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Barriers Encountered by the Working Students in School Setting

at Isabela State University


A Research Proposal
presented to
the faculty of the College of Education
Echague, Isabela


In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the subject

PED 411 : Undergraduate Thesis I



A.Y 2022-2023
Chapter I



In the year 2019, the Covid-19 pandemic outbreak had become huge problem not only

in our country but in the entire world in which it has a big factor in the industry that cause

total lockdown, closed of establishments or companies, and decrease of employment. As a

result, many parents are unable to afford their children's education and causes the students to

work willingly to support their studies as well as their families financially.

While in college, working and studying can be both beneficial and exhausting. The

number of college students who work and study has increased dramatically over the years.

According to the National Center for Education Statistics, the percentage of full-time

undergraduate students working in 2020 (40%) was lower than in 2015. (43 percent).

Similarly, the proportion of part-time undergraduates employed in 2020 (74%) was lower

than in 2015. (78 percent).

Some students may need to work full-time or multiple jobs to cover the costs of their

studies. Although it is difficult to determine the exact number of working students, it is

estimated that between 30 and 40% of BPED students at the university work part-time.

Working full-time or part-time can help working students relieve financial burdens. However,

they may face additional challenges such as time constraints and study allocation. As

(Faizuddin A., 2020) noticed (Matheuws, 2018), he added that other responsibilities related to

personal matters and family duties may add up to personal issues. This job has an impact on

their academic studies and college experiences. Students choose to work while studying for a

variety of reasons, including rising study costs, declining scholarships, and low family
incomes. "These circumstances have led to an increase in the number of students working

part-time and encouraging students who want to continue their studies to higher education"

(Faizuddin A., 2020). Even though there is a budget for education in the form of scholarships,

it is not a privilege for the majority of students.

Based on the foregoing explanation, the current study investigates the experiences of working

students, particularly those in higher education institutions, in dealing with the challenges of

working while studying. As a result, the goal of this study is to gain a better understanding of

working students among postgraduate students at Isabela State University, as well as to

determine the reasons for students' decision to work part-time, as well as to identify

challenges and how students overcome them. The study's suggestions and recommendations

are expected to improve working students' experiences in both working and studying by

conducting and promoting intervention programs.

Students who choose to work while studying do so for a variety of reasons, including

financial concerns, life experiences, networking, and a variety of others. Students require

increasing amounts of financial assistance to cover their living and educational expenses as

the cost of everything continues to rise. According to the findings of the 2008 National

Survey of Student Engagement, working while studying can improve students' engagement

with schoolwork (The Benefits of Working While Enrolled in College, n.d.). Work provides

college students with valuable benefits such as relevant work experience, time management

skills, debt relief, and improved academic performance (Caldwell, 2017). Working in a

specific location also allows students to expand their social network. When college students

devote too much time to outside work, it can distract them from studying, make them feel lost

along the way, and negatively impact their academic performance (Lucier, 2012).

This research study focuses about The Life of Working Students by identifying the

profile of the students, reasons and obstacle/s faced by the working students.

Specifically, it sought to answer the following questions:

1. What is the profile of the students in terms of:

1.1 Sex

1.2 Age

1.3 Course and Year

2. What are possible reasons for students to integrate work and school?

2.1 To support family

2.2 To be financially independent

2.3 To improve skills

3. What specific obstacle/s do the students faced as they assimilate study and work?

3.1 Distraction (can't focus)

3.2 Exhaustion (too tired)

3.3 Have no time to spend on school work

3.4 Stress

3.5 Lateness

4. Is there a difference on the reasons of working students when grouped according to

their profile?

5. Is there a difference on the obstacle/s faced by the working students when grouped

according to the different reasons?

6. How do students balance their time between school and work obligations?

The objective of this research study is to dig deeper into the reasons, time-management

strategies, and challenges faced by the working students as they integrate school and work


In order to effectively explore each point, they are divided into 3 sub-areas:

1. To figure out the possible reasons behind the working students who simultaneously

work and study,

2. To assess the time management strategies applied by the working students, and

3. To identify the challenges encountered by the working students when managing work

and study.


This study is significant and would be beneficial to the following:

Working Students.

