The Call - Transcript 8.8.11

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8.8.11 The Call Squad 8 pm 1 am EST Sunday - Thursday 1-760-569-7676 Participant Pin: 637255# TheCallSquad.

.com Our Thanks To Loves Love (Scott) Who Transcribed This Call The Call Squad August 8, 2011 Episode 70 PATRIOT, JOEY, Vic, Tim, Scott, Steve, Diana, DEB, Pam, Yukon PATRIOT describes a variety of missions, objectives, style, sources, and intentions of the squad that can be heard at the beginning of every call replayed on the website: . See very interesting free documents and downloads often referred to on calls, for your edification. Especially look for our Freedom From Intel. This is an official document which is the Unclassified US State Dept. report called The Iraq Project. It has been the blueprint for rebuilding Iraq written in 2002. They are still following this plan very specifically, so there is no need for rumors or high placed contacts with so-called intelligence. This is the plan and we help you analyze the news media reporting the steps as they are completed. The Call Squad broadcasts: Sunday thru Thursday, 8pm to Midnight EST, even after the RV Or call for Replays of every nights calls: 760-569-7699, pin 637255# or Backup 194924# JOEY : Thinks of Vic as she reads because the MidEast has a certain angle, and it seems that every time Vic makes statements from his Mid East heritage, within a couple days something comes out that confirms his vision for how or what effect it is having on our situation. This article made me think of Vics comments about Iran last night. Economic Expert: a drop in oil prices have a negative impact on the budget for 2012 Ali Abdullah -08/08/2011 ad-10: 12, | readers number: 25 Parliamentary Energy Commission confirmed that a drop in oil prices have a negative impact on the budget, proposed to raise production and pumping and export in order to create a balance and ensuring the stability of Iraq. Where the oil expert hamza al-jawahiri is the cause of the drop in oil prices, the US credit with the decline of the dollar rate of exchange, and crude oil prices hit a barrel to (87.26) dollars, while Brent oil has arrived to (109.37) dollars per barrel He said a member of the Committee on Energy and Petroleum, parliamentary deputy for the National Alliance//on-in a statement on Monday: " That the decline in the prices of have a negative impact on the state budget be set, after specialists in accounting studies and the price per barrel will arrive in 2012, (85) dollars, if this

continues the work to raise production and export to guarantee the stability of Iraq's money." Fayyad: We are trying to improve the level of oil production through the laws which have been submitted to the House of Representatives, indicating that oil contracted with foreign companies to be outside the scope of the national company, but the remaining oil did not sign it, which is considered one of the country. Is that the reduction of the US credit creates a sense of the economic slowdown on the dollar which states that are to fix the prices of their currencies to the dollar, what will happen to a certain imbalance leads to lower the demand for oil, it is difficult to determine the time that will be completed by this decline. JOEY summarizes: So you have them tell us theyre pegging their money to the dollar, and also Vic put out an interesting point last night, that we are also trying to stave off terrorism while developing the Iraqi democracy in the Middle East, and their oil production. Iran is our biggest enemy at the moment. They threaten to not produce enough oil to sell to our demand. But there may not be a problem with that, as this recent fall in oil price by about $15 dpb, since our good government lost its credit rating, may be working in our favor, because we have Iraqs production to fill Irans production void. Vic showed great insight at our attempt to protect the world from Irans influence on OPEC oil reduction strategies to drive prices up. PATRIOT asks to read a line again. JOEY reads: Difficult to determine the time that this will be completed by this decline .into the future. PATRIOT: Its going to be a while, into the foreseeable future. They are prepared to do what they need to do to stabilize their budget against the possible drop in prices of oil. This is their response to the US Credit problems, and the possible impacts of global economic downturns. PATRIOT: Usually when production goes up, prices go down because the supply volume is more plentiful. We know this. And this is their response. JOEY: Is this one of the obstacles they could be talking about? PATRIOT: Remember, we have seen it in writing, not just Shabibis words, that the IQD will be valued to the USD. Not the GBP, or Yen, or Euro, or Gold, or the Martian Hootchie Kootchie, or whatever. This is another conformational article to the tie to USD. This is my contention, that Shabibi intends to have a managed rate RV (as opposed to a free floating, free market rate RV) and he intends to marry the IQD to the dollar for at least the next two years, so he needs to know the specific conditions concerning the economic effect of our credit rating issue and the price of oil. And Iraq is working to increase production supply at a time the worlds economic conditions see industrial and personal demand for energy declining. Interesting. JOEY analyzes: You know, that weve had all this emphasis on the credit rating and the global economy with the US falling out of grace, there really hasnt been that big bang, or catastrophic fallout that one would expect if things were really so bad. Joe

