Data Analysis

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Data analysis

The occurrence of vector-borne diseases and the contact between vectors and hosts can
both be reduced effectively by using mosquito repellents on a personal level. A repellent's
efficacy—how effective and long-lasting it is—determines how much protection it offers the
user. As a result, knowledge about repellent effectiveness is crucial for the individual customer
to make wise decisions. This issue has been covered in numerous researches using various
methods. ( Barnard et al. 1998 , Kline et al. 2003 , Barnard and Xue 2004 , Trongtokit et al.
2005 , Tsetsarkin et al. 2007 ). For this study, we chose to test the efficacy of plant-based
repellents using Snake Plant (Dracaena trifasciata) and Blue Ternate (Clitoria ternatea),
formulation, and active ingredient concentration of both synergies.
Table 1
Two-way ANOVA of mosquito repellency data

Both the active ingredient concentration and formulation played a very important role in
the difference in the data in tests against mosquitoes (Table 1). Despite the statistical
significance of the interaction between these two variables, it only accounted for 6.13% of the
variance. When compared to mosquito, a distinct picture emerged with no discernible
relationship between formulation type and active component concentration. Only active
component concentration significantly contributed to the difference in tests conducted on this
species, accounting for 10.56% of the variance.

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