Small Business Enterprise - IHD BM Assignment

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PROGRAMME : International Higher Diploma in Business & Management

SUBJECT CODE &TITLE : MGC 0301 / Small Business Enterprise

Enable learners to analyze, evaluate and select the most
ASSIGNMENT TITLE : appropriate strategies in the development of small business

Summary of the Learning Outcomescovered:

1. Investigate performance of a selected small business enterprise.

2. Propose changes to improve management and business performance.
3. Revise business objectives and plans to incorporate proposed changes.
4. Examine the impact and management of change in the business operations.

ASSIGNMENT TYPE : IndividualAssignment






While research and discussion are an essential part of an assignment, the deliberate copying of someone else’s
work or unacknowledged copying from printed or electronic sources is NOT permitted. You may be subject to
disciplinary procedure if you do this. You should sign this sheet to show that you comply with these regulations.

Student’s Signature: Date: _____/_____/ ___________

International Higher Diploma in Business & Management

Small Business Enterprise/Individual Assignment 1|P a g e
Mark Range Grade Point Grading Representation
0 - 29 0.0 E
30 - 39 1.0 D
40 - 49 1.7 C-
50 - 54 2.0 C
55 - 59 2.3 B-
60 - 64 2.7 B
65 - 69 3.0 B+
70 - 74 3.3 A-
75 - 79 3.7 A
80 and above 4.0 A+

Task 01 – Marks Task 02 – Marks Task 03 – Marks Task 04 – Marks Total Marks

TOTAL SCORE (Average of the above/Overall Grading) Grade Point Final Grading

Assessor Comments:

Assessor: Signature: Date:_____/_____/ ___________

Internal Verifier’s Comments:

Internal Verifier: Signature: Date:_____/_____/ ___________

International Higher Diploma in Business & Management

Small Business Enterprise/Individual Assignment 2|P a g e
Assignment Brief

Individual students should conduct a case study on a real-life small business enterprise which
the student has identified during the course of the semester. The case study should relate to
the theory in both small business entrepreneurship and social change. Finally, the students
should submit a report of 4000word limit. Students should also demonstrate accomplishment
of the case study through addressing all the following questions in Task 1,2,3 and 4 in their final

Assignment Task

The objective of this assignment is to enable learners to analyze, evaluate and select the most
appropriate strategies in the development of small business enterprises by carrying out an
extensive and in-depth study of a selected small business enterprise.

Task 01: Investigate performance of a selected small Allocated

Given Marks
business enterprise [LO01] Marks
Describe the profile of the selected small
T1.1 business enterprise as well as its areas of 15
work and major accomplishments.
Review and analyze the performance of the
T1.2 45
selected small business enterprise.
Identify strengths and weaknesses of the
T1.3 40
Total 100
Task 2: Propose changes to improve management Allocated
Given Marks
and business performance [LO02] Marks
Provide recommendations and appropriate
actions required to maintain and
T2.1 30
strengthen the performance of the selected
small business enterprise.
Provide recommendations and appropriate
T2.2 actions required to overcome the 30
weaknesses identified at Task 1.
Provide new arenas in which the business
T2.3 could be expanded and justify your 40
Total 100
Task 03: Revise business objectives and plans to Allocated
Given Marks
incorporate proposed changes [LO03] Marks

International Higher Diploma in Business & Management

Small Business Enterprise/Individual Assignment 3|P a g e
Identify the existing business objectives
and plans of the selected small business
T3.1 30
enterprise and then critically revise the
objectives and plans.
Provide a revise business plans to
T3.2 incorporate appropriate changes of the 40
small business enterprise.
Prepare action plans to implement
T3.3 30
Total 100
Task 04: Examine the impact and management of Allocated
Given Marks
change in the business operations [LO04] Marks
Assess the impact of changes on the
T4.1 30
business and associated personnel
Explain how the implementation of
T4.2 30
changes will be managed in the business
Monitor improvements in business and
T4.3 management performance over a given 40
Total 100


International Higher Diploma in Business & Management

Small Business Enterprise/Individual Assignment 4|P a g e
Deliverable: Hard & Soft copy of word-processed report

 You should include the COVER PAGE of this assignment including the Declaration of
Academic Honesty when you submit your final report.
 More work is required to achieve a pass. If you submit your assignment after the deadline
set above your assignment will be only marked for PASS provided it falls within the
extended deadline.
 If submitted after the extended deadline, the assignment will not be accepted whereas you
shall be asked to go for a NEW assignment.
 Plagiarism is strictly prohibited and will lead for a “Fail” Grade.

Instructions to students:
1. All assignments should comprise of the standard Front Cover given. No other front page
will be accepted.
2. All assignments should be bound with BLACK hard board cover as the last sheet.
3. Clearly label the CD’S with your Name, Batch no and Student no and attach it to the Back
cover of your assignment.
4. Report Writing Guidelines:
a. Every Assignment should have an Introduction and Conclusion.
b. The Standard Table of Contents should be generated.
c. All the Figures, Table Diagrams, etc. should be numbered.
d. Main Heading Font: Arial – size 16
e. Sub Heading Font: Arial – size 14
f. Body text Font: Arial- size 11
g. Paragraph: Single line
h. Margins: Top – 1” Bottom – 1” Left – 1” Right – 1”
i. Header – include the Module name on the Right-hand side
j. Footer – include the Page number on the Right-hand side
k. All sections should have continuity and pages should be clearly labeled.
l. References – clear references for all the materials, books, articles, website, etc
should be given in the following format:
 Books – title, Author, ISBN No, Publisher & Edition, Chapter & Page Nos.
 URL- Complete address e.g. and
 Article, Journals: Name of Published material, date, author

International Higher Diploma in Business & Management

Small Business Enterprise/Individual Assignment 5|P a g e
International Higher Diploma in Business & Management
Small Business Enterprise/Individual Assignment 6|P a g e
Declaration of Academic Honesty

1. You must submit a completed copy of this form every time you submit an assignment.
2. You must submit this declaration electronically, either within your assignment, file, or as a
separate file.
3. If you do not submit this declaration, your work will not be assessed.
4. If any student is found to have been dishonest, then the student may face disciplinary
action as stated in the Nations Campus Plagiarism Policy.

Student’s Full Name:

Assignment Title:
Declaration(Insert YES or NO here):

1. I confirm that this assignment is my own work:

2. I confirm that where ever I have used someone else’s words, concepts, graphics or data in
my work, I have clearly indicated exactly where I have done so, using the Oscola
referencing system. (insert yes or no here):
3. I confirm that I have indicated by referencing, where I have used someone else’s words,
concepts, graphics or data, irrespective of whether I have quoted verbatim or I have
paraphrased in my own words.
4. I have clearly indicated in my assignment any work that has been contributed by another
5. I have clearly indicated in my assignment any work that has been carried out
collaboratively with another student.

Student Signature

International Higher Diploma in Business & Management

Small Business Enterprise/Individual Assignment 7|P a g e

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