This study will motivate them to manage their responsibilities towards school and work so

that their academic performance will not be affected in favor of their work or vice-versa.


This study will give the regular students an idea on how important education is. This

will motivate them to be more focused on their studies.


This study will give the parents idea on the problems working students have encountered.

This will motivate them to become more supportive and more understanding towards their


School Administrators.

School administrators will benefit from the results of the study by applying the

proposed action plan which will help minimize drop-outs among working students.


This study will give teachers an idea on the problems encountered by working students. Thus,

they will understand them better.


This will deepen the researchers’ knowledge of the lives and struggles of the working

students in their quest for success.

Future Researchers.

The future researchers will benefit from the study because this will
serve as their source and guide for future studies.

The duration of the study will be conducted within the first and second semester of

the school year 2022-2023 wherein the barriers encountered by the working students of

Bachelor of Physical education is being determined and described.

The study limits its coverage on BPED students only. Out of ___ enrolled BPED

students at Isabela State University-Echague Campus, ____ total of students will be use as a

sample in conducting the survey. The researchers will be using a purposive sampling in
identifying the respondents since the sample of the study is limited and focus to the working

students in BPED.


Defining important terms is essential to ensure a common understanding of key concept and

terminology is shared between the researcher or his or her audience or readers, particularly if

the term is unusual or not widely known.

Time management - The process of organizing and planning how to divide your time

between different activities.

Working Students - Someone who mainly works and is also studying (part-time).

Academic Performance - The measurement of student achievement across various academic


Bachelor of Physical Education- It is a four years course which allows for focused study in

physical education, and yet includes other areas like health education and music.

Barriers – A fence or the other obstacle that prevents movement or access.

Coronavirus pandemic - is an ongoing global pandemic of coronavirus disease 2019

(COVID-19) caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2).

Work- a task or tasks to be undertaken; something a person or thing has to do

School- an institution for educating children

Student- a person who is studying at a school or college

Barriers Encountered by the Working Students in School Setting

at Isabela State University. S.Y. 2022-2023

Instruction: Please tick “” the answer of your choice and write answer where

line is provided.


Sex  Male  Female

Age ____________

Major ____________________________


1. What kind of jobs do you do?

 Part-time  Full-time

 Freelancer  Others _________________________


2. Is your job related to your major?

 Yes  No

3. Why do you choose to study and work at the same time? (You can choose

more than 1)

 To support family  To be financially

 To improve skills 


4. Who influences you to work while studying?

 Friend  Family

 Acquaintance  Myself

 Others ____________

5. Do those reasons still motivate you to carry on working and studying?

 Yes  No

Positive outcomes

1. What are the benefits that you gain from working while studying? (You can

choose more than 1.)

 Learn soft skills  Experience in real working


 Prepare myself before graduating  Earn money

 Others _______________________

2. Between working and studying, which one do you prioritize?

 Working  Studying  Both

3. Do you think your current job can help your future career?

 Yes  No

4. Is your academic performance better when you work and study at the same

 Yes  No


5. How much time do you have left after spending your day working and


 1 - 2 hours  2 - 3 hours

 3 - 4 hours  4 - more hours


1. What are the obstacles that you have met? (You can choose more than 1.)

 Distraction (can't focus)  Exhaustion (too tired)

 Have no time to spend on school work  Stress

 Lateness  Others ___________________

2. What are the class activities that you miss? (You can choose more than 1.)

 Attendant  Class discussion

 Group assignment  Others ___________________

3. Have you ever been so tired to the point that you want to quit?

 Yes  No

4. Personally, do you recommend other college students to work and study at

the same time?

 Yes  No

5. If you choose “Yes” in question 4, please tell us your reasons.





This is the end of the questionnaire.

Thank you so much.

Good luck!

National Center for Education Statistic , COE- COLLEGE STUDENT EMPLOYMENT

MAY 2022

Ahmad Faizuddin, Halim-Purnomo 2020 Working Students in Higher Education: Challenges

and Solutions, June 2020AL-HAYAT Journal of Islamic Education 4(1):79


Ahmad Faizuddin, October 2018, The Experiences of Working While Studying: A Case

Study of Postgraduate Students at International Islamic

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