottage industry and all other matters incidental thereto in India; and to increase production in the service sector, informal sector, home based work sector and off farm sector. 5. To develop a production system through organic farming that helps sustain the health of the ecosystem- people, soil and natural resources. 6. To recognise, re-establish a nationwide earnest for adoption of the cow based economy system for rural empowerment by complete inter dependence of a locality on its internal resources and its serious implementation with a view to emphasise return of vast millions to the villages, providing them housing and employment through sustainable farming, essential nourishment from cow milk and organic produce, cow urine medicinal usages, bullock transporting and ploughing utility, bio dung gas/ electricity generation and bio dung/ urine fertilizer/ pesticides usages at the cost of cow feed on the left over stalks of the cereal crops. 7. To assist in developing community cattle breeding farms to generate huge numbers of high milk yielding indigenous cows for producing nutritious diet and generate easy income through having at least one cow in each household of a farmer and weaker section of society. 8. To develop and promote natural organic farming and sustainable agriculture production system, to avoid the use of synthetically compounded fertilizers, pesticides and growth regulators, to rely upon crop rotations, crop residues, animal manures, off-farm organic wastes, microbial preparations and aspects of biological pest control to maintain soil productivity and tilt, to supply plant nutrients and to control pests & diseases. 9. To establish, assist food processing plant such as milk and agriculture products for collecting and processing, special cold storage and road/railway transportation to facilitate higher realization to farmers and producers.

SURABHI foundation
HO: FF - 46, Pratap Nagar, Lane - 1, Mayur Vihar Phase - 1, Delhi 110091 Tel: +911122756992; Fax: +911143022548; Email:

PROJECT: Satya Go Gram, Post Gandikhata, 20 Km Haridwar Nainital Raod, Haridwar

(Centre For Self Employment: Cow Breed Development, Panchgavya & Skill Based Products Development Training) 10.









To encourage Individual/ Community Cow Dung Biogas plant, Biogas based electricity generation system and distribution system of gobar gas, electricity and gobar slurry fertilizer to poor villagers for economical production of organic produces. To recognise, build, develop, and harness indigenous knowledge systems as social capital of the poor and to integrate with empowerment of local communities as the basis for decision making and to build a network for dialogue with practitioners, authorities and donors associated with agricultural administration and research. To stress upon the reforms to curtail evils of current agricultural practices such as dependence on few crops, heavy investment, unsustainable food systems, high operating costs and ineffective agricultural inputs that force people to abandon rural areas. To encourage research, produce and propagate technology of continuous growing of hydroponic fodder and development of seeds of high yielding varieties of fodder crops and pasture grasses/legumes. To implement integrated watershed project using holistic systems approach with integrated genetic and natural resource management to reduce land degradation, to increase groundwater availability, to increase cropping intensity and diversification to more remunerative land use systems involving livestock, horticultural and vegetable production. To assist in the development of Self Help Groups (SHGs) of various groups including small and marginal farmers, artisans, labour including agricultural labour and other service providers with special emphasis on women, youth, differentially-able and other disadvantaged sections for accelerating the pace of rural development. To undertake integrated programmes by allowing the rural dwellers access to the global technology, funds and market and help set up commodity technology and rural stock exchanges. To open up the agricultural sector with help of the international community, creating new markets to capture India's excess supply of agricultural products and non farm products and generate a steady export stream that provides income to farmers. To establish linkages with Krishi Vigyan Kendras (KVKs) and State Agricultural Universities (SAUs) for providing necessary manpower and infrastructure for R&D work.

SURABHI Model of Cow Based Economy for Rural Empowerment Farmer has always been the lifeline of food for all the people of this country. He has been ordained the title of 'Annadatta' the food provider or the God of food, so vital to our very existence. The very farmer has now been neglected and lies debt-ridden afflicted with

SURABHI foundation
HO: FF - 46, Pratap Nagar, Lane - 1, Mayur Vihar Phase - 1, Delhi 110091 Tel: +911122756992; Fax: +911143022548; Email:

