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o your limit and if you fall behind you get written up.

If you have not worked there go for it.


Michelle Kushner

Michelle Kushner

5 months ago

I am only one I know that has actually went and lived this complete Jeff power!!! I will never even
though at first still riding my ego I felt shamed, now I know who it was and all I can say is he is for me
absolutely no words to express my LOVE and complete admiration for I understand my path and my
having to face my error! I trust you Jeff Bezos in a way I don't know how to say!!! I am very
overwhelmed your nothing but a huge heart! For people! I mean I was no body and spiriting so confused
who I felt this unreal connection you built my net, so I didn't fall more. But I was ego and got sticky in my
strings instead of getting out I was getting deeper, but you did not give up on me and your more than
human there's nothing you don't deserve I can't wait until more understand you! And your amazing
ability to be always just in front of me in my head lol and also always behind as support! I truly am so
thankful and you and your family are my everything! ❤️❤️❤️❤️😭😭😭😭😭


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Curiosity Central

Curiosity Central

1 year ago
This documentary is next level 👍🏼



Hydro Hose

Hydro Hose

9 months ago

She is perfect for this interview for Amazon. Well-played! but how can you be angry with someone who
is genius in their field of expertise....flip or fold...


dekdek nav

dekdek nav

5 months ago

Thank you for this valuable report. Concerning!




2 months ago

His restlessness and greed is endless. He wants to own everything in the universe


James Richburg

James Richburg

4 days ago

Currently work at an Amazon fulfillment center, Jax7. I don't know what these workers are talking about.
The rates we have to maintain, both in stow and pick, would be difficult to fail to maintain.

Never had a problem.

Those who can't are offered accommodations.

Great benefits. Great opportunities for advancement. They will pay for your education. PTO and benefits
starting day 1. You have to try hard to get fired.

No negatives working for Amazon', In my opinion.

merov merov

merov merov

6 months ago

1:14:50 Dave Limp: Alexa is not a listening device, its a device that listens to the words you said.


Tyler Lo

Tyler Lo

2 years ago

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