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Bamboo in Myanmar

Aung Zaw Moe

Research Officer,
Forest Research Institute
1. Introduction
2. Bamboo Resources
3. Commercial Important Bamboos of Myanmar
4. Bamboo Forest Area and Productivity
5. Techniques of Bamboo Propagation
6. Establishment of Bamboo Plantation
7. Threatened Bamboo Resources
8. S t i bl Use
Sustainable U off Bamboo
B b Resources
9. International Cooperation
10. Bamboo Products
11. Bamboo Research and Development
12. Bamboo Utilization Towards the Sustainable Goals
13. Recommendation

 rich in bamboo resources and is greatly used by the rural people.

 Although the usefulness of bamboo, it is classified as a minor forest
 Markets and bamboo base technology was not well established and
the value of the species was not realized.
 value added bamboo products are becoming more and more
 Export of bamboo products have now started and their values are now
being realized and appreciated.
 Need to encourage the promotion of bamboo products, especially in
the cottage bamboo industry.
2. Bamboo Resources
• 75 genera and about 1250 species occur in the world (Sharma, 1979,
INBAR & IPGRI, 1994).
• Myanmar has 21 genera and 102 species in bamboo diversity.

Genus No. off
No. G
Genus No. off
No. Species Species

1. Bambusa 25 12. Melocalamus 1

2. Cephalostachyum 8 13. Melocanna 2

3. Chimonobambusa 1 14. Neohouzeaus 4
4 Chimonocalamus
4. 4 15 Oxytenenthera
15. 1
5. Dendrocalamopsis 1 16. Phyllostachys 3
6. Dendrocalamus 16 17. Pseudostachyum 2
7. Dinochloa 2 18. Pseudoxytenanthera 4
8. Drepanostachyum 2 19. Schizostachyum 2
9 Gigantochloa
9. 16 20 Thyrsostachys
20. 2
10. Guadua 1 21. Yushania 4
11. Klemechloa 1 Total 102
3. Commercial Important Bamboo Species
Not all bamboos are equally useful,
useful and not al
have potential for commercial applications

Depending on the species, diameter, physical

properties, it may different in usage.

There are about 18 species of importance species according to the criteria of

priority selection as in INBAR Technical Report1.
The criteria are:

i. Relative importance to countries in term of current use

ii. Potential importance for expanded use in the country
iii. Knowledge on degree of commercialization in cultivation
iv Product currently valued
v. Product for generation of knowledge in cultivation
vi. Product likely to increase in value and
vii. Enhance processing shows clear potential
3. Commercial Important Bamboo Species
No. Local Name Scientific Name Major end use
1. Hmyin wa
Hmyin-wa Dendrocalamus strictus Nees Pulp & paper,
paper building materials,
materials agricultural
implements, household utensil, shoot
2. Htiyo-wa Thyrsostachys siamensis Gamble Shoot, pulp & paper, handicraft, fense, wind break
3. Kayin-wa Melocanna bambusoides Trin. Pulp & paper, construction, basket roofing mats
4. K kh t
Kya-khat-wa B b
Bambusa arundinaceae
di (R t ) Wi
(Retz.) Wind.
d C t ti
Construction, mats,
t b baskets,
k t shoots,
h t medicinal
di i l
5. Kya-thaung-wa Bambusa polymorpha Munra. Building materials, shoots, baskets, pulp& paper
6. Tabindaing-wa Bambusa longispiculata Shoots
7. Thaik-wa Bambusa tulda Roxbo. Building material, shoots, pulp & paper, handicraft,
implement, (fodder, furniture)
8. Thana-wa Thyrsostachys oliveri Gamble Poles and fishing rot, shoots
9. Tin-wa Cephalostachyum pergracile Munro Handicrafts, mating, baskets, temporary construction
10. Kyalo Demdrocalamus brandisii Kurz. Building construction, handicrafts, shoots
11. Wabogyi Drndrocalamus giganteus Munro. Building bamboo board, pulp, household implement,
12. Wabo-myet-san-gye Dendrocalamus hamiltonii Nees. Building construction, handicrafts, shoots, fodder,
13. Wa-gyi Dendrocalamus calostachys Kurz House posts, water pipe, construction
14. Kyalway-wa Dendrocalamus asper Construction, making Gar for fishing
15. Wani Dendrocalamus latiflorus Murno Shoot, Construction
16. Wanet Dendrocalamus vulgaris Building baskets,
Building, baskets shoots
17. Wanwe Dinochloa m’clellandi Baskets, utility, shoots
18. Waya Bambusa nigrociliata Munro. Building, construction, handicrafts, basket, walking
4. Bamboo Forest Areas and Productivity
Bamboo grow abundantly through out the country either mixed with
timber trees or in pure stands.
Three main bamboo productive areas can be categorized.