talks about reading another article last night but doesnt read the title and starts paraphrasing: UAE Supports Peg To The USD! And the article says there is no alternative to the USD. UAE and Oman will continue to peg to the green-back, and their fortunes are closely tied with US developments. What was so strange was the article today came out and says the Gulf Cooperation Council and all of these countries have pledged that they wont give up on the dollar, but will continue to peg their currencies and economies to the US Dollar. JOEY: explains that todays article ties the entire GCC to the USD. The GCC States are all in agreement: Iran, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, UAE, and Morocco; and what all these currencies have in common are similar: economies, finance, trade, customs, tourism, and legislation. That is a big deal, no loss of confidence from the GCC for their reliance on the USD. Big News! There is not as much fallout from our DEBt crisis as we could imagine. PATRIOT: Yep, Irans threat to destabilize the US by attacking the dollar and trying to trade oil in any currency other than the dollar or by raising oil prices through short supply is not going to be allowed. Whats interesting is that like Vic said the other night that Iran & Libya has been put in check trying to limit oil supply to drive oil prices up, because we have Iraq. When Saddam threatened to hurt the world by holding oil hostage, George Bush moved faster. The last straw was when Saddam tried to destabilize the USD. The WMD is DEBatable, but the protection of our dollar, the last straw is not. And thats why we have this investment opportunity because Bush destabilized the dinar and reduced its value to less than a tenth of a penny, 4,000 IQD/USD which reduced Saddams ability to make war, and were all sitting here tonight. JOEY: That tells you how secure our dollar is and Shabibi should have learned a lot the past day or two, with the GCC support for the dollar along with Iraq is getting the approval from their house of representatives to produce more oil. So weve been having a lot of problems from Iran lately and if Iraq can benefit from that to produce and sell more oil, it will be a great example for democracy and all those who choose to play fairly with the world. JOEY reads: Jaafari: a new Iraqis looking forward to establishing better relations with the countries of the world 08/08/2011 15:47:43 BAGHDAD (Iba) ... The head of the National Alliance IbrahimJaafari said that the new Iraq is looking forward to establishing betterrelations with the countries of the world Kafahlltenseeq and exchange of interests, especially with the wealth and vast resources in Iraq that must beinvested to improve services and raise the standard of living of citizens. .stressed Jaafari said in a statement received by the independent press (Iba) acopy of it and during a meeting with Charge d'Affaires of Japan in Iraq, Mr. Katsuhiko Takahashi on the occasion of the end of his and Mr. Ken Mukaa acting Ambassarhaliapanih new need for openness on the experiences of the world's developed to take advantage of them, especially Japan, living growth economically and technologically significant. and wished Jaafari to Mr.Katsuhiko

Takahashi more success in his new calling for effort and investment experience of acting the new embassy, Mr. Ken Mukaa for the development ofrelations between Iraq and Japan to serve the interest of the two friendlycountries. (end) / p / JOEY quickly concludes: So they are really reaching out. JOEY reads: Governor of Baghdad: the allocation of [45] million to provide assistance to needy families during Ramadan AUGUST 8TH, 2011 08:52 AM POSTED IN NEWS (IRAQ & WORLD CURRENCY) The governor of Baghdad, for a program designed to provide aid to needy families during the holy month of Ramadan have been allocated an amount of [45] million for the program. The governor of Baghdad, Salah Abdul-Razzaq in a press statement received by all of Iraq [where] a copy of it on Monday that the program aims to distribute aid to the poor and needy and destitute, as well as a slide widows, as they will provide assistance to [150] woman and clothing [100] orphans Aydaacama and breakfast at home for the elderly and provide assistance to [100] is unable to slide from women and men. It will be the establishment of four forums in the Office of the Koran and in maintaining a number of mosques and Shiite mosques most important shrine of Syed Idris, as this competition will include breakfast, banquets and awards prizes to the contestants this Mi_khas program prepared by the province during the month of Ramadan. / End. option=com_content&task=view&id=9128&Itemid=56 JOEY: What theyre doing is putting people out there and feeding people breakfast outside the mosques, and giving them food and clothing and some extra money during the month of Ramadan. This is very good. JOEY reads: Hashemi calls for Barzani to follow-up the arbil because there are those who seek to abort it 2011-08-08 13:04:15 Baghdad (IBA). He said the chairman of the movement of the renewal of Tarek Al Hashemi, the presence of parties seeking to abort the initiative of Mr. massoud Al Barzani and her death certificate. Al-Hashemi Said in a speech he delivered during the half there are those who work to abort the Arbil and the announcement of a death certificate that initiative, Iraq today in dire need of such agreements and we hope that the follow-up the initiative as a gain for all and to postpone the implementation of these agreements are not in the interests of Iraq. He continued saying: Arbil initiative historic gain Iraq's application will be a reality if Iraq for the better in all areas political, legal, legislative and financial aspects of the reform, administrative and judicial and reconciliation.

