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It was the best of times. It was the worst of times. It was flying up high.

It was a
downfall. It was freedom. It was imprisonment. And was it love or just pity and
A roller coaster story of being trapped inside prism of love, kindness, compassion,
pain, and unpredictable results.
“Haechanah!” Just as usual, everything hearing Johnny and Taeyong’s
was a mess. conversation.
“Mianhe Hyung! Gotta go to the Deep sighs could be heard between the
Dream’s dorm!” he just shouted, as he three after the he spoke.
run towards the door, opened it, and
CHIL’DREAM were all sitting with their
disappeared like a storm that caused a
managers, staffs, and planners as they
havoc in the dorm.
discussed about the upcoming concert.
Johnny sighed, shook his head, as he
“I think “Trigger The Fever” must be
began to clean the mess from the left
after Rainbow,” Mark stated as he
out take-out food, plastics, and
keeps on looking at the list of songs on
wrappers on the table.
their concert book.
“Gotta help you,” Taeyong stated
“We will surely be emotional then.
walking towards Johnny, holding the
Jisung will be there crying instead of
trash bin.
dancing,” Jeno said that made everyone
“Hmm. Thanks. Haechan he… He must laugh.
be having a hard time right now.”
“Aannnii Hyunngg..” Jisung’s whim
Johnny stated as he sighed, putting the
only added to the laughter.
trashes on the bin.
“Ooohhh Jeno, uri Lee Jeno! You really
Taeyong hummed and nodded.
improved in your jokes!” That made
“Mark too.” As they sighed for the nth everyone laugh out loud again. As
time. usual, Haechan made fun of him, for
according to the younger, he should
This year, they had been in a back-to-
really stick on his “No-Jam” character.
back schedule for their comebacks in
NCT Dream, NCT 127, and the whole “Shut up.” Jeno said jokingly as they
NCT. Having now 26 members, it has dismissed the dissing situation or else,
been tough but also enjoyable. they will be sitting there for years
However, in Haechan and Mark’s case, without finishing anything, because
things could be said as harder for them remember what they always say when
than the other members. Imagine they were younger, “The problem
having a comeback, promotions, among Dreamies is that they talk too
shootings, etc., all year round without much,” which is so true.
many days to rest. After all, they have
After a long whole day of discussion,
been doing it since forever, that’s why
they had decided to include some b-
everyone thinks that they really need at
side tracks from all their albums from
least some more days and time to rest.
their debut days. And so far, Mark’s
However, time isn’t really by their side.
wish of having Trigger the Fever after
Rainbow came true for, they had
decided to keep the “mood” going.
“The Dream Show 6 tour in in Thailand
will be in the next few days. The kids
are sure busy right now,” Yuta said as
he entered, holding a cup of coffee,
“JEBAALLL!” Renjun shouted as back-to-back comebacks, promotions,
Haechan’s weight nearly suffocated and activities? This made Renjun’s
him. The younger just flopped above heart bleed for Haechan.
him as he was lying down on his bed.
As Haechan lied down, he groaned as
“Hmmm…” The younger just groaned his hand grabbed Renjun’s torso.
and chuckled a little bit as he put his
head on Renjun’s neck.
“I will not go. Now let’s sleep.” Renjun
“I’m tired…” He whispered that made
whispered as he covered both of their
the older sighed as he stroked
bodies with the blanket. He really
Haechan’s dark-brown hair.
wanted to go and take a shower before
“Renjun-ah…” sleeping, but he guessed he has no
escape that night.
He let Haechan’s hand wrapped around
“Thank you.”
his waist as he faced the younger. For
Renjun softly smiled, as he rubbed the him, this maybe is the only way he
younger’s back with his other hand could help for the fatigue that the man
while stroking his hair. is feeling right now.

“Go to sleep. You need it.” He said The truth is, Renjun really doesn’t
softly. know how to console Haechan. After for
almost a past decade that they’ve been
“Hmmm…” A soft hum was heard from together, all he knows is that he’ll
the younger. always be here for the younger--- as a
After a while, Haechan’s soft and steady friend, and as an older brother, which
breathing was hitting Renjun’s neck. He is a very rare occasion for Haechan to
doesn’t feel ticklish though, unlike the acknowledge so.
past years. Maybe he really was gotten HAECHAN softly smiled when he saw
used to it. After all, they are now adults Renjun as he opened his eyes. He
not like those teenage days of stared at that cute face that the latter
confusions between their relationship. has. He will never get tired of it. To
Renjun sighed for the nth time and annoy him, to cuddle with him, to hug
tried his best to let the younger lie him, and to always try kissing him,
down on the bed. He understands what even to the point of annoyance to the
Haechan is feeling right now. The older for up until now, he still finds
pressure and the fatigue that are Renjun’s anger as so cute.
bottled up inside. One problem is that Many things had happened for the past
Haechan doesn’t talk about it. He will years of being together. They are now in
just keep on annoying Renjun and the their 26th years of age. But although
other members. He will keep on many things may have happened in the
hovering and making fun of them but past and changes in their relationship
as Renjun says, how could someone occurred, but Haechan is really so
always have an energy to fool around thankful to have Renjun and the
when the weariness is there due to the Dreamies by his side up until now.
He literally grew up with them from his awoken person. Renjun just chuckled
teenage years until now that he has and jumped out from the bed, passing
become a man of his own. They all have above Haechan’s feet as he was in the
seen each other’s different sides. They side of the wall.
have gone through so much together.
“Then come up and let’s freshen up
They literally had been each other’s
together.” He said with a smile which
side in every life and death situation.
made Haechan smirk.
Haechan stopped his thoughts as
“Are you sure?” He playfully said with a
Renjun groaned and slowly opened his
Renjun just sighed and crinkled his
“Good morning Renjun-ah,” he said
nose as he turned his back from
with a smile.
Haechan who just laughed out loud
“Morning,” Renjun groggily answered as with his reaction.
he gave a small smile to the younger,
“You go first. I will come later. Gotta
clearly not fully awaken yet.
rest my back a little bit.” He said after
“Come on, we still have a lot of things his laugh of who knows how long.
to do,” Haechan softly said as he
Renjun whipped his head on him from
stroked Renjun’s black hair. The older
the closet where he is currently
just hummed as he closed his eyes
choosing new clothes to wear. Worry
was evident in his face.
Haechan sighed. In a split second, he
“Haechan-ah.” He said softly, but
felt guilty. Maybe he had disturbed
Haechan just smiled back and nodded
Renjun’s sleep, knowing that Renjun
at him like telling the older that he is
sometimes doesn’t want cuddles.
“What time is it?” Haechan was a little
As he knew he could do nothing about
bit surprised with the question. He
it for the meantime, Renjun tried his
thought the man was going to go back
best to give a happy smile to lighten up
to sleep.
the mood.
“It’s quarter to 10.”
“Then take your time there. Don’t just
“Hmmm, let’s get up.” Renjun said with pee on my bed!” He said a little loudly
a smile as he rose from the bed. as he walked and closed the door of the
bathroom. He just heard Haechan’s
“Are you okay though?” He asked as he
laugh with a loud “Neee!” from the bed.
turned his head to Haechan who’s still
lying, feeling the empty and cold as Renjun knew he couldn’t force Haechan
Renjun was not in his arms anymore. to speak up. He will just wait for the
But he brushed away that feeling younger to tell what he really feels. For
immediately. Things couldn’t go weird Renjun, that’s the best decision for
again, as he always reminds himself. now.
“Yes of course!” He really made his
voice higher than usual for a just

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