N Name of Region Area

o (km2)
1. BagoYoma Region
East BagoYoma 5,970
Region 2,225
, 8,195
West BagoYoma
2. Rakhine Region 7,770

3. Taninthayi Region 1,873

Total 17,838
Source: Planning and Statistic Division, Forest Department

4. Bamboo Forest Areas and Productivity

 Estimated that bamboo grow abundantly (143,000 +) throughout the

 Average annual productions of bamboo for commercial purpose in Myanmar
were 131.77 million numbers of culms
 This figure actually does not include bamboo extracted by rural people.
 The Forest Department estimates that each family member uses 120 pieces
of bamboo annually.
 Thus, at a very conservative estimate, annual bamboo production in
Myanmar is about 2 billion pieces covering all kinds of production.

5. Technique of Bamboo Propagation

 Raw material for production of bamboo products is obtained from the natural
 Harvesting of the bamboo raw material is also not scientifically managed.
 it is difficult to get the required qualitative raw material in large quantity and
sustainably. y
 Thus, it is inevitable that plantation of a particular bamboo product feasible,
sustainable and economical.
 Need to encourage the promotion of private bamboo plantation

5. Technique of Bamboo Propagation

Reproductive Vegetative
Bamboo Seeds Branch cutting

Culm cutting
Single node cutting
Double node cutting

Layering Rhizome

6. Establishment of Bamboo Plantation

 bamboo plantation establishment method is not well established

within the Forest Department
 it has been p
practiced traditionally
y since time immemorial in Myanmar.
 the Shan people establish their own bamboo plantations for their
home use
 most of the plantations are planted only for their own use and very
few on commercial basic
 Although, commercial bamboo plantations can be seen in Magway,
Yangon and Ayeyarwaddy Divisions and in the Mon and Shan States
by local community.
 Nowadays, commercial bamboo plantation were widely established
by companies,
companies bamboo associations and local community.
7. Threatened Bamboo Resources
In Myanmar, major threaten activities that are harmful to bamboo natural
resources and drag them to nearly decreasing quality and quantity and un-
sustainable use of bamboo are as follows:
 Over harvesting bamboo from natural forest
 Unsystematic harvesting, iteration of bamboo exploitation in same area and
no cutting cycle
 Over collection of bamboo shoot
 Changing the habitats into other land use.

8. Sustainable Use of Bamboo Resources
to sustainable use of bamboo, following activities needs;
 Establishment of bamboo plantations.
 Awareness rising in natural bamboo forest management and harvesting.
 Control
C t l the
th bamboo
b b shoot
h t collection
ll ti i natural
in t l forest.
f t

The management practices prescribed for obtaining desired

quality culms are;
- The harvesting/extraction should be carried out between October and
- No felling operations between April and October.
- All bamboo
b b culms l above
b th
three years old
ld should
h ld be
b harvested.
h t d
- Harvesting should preferably be done each year.
- Bamboo areas should be strictly protected from grazing.
- Mounding g or heaping
p g earth around clumps p and fertilization should be
carried out each year before the rainy season.
- In no case should bamboo clumps be clear felled.
- The clear felled clumps generally degenerate into a bushy form.

