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Detecting Biases: Stereotypes

A stereotype is an oversimplified idea or image about a

certain group of people that is widely accepted by others.
Stereotypes can occur within different ethnic groups, social
classes, religious groups, and opposite sexes.
1. Lower class people are uneducated.
2. Jewish people are good with money.
3. Men are stronger than women.
4. All Science Class students are intelligent and rich.

Racial Profiling
It is grouping the race together to indicate that everyone of that
race shares the same characteristics, attitude, or ability. It is
generalizing people from different countries.
 All Black Americans are good at sports is a stereotype
because it is making a prejudgment about them. When in
fact, not all of them are good athletes. Some do not even
play sports.
 Americans call Filipinos thieves just because one Filipino
was caught stealing. It becomes bias since it is generalizing
 All people who wear hijab are Muslims is also a stereotype.
This is bias because not all people who wear hijab are
Muslims. Some just wear them as costume

Gender Profiling
It is putting certain roles to men or women. It is considering
that certain things can only be done by men or women.
• Men are strong and do all the work.
• Women are not as smart as men.
• Women cannot do well the job of men.
• Guys are messy and unclean.
• Men who spend too much time on the computer or read books
are geeks or nerds.

Cultures Stereotypes
It is about cultures and countries also exist.
• All white Americans are obese, lazy, and dim-witted. Homer
Simpson of the TV series The Simpsons is an example of this
• Mexican stereotypes suggest that all Mexicans are lazy and
came to America illegally.
• All Arabs and Muslims are terrorists.
• All people who live in England have bad teeth.
• All Blacks outside of the United States are poor.
• All Asians are good at Math.
• All Asians like to eat rice and drive slowly.
• All Irish people are drunkards and potato lovers.
• All Americans are generally considered to be friendly,
generous, and tolerant, but also arrogant, impatient, and
• Filipinos are always late.

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