PROJECT: Satya Go Gram, Post Gandikhata, 20 Km Haridwar Nainital Raod, Haridwar

(Centre For Self Employment: Cow Breed Development, Panchgavya & Skill Based Products Development Training)
repeated crop failure due to lack of rains. In spite of banks penetrating rural India, moneylenders and unrecognized financiers have created havoc. The evils of current agricultural practices such as dependence on few crops, heavy investment, unsustainable food systems, high operating costs and ineffective agricultural inputs force people to abandon rural areas. Cow based economy model aims to empower the farmers and the villagers to become selfdependent and earn a respectable and reliable self-sustainable livelihood. The first step in Cow Based Economy Model starts with enabling village households to own a cow each. This will be made possible through Micro-finance institutions that lend loans to villagers at attractive and viable conditions. Eventually, the loan shall be repaid from the cash-flows generated by various products of cow itself, as we detail in the following passages. Cow is a source of economic value as well as nutrition through its products. Cow- milk which is a rich and balanced source of all nutrients will feed the household while surplus will be sent to a centralized village-exchange for further processing and for selling purposes. Village exchange is a central body run by villagers themselves to organize trade and help households with a ready collection and distribution-centre. Cow- urine, which is a very good source of myriad useful chemicals, will also be collected by village exchange. This collected urine is then processed for two different purposes- first- its is processed in village units for preparing pesticides, second- it is used for sanitization units and for Ayurvedic and medicinal uses. Cow-dung shall be sent to bio-gas plants for making gobar-gas and fertilizer. This will provide fuel for household purposes and slurry be used as manure by village in farms. Any surplus can be sold in market-place for conversion into making god idiols, gamla, particle boards etc for further profits. The fodder requirement for cows shall be taken care of from the left-overs of farm waste while farming itself will be supported by organic fertilizers and pesticides from cow-products. Farm-produce is utilized by villagers to fulfil local food demand and any additional produce is utilized by food processing units and cottage industry setup for these purposes. Not only will this entire process help the villagers economically and health-wise, it will also help promote organic farming, reliance on natural fertilizers and preservation of national environment. A separate Market-place will exist to commercialize and sell the surplus generated by above activities. This will include creating market for cow-products and facilitating the sales of all products ranging from Ayurvedic medicines, milk and food products to cottage industry products. Economics: If a cow produces 8 kg dung (sold @ Rs 1 per kg) and 8 kg urine (sold @ Rs 5 per kg) per day, 5 litre milk (sold @ Rs 20 per litre) per day and consumes 10kg fodder (bought @ 4 per kg) per day, total revenue= Rs 108 per day. This is sufficient to fulfil various needs of a household. Apart from helping the villagers with above model, there will be several other centralized activities that will be undertaken to further the advancement and adoption of this model in Indian economy. This will include Setting up of research centres for cow-products and village input based products Development of hydroponic fodder Water harvesting techniques Indigenous breed development

SURABHI foundation
HO: FF - 46, Pratap Nagar, Lane - 1, Mayur Vihar Phase - 1, Delhi 110091 Tel: +911122756992; Fax: +911143022548; Email:

PROJECT: Satya Go Gram, Post Gandikhata, 20 Km Haridwar Nainital Raod, Haridwar

(Centre For Self Employment: Cow Breed Development, Panchgavya & Skill Based Products Development Training)
Training of villagers in all aspects of developing a cow-based economy Promotion of farm tourism for additional income

We have various means of improvement of state and providing self employment opportunities through cow based economy. The important points I brought to your kind notice are as under:
1. Zero Budget Natural Farming: Wide spread implementation of Zero Budget Natural Farming through training of state officials, GB Pant University agriculture professors and staff, NGOs and farmers. For this a 3 days program may be organised at Pantnagar. 2. Hydroponic system is a good solution to green fodder scarcity. The system in foreign countries is expensive therefore our scientist should be given task to make indigenous model suiting to our climatic conditions. G.B. Pant University or IIT Roorkee are best to take this project. I shall provide lot of input for commercial farming. 3. Higher yield milking cows should be generated in each district with the help of your unique Project at Kalsi. Embryo transfer technology equipment should be promoted in private sector too. NABARD project may be developed under PPP model. 4. Milk Market: The farmer and villagers should be encouraged to have such higher yield cows and the surplus milk may be sold to various parts of urban areas after milk processing. 5. Agri, Herbal Produce Market: Surplus products be processed and market in urban areas. 6. Cottage industry like Lakh decorated items production and export for self employment. 7. Bullock driven energy should be used widely. For this a subsidy plan may be made. 8. Gobar gas plant has got good potential and should be widely used. Modified Gobar gas plant having salient features from Indian and Chinese technology has deliver better results. 9. Solar energy should be widely used in the villages.

