One Shot 1

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One Shot #1

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Not Rated

Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: F/M
Fandom: Fifth Harmony (Band), One Direction (Band)
Relationship: Normani Kordei/Harry Styles
Character: Normani Kordei, Harry Styles
Additional Tags: Romance, Pregnancy, Domestic, Established Relationship
Language: English
Stats: Published: 2014-09-25 Words: 1232

One Shot #1
by xoxoLaurmani


Quick Harmani/Normarry one shot based on this prompt…

"Imagine person A of your OTP/3 asking their partner(s) questions like if they have enough
money, room, or time for a baby. When they get told no, Person A hesitates, then reveals a
positive pregnancy test. How the other(s) react is up to you."


See the end of the work for notes

“What do you think about us moving into a house?” Normani asks popping a piece of bacon into
her mouth.

It’s sudden and Harry looks up from his breakfast at his girlfriend sitting across the table. He
studies her face for any sign of where it may have come from but she’s looking at him waiting to
answer as if talks of moving is just part of normal every day conversation.

The morning started off fairly normal. Normani had requested that he cook her favorite breakfast
which consisted of chocolate chip pancakes, bacon, and cheese eggs. He happily obliged. But now
she’s questioning their living space and he’s confused. What’s wrong with their apartment? It’s
was really nice in his opinion. Just enough space for the two of them and Normani kept it
decorated splendidly.

“What’s wrong with our apartment?”

“Oh nothing, it’s just kind of… small.” She says quietly, “But we do have that extra room.”

She digs into her food again so Harry follows suits. He doesn’t want to talk about the extra room
because that’s his office space and he knows that if they start talking about it she’ll win whatever
it is and they’ll end up with a giant walk in closet while Harry has to do all his work on the living
room couch. So he keeps his mouth shut hoping she’ll forget about whatever she was thinking.

“I’ve been thinking about taking a few extra shifts at work for a while.” She starts and Harry raises
an eyebrow.

“Babe, you already run around trying to balance work and finishing your degree. Just relax. You
have one more year and then you can get a job in your field and buy all the shoes you want.” He
chuckles around a sip of orange juice but he stops when he notices that he’s the only one that finds
humor in what he said.

“Well, some things are a bit more important than shoes.” She’s scowling now and Harry has no
idea what he said wrong.

“Okay, fine take the extra shifts. I just know how much you hate working there.”

“And you… maybe you could talk to your dad about the job he offered you at his firm. I say this

“Because what?!” Harry was angry now.

Normani knew that Harry and his father were a sore subject and that he didn’t want to work for his
father. He wanted to make it on his own. That was the whole point of not taking the job with his
dad and starting from the bottom with another firm. He didn’t need nepotism to make it as a
lawyer. Harry is honestly offended that she’d even suggest that.

“What do I not make enough money for you? I bust my ass working so we can have this place and
for you to have to work only part time to finish school and now you’re complaining about both of
those things? I can’t fucking win. I’m sorry we live in an apartment and I’m sorry that I’m poor.
I’m really fucking sorry.”

Harry instantly feels bad when he looks and sees tears in Normani’s brown eyes. He wishes he
could take back every word.

She stands up from the table and takes something from the pocket of her really his hoodie and
throws it onto the table, nearly landing the white plastic stick in Harry’s plate, “You really are

He watches as she runs into their bedroom and slams the door making the walls shake around him.
He picks up the stick from the table… it’s a pregnancy test and its positive. Normani is pregnant.

How could he have been so stupid? All the signs were there and instead of just opening his eyes he
berated her. He felt like an ass. Harry has done some asshole things in his life but this definitely
takes the cake.


When he walks into the bedroom she’s lying on the bed with her headphones in her ears. Harry can
hear a Beyoncé song blasting. He’s just happy that she isn’t crying but upon closer he inspection he
figures that he missed that part because he can see the track of her tears still on her face.

She doesn’t turn to look at him or acknowledge his presence at all. He Lays down beside her and
tries to hold her hand but she moves it quickly, he deserves that but they really need to talk so
reaches up and takes the buds out of her ears. She immediately flips onto her side with her back
turned towards him.

“Babe, we have to talk about this. I know I was being a jerk-“ she scoffs and Harry grateful
because at least she’s listening, “Okay I was a major dickhead out there and I apologize profusely
for that.”

Normani is still quiet but she looks a little less tense. He decides to test his luck. He lays down
beside her and drapes his arm across her still flat tummy. She doesn’t move or push him away so
Harry takes that as the green light to spoon up behind her. They lay like that in silence for a bit
until he breaks it.

“Why didn’t you tell me?”

“That’s what I was working my way up to if you hadn’t been so damn rude. Honestly, is that what
you think of me? We’ve been together for so long. If I was unhappy about the money you made or
how we live I would have left a long time ago. Hell, I would have stayed with my parents.”

“I know and I’m sorry. I should have never said that.”

She gets up a bit so she’s slightly hovering over him, “I don’t think you know that. Sometimes I
think you think I’m some vapid little girl that only cares about Beyoncé and shoes.”

“Ah come on, I know that’s only half true.”

She smacks him on the arm but she can’t resist the smile that’s starting to bloom across her face.
He pulls her down so she’s laying with her head resting on his chest and her arms around his torso.

“I know that you’re not vapid or shallow. You’re very deep and caring. Not only do you care a lot
about Beyoncé but your family, your friends, me, and now our baby.” She nods against his chest
and he places a kiss on the top of her head.

“I love you.” She mutters into his shirt so quietly it’s almost like she doesn’t want him to hear it but
he does and he kisses her again.

“I love you too and I guarantee that no matter what we’ll be fine. ALL of us are gonna be fine.”

She reaches up at that kisses him on the mouth. It’s a lingering kiss but before it deepens he pulls
away. Normani gives him a questioning look.

“Hey, if it’s a girl we should name her Harriet. Can you imagine?” He has a dreamy look on his
face, “Harriet Anne Styles…”

“I’m gonna puke.”

“Morning sickness?”

“No, because you want to name my daughter Harriet!” She picks up a pillow and starts to beat him
with it. And that’s how they spend their morning. Although they’re young and it might be a little
rough at first Harry isn’t worried at all. They’ll figure this all out, they always do.

End Notes
I'm gonna try to write at least one shot a week. Wish me luck lol and thanks for reading :)

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