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Conservation of Energy

Energy is the ability to do work. The law of conservation of energy states that
energy can neither be created nor destroyed - only converted from one form
of energy to another. Energy resources are broadly classified into two types:
Renewable energy and non-renewable energy. Renewable energy is energy
derived from natural sources that are replenished at a higher rate than they
are consumed such as Sunlight and wind. Non-renewable energy comes from
sources that may run out in the future like fossil fuels: coal, and petroleum.
Non-renewable energy sources take many centuries to regenerate. Energy
conservation plays an important role in saving non-renewable energy
resources. Moreover, humans consume energy at a faster rate than can be
produced. Energy exists in many different forms such as light energy, heat
energy, mechanical energy, gravitational energy, electrical energy, sound
energy, chemical energy, etc. Each of these forms can be converted or changed
into other forms. Moreover, it is also important to educate the people and
students about the importance of energy conservation. It is important to
conserve energy to ensure that resources are available for future generations.
To save energy resources we as students must make small changes to our
behaviours and habits to save energy. This can be prevented by
Switching off lights and electrical appliances when not using them.
Switching to energy-saving LED light globes.
Cleaning or replacing air filters as recommended
Using smart power strips.
Reducing water consumption.

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