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Subject Code: English 4

Module Code: 3.0 The Confessions

Lesson Code: 3.1 Introduction
Allotted Time: 30 minutes

TA: 0.5 min
ATA: _____

By the end of the learning guide, students should be able to:

1. Recall details from the given background information.

TA: 5 mins
ATA: _____

Before we start, let us watch a short biography of our

author today. Follow the link:

TA: 10 mins
ATA: _____

Saint Augustine (354-430), born as Aurelius Augustinus, is
considered as a doctor of the church by the Roman Catholic Church
and as one of the most significant Christian thinkers of the Medieval
He was born to a pagan father, Patricius, and a devout
Catholic mother, Monica. They lived in the Roman community of
Tagaste in South Africa and even though they were not rich,
Augustine’s father was able to come up with enough funds to let him
Retrieved from: continue his studies in Madauros and, finally, in Carthage, the great
https://www- city of Roman Africa.
After completing his studies, he had a brief teaching stint in
Tagaste before continuing his career in teaching rhetoric in Carthage.
Restless and ambitious, he moved out of Africa to teach in Rome and,
eventually, in Milan.

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Conversion to Christianity
Afflicted with inner struggles in his religious life, Saint Augustine dabbled in philosophy and
the teachings of some Christian factions, most notably Manichaeism. After almost 10 years, he
eventually rejected Manichaean doctrines when its followers and prominent teachers could not
satisfactorily answer his queries.
When he moved to Milan, he was greatly influenced by its bishop, Ambrose, who was also a
great orator like himself. Saint Augustine began to frequent the bishop’s preaching. His mother joined
him in Milan and, worried about his lifestyle, she arranged a respectable marriage for him. He left his
concubine, with whom he had a son, but since his fiancée was very young, he took another concubine.
Though he was certain that salvation and truth can only be achieved through Jesus, Augustine
struggled with his own will and his weaknesses persisted. It was only after he experienced something
he considered as divine intervention that he decided to convert in 386 AD. It was Bishop Ambrose
himself who baptized Saint Augustine and his son Adeodatus.
Here is a painting of Saint Augustine with his mother Monica:

Retrieved from: https://augustinianvocations.org/blog-archive/monica

Bishop of Hippo
After his conversion, he decided to return to Africa. Unfortunately, his mother died before
they could start their journey home. He also lost his son not long after they settled back in the family’s
property. Left with no familial obligations, Saint Augustine sold his properties, only retaining the
family home where he and his friends spent their time in prayers and contemplation of the Scriptures.
Bishop Valerius of Hippo ordained him as a priest in 391 AD at the urging of the people (and
some say despite Saint Augustine’s tears of protestation). Five years thereafter, he became the Bishop
of Hippo, a position that he occupied until his death in 430 AD.

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Literary Legacy
Saint Augustine is a prolific writer; he wrote numerous sermons and reflections. But two of
his most enduring and influential works are “The Confessions” and “The City of God.”
“The Confessions”
Of the 13 Books of “The Confessions,” Books 1-9 are considered as autobiographical in
nature as they explore religion and philosophy using his life story from birth until his conversion to
Catholicism. Books 10-13, on the other hand, focus solely on religion and philosophy. Saint
Augustine’s personal struggle to fully commit to Christianity becomes the framework of “The
“The City of God”
This voluminous work is Saint Augustine’s defense against accusations that the Sack of Rome
in 410 AD by the Visigoths was a punishment when the Christian God was favored over the old gods.
He posits that the sack is actually a punishment for the past transgressions and moral decay of Rome.
He further writes that there are two cities – the City of Man, formed by the love of self, and the City
of God, formed by the love of God. As man’s life is transitory, he should accept the hardships and
trials in the City of Man and focus on the City of God instead. By focusing on the hope of a better life
in the City of God, man is then given directions and guidance on how to lead a life in the City of Man
according to God’s will. The City of Man can be destroyed; the City of God is eternal.
Here is an illustration of the Sack of Rome in 410 AD:

Retrieved from: https://www.historytoday.com/archive/months-past/visigoths-sack-rome

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TA: 14 mins
ATA: _____

Identification. Complete the crossword puzzle. (10 points)

TA: 0.5 min
ATA: _____

Saint Augustine was a product of his time when the power of the Roman Empire was waning,
but the influence of Christianity was steadily rising. Because he lived when Christianity was just
emerging as an important religion, some of his most influential works reflect his inner conflict to fully
commit to the faith and his fervent defense of the Church.

Christian Today. (n.d.). Augustine of Hippo: Architect of the Middle Ages. Christian Today.
O’Donnell, J. (2020, August 24). St. Augustine: Christian bishop and theologian. Britannica.
University of the Philippines. (1993). Readings in Social Science II: Social, economic, and political
thought. University of the Philippines.

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