He pointed out that the difference between the Iraqi and the rule of law is not personal as some try to but that is a philosophical on the management of the state that is at the root of the dispute. In the course of his reply on what was raised on the subject calls for the formation of regions said al-hashemi: This constitutional and legal issue and rule 119 organized this issue and we do not object to, we have the right to object to it, but all the needs for the success of the systematic and agrees with the view. He wondered: Is this the conditions available today in this project?, do we have the opinion polls and real to the people in this matter? Indicating that the issue needs to be studied carefully and have the requirements of success. Al-Hashemi Expressed concern to be reaction, the department is in the structure of the Iraqi state, because this project if it does not have elements of success will be risk and its disastrous effects on the future of Iraq and the unity of Iraq. (END) JOEY: points out that it seems that the only differences are not personal but philosophical. And they are moving beyond the differences urging all involved that it needs to be done immediately; to be implemented right away and move on to the developmental needs of the industries and society to relieve the people. PATRIOT: reviews the past several nights discussions and evidence that The Squad believes the Erbil was completed on June 30th, with an amendment done on July 9th, that determined positively that Allawis position would be an Executive position as President of the Strategic Policy Council. Erbil is completed; the only thing not done is the actual implementation following it, including how the 15% of oil revenue will be distributed to the population. The DEBate is now about implementation, not negotiation. JOEY reads: Political blocs are presiding over Al-Maliki's negotiating group with the Americans Haidar Ali Jawad -08/08/2011 ad-11: 20, | readers number: 51 The views of the different political blocs about the party that will take over the task of negotiating with the US side, on the number of trainers, which is supposed to stay in the country, after the withdrawal of the US forces at the end of this year. At a time when the coalition said the rule of law, headed by the prime minister, Nouri Al-Maliki, that the ministerial committee, which signed the agreement with the United States in 2008, is the same as that will negotiate with the latter on trainers, the Iraqi list led by former Prime Minister Iyad Allawi, that the foreign ministry is preparing the authority in the signing of the agreements with the countries of the world. But presiding over Al-Maliki himself negotiating group in Iraq, could give rise to contradictions protocol, in particular with the need to have the US negotiating team, the highest political authority in the United States. Some parliamentary sources are saying that the US forces, will be distributed to 9 bases in different parts of the country, to carry out training missions only. The Iraqi government spokesman, Ali Al-Dabbagh, said in press statements that Al-Maliki "will start negotiations with the US side soon, in order to determine a number of points that make clear the mechanism of trainers, and controls their stay in the country," he said. Al-Dabbagh

Said that "the talks will focus on the number of trainers, which is determined by the relevant ministries, in the sense that those in charge of the Department of Defense and Interior ministries, will determine the number of trainers commensurate with the actual need of them," he added, "will focus on the negotiations were also points to the trainers," he said. In his speech to "the world" Yesterday (Sunday), the member of the coalition of the rule of law to the existence of a ministerial committee has been set up at the start of negotiations on the security agreement between the two parties; the Iraqi and American, " he said of that committee is also follow up on all violations by the US forces after the conclusion of the convention, through the transfer of the US apologies and Justifications by the violation of the convention." But added by saying that "the final decision on the issue would be trained within the competence of the prime minister only," spoke on condition of the ministries that were in the ministerial committee said "we could not provide details of that committee for security reasons, except that it was ministerial," he said. As well as demanding the United States to provide legal immunity, said a member of the coalition of the rule of law, "the security agreement gave to the American side has the right to defend itself, and if it was targeted," added, " but on the other hand, the trainers will not be outside contact with the Iraqi street, where their work will be based in camps training specifically." He was chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff of the US Army's Mike Mullen, called on the Iraqi side during his last visit to Baghdad, the need to provide legal immunity to US soldiers, to be approved in the House of Representatives in the remaining part of the US forces after 2011. For its part, believes the Iraqi List member on behalf of the Mason, that the conclusion of agreements with the countries of the world is through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, explaining that " the American side requests providing immunity to its forces that ... for training in the country, which could not be without its agreement signed between the two parties." Asked Deputy Foreign Minister Labid abawi, if there was a role by his ministry in negotiations ahead, he said: "The world," said that "this is the responsibility of the Council of Ministers and its president in particular", refusing to reveal more. With regard to the position of the parliament of the file of granting immunity to the Americans, said in statements to "the world", "This is for Al-Maliki, as commander-in-chief of the armed forces, in particular with regard to the extent of the country's need for those forces, so giving them legal immunity during the period of their presence," he said. Shaker book agrees, a spokesman for the movement, which is led by the vicepresident of the Republic tariq Al-Hashimi, with that the responsibility of the negotiations with the US side, rests with the commander-in-chief of the armed forces, but he excluded "with regard to the substantive issues, which need to be competent to resolve them," he said. Concerning the number of Americans who the government intends to use them in the training of the security services, denies knowledge of the book "The exact number, but the Americans, on the other hand, tend to keep the largest possible number of their forces," he said that this matter " is not in the interest of the

