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(T) The Effects Covid-19 : 2019 -2022

(GS1) Corona is a virus that is currently being discussed on this earth. (GS2) Almost
every day since 2019 the corona virus has been talked about and until 2022 this corona virus
has not ended. (GS3) In fact, all television or news channels must inform you about updates
about this corona virus. (GS3) Everyone on this earth must know the corona virus because
almost the whole world feels this corona virus. (GS4) Corona was first discovered in China,
which is in Wuhan. (GS5) In the journal created by Munthe, S.A 2022, there is a quote from
the Indonesian Lung Doctors Association, 2020 which says that at first, epidemiological data
showed that 66% of patients were exposed to the disease in a seafood market or live market
in Wuhan, Hubei Province, China (Indonesian Lung Doctors Association). , 2020). (GS6)
Even though China is the starter country for this corona virus, China is not one of the
countries that entered the top 10 affected by covid 19. (GS7) CNBC Indonesia said that the
10 countries with the most Covid-19 cases in the world are the United States: 48,492,731.
India: 34,495,506, Brazil: 22,003,317, United Kingdom: 9,766,153, Russia: 9,257,068,
Turkey: 8,527,030, France: 7,372,544, Iran: 6,069.559, Argentina: 5,313,607 and Germany :
5,293,087. (GS8) Corona virus is not a virus that we can take for granted. This virus has
caused a lot of harm. (GS9) All humans on this earth can feel the impact produced by it. (TS)
In this essay, we will discuss the causes and effects of this corona virus. Not just cause and
effect but I will give suggestions regarding what we should do. (SS1) To overcome this
problem situation we must know what the causes, effects and solutions are so that we can
handle this problem situation appropriately and correctly.

(TS)First, we will discuss about the cause or origin of this corona virus. (SS1) As
stated by the Association of Indonesian Lung Doctors, 2020, which said that this corona virus
was first discovered in Wuhan, China. (SS2)The main cause of the occurrence of the corona
virus in the Wuhan China market, according to what was stated by Coverage Six on January
31, 2020, said that the Wuhan market sold extreme animals such as snakes, crocodiles and
bats which were the main cause of this virus. (MJSS1) Basically, the animals above are not
worthy of being traded. (MNSS1) This is why religion and scientists say that these animals
are not fit to eat because the substances in them are indeed dangerous for human health.
(SS2) The second cause, as stated by Coverage Six, is because of the very worrisome
condition of the market cleanliness. (MJSS1) Apart from selling animals that are not fit for
food, this market is also known for its unhealthy condition. (MNSS1)The narrow lanes and
the adjacent stalls make the market area look crowded and disorganized. (MNSS2) Not only
that, where the stock of living animals is placed close to the animals that have been
slaughtered. (MNSS3)It is not a strange sight if the carcasses of dead animals are mixed with
blood and animals that are still alive. (SS3) the next cause or the third cause is due to the
awareness of the surrounding community regarding the cleanliness of food that is not suitable
for eating. (SS4)Public awareness regarding food hygiene in Wuhan must be increased.
(MJSS) Because every human being must realize that cleanliness is the main door to our
health. (SS5) In essence, the people of wuhan must accept the fact that the wuhan market is
the starting point for the occurrence of the corona virus and also the community must change
these unhealthy food habits.
(TS) After discussing the causes above, then next we will discuss about the
consequences resulting from the covid 19 virus. (SS1) Maryanti, SE as the Head of
Administration for the "AKPELNI" Semarang Shipping Vocational School gave a statement
on January 25, 2021, saying that COVID-19 had an impact on the economy, education and
politics. (SS1)On the economic impact, the profits obtained by business actors have
decreased due to the Covid-19 outbreak, both from the tourism sector and the flight sector,
which is empty of passengers due to social distancing policies. (MJSS1) In the manufacturing
sector, production also experienced a decline due to the number of employees being laid off
(PHK) and sent home by the company, resulting in many people being unemployed.
(MJSS2)Franchises or small stalls are also given a government policy which is usually open
from 08.00 - 20.00 minus the opening hours until 08.00 - 15.00 WIB. (MJSS3) The use of
digital money to buy goods, because paper money is an intermediary for the spread of the
covid-19 virus which is easily transmitted so that many people use digital money to avoid the
transmission of the covid-19 virus. (SS2) On the impact of education, the Ministry of
Education and Culture (Kemendikbud) states that schools or other fields of educatio n
implement a distance learning / online system, which is now commonly called School From
Home (SFH). (MJSS1)Through this system, all materials and assignments are shared online.
(MNSS1) Almost all schools and universities are temporarily closed so that direct (face-to-
face) learning activities do not worsen the Covid-19 virus infection. (SS3) On the political
impact, many changes have occurred during the Covid-19 pandemic. (MJSS1) The COVID-
19 pandemic has affected the political systems of several countries, leading to the suspension
of legislative activities, the isolation or death of some politicians, and the rescheduling of
elections due to fears of the spread of the virus. In Indonesia, the 2020 election which was
planned to be held on September 23 was postponed, so the General Elections Commission
(KPU) proposed a postponement, and it will be held on December 9. (MNSS1) The proposal
was then approved by the House of Representatives (DPR). (MNSS2) and was later signed by
President Joko Widodo on 5 May. (SS4) To conclude the example above, are we silent? Of
course not, this pandemic can teach us how to protect ourselves and others by adhering to
health protocols, and remind us of the dangers of this virus. (MJSS1) Even though there is a
pandemic, we can still do positive things at home. (MNSS1) We all hope that this pandemic
will pass quickly so that we can live our daily lives as usual.