Zero Budget Natural Farming:

Zero budget natural farming is farmer friendly, eco friendly and above all extremely cost effective. These reasons were cogent enough for them to give this method a fair trial and hence switched over to this new method. The experience of the practicing farmers and field observations over a period of time lends credence to the following conclusions. a) The system of zero budget natural farming is eminently suited to the farmers particularly small and marginal farmers because of its simplicity, adoptability and drastic cut in cost of cultivation of crops. The appeal to the farming community lies in the fact that maintaining optimum levels of production and keeping the cost of cultivation to the

SURABHI foundation
HO: FF - 46, Pratap Nagar, Lane - 1, Mayur Vihar Phase - 1, Delhi 110091 Tel: +911122756992; Fax: +911143022548; Email:

PROJECT: Satya Go Gram, Post Gandikhata, 20 Km Haridwar Nainital Raod, Haridwar

(Centre For Self Employment: Cow Breed Development, Panchgavya & Skill Based Products Development Training)

bare minimum will substantially enlarge the profit margin. All the sample farmers acknowledged it as farmer friendly and financially viable. However during the initial period of transition to new system, the results will not be encouraging because of the lingering effects of chemical farming. The results will become evident only after adequate mulching and restoration of biological activity in the soil. Hence, patience and perseverance are required on the part of farmers. b) Treatment with Beejamrutha and Jeevamrutha has given extremely encouraging results for successful cultivation of crops. Beejamrutha does provide adequate protection to crops from insects and diseases during the initial stages of germination and establishment. Mortality in case of treated crop is reported to be almost negligible. The experience of the farmers bears ample testimony to the fact that Jeevamrutha promotes rapid and enormous biological activity in the soil. However, it should be coupled with adequate mulching so that the soil is transformed into humans rich reservoir of nutrients. It is also observed that providing Jeevamrutha once in a fortnight is better than providing it once in a month. It has been the experience of farmers that dispensing with the use of fertilizers has not adversely affected crop yields. The use of homemade pesticides has also been found to be effective in managing the crop pests without economic injury to crops. c) Experience with this method of farming corroborates the fact that adequate mulching promotes humus formation, suppresses weeds and greatly reduces the water requirement of the crops. Live mulching particularly with leguminous crops has been found to be not only a subsidiary source of income but also a safeguard against depletion of nutrients by crops. d) Mixed cropping particularly with short duration legumes, vegetables and even medicinal plants has certainly expanded the income source of farmers. Vegetables rich in vitamins and minerals are generally marketed after adequately providing for home consumption and this certainly augurs well for overcoming malnutrition which is widespread in rural areas. Sri. Bannur Krishnappa obtained an additional income of more than Rs. 15,000/- by planting Ashwagandha and Coleus in one acre as intercrop with sugarcane. e) All the farmers have expressed satisfaction that switching over to the new method from chemical agriculture has paid them good dividends. Savings on cost of seeds, fertilizers and plant protection chemicals has been substantial. Almost all the farmers have stopped borrowing crop loan. They are also not depending on hired labour as the family labour is sufficient to carry out all the farming operations. The yields have been optimal with possibly no decline in future, because of continuous

SURABHI foundation
HO: FF - 46, Pratap Nagar, Lane - 1, Mayur Vihar Phase - 1, Delhi 110091 Tel: +911122756992; Fax: +911143022548; Email:

PROJECT: Satya Go Gram, Post Gandikhata, 20 Km Haridwar Nainital Raod, Haridwar

(Centre For Self Employment: Cow Breed Development, Panchgavya & Skill Based Products Development Training)

incorporation of organic residues and replenishment of soil fertility. The new system of farming has freed the farmers from the debt trap and it has instilled in them a renewed sense of confidence to make farming an economically viable venture. This is a noteworthy feature in the dark horizon of many farmers committing suicide across the country.