9. International Cooperation Project

Sr. Name of Projects International Organization

1. Promoting sustainability of Bamboo through Community ITTO

Participation in Sustainable Forest Management PD
146/02 Rev
Rev. 1(I) (2003-2006)
(2003 2006)

2. Market Development of Bamboo and Rattan Products INBAR & CFC

with Potential
(2008-2010) (China, Bangladesh, Nepal, Myanmar)
3. Promotion of sustainable management and use of bamboo TICA
resources in Myanmar (2016-2018)

10. Bamboo Products

• In Myanmar, it could be grouped into the 
following  six main product  groups of 
traditional bamboo products. 
a)) Crude Bamboo Products
d b d
b) Bamboo Building & Bridges
c) Bamboo Furniture
d) Bamboo Weavings
e) Bamboo Handicrafts
f) Food (Bamboo Shoots )Production

10. Bamboo Products

• Nowadays, products producers, companies in

Myanmar have produced and exported some
marketable and value added p
products of
 Bamboo mat-board
 Bamboo parquet
 Bamboo furniture
 Bamboo handicrafts
 Bamboo charcoal

11. Research and Development

The Forest Research Institute was able to do some trails and

produced the following papers.

1. Regional studies of bamboo propagation.

2. Testing the methods of Propagation of bamboos
3. Effects of tending operations on some plots of naturally
regenerated bamboo
4. Vegetative propagation of bamboo as a raw material for paper
5. An investigation on morphology, anatomy and chemical
properties of some Myanmar Bamboos Shoot-culm height
growth of the most commercially important bamboo species of

11. Bamboo Research and Development

• Hand book on Bamboo Forest Management (in English and in

• Guide line for establishment of bamboo plantation
(in Myanmar)
• Bamboo shoot products in processing manual (in Myanmar)
• Bamboo charcoal and vinegar making technique and utilization
• Bamboo properties Handbook (in English)
• Salient characteristics of some commercial bamboo species of Myanmar
• Current status of Bamboo and Rattan Resources and their products
market in Myanmar
• Rattan products designs

• Dissemination of bamboo documents to related agencies

• Trainings to rural people and bamboo products processing

Bamboo Utilization Towards the sustainable Development Goals

Interest in establishment of bamboo plantation by private sector,
Establishment Bamboo Organizations (e.g. Myanmar Bamboo and rattan
Association, Myanmar Bamboo Lover Network, Myanmar Bamboo Society)
Abundant Bamboo Resources
Pilot project for sustainable Use of Bamboo is conducting in priority bamboo
forest (Tharyawady District of Bago Region) through by the Community Forests
Bamboo Utilization Towards the sustainable Development Goals

Proper management of bamboo forest should be implemented..

Due to the scattered nature of the occurrence of bamboo in the natural forests, it
i also
l nott possible
ibl to
t extract
t t a specified
ifi d species
i in
i large
l number
b and d on a
sustainable basis. Thus, if a specific species is needed in large number for
commercial or industrial purposes, it is inevitable that plantation of that
p should first be established.
Proper planning on the availability of raw material is needed before
investing on bamboo for commercial or industrial purposes on a large scale.
p y building g and awareness raising g in bamboo forest management
g and
sustainable utilization of bamboo resources
Encouragement establishment of bamboo plantation

Bamboo Utilization Towards the sustainable Development Goals
In order to penetrate the market, both local and international, it is very
important to produce new design or design improvement with bamboo
products, not only in appearance but also durability.
In order to compete in the international market, advanced technology for
bamboo products manufacturing is a prerequisite.
A database and information center must be set up, collection of domestic
and international information on manufacturing and trading of bamboo
products, participation in international trade fairs, and also natural resource
information should be carried out.
A tripartite coordination among the product producers,
producers exporters and
responsible government departments need to play the key role in formulating
the right marketing strategy for bamboo products for penetrating into the
international market.
In order to promote the marketable products, New products with new
innovative design can lead to rapidly expansion in export.

13. Recommendation
With the object of sustainable development of bamboo sector in Myanmar,
the following recommendations are suggested.
Human resources development and planning through,
through technical assistance
and capacity building programs in collaboration with other international
and national organizations that are advanced in bamboo industry.
g g establishment of bamboo p plantations not onlyy byy the state,,
but also by allowing and encouraging private companies and rural community
to sustain the quality raw materials.
To reach the export deal in large quantity, through more coordination among
the government departments and institutions to simplify the export procedure
this can facilitate a smooth and timely transaction.
The traditional artistic skills and methods for making bamboo products are to
be preserved,
preserved maintained and disseminated as far as possible.
possible In addition,
advanced technology in making more stylish products from foreign countries
should be sought. In doing so, regular training institution should be set up with
the cooperation and coordination of all stakeholders.

Thank you
Thank you for your attention!

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