country's sovereignty." As well as immunity US troops see book that "the Iraqi people refuse to give immunity to those who commit any act on Iraqi territory," he pointed out that "the Americans when demand in this matter, they speak the language of the occupier." The Kurdish coalition member, Mahmoud uthman, agrees with a book, regarding his refusal to grant legal immunity for Americans under any name, noting that this is not true, and will not be accepted in the House of Representatives." Othman added that the immunity "how to escape from the crimes that were committed against the Iraqis a lot, have not been held accountable, either in Iraq or in their country (the United States)." On the side that will negotiate with the Americans, Othman said that "the government authorized by the political blocs and, consequently, are decided to send both the political ones, art." And for the preparation of trainers who the government intends to keep them in the country, the Othaman that this "will depend on the government and the need for trainers", expressing his belief that " the number will be in the thousands, on the grounds that many institutions need to the American side on the issue of training its elements." JOEY comments that this part is strange: He says, But presiding over Al-Maliki himself negotiating group in Iraq, could give rise to contradictions protocol, in particular with the need to have the US negotiating team, the highest political authority in the United States. Some parliamentary sources are saying that the US forces, will be distributed to 9 bases in different parts of the country, to carry out training missions only. JOEY continues pondering aloud: Now if these ministers are the ones who are THE RELEVENT MINISTRIES to decide what we now know there are the 9 places the troops will be located and a lot of other logistical agreement detailsif the Departments of Defense and Interior decide these things then how do we have this troops decision, if we dont have the ministers in place yet, and if Erbil isnt finished? Explain that to me! PATRIOT: Agrees and gets her point right away, and restates affirmatively. How did the ministers that are not supposed to be in position yet, make decision that would bind the country to agreements about troops that are so sensitive and important to the success of this new nation? Theyre discussing mechanisms of implementation relevant to their areas of control generated by the constitution; and these are the areas of Strategic policies, Defense and Interior. Gee, that seems like the 3 ministers weve been looking for? JOEY continues emphasizing key points from the article: As well as demanding legal immunity according to the coalition Rule of Law, the US has the right to defend itself if there is contact, but the trainers are not to be outside certain parameters but for training specifically, in camp. They have been told that the US is saying we need legal and political immunity. Mr. Habib, there is a role for

negotiation and .. then he refused to reveal anymore. Concerning the number of Americans, he denies the knowledge of the number We depend on the GOI ..expressing his belief that the it will be in the number of thousands. (The recording is garbled) JOEY connects a long dot from her own Local Newspaper; reads article but not the title, nor the paper name: Moqtada al-Sadr said, The US Troops are fair game for attack past the December 31st departure date. Rather than contact troops. In June 2011, 15 soldiers were killed in Iraq, and nearly all were killed by Sadrs Shia militia. He said even limited training will not be accepted. Sadr said the US soldiers will be treated as tyrannical occupiers.he said that this weeks decision to open talks with Washington is unacceptable. JOEY: So there is why our troops need legal immunity, because Sadr WILL go after them and will not back down. PATRIOT: Agrees, they are on their mission again. The rules have been changed to favor our troops The rules of engagement, heretofore, have been so slanted against the US to even fire back when attacked, they had to get permission to defend themselves or fire back, but with this demand for immunity in order to continue training and some security protection, no longer. We are back on mission again, trainer or no trainer designation. JOEY: Things are lining up nicely. Now Shabibi seems to have his answers from GCC stating support and confidence in the dollar; from Erbil agreement with Allawi and announcing US troops will stay, and Iraq will step into the gap or niche to pump Irans and Libyas usual share of oil for the world market. It all sounds like good news to me. JOEY: Also, it seems that the Interior Minister got seated, and when Maliki pared down his government and consolidated, the Interior Minister which likely includes the Security Minister also. They sound like the voice on the phone in Charlies Angels. There is no longer a Security Minister that were looking for. They pared down 29 positions, which would be 25 % of the GOI. There was too much overlap and redundancy that confused everyone as to who should be doing what. DEB reads an article: Central Bank: the Iraqi economy will not develop unless the activities are expanded tax 07/08/2011 18:52 Baghdad, August 7 / August (Rn) - Deputy Governor of Central Bank of Iraq on Sunday that address the economic problems require the expansion of activities in the country and tax reforms in a wide range of administrative transactions of the General Authority for taxes of the Ministry of Finance. The appearance of Mohammed Saleh told the Kurdish news agency (Rn) that "the Central Bank classifies the tax system in Iraq as a late and does not contribute in supporting the action the central bank to support the value of cash and banking transactions in the country."