Salient Features of Zero Budget Natural Farming:

The salient features of this method of farming are: 1) Zero Budget Farming In this system of farming no monetary investment on the part of farmer is required for purchase of seeds, fertilizers and plant protection chemicals from the market. The farmer can produce his own seed or he may use seeds that are available with other farmers. More importantly, there is absolutely no place for fertilizers and plant protection chemicals in this scheme of farming. Dependence on hired labour is also reduced to the bare minimum as the system discourages intercultural operations. The whole philosophy behind this system is to make the farmer self-reliant so that he is freed from the clutches of money lenders and market dispensed high cost inputs. 2) Seed Treatment with Beejamrutha: Composition: a) b) c) d) e) Water 20 litres Desi cow dung 5 kg Desi cow urine 5 Litres One handful of soil from the surface of field Lime 50 grams

The above mixture termed as Beejamrutha can be used to treat seeds, seedlings or any planting material. The planting material has to be simply dipped in Beejamrutha taken out and planted. Beejamrutha protects the crop from harmful soil borne and seed borne pathogens during the initial stages of germination and establishment. 3) Treatment with Jeevamrutha: Composition: a) b) c) d) Water Desi cow dung Desi cow urine Jaggery 200 litres 10 kg 5 to 10 litres 2 kg

SURABHI foundation
HO: FF - 46, Pratap Nagar, Lane - 1, Mayur Vihar Phase - 1, Delhi 110091 Tel: +911122756992; Fax: +911143022548; Email:

PROJECT: Satya Go Gram, Post Gandikhata, 20 Km Haridwar Nainital Raod, Haridwar

(Centre For Self Employment: Cow Breed Development, Panchgavya & Skill Based Products Development Training)

e) Flour of any pulse 2 kg f) Handful of soil from farm or forest The above mixture will suffice for one time application on one acre crop. Jeevamrutha is to be provided once in a fortnight or at least once in a month. It promotes immense biological activity in the soil and makes the nutrients available to the crop. Jeevamrutha is not to be considered as nutrient for the crop but only a catalytic agent to promote biological activity in the soil. 4) Mulching Mulching with organic residues or live mulching reduces tillage and consequently labour requirements, suppresses weeds, promotes humus formation and enhances the water holding capacity of the soil. Mulching enhances the biological activity and replenishes the nutrient base of the soil. Adequate mulching keeps the top and sub soil moist and enhances the water holding capacity of the soil and also reduces water loss due to evaporation so that the crop will be better equipped to tide over drought conditions. 5) Plant Protection In the event of outbreak of insects and diseases the farmer can himself prepare homemade pesticides and use it on the crops. Fungicide-I: Composition: a) Butter milk fermented for five days b) Water Fungicide II: Composition: a) Desi cow milk b) Black Pepper Powder c) Water Insecticide- I: Composition: a) Powder of neem seed or Neem leaves b) Water 5 litres 50 litres 5 litres 200 grams 200 litres 20 kg 200 litres

Insecticide- II: Composition: a) Cow dung 5 kg b) Cow urine 10 litres c) Neem leaves 10 kg d) Water 200 litres This mixture is particularly effective against aphids, jassids, mealy bugs and white flies.

SURABHI foundation
HO: FF - 46, Pratap Nagar, Lane - 1, Mayur Vihar Phase - 1, Delhi 110091 Tel: +911122756992; Fax: +911143022548; Email:

PROJECT: Satya Go Gram, Post Gandikhata, 20 Km Haridwar Nainital Raod, Haridwar

(Centre For Self Employment: Cow Breed Development, Panchgavya & Skill Based Products Development Training)

Insecticide III: Composition: a) Neem leaves b) Tobacco powder c) Garlic paste d) Green chillies paste

10 kg 3 kg 3 kg 4 kg

The above ingredients should be soaked in cow urine for ten days. About 3 litres of this mixture can be mixed with 100 litres of water and sprayed on crops. The above mentioned fungicides and insecticides can be prepared by the farmer himself and used either as prophylactic or as curative measure for control of crop pests. If the economic injury to crops due to pests is less than five percent, it should be deemed to be return to nature and no plant protection measures should be taken. 6. Mixed Cropping and Crop Rotation Zero Budget Natural Farming advocates cultivation of diverse species of crops depending on site specific agro climatic conditions. Mixed cropping provides buffer against total failure of single crop and also widens the income source of farmers. There is stress on inclusion of leguminous crops to ensure replenishment of soil fertility. Crop rotation is also emphasized to discourage build up of endemic pests. In the scheme of mixed cropping, cereals, millets, leguminous crops, horticulture crops particularly vegetables and even medicinal plants can be included to make farming more lucrative. The system also advocates wider spacing of crops to facilitate inter cropping.

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