(TS) After discussing the causes and consequences of the COVID-19 situation, the
government must have made or designed all measures to overcome so that this outbreak can
be finished soon. (SS1) As stated by the Ministry of Health on June 22, 2021, which said that
the Indonesian government had taken various steps to prevent the entry of COVID-19 into
Indonesian territory. (SS2) First, the Indonesian government placed 135 thermal scanners at
all airports in Indonesia, especially those with direct flights from the People's Republic of
China (PRC). (MJSS1) This is to detect and anticipate the presence of people who are
exposed to Covid 19. (MNSS1) People who are exposed to this will be isolated immediately.
(SS3)Then the second, the Indonesian government appointed at least 100 Referral Hospitals
that were previously used for bird flu cases and prepared 21 evacuation capsules (patient
isolation push tables) as a preventive measure. (MJSS1)Thus, Indonesia has hospitals that are
ready to immediately help and isolate existing patients. (SS4)Thirdly, on February 2, 2020,
the Government of Indonesia announced the suspension of all flights to and from China
which took effect from February 5, 2020 at 00.00 WIB, Banning all people entering and
transiting to Indonesia if they were in China for the last 14 days, Temporary revocation of
visa and visa free on arrival for citizens of China, temporary suspension of imports of live
animals from China.

(TS)The Indonesian government has not only made solutions to contain the spread of
COVID-19 via land or sea, but the Indonesian government has also made solutions for the
defense of public health in particular. (SS1) Like the quote I took from Prudential on April
26, 2022 which said that there are 5 Tips to Get Out of the House Safely During a Pandemic
as follows. (SS2)The first to wear a mask and face shield. (MJSS1) The most important thing
to reduce the spread of the virus is to wear a mask. (MJSS2) You can also use a face shield in
addition, as this can help reduce your chances of touching your face and the mask when you
use it. (MNSS1) Try to change the mask every 4-6 hours and throw it in the trash after use.
(MNSS2)Then, don't forget to wash the face shield after use with running water and soap to
keep it sterile. (SS3) Second, don't take off the mask except when eating and drinking.
(MJSS1) This one thing is often forgotten for some people. (MNSS1) Sometimes, we take off
our masks because we feel hot and have difficulty breathing. (MNSS2) In fact, masks must
still be used when doing activities and talking to other people. (MNSS3) Note, yes, you can
take your mask off when eating and drinking. (MNSS4) Well, but, you also have to put the
mask in a safe and not contaminated place. (MNSS5) Use a tissue to cover the mask and
place it in a bag or other safe place. (SS4) The third one brings Corona Finger Hand
Extension and Hand Sanitizer. (MJSS1) Corona finger hand extension is one of the
innovations that exist because of the needs of the community. (MJSS)Corona finger is a small
tool that you can use to reduce the touch of your hand on surrounding objects, such as
pressing the PIN button on the ATM, pressing the elevator, opening the door, and so on.
(MJSS1) Even though there is a corona finger innovation, don't forget to always carry and
use a hand sanitizer to keep your hands clean. (SS5) Fourth, Use Alternative Payments.
(MJSS1) Non-cash payments, either using cards or electronic cash, are the best way to reduce
physical contact with many people compared to paying with cash. (SS6) The fifth is after
cleaning from outside the house. (MJSS1) After leaving the house, don't forget to clean the
footwear you use with disinfectant, running water, and soap. (MJSS2) Then also clean the
things you bring before bringing them into the house. (MJSS3) Then, immediately take a
shower and wash your hair to clean germs and particles that stick to your clothes and body.
(MJSS4) Then, don't forget to immediately wash the clothes you were wearing with
detergent. (CS)If you comply with health tips and protocols when leaving the house during a
pandemic, you can help break the China of spreading the corona virus and save the lives of

(CS1) In conclusion, COVID-19 has had an impact on all aspects. Every human being on this
earth must feel the effect. (SS1) Not only humans, but this covid 19 has had effects on the
economy, education and daily life. (SS2) To end the pandemic situation caused by covid 19, I
suggest that we all obey what the government has issued proposals and suggestions for and
also obey the existing prokes. (SS3) from washing hands to keeping a distance. (SS4)
Keeping ourselves clean is very important. (SS5) Not only yourself but the environment as
well. because the corona virus is caused by the news that is very concerning in the Chinese
market. (SS6) Therefore we have to keep ourselves clean wherever and whenever.

Munthe, Seri Asnawati, Jasmen Manurung, and Lia Rosa Veronika Sinaga. "PENYULUHAN
MEWABAHNYA VIRUS COVID 19." Jurnal Abdimas Mutiara 1.2 (2020): 115-123.

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