He added that "the Ministry of Finance for tax measures to expand and upgrade their value while reducing the administrative and bureaucratic procedures that contribute to hamper the development of the Iraqi economy." On July 20 last the government announced that it has developed a plan to activate the taxes to address the continuing inflation in the Iraqi economy. The economists and the tax system in Iraq and underdeveloped systems that do not rise to the level of support the economy and tackle inflation in the country. And the Iraqi Central Bank announced in January 13 last that the value assumed for the tax budget in 2011 amounted to 2.7 trillion Iraqi dinars. The sector has witnessed in Iraq, taxes almost stopped in recent years because of the economic turmoil in Iraq and tense security situation, which led it to limit the tax system on the sector staff, traders and owners of companies. Wanan of Jafar, the Open: Murtaza Yousuf PATRIOT: If you get your The Iraq Project, read section 20, it is all about the rebuilding of the banking system, and tariffs, etc, because they are following the plan. This is what DEBbie was reading about in that article. Its that simple, they are following a plan, and news is reporting the confirmations achieved daily. DEB reads this one for JOEY since this is about cars: Contract signed with Chinese Co. to assemble cars 8/7/2011 12:27 PM BAGHDAD / Aswat al-Iraq: Iraqs state-owned General Company for Cars Manufacturing in Iskandariya city, belonging to the Ministry of Industry & Minerals, has signed a contract with the Chinese Proton Company, to assemble and market 1,000 cars annually, along with signing a contract with the Teachers Syndicate to supply teachers with 50,000 saloon cars, on an installment basis. Our Company has signed a contract with the Chinese Proton Company, for the assembly and marketing inside Iraq of 1,000 cars of different sizes annually, Director-General of the Cars Manufacturing Company, Adnan Ahmed Razin told Aswat al-Iraq news agency, estimating the value of the contract to exceed 18 billion (b) Iraqi dinars. The cars, to be assembled inside Iraq, will include two models. It will include 15-passenger buses, with modern specifications, along with small double-compartment pickups, that shall satisfy the need of the local Iraqi market for such cars, Razin said. The Company has also signed a 3-year contract with the Iraqi Teachers Syndicate, to supply teachers with 50,000 saloon Sherry cars, on installment basis, Razin said. Noteworthy is that a Ministry statement had announced that the Companys sales of saloon cars, produced in its plants during the 2nd quarter of this year had reached 15,142 saloons and pickups, for a total price that exceeded 7 billion (b) Iraqi dinars. SKH (TI)/SR page=article_page&id=144162&l=1 PATRIOT: Interesting, the installment sounds like they are arranging payment financing terms for teachers, and it sounds like it will be a van; 18 Billion Dinar

