Engineering Managements Notes

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Functions of Management

⮚ the management functions that involves anticipating future trends and
determining the best strategies and tactics to achieve organizational
objectives. (Nickels and others)
⮚ the selection and sequential ordering of tasks required to achieve an
organizational goal. (Aldag and Stearns)
⮚ deciding what will be done, who will do it, where, when, and how it
will be done, and the standards to which it will be done. (Cole and
Planning at Various Management Level
1. Top Management Level
Strategic Planning
⮚ the process of determining the major goals of the
organization and the policies and strategies for
obtaining and using resources to achieve those goals.
2. Middle Management Level
Intermediate Planning
⮚ the process of determining the contributions that sub
– units can make with allocated resources.
3. Lowe Management Level
Operational Planning
⮚ the process of determining how specific tasks can
best be accomplished on time with available

The Planning Process

1. Setting Organizational, Divisional or Unit Goals

● precise statement of results sought, quantified in
time and magnitude

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