Blowbagets 2

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B- Battery it stores electricity to start and keep Your battery is the pulse of your
your car running and also powers the vehicle. Without it, your car won’t
electrical components.  run. It links the whole vehicle’s
electricity and turns its
security features on. It will
help in making sure that you
are getting the engine capacity
that you will need in order to
get as much power as you will
need whenever you step on
the gas.
L-Light There are two types of headlights—low beam Check your lights regularly.Car
and high beam. These lights allow the driver to lights significantly contribute to
see the roadway in the dark, while also preventing the occurrences of
signaling to other motorists that a car is accidents, especially at night.
O- Oil Engine oil must lubricate the various A well lubricated engine will
parts of an engine to reduce friction burn fuel more effectively and
and minimize unnecessary loss of therefore perform better.
Lubrication, however, is just one task.
As friction is reduced, the parts and
surfaces being subject to friction are
protected. The amount of wear is
minimized so that the parts have a
longer lifetime.  A good engine oil also
prevents unwanted chemical reactions
on the surface of engine parts, for
example corrosion. Corroding parts
typically lose functionality and lead to
increased engine emissions.

The oil will lubricate the motor inside

the car in order to prevent it from
wearing. On the other hand, some
parts of the vehicle, such as wheels,
brakes, etc. also need oil to run
W-Water The water in your car's vehicle Without the proper coolant in
circulates around the engine, your system, corrosion and
and helps to keep it cool. With no component damage can lead
water in the system, your car runs the to long-term effects.
risk of rapidly overheating, which in
turn can cause engine damage.
B- Brake The brake works to stop the car or slow Without the braking feature,
its speed down while on the way. your car may crash many other
objects. All you have to do is to
press the brake pedal while
the motor is operating. In case
you feel the brake too spongy,
too hard, or too soft, this
means that it needs to be
A- Air Keeping the correct air pressure in your  Tires that contain the
tires helps them last longer, helps specified amount of
your car handle better, and could
even help maximize your fuel air pressure last
economy. longer and contribute
to vehicle safety. Low
tire pressures affect
braking distances and
provide less
responsive steering
and handling. 
G - Gas The primary purpose of fuel is to Running out of fuel on the road
supply energy. could endanger you and your
E - Engine The engine is what operates your
entire vehicle and gets it going, so
make sure it works well before you
drive it. You may also see a
service warning light on your
T- Tire
S - Self Check yourself! Driving under extreme
emotional stress is also
dangerous because
you'll lose concentration
on the road. So avoid
driving when you're

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