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BMC 0403 - Operations Management
Individual coursework

September 2020 cohort

Coursework title - Implementing effective Operations Management practices

Deadline for submission -
Module Leader -
Learning outcomes -
1. Examine the operations function
2. Understand the importance of strategic operations management
3. Examine the organisation of the operations process
4. Understand how planning and control are used in operations

Important notes -
 Please refer to the Assignment Preparation Guide for advice on how to set out your
assignment. These can be found on the last page of this coursework.
 You must read the EdHat International policy on Academic Misconduct? It includes
Guidance for Candidates and Avoiding Plagiarism and Collusion: Guidance for
Candidates and ensures that you acknowledge all the sources that you use in your work.
 You MUST complete the "Declaration of Academic Honesty" sheet. The sheet is
available on the last page of this coursework brief.
 Please make a note of the recommended word count. You could lose marks if you write
10% more or less than this.
 You must submit a paper copy and digital copy (on disk or similarly acceptable medium).
Media containing viruses, or media that cannot be run directly, will result in a fail grade
being awarded for this assessment.
 All electronic media will be checked for plagiarism.

(C) EdHat International, UK


The objective of this assignment is to enable learners to grasp an understanding of the operations
function within an organisation. Where they need to develop this knowledge to include elements of
product and job design, planning and control and methods for improvements

Case Study

DAMRO is among the world’s largest furniture manufacturers offering a diverse range of modern and
traditional furniture. Since Damro was established in 1986 it has achieved a rapid success and has
expanded to over 240 showrooms globally, which now has 175 showrooms island wide. Damro's success
has grown from its ability to produce high quality furniture at affordable prices with outstanding customer

Task 01 - Examine the operations functions (100 Marks)

I. Examine why Damro furniture needs to have effective operations management process.
(20 Marks)

II. Where it comes to operations management functions, briefly describe on what are the functions
are there at Damro. (If possible provide some real world situation as well) (20 Marks)

III. Research and present findings on what are the environmental factors impacting on operations
decisions at Damro furniture. (30 Marks)

IV. Do an evaluation on importance of the five performance objectives that emerging from operations
management (30 Marks)

Task 02 - Strategic operations management (100 Marks)

I. When it comes to Macro and Micro environmental influences with operations management there
are different strategies used by managers. Explain how an operations manager needs to make
his/her strategies according to various micro and macro factors. (40 Marks)

II. According to new government regulations furniture companies faced a big problem, because
government put up a new law on environment to control use of wood in industry. So because of a
big tax imposed Damro has to increase the prices of its products where there market seriously
going to impact. As operation manager what kind of strategies that you can use to make sure to
satisfy every party. (60 Marks)

(C) EdHat International, UK

Assessment learning outcome matrix

Outcomes/Assessment Criteria for Possible Page Feedback

the C / B-/ B Grading (Pass evidence No.

P1 Examine the operations function

P1.1 Define operations management Task 1.1

P1.2 Explain the focus of operations Task 1.2, Task 1.4


P1.3 Identify the key environmental factors Task 1.3

affecting operations management

P2 Understand the importance of strategic operations management

P2.1 Discuss differing operations Task 2.1, Task 2.2,

strategies Task 1.4

P2.2 Analyse and evaluate an operations Task 2.2

strategy appropriate to a given situation

P2.3 Identify the strategic importance of Task 2.2, Task 1.1

operations management in the decision
making process

Outcomes/Assessment Criteria for Possible Status. Feedback

the B+ /A- Grading (Merit) evidence

M 1 Use of different theories, M 1.1 Selecting

strategies to apply the suitable the suitable
solution/s development
Selecting proper acts
for application in real
word situation with

M 2 Use of various sources and/or M 2.1 Selection of

resources different
Research on various
features provided by
different technologies

(C) EdHat International, UK

M 3 Presenting the completed M 3.1 Structuring
work and/or concluded findings the collected
Proper flow of
information with
an organised set of
topics and sub
topic list.
M 3.2
Streamlining the
Well organised
with no duplication
of information

M 4 The use of critical self evaluation M 4. 1 Effective

and justification use of justifying
the own work
The use of
statements that
evidence the own

Outcomes/Assessment Criteria for Possible Status. Feedback

the A / A+ grading (Distinction) evidence

D 1 The use of clear definitions D 1.1 Selection of

and explanations clear and
High percentage of
clear explanations
to make the
reading easier

D 2 Clear organisation and D 2.1 Activity and

management of the assessment time management
work A plan that
consists of all the

(C) EdHat International, UK

records about how
activities have been

D 3 Topic relevancy D 3.1 High

demonstration of
maintaining topics
All the topics and
sub topics must
have a close
relationship to the
given task set.

D 4 High level of concentration D 4.1 Appliance

on creative and innovative of creative and
thinking innovative ideas
Clear evidence to
highlight the
creative thoughts
and making the
interesting to the

(C) EdHat International, UK

Deliverable: Hard & Soft copy of word processed report

 You should include the COVER PAGE of this assignment including the Declaration of
Academic Honesty when you submit your final report.
 More work is required to achieve a pass. If you submit your assignment after the deadline
set above your assignment will be only marked for PASS provided it falls within the
extended deadline.
 If submitted after the extended deadline, the assignment will not be accepted whereas you
shall be asked to go for a NEW assignment.
 Plagiarism is strictly prohibited and will lead for a “Fail” Grade.

Instructions to students:
1. All assignments should comprise of the standard Front Cover given. No other front page
will be accepted.
2. All assignments should be bound with BLACK hard board cover as the last sheet.
3. Clearly label the CD’S with your Name, Batch no and Student no and attach it to the Back
cover of your assignment.
4. Report Writing Guidelines:
a. Every Assignment should have an Introduction and Conclusion.
b. The Standard Table of Contents should be generated.
c. All the Figures, Table Diagrams, etc should be numbered.
d. Main Heading Font: Arial – size 16
e. Sub Heading Font: Arial – size 14
f. Body text Font : Arial- size 11
g. Paragraph: Single line
h. Margins: Top – 1” Bottom – 1” Left – 1” Right – 1”
i. Header – include the Module name on the Right hand side
j. Footer – include the Page number on the Right hand side
k. All sections should have continuity and pages should be clearly labeled.
l. References – clear references for all the materials, books, articles, website, etc
should be given in the following format:
 Books – title, Author, ISBN No, Publisher & Edition, Chapter & Page Nos.
 URL- Complete address e.g. and
 Article, Journals: Name of Published material, date, author

Declaration of Academic Honesty

(C) EdHat International, UK

1. You must submit a completed copy of this form every time you submit an assignment.
2. You must submit this declaration electronically, either within your assignment, file, or as a
separate file.
3. If you do not submit this declaration, your work will not be assessed.
4. If any student is found to have been dishonest, then the student may face disciplinary
action as stated in the IDM Nations Campus Plagiarism Policy.

Student’s Full Name :

Date :

Assignment Title :

Declaration (Insert YES or NO here):

1. I confirm that this assignment is my own work:

2. I confirm that where ever I have used someone else’s words, concepts, graphics or data in
my work, I have clearly indicated exactly where I have done so, using the Harvard
referencing system. (insert yes or no here):
3. I confirm that I have indicated by referencing, where I have used someone else’s words,
concepts, graphics or data, irrespective of whether I have quoted verbatim or I have
paraphrased in my own words.
4. I have clearly indicated in my assignment any work that has been contributed by another
5. I have clearly indicated in my assignment any work that has been carried out
collaboratively with another student.


Student Signature

(C) EdHat International, UK

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