divided by 1000 cars = $18,000 per car. Plus, since few people, let alone teachers, can currently afford $18,000, this will get them using the banks and teaching them or using them as an example of getting into electronic banking. PATRIOT: If you get The Iraq Project it tells what different classes of people, including teachers will be paid; what their salaries will be. It is such an awesome blueprint we can watch them follow. (PATRIOT giggles giddy excitement) DEB adds, reading a line she forgot to include: the Companys sales of saloon cars, produced in its plants during the 2nd quarter of this year had reached 15,142 saloons and pickups, for a total price that exceeded 7 billion (b) Iraqi dinars. PATRIOT: Explains the word Saloon is a British word for something like a Van or station wagon. JOEY asks: I wonder if it is like a Crew Cab pickup. JOEY adds: they are building 5000 schools and 500 colleges. There was another deal earlier about buses being built, speaking of teachers and their pay. DEB reads another: Zebari, welcomed revolution in Tunesia and other revolutions in the region The Iraqi Foreign Ministry welcomes events in the Arab World AUGUST 8TH, 2011 03:31 PM POSTED IN NEWS (IRAQ & WORLD CURRENCY) MOSCOW, August 8 (Itar-Tass) The Iraqi Foreign Ministry welcomes events in the Arab world, Iraqi Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari. Our position is positive. Iraq was one of the first Arab states to have welcomed the revolution in Tunisia, he told Russia Today on Monday, August 8. We have good ties with other protest movements. These movements look at Iraq as an example. Despite all our shortcomings, Iraq is going along the road of new democracy. We recognize the right of peoples to determine their own fate, translate their political will into life and make a political choice while being free and holding their own, Zebari said. He stressed that Iraq is not at all neural in this situation but at the same time it does not want to interfere in other peoples affairs. He said the Iraqi government has a similar position on the current developments in Syria even though events in that country differ from those in other countries dye to the geopolitical position Syria occupies and its role for Iraq. Our established relations with the leadership of Syria and constant contacts show that there still time to make changes that will be meaningful for ordinary people and that force alone cannot solve the problem, the minister said. PATRIOT: Everyone is concerned the region is going to undo or derail Iraq. Very much the opposite, Iraq is leading the Arab world as an example. It is common to the human spirit, you want better for your children, and Iraq is showing the way.

JOEY: Adds that we recently read about the winds of Arab Spring which said the other countries of the world would be caught in that air Iraqs leadership, and the breeze would blow the successes of Iraq to the other brothers. It is true. PATRIOT: Iran fears democracy. JOEY: Democracy frees people, and all that the Iranian leaders have been working for will be undermined by what their people learn from observing and hearing about Iraq. DEB: The bank robberies, and bad people we hear about like the Electricity Minister getting caught in bribery corruption and other abuses of the innocent people by scammers are starting to get whats coming to them. We are hearing of much crackdown attempts to cleanup the streets so as wealth arrives, the good people can be secure and productive. PATRIOT: Winston Churchhill said: Democracy is a terrible form of Government; its just that all the others are much worse. JOEY reads a final article: Cancel the zeros dinar is a step in the right direction Editorial Justice-07/08/2011-6: 27 | readers number: 387 No doubt we are to cancel three zeros of the Iraqi dinar. May be the central bank had prepared a gradual withdrawal of (27) trillion dinars, no (4) trillion cash paper. Present offset site dinar .Currency-definition-COMmodity Equivalent. This emerged and developed until they reached the paper the symbol. That does not change the value of the goods and services, It is just an example set by the Monetary Authority of. Up and down-market movement and " central." The cancellation will not affect at all the value of the dinar. If the value of the dollar was 1200 Dinars. The value of the dollar will be 1, 2 Dinars. (1) dinars (1000) the current dinar. And will not change the purchasing power. Markets-with a view to ease-cancels sometimes. " (1), which means (1000). And (25) and (25000). The new currency will be more easily transport and in transactions and accounts and. With paper easier than to deal with (1000) paper. In particular, categories of higher than 25 dinars. Written off Turkey 6 zeros several years ago. Led "inflationary release" in the 1990s, the high inflation to 20000 percent and the emergence of "Saddam" many. In return for "the Swiss Dinar" few. The two remained in dealing independent of each, to in 2003 Dinars. Currency returned confidence of the dinar. Will be gradually raised the new currency to be the equivalent, prevail the reduced it. No doubt that the return to the normal status of the dinar would be a factor in practice and in the right direction. If they dealt with "central" the parts of the is the most important to the process to increase prices. As for the cost of the operation, the availability of bank money and long-term. " Is from time to time to withdraw currency eroded other. No doubt that printing and 4 billion cash paper is less costly than 4 trillion paper. That symbolic currency mineral dispute-not strength or weakness themselves have. And a strong economic base represented by. The degradation of the economy led to inflation and cash. Perhaps index out of low inflation and improved retail economy, the other had, in turn, the stability of its currency, and reserves of the country after its collapse, to reduce inflation. JOEY summarizes: Wow, we have low inflation, and now its time to turn our currency around, and the purchasing power of each dinar will NOT be affected. Thats what this is saying. The translation is rough, but this is very positive, indeed. *

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