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Four principles of Marketing Strategy by Brian Tracy

No strategy can be made independent of the enemy

 You can’t sit there and plan military strategy ignoring who your enemy is and where
they are and how big they are and what their plans and intentions are so no strategy
and business can be made without thinking about your competition and who are they
and what do they do and why do people buy from them and how can I get them to from
me and how they will they react if I get their customers
 There’s volume of books in the libraries on this and I’ve got them all. There’s one book
called competitive analysis by Michael Porter. It’s 6,800 pages and it’s all on the things
that you have to think about to position against competition
 Big stuff, you can get Phds in marketing focused on competitive analysis

Four principles of Marketing Strategy by Brian Tracy

Your decisions in these four areas determine the success or failure of your business

1. Specialization
 Determining where you are going to specialize which we’ll talk about in your product or
services and I’ll talk about this. I’ll define it a little bit better
2. Differentiation
 The key to business
 All the business strategy is differentiation strategy
 Competitive advantage is how it is that you are different and better than your
competitors because human being in the marketplace, customers always want to know
why should I buy from you rather than from someone else.
 You’d better give me a better reason than your competitor does or I’ll buy from your
competitors. And it’s not personal it’s just I want to get the very best deal. As a
customer, I want to get the highest quality for the lowest price. You tell me why I should
buy from you. Why you are giving me the highest quality, the lowest price and if your
answer is better than of your competitors, I’ll buy from you and if it’s not, I won’t
 We get emotionally involved because it is our business so differentiation is the key is
how and why and where are you different
3. Segmentation
4. Concentration

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