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ACT. 1 A

After thoroughly reading and understanding the educational mandates of theuniversity and of the
college, it is assumed that a light of refreshment and enlightenment came upon the students to what
seemingly the “battle cry” or cause of why they are doing what they are doing in the university or in
their collegiate years. Relate then the said assumption to your future profession and into the present
pandemic situation, through a Reflection paper. Please be guided by the following instructions:

✓ construct reflections in free style including font, font size and spacing.

✓ type your reflections in the WORKSHEET.

✓ scored using rubrics on written outputs with criteria on content, grammar and timeliness.

After reading and understanding the educational mandates of the university, i can say that being here in
the university and studying college of teacher education is the most important way for me to achieve my
goals in life, to become a Teacher someday.

Studying education is not easy because there's a lot of things we need to consider. We all know that
being a teacher is a very critical role and profession because teachers are tge one who molds students
for them to become what they want, and studying education is not easy because we need to study and
consider a lot of things for us to become a good teacher someday, also it's became harder to study
when we faced Covid-19 because we're not be able to study face to face and we'll just studying online.
Theres a lot of obstacles that we faced when the classes are online like there's no strong data
connection when we have online meeting, there's not enough gadgets for us to used and also we don't
have load everyday to do online activities. That's why i can say that with the past two years of studying,
it is so challenging for us as a future Educators and also to other professions. But i really thank God that
we have come so far, we're already 3rd year college, fighting and surviving our chosen profession.
Studying is not easy but i know that i/we can do it as long as we believe in ourselves and always pray to

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