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Quarter 4 – Module 6 Ways to Protect
Oneself from Fraudulent Health Products
What I Need to Know
This module was designed and written with you in mind. It is here to discuss on the Good
decision making skills in the selection of health products. The scope of this module permits it to be
used in many different learning situations. The language used recognizes the diverse vocabulary
level of students. The lessons are arranged to follow the standard sequence of the course. But the
order in which you read them can be changed to correspond with the module you are now using.
Lesson 1: Ways to Protect Oneself from Fraudulent Health Products.

After going through this module, the learner is expected to:

Discuss ways to protect oneself from fraudulent health products. (H6CH-IVij- 23).

What I Know
Directions: Tell whether the following phrases tell about fraudulent/quack medical
practices or if they speak of professional health practices. Write Q if it is a fraud/quack practice
and P if it is a professional practice.
___________ 1. Offers a cure for all kinds of diseases
___________ 2. Presented on the streets and market place
___________ 3. Based on WHO and DOH findings
___________ 4. Written medical instruction with doctor’s signature
___________ 5. Contests medical and scientific studies
___________ 6. Claims ingredients are made from secret sources, from
holy and hard-to reach-places
___________ 7. Uses testimonials or stories of people who were cured
___________ 8. Promotes the general health and well-being of the public
___________ 9. Conducts licensing and accreditation of food, drugs, and
other health products.
___________ 10. Formulates rules for licensing health products.

LESSON I Ways to Protect Oneself

This lesson will present and discuss important steps and procedures in making wise
and informs decisions when purchasing health products and availing health services. It is
also identify fraudulent and quack practices one should avoid.

What ’s In
Directions: Write 5 common TV commercial on health product.
Write your answer on the space provided.
What ’s New
Directions: Study this picture. Answer the following questions.
Write your answer in your notebook.

1. What can you see in the picture?

2. What do you think the product is for?
3. Do you think your wrinkles will be out for
a few minutes using the product on the
4. Do you think it is safe and effective to
use? Why?

What is It
Misleading and quack practices
Quackery refers to illegal and fraudulent practice of medicine by a person pretending to
have medical knowledge and experience. It is a pretentious and deceptive form of medical practice
based on nonscientific, nonmedical studies and experience. A person who practices medical
quackery is a quack doctor or a charlatan, one who is a fraud. The following are some identifiable
characteristics of a quack doctor:
1. Promises quick and painless cure for all medical and health condition.
2. Claims ingredients are made from secret sources, from holy and hard-to-reach places.
3. Uses testimonials or stories of people who were cured
4. Performs health services disregarding medical and health sanitation concerns
5. Displays and announces their product in busy places such as markets and streets to
attract unsuspecting customers
6. Contests medical studies as useless, baseless, and expensive

Health Effects of Using Quack Medicines:

1. Hard-earned money is wasted as the medicine has no effects against medical

2. The condition of the sick person is prolonged or worsened.
3. Complications may arise, which may lead to paralysis and death.

Some Lead Agencies Protecting and Promoting Public Health and Safety
The government has established various agencies that protect and promote the welfare and
health of the Filipino people. These agencies work together to safeguard our future.
The following are some lead agencies of the government which can help you regarding
your consumer health needs and concerns:

Department of Trade and Industry (DTI)

The Department of Trade and Industry formulates policies for consumer welfare and
protection, price and supply stabilization, enforces fair trade laws, and responds to consumer

Department of Health (DOH)

The Department of Health (DOH) promotes the general health and well-being of the public;
plans programs for the prevention and control of diseases, protect people from various health
hazards; and manages and rehabilitates individuals affected by disease, disorders, and disabilities.

Food and Drugs Administration (FDA)

The Food and Drugs Administration works under the DOH. It formulates rules for licensing
and accreditation of processed foods, drugs, and other related products; conducts licensing and
accreditation of processed foods and drugs; and monitors food, drugs and other health products.

How to identify Fraudulent Products

1. Fraudulent products promise immediate, effortless, or guaranteed result.
2. The advertisement contains words like “breakthrough” “miracles” “special” or “secret”.
These are used to appeal to your emotions and are not scientific or medical words.
3. The product is recommended for stress, or being promoted as “natural” claiming it will
help “detoxify” “revitalize” and “purify” your body.
4. The promoter offer testimonials or case history of patients who have been
5. The product is being sold by a self-proclaimed “health advisor”, Ask for identification
and profession credentials that are nationally accredited and recognized, such as a
registered dietitian (RD)
6. The producers claim that the product is available in limited quantities and recommend
that the consumer pay in advance.
7. The sales agent promises a “money-back guarantee”

Ways to protect oneself from fraudulent products:

1. Ask additional questions to follow up vague information about the products.
2. Identify factual information from propaganda.
3. Consult medical professional, as a registered dietitian (RD) or a licensed dietitian (LD) and
has a specialized degree in dietetics, nutrition, public health or related science.
4. Avoid buying fraudulent products.


DOH, FDA, and DTI are some government agencies that you can seek help from If you have
health issues and concerns.

What ’s More
A. Directions: Why we need to know the ways to protect oneself form fraudulent health products?
Write your answer on the space provided.





What I Have Learned

Directions: Read and write the correct answer on the space provided.

1. __________________ The illegal and fraudulent practice of medicine by a person

pretending to have medical knowledge and experience.
2. __________________ The government office in-charge of price and supply stabilization of
consumer goods and services.
3. __________________ Government office in-charge of protecting the people from various
health hazards.
4. Lack of knowledge and discernment skills is one of the most common reason why some
are _________________ by unscrupulous people who peddle fake goods and services.

What I Can Do
Directions: You are going to pretend that you are health professional. Write a letter to some parents
advising them on how to protect themselves from fraudulent health products. Write your answer on
the space provided.




Directions: Discuss ways to protect oneself from fraudulent health products.
Write your answer on the space provided.



Addit ional Act ivit ies

Directions: What are the government agencies that protect and promote public health and safety?
How do they work to help consumer health needs and concerns?




Answer Key

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